Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1]

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Logan_Denver Royalty [Book 1] Page 16

by Sheridan Anne

  “Get a room,” Brianna laughs.

  Elle pushes me back with a smile before taking my hand and dragging me into the room. I take a look around at the rest of the bridesmaids and they look absolutely stunning, especially Sara with her little four-month baby bump, protruding out of the golden dress. Sean is going to die when he sees her, either that or come in his pants.

  I walk further into the room and turn the corner to find none other than my baby sister, standing in the mirror, looking absolutely radiant in her wedding dress, completely decked out with the make-up, hair, and veil. My eyes are glued to her as she goes about putting her earrings in while the photographer goes nuts with the camera.

  “Wow,” I murmur.

  She looks up at me through the mirror and the brightest smile comes over her face. “Hi,” she whispers.

  I walk towards her and watch as she slowly turns around to give me the full effect. I instantly pull her into my arms. “You look beautiful,” I tell her.

  “You sure? It’s not too much?” she questions.

  “No. It’s perfect,” I tell her. “I was just checking you’re doing ok?”

  “I am,” she says with nothing but love and excitement in her eyes.

  “Ok, well if you get cold feet and want to bolt, my trucks parked by the door with the keys in the ignition.”

  “Shut up,” she laughs.

  “Alright,” I say as I grab someone’s champagne glass, knock it back and fill my pockets with all the little treats they have on the coffee table. “I should go back downstairs. I didn’t tell them I was going.”

  “Oh, sure,” she says. I turn and head back for the door but her soft little voice stops me in my tracks. “Logan?” she asks with the smallest hint of nerves in her voice.

  “Yeah?” I ask as I head back towards her. She reaches out and takes both my hands in hers and looks up at me with watery eyes. “What’s wrong?” I question.

  “No, no. Nothing’s wrong,” she says. “It’s just… call me cliché but I had always hoped Daddy would be there on my wedding day to walk me down the aisle.” She pauses for a moment before looking up at me. “Well… since you’re my favourite brother and all, I was hoping you might do it?”

  Emotion completely takes over me that I have a hard time containing myself. Shit, I want to cry and jump for joy at the same time. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I tell her.

  She pulls me in and gives me the tightest hug. “Don’t tell the boys I said you were my favourite,” she smiles.

  “They already know,” I inform her. “We had bets on who you’d ask.”

  “You win?”

  “Yep,” I say proudly, popping the ‘P’.

  She rolls her eyes as she lets me go and practically pushes me back out the door. I send Elle a wink as I pass and make sure to check out her ass in the process. “I can’t wait to see that dress on my bedroom floor,” I inform her.

  Her eyes are filled with fire as she looks back at me. “You and me both,” she calls out seconds before Cass closes the door between us.

  I grin to myself as I make my way back downstairs to the guys. I push through the door and instantly have all eyes on me. “Where did you go?” Carter asks.

  “I was checking on the girls,” I tell them.

  “And?” Sean questions.

  “And they look fucking beautiful. You should see her,” I say, referring to Cassie.

  “She all good?” Jax questions.

  “Yeah,” I grin, “But I let her know my trucks out the front with the keys in it.”

  His face instantly changes. “Fuck,” he grunts. “I’ll have to go unplug your battery.”

  “Relax, dude. She isn’t running,” I laugh. “She looked more than ready.”

  An hour later, the wedding planner knocks at the door and tells us it’s time to get down to where the ceremony will be held. The boys start walking out the back but I hang back. “I’ll see you down there,” I tell them.

  They each turn to look at me with confused, questioning looks. “I’m walking Cass down the aisle,” I inform them.

  “Fuck,” Carter grunts as he reaches into his pocket and hands me a twenty dollar note while Sean just nods, looking slightly jealous. Jax gets a proud smile before accepting I won’t be there for a while and heads out the door.

  I go back up to my girls and wait while they finish their final touches, and before we know it, we’re standing in the grass with the girl’s heels sinking in and the sun shining brightly on our faces.

