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The Andreasson Affair

Page 9

by Raymond E. Fowler

  We listened intently as Betty and the two entities retraced their original path via the black track. Betty began speculating out loud concerning the heaviness that she felt in her legs. It seemed as if the force that kept Betty glued to a position just above the track was also responsible for her severe physical discomfort.

  Betty: I think maybe why my feet are like that—I must be, uh, glued to that thing, because there are no railings and there’s nothing holding me in. And I’m just gliding along that thing, and it’s not very wide. Maybe it’s so I won’t fall off or something or other. Oh, my legs feel so heavy. And we are just gliding along on that thing. And we’re way up in the air. And that green and blue-colored atmosphere, it’s just beautiful. Somehow, I just don’t want even to leave. It’s just so beautiful.

  In a later debriefing, we tried to recover Betty’s impressions of this odd landscape on this, her “second time around.”

  Fred: When you were in the green place, was there a sky?

  Betty: The green atmosphere was the sky, and then it was also blue. It was green—beautiful green—and it was also blue.

  Ray: Was there a separation between the green and the blue?

  Betty: No, the green and blue were mixed. It was bright, bright green—emerald green—and then it was like blue.

  Fred: Were there shadows? In other words, I’m looking for a light source. Was there a light source?

  Betty: I don’t remember any shadows. The only thing that I remember is going in through the crystals. It was bright, and there was a rainbow all around, but going out it was not as bright, and the rainbow was much dimmer.

  Fred: Was there a horizon?

  Betty: Yes, there was. There was like a top, but it’s funny because—ah, what we were traveling on had no girders or anything. It was just in the air.

  Fred: Suspended?

  Betty: Yeah.

  Fred: Did you feel weightless at that point?

  Betty: My legs felt heavy, my hands felt heavy. The rest of me just felt regular, I guess.

  The hypnotic impression of the landscape matched her previous description:

  Betty: And, uh, we are just going along on that thing. I see water all around, and it’s not as choppy as it was before. Oh, my legs feel just like bricks. Why? My hands and my legs, they just feel like they’re stone. Ah, but it’s like a sea, a clear calm sea. Oh, my legs! And, uh, we are just going down. And I see mist to the side. And we keep on going. Seems like a long way, and I’m coming to—uh, there’s that pyramid again. Ah, it has that white on the edges. And that head and those bridges, or something or other. I don’t know.

  Later, during debriefing, Betty elaborated.

  Betty: There was—uh, there was water that was very choppy when I was going, like a big sea. There was land, but it was, if you call it a horizon, it was like there was mist all around, but yet it did go into the green. The green blended into the green, and yet at times I was seeing the colors of the plants. I saw the color of the—the fish, bird fish. I saw the color of the pyramid, and yet it was green.

  Again she obtained a brief glimpse of the city-like structure off in the distance.

  Betty: Off to the side there is some kind of—something like a city or something. I don’t know what it is. It is too different than I’ve ever seen before. I just can’t explain it. It’s beautiful. Oh, my feet and my legs! I’m just going along and the atmosphere is getting green, all over the place—green.

  As they came closer to the entrance to the red area, the transportation track continued to dip downward. Again, they approached the partition that divides the green and red realms.

  Betty: We are coming up to something that is [Sigh]—a veil? Or something. Not a veil, but a division of color or something or other, ‘cause we are coming to that red stuff again. We are just going down. We are going into that red atmosphere. It seems somehow there is a circle there. It is divided from green and the red—and it’s, uh, like I’ve been in solidity. And all of a sudden I’m going into another solidity of red. And, uh, it doesn’t feel solid, but it is solid. And it’s red—very, very pulsating—like red. It’s the same place.

  Betty found it hard to describe the green and red atmosphere. As she later recalled while out of trance, each was so dense and prominent that they appeared like two solids separated by a circular membrane.

  Fred: Okay, I’m interested in the red place you went. Where do you think that was? Do you have any thoughts? Can you tell us anything about that?

