Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1]

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Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1] Page 14

by Sheridan Anne

  “You’re falling in love with me, huh?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah,” he grins. “I’m pretty sure I’m already there.”

  “I’m not too far behind,” I breathe.

  His lips come down on mine and I take him in eagerly. His arms somehow manage to pull me in even tighter and I revel in the joy of being in his arms.

  “Logan?” I ask as I pull back and look up to him.

  “Yeah, babe?” he murmurs against my lips.

  I focus on his eyes and let him see right down into my soul. “I’m ready,” I tell him softly.

  His eyes search me out, making sure I understand what I’m asking of him. “Are you sure?” he questions.

  I nod my head as my fingers run up his back and into his hair. “Yeah,” I whisper. “I need to be with you.”

  His lips find mind as his hands come down and scoop me up into his arms. Without breaking his hold on my lips, he walks us up the stairs and into his room.

  He kicks the door closed behind him and lowers me back to my feet. His hand comes up and he runs his fingers down the side of my face, making sure to push my hair back off my face. He looks at me with love in his eyes. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself,” I whisper as I smile up at him.

  His hands roam down my body and come to a stop at my waist before finding the hem of my shirt. He slowly draws my shirt up my body with his fingers lightly tickling my skin, giving me goosebumps. He pulls it up over my head and drops it to the floor behind me.

  Rather than ogling my body like most guys, he keeps his eyes on mine.

  My hands lower from his neck and come down those strong pecs before I start unbuttoning his shirt. I get to the bottom and slide my hands inside, before pushing them up to his shoulders and letting his shirt open with the movement. It falls down his arms, putting that beautiful, strong torso on show and I suddenly can’t wait for what he has in store for me.

  He pops the button on my jeans and drags them down my legs. I’m damn lucky I wore my nice knickers today but I don’t have time to dwell on it for long. He lifts me up and sits me on the end of his bed before laying me down.

  He comes down on top of me and kisses me before slowly moving down my body. He drops to his knees at the foot of the bed and slowly roams his hands down my body. Logan finds the top of my knickers and drags them down my legs.

  Fuck, this already feels amazing.

  I prop myself up on my elbows, needing and craving to see exactly what he’s doing. He looks up at me and I see the same desire in his eyes.

  He takes both my legs in his big hands and slowly opens me up for him. I feel extremely exposed but I don’t care. I need him and I can’t wait. He kisses the inside of my thigh and I nearly explode.

  My lip gets sucked between my teeth and I bite down harder when his tongue finds my center.

  The feeling is incredible and I find myself unable to tear my eyes off him. Watching him as he works my body must be the most erotic thing I’ve ever done and it’s absolutely mind-blowing. I never knew it could be this good.

  He brings his fingers into the mix and what I thought was mind-blowing is now absolutely insane. “Fuck, Logan,” I groan as my fingers grab hold of the sheets beneath me.

  His tongue runs past my clit with just the right amount of pressure and my world detonates. I come harder than I thought possible and I practically wrap my legs around his head. I feel his grin against me as I ride out my orgasm.

  “Holy shit,” I pant as he climbs back up my body. He presses his lips to mine and I taste myself on his lips. I grind against him, knowing the best is yet to come.

  “You sure you want to do this?” he asks. “I could take you somewhere, make it special.”

  “No,” I say, running my hands up his back and into his hair. “This feels right. It is special.”

  His lips come down on my neck and I let out a needy moan before sliding my hand between us and riding him of his pants. I make quick work of his pants and soon find my hand wrapped around him.

  He lets out a groan as I pump my hand up and down before running my thumb over his tip. His hand comes down over mine and slows my movements. “You ready?” he murmurs.

  I nod my head and he searches my eyes. Finding whatever it is he’s searching for he reaches for his side draw, pulls out a condom and slides it on before guiding himself to my entrance. Fear begins to take over as everyone always says the first time hurts.

