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Stone Heir (The Kahlian Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Aimee Hunter

  “In 6 days’ time, the council will convene and before the nobles, their families and all the villagers, you will answer for what you have done here tonight.” He told him coldly.

  “What have I done, Father?” Devon didn’t understand what was going on.

  “For attempting to rape Princess Rena.” The King accused him. “Son or not, I will not permit rape in my kingdom, let alone in my house!” he bit out savagely. Devon’s eyes’ widened.

  “What? Are you serious? Because of that whore?” he clambered to his feet, leaning against the wall when the blood rushed from his head. He glared at his father, “What will be my punishment, dear Father?” he sneered. Alexander’s shoulders stiffened.

  “That will be for the council to decide. In the meantime, you will be confined to your room with armed guards posted both inside and out. You will be watched constantly until you go before them.” Devon’s face turned red as the blood rushed back to it.

  “Armed guards?!” he screeched. Alexander only shook his head, silently regarding his son. Where had he gone wrong? What had happened to the sweet, innocent boy he had been? Had he been too soft on him after his dear mother passed? The answer was simple, yes, he had. He had spoiled the boy. Covered up for him and ignored the signs of cruelty. Now he could not turn his head and pretend that nothing had happened. For one, there had been too many witness’ and he had assaulted a member of a royal house.

  “Can’t you do something, Father?” Devon begged, confidant that if he pleaded enough his father would give in and let this go. He was wrong, shock and betrayal ripped through him at his father’s words.

  “No. what you did, what you tried to do, is inexcusable, Devon. You will answer for your crime and you will accept your punishment.” Alexander commanded.

  “But, Father! You don’t understand!” Devon cried, “I was losing her to that, that…woman! I couldn’t just stand by and let that happen!” he tried to explain.

  “You never had her.” A low, dangerous voice said from the doorway, causing the duo to jump at the unexpected intrusion.

  “Lady Mason, please, stay out of this. This is between Prince Devon and myself.” Alexander warned.

  “I’m sorry, Alexander, but it’s far too late for that.” She apologized, addressing him by his first name. Devon growled at her.

  “You bitch! Who the hell do you think you are?” he challenged her. Mason took a quick step forward.

  “Me? What about you? What the hell made you think that you owned her? That she was yours?” Mason shot back hotly.

  “She is to be my wife!” Devon shouted furiously, stepping forward as well, “You stole her away from me, you fucking whore!” the sound of his outraged voice was followed by the sound of flesh connecting with flesh when Mason reached out and touched her fist to his destroyed nose, causing him to howl as he went sprawling to the floor clutching his face.

  “Enough!” Alexander shouted, all the noise bringing the sisters running inside followed by Xavier and the doctor. Rena and Alexander were between Mason and Devon, Alexander shoving his son back when he tried to lunge at Mason after climbing back to his feet. Mason moved to intercept him only to find Rena blocking her way. Lana and Diana also blocked the two combatants.

  “Cunt,” Devon snarled, his hateful glare touching on Rena, “and you’re her Royal whore!” he accused her. Rena had been looking at Mason when he said that so she knew what she was going to do, but still was unprepared for the woman’s speed. Before anyone could move to stop her, she had Devon thrust up against the wall, his feet nearly two inches off the ground. Lana and Diana leapt after her, grabbing her arms, attempting to drag her back.

  Not here, Mason. Not now. Diana sent gently into the rage fill mind of her sister and leader.

  Mason. Listen to her. It’s too risky. Wait, my sister, be patient. Lana added. Mason slowly lowered the struggling, gasping Prince to his feet, but did not release him. Instead, she leaned close and whispered in his ear so no one could hear her.

  “I told you, young Prince. Even within these walls, you are not beyond my reach.” All the blood drained from Devon’s face at those words and that voice. He turned frightened eyes to Mason’s and saw the wildness in them. He gulped hard against the knot in his throat. He knew who this woman was now and he knew her reason for being here. He felt his bladder begin to release its contents when she let him go, roughly shoving him back against the wall, stepping away with tightly controlled rage evident in her stride.