  Betty: No, I think it’s a place. I think it’s a place, a particular place.

  Fred: Was there a sky there? Could you see a sky?

  Betty: Just the red atmosphere. It was solid, and yet it had air like this. It was like—I don’t know how to explain this, but it was solid.

  Fred: Same color red everywhere?

  Betty: Yes, same color—no, no, I mean, how can I explain that? I don’t know how to explain.

  Fred: What do you mean by solid? Like moving through water? Were you like under the water, and it was red water with light everywhere, and you were moving through that? Or was it like moving through a solid material?

  Betty: It was a solid, but it was—

  Fred: Like moving through the earth? Is that what you mean? Like you were going through ground?

  Betty: I felt just like I am right now. I felt the air moved about me, but I knew it was solid. It was like a—

  Fred: You were in a vehicle?

  Betty: No, I was just standing on that thing there, just gliding. It was just a track that you just stood on, and it felt like my feet were just glued to it. It felt heavy from my knees down—like two stones were there. I felt pricking, a constant pricking like pins and needles.

  Fred: And you were moving through something solid?

  Betty: I was going through something solid, but it seemed just like this.

  Ray: When did you think it was solid?

  Betty: When I came back. Not until I came back.

  Ray: This is the impression that I got: you didn’t really talk about this “solid” bit until you realized that the green and the red had some kind of veil between them, and there was no mixture. It’s as though there was something invisible that was keeping the red out of the green.

  Betty: That’s right. If you took—okay, if you had a square solid block of red glass and then you had a green one, and you just put the two together. That’s what it was like.

  Ray: Suppose you took a solid block of clear glass and you had an—I’ll say an invisible force field, for want of a better term. And then, you put red gas in the left and green gas in the right, and you somehow could pass through that force field. Is that what you mean by solid—that they couldn’t mix?

  Betty: That’s right, they couldn’t mix. But I don’t know.

  Ray: Is that why you called it solid? Because they couldn’t mix?

  Betty: Yes, they couldn’t mix. There was a circle that allowed us to go through it—from the green into the red. And then from the red into that tunnel. Going back, I saw a corridor, and it just kept on whirling and whirling and whirling. We were going through it, but it had no sides.

  Back in the “red zone,” they again passed between the square buildings with their grotesque occupants. Betty shuddered as they glided by the little stalk-eyed creatures.

  Betty: They just bug their eyes out at me, and they crawl up and down those walls, in and out those windows. They are just there—all over the place. Big bug-eyed. And they can move their eyes any old place. Oh, I’m tired.

  Later, I asked, “Did you hear anything, other than the voices in your mind? Did you ever hear any sound when you were going over the track—from the city, from the strange beings with the eyes?” Betty’s answer was a simple no.

  Then Betty saw another circular orifice dead ahead of them. She recognized it as the entrance to the tunnel.

  Betty: And we are still going through that red atmosphere. We’re coming up to that circle again. And it’s like a mirror. We’
re going to go through something like a mirror. I guess it’s that same mirror. Somehow it’s whirling, whirling, uh—what is it? A whirling circle somehow that is, like drawing us into that whirling circle, through that mirror. It’s just whirling—keeps on whirling. And we’re breaking through that mirror now. Doesn’t hurt, but we’re going through it!

  In an instant, they were plunged into darkness. Once again, Betty glided along within the confines of the dark rock-hewn tunnel.

  Betty: And we are in that black…[Pause] blackness now. And we’re just going along on that black walk, whatever it is. Can’t see anything anyway, just their silver suits. I don’t even see their heads, just the silver suit in front of me.

  At this juncture, Harold interrupted Betty so that we could change the recording tapes.

  Harold: Betty, just relax, just make yourself as comfortable as you possibly can be. Just refresh yourself—let me just make you a little bit more comfortable.

