Book Read Free

The Andreasson Affair

Page 13

by Raymond E. Fowler

  Joseph: Was that because of our questions, or don’t you know?

  Betty: I don’t know.

  David: Betty, I tried to get you back to the time of the blue book, and you felt that they wouldn’t let you?

  Betty: I couldn’t.

  David: You couldn’t? You felt that they were preventing you?

  Betty: Uh-huh.

  It seemed as if the aliens had prevented us from learning certain information by intervening directly in Harold’s office!

  David: What else did you feel at that time?

  Betty: Just that they had hold of me and they pressured me. Somehow—holding me down. It was pressure.

  David: That was in addition to the weight in your arms and legs. Was that with you at other times when you were under hypnosis?

  Betty: No, at certain times.

  David: During these times, was it at all similar to the weight you felt in the craft?

  Betty: Yeah.

  David: Do you feel as if that weight is an indication of them controlling you somehow?

  Betty: Yes.

  Joseph: Would that be an indication that every time you feel that weight, you are getting a message directly from them?

  Betty: I don’t know, ‘cause I don’t feel that weight. I didn’t feel that weight when I was lying down.

  Joseph: But that was communicated to you directly. In all other cases when you felt the weight, you were communicating to other people. You were communicating with us.

  Betty: Yes.

  Joseph: Perhaps, when you are talking to us, you are being used as a translator. You are conveying a message.

  Betty: This isn’t a message to me.

  Joseph: It isn’t?

  David: Is it a message to us?

  Betty: It must be. It isn’t to me.

  Jules: Do you remember anything about this alien planet?

  Betty: No.

  Jules: You just know somehow that it was alien to the beings?

  Betty: They said there is one planet that is alien.

  Jules: It is hostile toward them?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: Do you feel that we are on the right track, as far as our questions go? Trying to get them to talk to us through you? Do you feel that they want that to happen?

  Betty: I don’t know.

  Joseph: Did you feel uncomfortable during that?

  Betty: Just when they put the pressure on me, or whatever it is.

  Joseph: Do you feel mentally comfortable?

  Betty: No, I feel tired.

  Joseph: Yes, but that’s because of hypnosis.

  Harold: How are you feeling, Betty?

  Betty: Pretty good.

  David: Do you have any apprehension right now about us trying to regress you to a time immediately after the incident so that we can pursue information about the blue book?

  Betty: No, I don’t have any problem.

  David: But at the time, you felt that they were preventing you from going back.

  Betty: I couldn’t go back.

  Joseph: Was that because in asking the questions, we reverted you back to now?

  Betty: I don’t know. I wish I had the answers.

  David: Is this it for today as far as hypnosis goes?

  Harold: She has had enough hypnosis.

  At that point, we decided to go after more “hard” data.

  Fred: The Bible that you handed to the leader, Quazgaa—what happened? Did they give you back your Bible?

  Betty: I don’t know, because all I remember seeing is that blue book there. So they must have kept it.

  Fred: They must have kept your Bible?

  Betty: Well, I don’t know if it’s my Bible. We had many Bibles. Becky couldn’t find her Bible afterward.

  Becky: I told my mom that it was missing.

  Fred: Do you remember when?

  Becky: Sunday school. I took it to Sunday school every Sunday.

  Fred: It could have been her Bible, and they probably took it. Is that what you think?

  Betty: This could be, because I didn’t see it back on the end table. Only the blue book was on the, uh, end table.

  In other words, the blue book had remained in Betty’s house after the aliens’ departure! In the next session, we decided to go back in Betty’s memory to see what, if anything, she could recall of this mysterious document.


  The Blue Book

  We remembered that three days after the event, Becky had approached her mother with her own memories of the incident.

  Betty: It was about two days later that Becky came to me with her dream, and she—two or three days later, she told me about it.

  Harold: Why did you wait so long, Becky?

  Becky: Because I thought it was a dream. And then I thought, well, with dreams, something in here will get over it. It’s just a dream. But it upset me, and after three days it was upsetting me so much I had to tell Mom, ’cause it was just bothering me too much. I was scared.

  Ray: Did you remember that something had happened?

  Becky: I told her that I had a dream. I told my dream, and she told me that was true, that really happened…but not to tell anyone about it, and don’t worry about it.

  Betty: And it hit me then that “That was no dream, honey. That really happened, but don’t tell anybody.”

  Now, in the 13th session, we returned the hypnotized Betty to the moment when Becky first related her dream.

  David: Becky first mentioned the dream she had that related to your incident. Can you go back to that time now?

  Betty: It was about three days later she mentioned it. She came to me and she said, “Mommy, I’ve had a strange dream.”

  David: When was this? In the morning?

  Betty: Yes, and she told me what she had seen. I said, “Shush, shush, quiet. Don’t scare the kids.” And she said “Why?” And I said, “Come here.” And I brought her into the bedroom and said, “Mommy is going to tell you that it wasn’t any dream, honey. It really happened. There were some strange things in the house, but don’t tell anybody, will you?” And she looked at me funny and she said, “You mean what I dreamed was true?” I said, “Yeah, but don’t be afraid, ‘cause Jesus is with us.” I said, “I’ll show you.” And I did take the blue book out.… I’m feeling very cold right now.