  She paced past the gawking mortal and her impassive sisters, looking neither left nor right, until she passed Rena and she paused, gazing silently at her for a moment before continuing out of the sitting room. She stopped at the opened window, drawing in the cool night air in hopes of calming the boiling rage inside. She didn’t see the shadow that seemed a part of the tree despite the light from the early evening sun, staring up at her with hate filled eye’s

  Damian smiled slowly, he had heard most of what had happened. Enough to know that Devon had tried to rape Rena and that Alexander was going to make him go before the council.

  Ah, perfect! He thought joyfully. A council meeting on the very day of his attack! He couldn’t have planned it better himself. He grinned further at the growing rift between father and son, something else that could be useful to him, he mused. He waited until Mason turned back into the room before slipping away. So concentrated on not being noticed by the Kahlian heir, he didn’t see the woman further in the shadows behind him. Lt. Carla Thames stepped from the tree she had been hiding behind and frowned. What was he doing? She wondered to herself. She too, had heard a lot of the goings on inside Princess Rena’s room and was disgusted with the Prince, but she still didn’t understand why Mr. Augustus was happy about it. Xavier’s not going to like this. She grumbled silently, stealthily making her way to the Palace to report to her Captain.

  Chapter Nine

  Lt. Thames hadn’t been the only one to be silently observing the scene in the bedroom and Damian’s skulking. Sylvia sat on her perch on top of the city wall, watching the human drama play out. Sensing four non-humans in the room and one outside, below the window, four humans inside and one outside, watching the one below the window. A total of ten people. She tilted her head, Strange. Five non-human’s but only four were immortal. Hmmm, she thought. Sylvan will find this interesting.

  She assumed the non-human outside was Damian, but she wondered who the other four were. She also assumed that one was named Rena. With the King and Prince being present it was a safe bet that one maybe both of the other humans were Captain’s with so much Royalty in one room. But who were those other three? She wondered, concentrating on them. There was something familiar about them. Her deep lavender eyes widened when she saw Mason walk past a window. The Stone sisters. Now she knew, her hand shook as she ran it through her white hair.

  “Lana.” She whispered to herself. Goddess, it’s been so long. She was overwhelmed with too many emotions to name, everything from rage to sadness to longing. Was she really in there? She watched as Mason turned back to say something to someone in the room. Sylvia’s heart clenched when she caught a glimpse of brilliant red hair.

  Sister. Came the soft inquiry, startling her while she was straining to catch a better look of the red head. Sylvia whipped her head around until her gaze fell upon the projected image of her twin brother. Damian’s departure followed closely by the human’s didn’t go unnoticed by her, she had just been more concerned about seeing if the red hair truly belonged to the youngest Stone sister and now with Sylvan’s appearance. Sister, what have you learned? Her brother’s image spoke to her from where it stood on the wall next to her.

  The human Prince assaulted the Princess he was to marry. Mason Stone stopped him. She began only to be interrupted.

  Stone? Sylvia. Are they all there? His worry washing over her in calming waves, a concern she could actually see as she gazed upon his pale features.

  Yes. She replied.

  Are you
alright? Should I send another to gather information? His worry still manifesting in her mind.

  I am fine, brother, she could taste his disbelief, for the moment anyway. She admitted, feeling him ease back his presence.

  What else have you discovered? He changed the subject, knowing how anything concerning Lana Stone caused his sister pain.

  There is a council meeting on the day Damian wants us to attack. She told him, Apparently, the Prince is going to appear before it to answer for his crime. She continued, feeling the amusement rolling off of Sylvan, she glanced over at him, even though he was miles away, she could see it written plainly on his face. For some reason, Damian appears to be interested in Prince Devon. He seemed pleased about the turn of events. She could see the sneer on her brother’s face when he replied.

  I wonder why. He said cynically. Sylvia smirked.

  Should I continue my surveillance? she inquired.

  As long as you do not become too distracted, Sister. Sylvia bristled at the gentle admonishment. She fell silent and stayed where she was as night slowly settled in. Long after Damian and his shadow had left, and her brothers image had faded from sight, she was still hunkered down atop the city walls, hoping to catch a glimpse of the red haired beauty that had stolen her heart, and broken it.