  After the tapes were changed, Harold prepared Betty for questioning: “Betty, you are following someone, and all you could see was the silver cape. Will you please continue?”

  Betty quickly corrected him.

  Betty: It was not a silver cape that I was following. It was a silver suit!

  Harold: Oh, a silver suit! I’m sorry; continue.

  Betty: It was a silver—silver suit. And we are going along in this dark tunnel and, uh, we’re just gliding along. And just keep on going and going and going, it seems like. We are in there a long time, it feels like.

  Finally Betty glimpsed a shaft of light far up ahead. As they came closer, she was surprised to see a transparent door to the half-cylinder room. It had not been transparent before, when she had exited through it from the other side.

  Betty: And we are coming now to some light. And I see those glass seats again up ahead. Oh, that door, that end part is not silver—it’s, uh, glass, ‘cause I can see through. It’s like a glass, whatever it is—much glass. And we’re getting closer to it, and the door is going up!

  The three entered the room, and Betty watched curiously as the two little men took off their black hoods.

  Betty: We’re inside that room, and they’re stopping and they’re getting off the thing. We’re stopped, and they’re removing those things—their hoods—and putting them down someplace. One’s putting them on one side, and the other’s on the other side.

  Betty was somehow floated onto one of the strange glass chairs. It was different from the other chairs, in that it had inlaid metal strips on its arms and on its seat.

  Betty: We’re right next to—oh no, they’re setting me down in that strange seat there. That different one from all the others, with those buttons and those steel things there. I’m sitting down in it.… And they’re putting my hands—oh.… [Sigh] They put my hands and arms on that thing.… And they’re looking at me with their eyes somehow, for some reason, and—ah, oh-h-h-h-h!

  Betty’s body jumped violently—once, twice! The dual convulsions startled us. During a later debriefing, we asked her what had occurred.

  Jules: At the last session, your body actually jolted twice. What was happening then?

  Betty: When he touched that button. I don’t know what the purpose was.

  On the fourth chair was something that looked like a button. One of the entities touched it twice. Simultaneously, Betty had felt twin electrical shocks course through her body.

  Ray: Notice on the drawing of the chair. [See Figure 24 on page 75.] You had buttons over here. The bars are here. Where were your arms in relation to the bars?

  Betty: I was on them, like that.

  Ray: Did the jolt come from the bars?

  Betty: The bars were metal, and they pressed down.

  Ray: So this was the metal part here?

  Betty: It was metal here [points to arms of seat] and a metal seat [points to sitting area].

  Ray: Okay, guess I didn’t know that.

  Jules: Where was the glass?

  Betty: The glass was molded—or plastic, whatever it was—just like the other ones.

  Ray: It was covered with metal. In other words, the metal would be embedded?

  Betty: Yeah.

  For a moment, during the original hypnosis session, I had thought that the entranced Betty had experienced a heart seizure. I breathed a bit easier when she began to speak again.

  Betty: [Heavy breathing] I hear a whirring sound…and he’s opening up one of my eyes.

  “When they put you on the chair with the buttons and the metal,” I told her later, “you were describing what had happened up to that point as if you could see it all. When you were jolted, you mentioned that you opened your eyes—which would indicate that you had closed your eyes at some point prior to that. When did you close your eyes? How could you describe all this with your eyes closed?”

  Betty: When I was on the seat, I did not have my eyes open. Then there were two jolts and they—opened my right eye, as my eyes were not open.

  Ray: Okay, so we know your eyes were closed when you sat down in that special chair with the buttons. Do you remember when they closed your eyes?

  Betty: Somehow they were closed. I don’t know, because I saw him go over and touch something on the wall. I saw him touch the buttons. After—I think after, or during the jolt—in between the two jolts, I think my eyes must have been closed because he came over and he opened my right eye. When I was in the first seat, I felt like I was being frozen. I felt frozen and becoming very heavy, like water was just—moisture was just being drawn from me somehow.