  He slowly starts to push himself in and I wince in anticipation. “Babe,” he says, softly. I open my eyes and focus back on him. “Relax.” I let out a breath and he pushes the rest of the way in. I allow myself to relax and feel him inside me. Wow. I’ve never felt so full. “Ae you okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I smile. “I’m ok.”

  “Can I move?”

  A grin takes over me. Hell yes, he can. “Yeah,” I smile.

  With that, he presses his lips to mine, gets started and once again. I lose my fucking mind. He takes me right to the edge and I dig my nails into his back. I never knew it would be like this. Having that connection with someone while having such an erotic and sensual moment together is amazing.

  It’s honestly the most beautiful moment of my life.

  He continues to move and it doesn’t take long before I get the hang of it and really become an active participant in this dance.

  My whole body comes alive and I feel on fire, the best kind of fire and it doesn’t take long before I’m exploding around him. My nails dig in as I cry his name which is his undoing. He stills above me as he reaches his climax with a groan.

  He falls to the bed beside me and instantly pulls me into his arms. “You’re ok?” he questions.

  My heart swells seeing how much he truly cares. I was always afraid that most guys would do the deed and move on, yet here he is asking if I’m ok. I realise that I was right to have waited and I’m proud to have stood my ground. If I had thrown it away recklessly, I would never have had this moment, well, I might have still had the moment but the extra special meaning behind it would have been gone.

  I prop myself up on his chest so I can look down at the man who is, day by day, changing my life for the better. “More than ok,” I tell him honestly.

  He reaches up and tucks a stray lock of hair behind my ear. “There’s something about you and I just can’t get enough.”

  “Really?” I grin as I lower myself to him and run my lips along his neck before coming up to lock his lips in mine. “Why don’t we test that theory.”

  I feel his lips raise into a smile against mine. “I like the way you think,” he murmurs as he grabs me by the waist, lifts me onto of him and lets me explore his body all over again, only this time… I get to take control.

  Chapter 17


  Finally, it’s the day I’ve been waiting for. The first game of the season and the first chance to get back on the ice in front of an incredible crowd screaming for your team. There’s always something so thrilling about skating in front of thousands of people, all cheering you on. Knowing I have the crowd support always pushes me to perform to my absolute best and I absolutely love it. What’s better, it’s a home game.

  But this season is going to be different because I’ll have a certain woman standing at the sidelines to show off for. She told me she has never been to a hockey game in her life, not even during college or when her brother was younger and still playing, so it’s up to me to show her what it’s all about, though, she’s supposed to be on the sidelines watching and waiting if any of the players suffer any injuries which will require her immediate attention but that’s beside the point.

  The past few weeks with her have been amazing. She has completely come out of her shell or maybe it’s her finally having a chance to shine and enjoy life after having that cloud of debt taken away from above her head, either way, she’s living each and every day like it’s her last and the look really suits her.

ugh, her pounding on my door and trying to put me in my place also really suits her and unlucky for her, every time she tries to do it from now on, is only going to remind me of the first time we had sex which no doubt is going to turn me the fuck on and piss her off that much more, and to be honest, I’m so fucking excited about it.

  The whole day, I’ve been a mess of jittery nerves and excitement, though I always get this way at the start of the season and I have no idea why as the second I step onto the ice, it completely disappears but I must admit, having Elle around has seemed to calm the nerves a bit. Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown, not knowing how strong the other teams have become in the off-season or maybe it’s the weight of being the captain on my shoulders, I don’t know but it gets me every year.

  It’s getting close to the time I have to be at the arena so I grab my things and get in my truck. I don’t worry about Elle as she would already be there making sure she has everything ready to go for the game.