  The music starts and I instantly feel the nerves radiating out of Cassie. I loop my arm through hers and let her know I’m right here if she needs me.

  The wedding planner sends Elle on her way and I can’t help but watch her walk. “Look at that ass,” I murmur to Cass, making Elle turn around and shoosh me.

  “Yeah, it’s a nice ass,” Cass agrees.

  Sara and Bri are sent down the aisle and finally, it’s our turn.

  The nerves continue to plague her but the second we turn the corner and she lays her eyes on Jax, she instantly calms and I know without a doubt, she will never need another person in her life, not as long as she has Jax. Though, that doesn’t change the fact that me and the boys are still going to be there night and day, annoying the absolute shit out of her.

  I’m absolutely blown away by how many people are here. I swear, the whole Denver Thunder team must be here and that’s including management. I notice all of Jax’s friends from his college team, Miller, Tank, Xander, and Shorty.

  I have to grin when I see Brendan, looking extremely uncomfortable and out of place in his suit, but at least he was able to break out again. I was worried they’d never let him leave after the last time but the added motivation of watching the game has done a world of wonders for him.

  We get to the bottom of the aisle and I hand Cassie over to Jax before taking my place next to my brothers.

  The ceremony is exactly what I had imagined it would be. Short and simple.

  And then it’s time for the fucking photos. Kill me now.

  So, Carter and I do exactly what any other respectable groomsmen would do. We find a bottle of rum and get the party started.

  We hand out glasses of champagne to all the girls and give Sara a lemonade but we make sure to put it in a champagne flute so she doesn’t feel left out.

  By the time the photos are done, Carter and I are positively drunk and have Sean running around after us, desperately trying to keep us under control. The girls are well on their way to Tipsyville and have had an absolute blast coming up with new and improved poses for the photographer who they have all deemed as the sexiest man alive.

  And all I can think about is that today is absolutely magical.

  The photographer takes Jax and Cass away, leaving the rest of us free to enjoy ourselves for the next half-an-hour. I turn towards the rest of the bridal party but before I can make any suggestions, Elle bolts towards me, grabs my hand and pulls me away.

  She drags me down to the back of the property and into the trees. She tries to slam me up against a tree but she is far too small to make it effective, so I do as she pleases and let her think she’s done it all by herself.

  I hardly have a second to think before she crushes her lips to mine and starts pulling my shirt out from pants.

  My, oh, my. If this is the game my little spitfire wants to play, then by all means, I’m going to rise up to the challenge. She makes quick work of my pants and I’m hard within seconds.

  Elle drops to her knees and sucks me into her mouth. “Fuck,” I grunt.

  She works me up and down with her skilled little mouth and I feel like I could die in this extasy. She pushes me close to the breaking point and I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside her.

  I grip her arms and yank her to her feet before my hands bunch in the golden fabric of her dress and drag it up her body until the soft skin of her ass rests against my hands. I flip her around and bend her over.

pushes her ass back into me and I slam myself deep inside. She screams out my name and I go to town, holding her hips to control her wild need.

  I can’t believe how unbelievably wild she has become since that first time together, it’s like she has discovered her inner vixen and I’ve got to say, I absolutely fucking love it.

  Her pussy clenches down around me as she comes and it drives me wild. I thrust into her one more time and it’s exactly what I need to come hard. I still as I pour myself into her with my fingers digging into her hips.

  “Holy shit,” she pants as she straightens herself up and turns to face me.

  “What was that for?” I question as we go about fixing ourselves us.

  “Why do you think?” She grins as she looks me up and down. “Have you got any idea how good you look in that suit?” She steps right up to me and seductively runs her finger down my chest. “It’s irresistible. I couldn’t wait any longer.”

  I dip my head and catch her lips in mine. “I love you,” I murmur.

  She throws her arms around my neck and I pull her in closer. “I love you, too.”

  We hear Brianna screaming out our names and realise we’ve probably been gone for longer than we thought and start making our way back up to the house. “This place is amazing,” Elle says as she looks up at the massive estate that my parents had built from the ground up.