  Mason turned to look at Lana, watching her come closer cautiously. “Are you ok, sis?” the red headed sister ventured.

  “I’m fine. I guess I kind of lost it in there.” Mason shrugged, unapologetic. Lana snorted at that.

  “That’s one way of putting it.” Lana said sarcastically, drawing a small smile from Mason. “I’m going to bed, I don’t think there’s anything left but to have Devon escorted to his rooms and I’m not needed for that.” Mason chuckled and hugged her little sister.

  “Goodnight, Lana.”

  “Night, Mase.” She told her Diana came up and hugged Lana, wishing her a good night as well.

  “I’m going to head that way too.” She said. Mason nodded, feeling the recent events begin to settle heavily on her shoulders.

  “Yeah, I think I will too. I just want to talk to Rena for a minute and make sure she will be alright.” Diana gave her a long look before sighing and hugging her good night.

  The Captains came out of the sitting room with a struggling Prince held securely between them. King Alexander and Rena followed at a sedate pace, quietly conversing. Devon saw Mason still standing in the room and began struggling harder, only now he was trying to get to the door to get away from her. Fear had come to take up permanent residence inside his soul and every time he saw her, that fear came out to play. Dumas seemed to grow weary of trying to control the irate man’s movements, twisting his arm higher up his back, causing the Prince to cease struggling for fear of having his arm broken.

  “Try to be a little more, gentle, Xavier.” Alexander sighed, looking like he had aged ten years in a single night. He didn’t look well, causing Xavier to look closer. The King looked heart sick.

  Rena made her way over to Mason and Diana, continuing past them into her room, collapsing on the bed, curling up on her side. Mason took a step towards her without thinking, but stopped. Looking back at Diana, who got the message, slipping out of the bedroom closing the door behind her. Mason sat on the edge of the bed, looking down at Rena’s tightly curled body, noticing that she had somehow managed to get dressed with everyone still in the room.

  “I, uh, I couldn’t find the masseuse.” She began lamely, not knowing what else to say. Rena peeked out from under her folded arm that she had thrown over her eyes. Amusement dueling with leftovers from adrenaline, fear and anger.

  “Now she tells me.” She muttered to her pillow making Mason smile in spite of her best efforts not to.

  “I did make sure he was available tomorrow though.” She supplied helpfully. Rena rolled her eyes, laughing softly, finally stretching her tense muscles. She groaned softly as she felt a few knots release, making the vertebrae pop back into place.

  Mason rubbed her sweaty palms against her leather clad thighs, glancing back out the window, trying not to remember how inviting Rena had been when they had almost kissed, wondering if she would be as welcoming if she tried to kiss her again.

  Rena took the opportunity to study Mason unnoticed. This woman was so, she searched for a proper word, complicated. Tonight made twice this brave woman had saved her. Rena didn’t know why, but she was thankful. She reached out, idly playing with a strand of Mason’s hair, who froze for a moment, then turned slowly to face Rena. Swallowing hard at the look on the other woman’s face. Rena’s hand traveled down to cup Mason’s cheek tenderly.

  “You’re always coming to my rescue.” She murmured, “Always there when I need you. We’ve only known each other a few days, and yet,” she paused, sitting up to look directly into Mason’s wide blue eyes. “I know that you’ll always be there.” She finished leaning closer.

  “Because I will be.” Mason finally managed to whisper, her eyes riveted to Rena’s full lips. Groaning inwardly when Rena’s tongue sneaked out to moisten them.

  “I know.” She whispered back, “Thank you for that.” She mumbled softly, beginning to seriously question her own sanity. She’d just been attacked and here she was about to kiss the woman who had saved her. Again. Screw it. She thought, closing the distance, softly brushing her lips against Mason’s. She pulled back slightly, licking her lips to fully appreciate the taste of the older woman’s lips. Mason snaked her hand into Rena’s hair, pulling her back. Pressing their lips firmly together, her tongue sneaking out to taste Rena’s lips, groaning softly when her lips parted, granting access to her mouth which Mason took full advantage of. Lips mated and tongues dueled as the two women sought to devour each other.