  David: Are you feeling cold when you touch the book?

  Betty: No, I just feel cold because of telling you about it. It gives me goose bumps. I’m all right now. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t supposed to show anybody the book.

  David: Do you remember showing it to anybody other than Becky?

  Betty: No, I just see us—she sitting on my bed, and I’m going to the closet.

  David: Is this the closet in your bedroom, where you kept the book?

  Betty: Yes, and there is a noise in the kitchen, and so I put it back and I closed the closet. I went out into the kitchen and I told her, “Shush, just wait a minute, honey, I’ll be right back.” I went out into the kitchen, and it was just Jimmy and Mark coming in for a drink of water—I went to get the book again and showed Becky. I told her, “Now, don’t tell anybody, will you, honey, because it’s very important. It’s from Jesus.” Becky’s face just lit right up. She was beaming. She was so happy and excited over it.

  David: Did she say anything about seeing the blue book earlier?

  Betty: Yes, she said, “That’s what they gave you, Mommy. I remember, that’s what they gave you.” And I’m getting the chills again for some reason.

  Joseph: Do you think that they wanted you to show Becky the book?

  Betty: I wasn’t supposed to show anybody.

  David: See if you can remember as clearly as you can the last time that you saw the thin blue book they gave you. Can you try to remember that?

  Betty: The last time I saw it?

  David: Yes.

  Betty: The last time I saw it all alone?

  Once again, we realized we had “called” for the wrong time period and
decided to follow Betty’s lead.

  David: You’re all alone? Where were you?

  Betty: In my house.

  David: Can you tell us about this time?

  Betty: I have just locked the front door, ‘cause the kids have gone to school, and my mother and father have gone back home, and I’m sitting at the table and I’m opening it up.

  Fred: How long after the sighting was this day when you last saw the blue book?

  Betty: Ah, I think it was…[Pause] I think it was nine days.

  Fred: Do you know what day of the week it was?

  Betty: It was a weekday, because I know I went to get it, and it wasn’t there, and I was shook up. I thought maybe the kids had gotten a hold of it. I couldn’t touch the book on Sunday because they were around. When they went out to play, like on Saturday, I could take a look. It was really bothering me ‘cause I wanted to study that so much and to see what it was. My father and mother went home, and that Monday they were gone and my kids were in school, and I felt, now I can do it.

  Ray: Betty, where had you kept the book prior to locking the door and going to the kitchen table to look at it?

  Betty: I hid it in the closet.

  Ray: Why did you hide it in the closet?

  Betty: I don’t know.

  David: Did they tell you to hide it in the closet, or to keep it hidden?

  Betty: Yes, they said that.

  David: Did they tell you why they wanted you to keep it hidden?

  Betty: It must not be seen by any that were not worthy.

  David: Did they give you a reason why they didn’t want you to show the blue book to anyone?

  Betty: Because it was for initiation, and Becky was too young and had to go through too many things yet in order to see it.

  David: Why did they pick you?

  Betty: It was a book of initiation of mysteries of everything that is. It is because of things I have gone through and yet have stood fast.

  Joseph: Were you supposed to study it?

  Betty: I was supposed to look at it and grasp as much as I could possibly grasp for the future.

  Joseph: Is that the information that you have locked in your memory that you were to release in time?

  Betty: It is a portion of it, but the biggest portion is what was told me from Quazgaa and Joohop.

  David: After your parents had left and you were able to sit down with the book, what did you first do?

  Betty: I was just at the kitchen table there and I was just opening up the book.

  Jules: Did you look at the cover to see if there is any symbol on the cover?

  Betty: There is something there. [Whisper] What is it? It’s like in the very center. It’s very thin. Thin gold. It just looks Egyptian.

  Fred: How many pages are in the blue book, and did you look through all of them to see how large it was?

  Betty: Around forty thin, thin papers.

  Joseph: Are they numbered?

  Betty: No.

  Fred: Are they printed on both sides of the sheet?

  Betty: No, that’s what’s strange. On the other side, it’s a glowing white.

  David: The other side of every page?

  Betty: It seems it from here, but it seems as you get toward the black writing, it seems as if…[Pause] unless it just comes through from the other page. It’s so thin. For some reason, I’m very close to the book. I’m looking down about 10 or 12 inches from the book, and there is strange writing in it and numbers.

  David: Is this writing you’re describing on the first page?

  Betty: No. I’m in between the pages.

  David: What do you mean—that the symbols are in between the pages?

  Betty: It’s maybe about the fourth or fifth page.

  David: Had you just opened the book up to this page?

  Betty: I opened it to more pages than the beginning, because the first three pages were just white light—glowing. There are all sorts of symbols.

  Betty attempted to describe the strange script in terms of familiar things.

  Betty: One comma-dash like a curleque of some kind. A sweeping under in a circle, and then two lines close to each other with a kind of a rounded line on top like a—you know, like a…with two sides. A zero with a dot and some kind of a line on an angle going through that with a little flag-type thing on the line.