  I’m pretty sure she’s also a mess of nerves as it’s her first game ever but as promised by Tony, she has a temporary new senior therapist now working with her so it should help to ease her mind but she really doesn’t need it, she’s done an amazing job of mending me up. I only feel it every now and then when I push myself too hard but that’s not on Elle, that’s on me not doing enough stretching before and after training which Elle makes sure to remind me of each and every time I complain about it

  On the good side, now that I’m healed and not walking around with a limp, Jax and my brothers have quit making jokes about my ‘broken dick’ which is always a positive.

  I make a quick detour before heading to the arena. I jump down from my truck and quickly duck inside. “Yo,” I say, knocking on the door and pushing my way into the room without waiting for an invitation.

  Brendan looks up at my entry and groans the second he sees me. “What the fuck do you want?” he questions with his usual bad attitude but by now I’ve come to realise this is just his way of being a protective brother towards the guy who’s dating his sister, he’s an angel to everyone else.

  “I’m breaking you out of here,” I tell him. “Grab your shit, let’s go.”

  “What?” he grunts. “Are you allowed to do that?”

  “Fucked if I know,” I shrug. “But I’m not about to let you watch me piss all over the other team from your shitty cereal-box sized t.v.,” I tell him, nodding my head towards the tiny television that’s bolted to the wall.

  “You’re taking me to the game?” he questions.

  “Would you prefer I take you on a date instead?” I ask as I push his wheelchair across the room and right to his bedside.

  He shuffles himself around and I watch on in pain, desperate to just grab the fucker and put him in the chair myself but I know that wouldn’t go down well, he’s a man and he will suffer before asking his sister’s boyfriend to help him.

  He gets himself in the chair and I grab a jumper out of his luggage before pushing him out the door. A nurse turns the corner and I quickly dart him back into the room. “Fuck,” I curse as I hope the woman didn’t see.

  “You didn’t clear this with the Doctor?” Brendan questions in shock.

  “Of course, not,” I grunt. “I told you, I’m breaking you out, besides, Elle says Dr. Ellis is all for you doing positive things.”

  “I don’t quite think this is what he had in mind and I can guarantee you didn’t talk to Elle about this either,” he grins.

  “Nope,” I say. “I figured it’s better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.”

  “Dude, you’re fucked,” he laughs.

  “Nah man,” I say as I peek my head back out the door to make sure the coast is clear. “She’ll be thrilled we’re spending time together. We’re bonding.”

  “Righteo,” he grunts as I push him out the door.

  We make a break for it and bolt towards the exit. I get him out the door and we’re home free, only question now is how to get him back in tonight, but I’m sure they will have noticed his absence by then and called Elle, who I’m sure would fill them in but until then, it’s all James Bond shit from now.

  We get to my truck and he instantly looks up at the beast. “Dude, how am I supposed to get in there?” he questions.

  “I guess we’re about to find out if you find being in my arms as thrilling as your sister does,” I grin.

  “Get fucked,” he says giving me a death stare.

  “It’s either that or I can tie you to the tow-ball and roll your ass there.”

  “Fine,” he grunts. “But make it quick. I don’t want anyone to see.”

  I grin and take my sweet-ass time hoisting him up into my truck and take pleasure in the way he groans about it in the process. I make my way around the front of my truck and get in.

  We make small talk and before we know it, I’m parking in the athletes parking and helping him down. I take him in through the player’s entrance and introduce him to as many of the guys as possible which turns him into a fucking fan-girl.

  We make it through to the main arena and I can’t help but look around. It’s completely decked out for the game. Music is playing as the fans pour in through the doors and climb the grandstands. Fans point me out instantly and I sign a few autographs and shake hands before excusing myself and Brendan.

  “Wow, you’re Mr. Popular,” he muses as I deposit him into the V.I.P section.

  “Yep, comes with the territory, man,” I tell him as I squat down to reach his height. “Look, I’ll make you a deal,” I tell him. “If you work your ass off to get back on your feet, I’ll get you back on the ice with some of my guys.”

  “Really?” he questions with hope in his eyes.

  “You got my word.”