  “Yeah, it really is,” I say, taking it in with all its wedding decorations.

  We catch up to the rest of the bridal party and hurry to join the others as we find it’s time for us to head into the reception hall. Music is played from within the room but I don’t have time to dwell on the moment as Cass is giving me the filthiest look for being late.

  I shrug my shoulders and grin at her. What can I say? I don’t regret it.

  The emcee in the room starts talking over the music and welcomes everyone to the wedding of the year before he starts introducing the bridal party. Bobby heads in first with some chick Cass met when she was living in New York, next is Sean and Sara, followed by Carter and Brianna.

  I hear our names next and I lead my woman inside the decked out grand hall. The place blows me away but I’m quickly distracted by all my teammates sitting up the back being rowdy-as-fuck as they cheer for me and Elle.

  I lead her past the guests and across the room to the bridal table. I help her into her seat and lean over her shoulder before pressing a kiss to her cheek. “We’re next,” I murmur before leaving her with her jaw hanging open in shock.

  I grin as I take my own seat, absolutely loving the look that still remains on Elle’s face. Yeah, she wasn’t expecting that shit but I don’t care. I have every intention of marrying this girl one day and I can’t fucking wait.

  Chapter 20


  What an amazing night.

  I swear, I am having the best time and I have Logan to thank for that. Without him, I never would have been here and been able to be a part of Cassie’s bridal party. I’ve never been a bridesmaid before, in fact, I’ve never actually been to a wedding before… well, I’d gone to a small handful as a kid but it’s a completely different experience as an adult and not-to-mention, being in love myself, I have a whole new perspective on weddings.

  I mean, the ceremony was absolutely beautiful and having Logan across from me, staring at me like I was the only woman in the world, was the best feeling in the world.

  But fuck, this dress. It must be the second most amazing thing about this day. I mean, not to rub my own ego but I look fucking amazing. I’ve never worn silk before and I swear, it just floats along my skin making me feel like a goddess, then Logan had to go and touch me and I was a goner.

  One thing I know for sure, I’m going to be buying a shit load of silk from now on.

  I sit at the bridal table, waiting for Cassie and Jax to enter but I can hardly concentrate after the bomb Logan just dropped on me. Were next? As in, he wants to marry me. What the fuck? I mean, who would want to marry me? I’m like next level fucked up but if he is willing to take me then I’m all in.

  Nothing would make me happier than marrying him which is ridiculous, I’ve only known him for a few months but they are more than enough to know he’s the only man I will ever love for the end of time.

  I just hope that feeling doesn’t change for him otherwise, I’m screwed.

  The bride and groom walk in and the room go nuts. It’s absolutely ridiculous the amount of noise coming from this room. But I guess that’s what happens when neither of the bride or groom have any parents or extended family to invite. I swear, the whole room is packed with friends only, apart from the triplets but they hardly count.

  The reception gets underway and once again, I find myself blown away by the event.

  Fuck, I’m having such a great time.

  Drinks are flowing, music is playing and what’s better, we all get fed for free.

  Once all the formalities are over, the real party gets started. As soon as he possibly can, Logan swoops me up and onto the dance floor. All the guys in the team even let their hair down and dance until their little hearts can’t take it anymore.

  Cassie introduces me to a few of her girlfriends, Dani and Sophie and I find myself in laughing in stitches from how ridiculously hilarious they are, and might I add, very bad influences but who gives a shit. I’m having fun.

  The only annoying part is the way Max keeps trying to undress me with his eyes, like seriously, dude. I’m with Logan and against a man like that, he has no chance.

  I completely understand why Jax invited him but for my benefit, it would have been nice if his invite got lost in the mail. I swear, I’ve had to dodge his advances over and over again for the past few weeks and for the benefit of the team, I haven’t told Logan about it. I don’t know how he would react but I’m positive it wouldn’t be good.