  Fred: Are there pictures in the blue book? Illustrations? Or is there only writing?

  Betty: No. There are diamonds with a dot in the middle. There is something like a staff and there are arrows. There is, uh, something that is on an angle and—it’s a rectangle on a side, and it goes out.

  Fred: Betty, can you understand this writing that you see?

  Betty: No, I’m just looking at it.

  Fred: Do you feel that the blue book is giving you information? What is the value of the blue book to you in terms of what does it do?

  Betty: It’s mysterious because of the strangeness of it.

  David: Were you able, then, at this time to look at every page in the blue book?

  Betty: At this time, I’m just seeing a pyramid again.

  Fred: Is that in the book?

  Betty: Yes, a pyramid, but a strange-type pyramid. It has a chute on it, and it has an arrow, some type of an arrow. It’s all strange. All strange. It’s like, ah, takeoff things for airplanes or something like pyramids with, uh—it’s just hard to explain it.

  Fred: Can you fix this in your memory so you can draw it for us later?

  Betty: I’ll try to.

  David: Try to remember what was on each page of the blue book. Try to write it down and draw it for us after the session.

  Betty: I will try. I would prefer if possible to do it now while I am seeing it.

  Jules: You mean now while you are under hypnosis?

  Betty: Yes.

  Joseph: You want to do that now, Betty?

  Betty: Yes, if I can have the power in my hand. [Her hands were rigid while under hypnosis.]

  Jules: Here is a pen. Would you rather have a pencil?

  Betty: I will have to first somehow be released. My hand.

  Harold released Betty’s hand as requested. Betty proceeded to draw symbols on a pad of paper held by the hypnotist’s assistant. She kept her eyes closed while writing.

  David: Are all these symbols that you are drawing on one page?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: Do you remember which page it is?

  Betty: No.

  David: Are you feeling right now that any of these symbols are more important than other ones?

  Betty: There is a mechanical thing that I couldn’t draw.

  David: That’s okay. Maybe you can draw it later. Are there any other symbols that are important? More important than others?

  Betty: The written meaning to it cannot be written by our words.… It’s unspeakable in words, our words. It can only be seen through symbols.

  David: After you were through looking at the book, what did you do with it?

  Betty: I put it up, and I took my Bible and lay down on the sofa.

  David: Where did you put the book?

  Betty: I put it back up in the closet, underneath a box.

  David: That’s where you had been keeping it?

  Betty: Yeah.

  David: Okay then, proceed. You took your Bible and lay down on the sofa.

  Betty: Yeah, and I was praying to God to reveal to me what it was all about. I prayed to Jesus that I didn’t understand and that He would have to help me.… [Pause] And then certain words started coming, and at first I didn’t do anything about it.

  David: Is this the first time that you got these words or knowledge when you’d been sitting with your Bible?

  Betty: I started getting those things like different words.

  David: But was this the first time?

  Betty: Yeah.

  David: When did you next look in the closet for the blue book? Was it the same day?

  Betty: No, I think it was the next day,
and I was scared ‘cause it was gone and it had been entrusted in my care.

  David: This bothered you?

  Betty: Yes.

  David: Didn’t they tell you that you would only have it for a period of time?

  Betty: Yes, that’s right. They did tell me that.

  David: Did they tell you how long it would be?

  Betty: They said it would be 10 days.… [Pause] That’s right; they said it would be 10 days that I would have to look at it.

  Joseph: Did they tell you they were going to take it back?

  Betty: Yes, they said that they would give me so many days to look at it.

  David: On this day that you looked in the closet and found that it wasn’t there, do you remember what day it was? What day of the week?

  Betty: It seems like—[Pause] it seems to me like a Tuesday. It could have been a Thursday.

  David: Why do you say Tuesday?

  Betty: Because the day before, the kids were at school.

  David: Couldn’t it have been a Wednesday?

  Betty: Wednesdays I went shopping because I would always look for Wednesday bargain days to save money.

  Joseph: Well, when was the last time that you went to pick up groceries—before you lost the book?

  Betty: It seems as if I stayed in the house. It seems as if I didn’t want to leave it. I didn’t want to leave that book alone there.

  Joseph: So then you didn’t do any shopping until after the book was gone?

  Betty: That’s right. I don’t think I did because it was too important. I wouldn’t leave that alone.

  Joseph: Did you go shopping the following week?

  Betty: I must have, but my heart wasn’t in it.

  David: Did you spend a lot of time with the blue book each day until you found it was missing?

  Betty: Yes, I did spend time with the blue book. It’s strange, because it was mostly my Bible that I usually spent time with, and why I would spend as much time on that blue book is strange because the Bible is all-important to me.

  Fred: Did you go to church between the time of the sighting and the date at which you last had the blue book?

  Betty: [Softly] No.

  Joseph: How did they recover the book?

  Betty: I don’t know. It’s gone.

  David: Betty, on the day that Becky mentioned the dream to you—did you actually hand the book to Becky?

  Betty: She touched one of the white pages. Her hand seemed to glow from it. She touched the second white page of the three white pages of the beginning of the book, and her little hand glowed from it.


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