  “Even when you inevitably fuck up and Elle dumps your sorry ass?”

  I roll my eyes at his enthusiasm. “Dude, that’s not going to happen. You’ll be walking her down the aisle before I let her get away.”

  “Pretty confident,” he scoffs.

  “Can’t afford not to be.”

  He’s quiet for a short while. “Fine,” he says, holding his hand out. “You got yourself a deal.”

  I nod my head and shake on our deal. “Good. Text me if you get cold and I’ll get you a jersey with my name on it,” I grin as I stand up.

  “Get stuffed,” he murmurs as he turns and focuses on the ice, once again, turning into the tough-love younger brother.

  I laugh to myself as I duck out of the seating area and back into the hole. I make my way into the locker room, bypassing Elle’s room. I send a wink her way before making it into the locker room.

  The boys instantly start cheering as I make my way in but I know they are only doing it to give me a hard time, rather than actually cheering for their captain. “Knock it off,” I grunt as I dump my shit in my locker and start getting myself ready.

  The locker room soon turns into a jumble of the boys warming up and taking practice shots and it’s not long before Coach Robinson is coming in and giving us his first pre-game motivational pump-up speech.

  He gets that shit over with and discusses our plays before checking in with all the new kids on the block, making sure they’re good to go, after all, our games are highly televised so there’s no room for mistakes.

  Our team is finally called for the beginning of the game and I lead my boys out of the hole. We walk straight past Elle’s door and she grins as we pass her, though it’s damn clear she’s checking me out in my gear and from the smile on her face it’s pretty obvious she hasn’t noticed her brother sitting out in the stands, though, I’m sure she will in the next few minutes.

  We break out into the arena and the sound within the building instantly triples. I look up into the stands and find my family sitting exactly where they said they would be, decked out in the Thunder’s colours, scarf, blankets and foam fingers, the only difference is Cass is wearing a jersey with Jax’s name on the back but that’s a loss I’ll have to deal wi
th. Even Jace and Lacey are sitting up beside Sean and Sara

  But… Brianna sits in the sea of thunder colours wearing just the opposite as we’re up against the New York Titans, which her twin brother and Jax’s best friend Bobby happens to be a player on but she will soon see that she has chosen the wrong colours today.

  We step onto the ice and the crowd continues to go nuts.

  Jax comes up beside me with a grin the size of Texas on his face as he looks up at the massive crowd. “This ain’t college hockey anymore,” he says.

  “No, it’s not,” I say to the kid who has been a little brother to me for longer than I care to remember. “You ready for this?”

  “Born ready,” he confirms before taking off.

  I watch after him, realising he truly is ready. He skates past Bobby and they give each other a nod, whereas in any other situation they would be fist bumping and jumping around like a bunch of dickheads, but here, it’s important for the fans that they put on a show.

  I can’t help but feel that this is exactly where Jax was meant to be, just like the rest of the team, only there’s something special about being able to share the ice with the kid and I can’t wait to do it for the rest of the season and hopefully, many more seasons to come.

  The start of the game is called and the players get into position. I stand front and center, right before the opposition, waiting for the ref to drop the puck. I look over to the team’s box and find Elle watching on in absolute excitement and the look in her eye spurs me on.

  The puck is dropped and it’s on.

  Chapter 18


  Holy shit. This game is fucking epic.

  I’ve been here for hours already, checking over all the player’s files who have current injuries and familiarising myself with any players who have on-going injuries just to be safe. I can’t afford to make any stuff-ups today. Come the end of each period, I need to be on the ball, ready for anything that could come my way, after-all, ice hockey is known to be a brutal sport.

  Which that fact alone has my nerves riding high. I know Logan is used to taking a beating on the ice as you can’t be the captain of a professional team without escaping a beating by the opposition every now and then, and to be honest, by how good he seems to be, he’s probably the one who hands people their asses during the games but it still has me freaking out that he could get hurt.


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