  Jules: Another thing—when you were in the capsule, did you notice anyone else in the seats?

  Betty: No, there was no one else there.

  Jules: You were the only one? All the other seats were vacant?

  Betty: Uh-huh.

  Fred: When you were in this vehicle that had the seats in it, could you sense that it moved? Could you tell whether you were going up or down?

  Betty: No, I couldn’t tell up or down. It seemed like there was a whirling going on, somehow a whirling, but yet the room wasn’t whirling.

  Fred: Did you feel like you were being pressed down in the seat—or did you feel like you were floating?

  Betty: When I got out of the seat, I felt floating.…

  Indeed, Betty was removed from her “cold seat” by something that seems to have been an automatic levitation device.

  Betty: [Heavy sighs] He’s shaking his head or something, and—standing there.… And they are touching something on the wall over there by the door. I’m just floating off that seat! I’m just floating down to that chair again. Oh, my feet and my hands feel so heavy!

  Betty found herself seated in the immersion chair, and again subjected to its calming effects.

  Betty: They’re snapping that seat in place. They are putting those things in my nose and my mouth.

  The liquid again poured in around her. She experienced the same soothing vibrations.

  Betty: Oh, that feels good. [Sigh] That feels real good. They’re putting, ah, that stuff all in it. It’s getting, uh—and I’m breathing through the tube. It feels good, and they’re putting that, like a whirlpool on. [Whispers] Oh, this is so good!

  The entities called to Betty, again warning her that a liquid would flow into her mouth through the connecting tube. She was told to swallow.

  Betty: “What?” Okay.… They gave me some more of that—um, syrup. Mmmm, it tastes good and wakes me up like—very sweet. I can still taste that taste. Feels good and smooth. It’s sweet, like a syrup, but it doesn’t make me feel sick, ‘cause usually syrups make me feel sick if I have too thick a syrup on pancakes or something.

  Betty became totally absorbed with the pleasant feelings that pulsated through her body, but she was jolted back to reality by a persistent tapping sound.

  Betty: They’re tapping on that glass thing for some reason. And they are saying, “Betty, are you comfortable?” “Yes, I like it in here.” They said they are going to let me st
ay a few more moments.… Oh, feels good.

  She later commented that this was one of the few times they had displayed overt concern for her welfare.

  Betty: They had kindness within them. They had obedience within them. They—uh, it was only a few occasions that I saw sensitivity in them—when I called out to Jesus, when I was getting changed—and, ah, also when I was in that seat where the liquid was coming in, they—seemed as if there was something special.

  Virginia: They treated you with a sort of—

  Betty: A lot more sympathy. On the way back, they were much more sensitive than the way going.

  Virginia: By sensitivity, you mean…?

  Betty: Sympathetic toward my feelings.

  Soon Betty felt the level of the fluid lower around her immersed body.

  Betty: Here it goes. They’re beginning to drain it. I can feel it going down. It feels funny when it drains. I can feel it at the top of my head—as it drains and releases, I can feel it just being lower and lower. Like a thick, thick thing—like an oil or something. Feels like my—whenever I have an oil bath, like I’m being coated by oil or something.… When I let the water out, and there’s a film of oil on top of it as it drains down.

  Betty watched the entities remove the tubes connected to her mouth and nostrils.

  Betty: Ah, it’s down to about my waist now, and they’re removing the mouthpiece, and the nose pieces.… It’s down to the bottom because I can hear it unsnap and raise up. [Sigh] That was good. And they’re just busy putting the stuff away, I guess—or doing something, raising it up with something or other. Goes up automatically, but just the hoses they have to put away.

  By this time, Betty was quite sure she knew which chair they would put her in next. However, they put her in a different one.

  Betty: I’m just floating up. I’m going over to the chair in front of me. Wait a minute, I’m not going over to the front. They’re putting me in the first one instead—and they’re closing it down.

  This chair, too, had a transparent enclosure that was lowered over Betty’s seated body.


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