  I spot a waitress from across the room, walking around with a tray of champagne glasses, so I go about my business, stalking her until I have one of those pretty glasses firmly in my hand. I lift the glass to my lips but don’t get a taste of the sweet liquid as my body is yanked to the side.

  I let out a gasp but swallow it as a pair of lips land on mine. By the taste and feel of the man currently squishing himself against my body, it’s pretty damn clear it’s Logan. It’s also pretty clear by the feel of the hardness in his pants that he intends to repay the favour from earlier and I fully intend to let him.

  Logan makes quick work of screwing me into oblivion before I find myself collapsing against him as I try to find my breath. “That gets better every time,” I tell him with a satisfied grin.

  “I know,” he smirks with a cheeky sparkle in those deep eyes. “It’s because I’m such a fucking stud.”

  “You’re an idiot,” I laugh as we get dressed and slip out of the closet. We head back to the party and I’m pleasantly surprised to see the same waitress walking by once again as I have absolutely no idea what happened to my last glass.

  “Where have you been?” I hear a familiar voice scolding from behind me.

  I turn to find Brendan impatiently waiting for my answer, only Logan goes and makes things worse. “I was showing your sister appreciation for how fucking sweet she looks in that dress,” he says.

  Well… that’s not going to go down well.

  “What did you say?” Brendan demands.

  I jab my elbow into Logan’s side and grin at the whoosh of air that escapes his lips. “What do you need, Bren?” I question as I push Logan away towards the crowd of hockey players that have taken possession of the open bar.

  “Were you seriously just doing your boyfriend during a wedding?” he asks.

  I shrug my shoulders. “What are weddings for?”

  “Ugh,” he groans. “I thought you’d at least keep it classy.”

  “Nope,” I grin as someone bumps into me. My glass of champagne goes flying right out of my hands and drops down into Brendan’s lap.

  “Crap,” I gasp as he hastily go
es about trying to clean himself up.

  The person who bumped me turns around and I nearly hiss at the moron. Max looks down at my brother. “Oh, shit. Sorry dude,” he says as he calls out for a waitress to help us out.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Brendan spits in his ‘I’ve had enough’ voice. “I’ll sort it out myself.”

  At that Max holds up his hands and slowly backs away from my very pissed off brother.

  I instantly wheel Brendan out of the room and into the way too big bathroom. I help him get cleaned up and it’s not long before he’s on the phone calling a Taxi.

  “Did you want to stay here the night? There are heaps of rooms upstairs, I’m sure Logan wouldn’t mind.”

  “Nah, it’s ok. I’d rather go back. I have a therapy session early in the morning.”

  “Okay,” I sigh. “I’ll wait for the Taxi with you.”

  He nods and waits patiently as I duck back inside and find Logan. “Hey, I’m heading outside to get Brendan a taxi,” I tell him.

  “Okay, do you want me to come?”

  “I can handle myself,” I smile.

  “Don’t I know it,” he says before giving me a quick kiss and sending me on my way.

  I rush back to find Brendan, only to have Max blocking my way. He holds a new champagne glass out to me. “Here, consider it a peace offering,” he says.

  I take the glass from him. “Thanks,” I smile politely.

  “Your brother okay?” he asks.

  “Yeah, he’ll be fine. He’s made of tough stuff,” I say fondly as I try to walk around him.

  “Are you leaving?” he questions.

  “No, Brendan called a taxi so I’m going to see him off,” I explain, though, I don’t know why I’m explaining myself to him.

  “Oh, ok. Well, tell him I’m sorry,” he says before finally moving out of my way.

  I rush past him and once again, find Brendan impatiently waiting for me. “Took long enough,” he grunts.

  “Shut up, turd,” I grin before spinning his chair and giving him a push while trying to hold onto the champagne flute in my fingers. We make it out the door and I’m instantly hit with the chilly Denver air. “Shit, dude,” I curse as I stop pushing and cross my arms over my chest, trying to keep them warm. “You’re going to have to wheel yourself.”


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