  Rena slowly pulled back, breathless, looking into Mason’s eyes that had become a dark blue, feeling the other woman’s pull on her grow stronger.

  “Will you stay here tonight?” she asked, “Just hold me? I don’t want to be alone.” She explained softly. Mason took a deep, calming breath before nodding. That kiss had rocked her proverbial world.

  “Yes, I’ll stay.” She bent over to remove her boots, standing after kicking them off to pull her shirt tails out of her pants. She laid down on the already turned down bed and held out her arms to Rena invitingly, who switched off the bedside lamp and sank into Mason’s arms, sighing when they wrapped around her, making her feel safe. She snuggled deeper into Mason’s arms, using her shoulder as a pillow, already falling asleep.

  Mason listened to Rena’s breathing deepen as she fell asleep. She found sleeping difficult, her mind too busy to drift off. It was because of the woman snuggled against her side. Pulling her closer, Mason silently relived those moments before she had been able to get her hands on the little bastard. She’d only been that angry once, when the pathetic waste of space had destroyed her pack. It was dangerous to feel that level of rage and hate towards one person in such a short time, repeatedly, she thought.

  Rena stirred, seeming to sense Mason’s troubled thoughts. “Stop thinking, and close your eyes.” She mumbled sleepily. Mason chuckled softly but did as told. To her surprise, sleep swept her into its embrace and didn’t let go for several hours.

  The morning sunlight shone brightly through the still open windows, spilling onto the slumbering form of the young Princess. She stretched lazily, reaching over to nudge Mason, only to find the bed empty and cold beside her. She sat up in bed, looking around quickly, seeing no sign of last night’s events anywhere and no Mason. Rena smiled, flopping back on the bed, the other woman must have cleaned up after she woke, her smile widened at the sweet gesture. She stilled as an idea occurred to her, if they could communicate with their minds up close, what about over distances?

  Mason? She sent tentatively. Jolting with surprise when Mason replied cheerfully.

  Good morning, sleepy head. A smile spread across the Kahlian’s face, causing her sisters to give her strange looks. Mason rolled her eyes at them.
/>   “Rena’s awake. She decided to test out the mind speak.”

  “Ah.” Diana said, nodding in understanding.

  I see you finally decided to wake up. Mason sent back teasingly.

  Why didn’t you wake me? She was asked. Mason could practically see the eye roll.

  You looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to wake you after…. last night. She finished lamely, then continued a little too brightly in Rena’s opinion. Now that you’re up, why don’t you get some breakfast then go meet Diana down in the practice circle? Rena groaned and pulled her pillow over her face, trying to block out Mason’s laughter but failing, what with it being in her head and all.

  You’re finding far too much enjoyment in torturing me. Rena grumbled good-naturedly. Mason laughed out loud at that. Diana and Lana looked at each other, shaking their heads grinning.

  “Oh, shut up.” Mason groused.

  Come on, Your Highness. Your court awaits. Rena huffed as she got up and got dressed, venturing down to the kitchens for a quick breakfast before heading outside to meet Diana.

  “Alright, I’m here. When do I start landing on my ass?” she dead-panned. Mason and Lana dissolved into laughter, Rena shooting glares at the giggling sisters while Diana simply ignored them. Stepping into the circle, she turned, facing Rena when she reached the center. She waited quietly, her silence making the Princess slightly nervous. Mason leaned over to whisper loudly in her ear.

  “If it’s any consolation, she taught me the basics too.” Rena looked at her like she had lost her mind.

  “Great. I feel so much better now.” Her tone thick with sarcasm. Mason seemed to realize she wasn’t helping and shrugged smiling.

  Rena stepped into the ring, eyeing Diana cautiously. Mason mentioning that her eldest sister had taught her the basics made her wary of the woman. Mason wouldn’t be their leader if she wasn’t a formidable fighter. Diana had laid the ground work for her to build on, which meant that the last thing Rena should do, was underestimate Diana Stone.


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