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Down To You (The Love On Edge Series)

Page 6

by Kline, Addison

  “Oh, it’s you,”said Sloane testily. Her British accent was never so prevalent than when she was talking to Chris Beckman.

  “Don’t sound so happy to see me!” Chris said sarcastically. Sloane rolled her eyes and ignored him.

  “You guys left awful quick last night… When you see Holly, have her call me. She’s got my digits.”

  “No can do, compadre,” said Sloane coolly.

  Chris looked perplexed and confused.

  “Uh… Why?”

  “I’m afraid Holly is officially off the market.”

  Chris looked mad, and he began to shake his head.

  “She was single last night… quit playin’ games.”

  “Well, she’s not anymore!”

  “Who’s she going out with?”

  Sloane laughed. “Do I look like the bloody press to you?! All you have to know is that it’s not you. Now back off!”

  Finally Sloane had reached the front of the line. She placed her order, and looked into Chris’ face, which was now red and angry.

  “You leave them alone. I’m dead serious.”

  Chris jutted his chin forward before storming out of the coffee shop.


  Holly ran down the stairs with a bounce in her step. She did as Brant asked, and put on her rarely used hiking boots and tucked her skinny jeans inside of them. To top off the ensemble she grabbed her cream aran sweater from her closet, which would keep her warm for whatever adventure Brant had planned. He was waiting for Holly in the kitchen where he was reading over the morning paper and bopping his head along to the Christmas music that was playing on the radio. Brant was dressed warmly in a grey henley shirt, a pair of old jeans, and his worn out hiking boots. Holly scanned Brant up and down, remembering the salty taste of his skin from the night before. He caught her glancing, and smiled at her warmly.

  “Ready to go?” said Holly as she eyed Brant, her mind still on last night.

  “Not quite,” said Brant with a smirk.

  He rose from his bar stool and pulled Holly into a bear hug as he left gentle kisses on her neck. The sensation sent chills chasing up her spine.

  “Okay. Now I’m ready,” said Brant as he took her by the hand and led her out to his pick-up truck.

  “Aren’t you going to tell me where we’re going?” asked Holly.

  “It’s a surprise.”


  The snow fell lightly over the sea of evergreens as Brant pulled his truck onto Wallford drive. Inside the cab of Brant’s pick-up truck, Holly sipped on her pumpkin spice latte as she looked out the passenger window.

  Brant’s mood had shifted to a more serious one as he kept his eyes on the road. He held a sturdy hand on the steering wheel, maneuvering the curves of the gravel road as he held Holly’s hand with the other.

  The silence wasn’t awkward; it was actually quite peaceful – something that hasn’t existed between them in quite some time. Holly was enjoying her unexpected time with Brant, but she couldn’t help but wonder… What’s next?

  Brant caught occassional glimpses of Holly out of the corner of his eye. She seemed at ease, but he couldn’t help but ask himself, “Were they okay?”

  As the thought crossed his mind, Holly glanced over at Brant with a gentle gaze and she smiled. It was as if she could read his mind. Holly squeezed Brant’s hand tighter in response.

  Brant pulled the truck on to an old winding dirt road that was labeled with a rustic sign that read:


  “Wallford!” Holly exclaimed as she sat up straight in her seat. She could barely contain her excitement.

  “Wallford. We need to trade in that plastic piece of crap tree in your living room for the real thing,” said Brant feigning disgust over Holly’s artificial Charlie Brown tree.

  “Wait… Are you spending Christmas with me?!” said Holly, her mood becoming brighter by the minute.

  Brant looked into Holly’s bright blue eyes with a serious look on his face and said, “Baby, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Holly could do nothing but smile from ear to ear.


  Brant pulled the truck to the side of the road and stepped out without saying a word to Holly. He went to the back of his pick-up and retrieved a blue back pack. He tossed the bag over his right shoulder and walked to the passenger side of the truck where Holly still waited inside. Brant pulled her door open as its hinges groaned in protest.

  “The forest awaits, m’lady…” said Brant in his best British accent. It didn’t quite match the majesty of Sloane’s, but it earned a chuckle from Holly.


  In the silence of the forest, Brant took Holly by the hand and they walked deeper into the wilderness. Snow fell gently around them, and there was a spark of electricity in the air that caused Brant’s nerves to stand on edge.

  “Thank you for bringing me here. This has always been such a special place for us,” said Holly, truly touched by their Christmas Eve excursion to Wallford Forest. They had retreated here many times when they needed to escape the big city, and of course every year when they needed a Christmas tree to adorn the living room.

  “I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be,” said Brant honestly. They had stopped walking for a moment, and Brant turned to face Holly. They twisted their fingers together, as they stared into each other’s eyes. They both had something they wanted to say, but it just wouldn’t escape their lips. It was as if they were mystified by what the saw before them. As Holly’s eyelashes caught flakes of snow, Brant thought she looked like an angel – an angel sent solely for him. As the flurries whipped around them, Brant pulled her in for a kiss, and she gave herself to him once again – mind, body and soul. For her there was no turning back.

  When their lips parted, they both looked like they had never seen each other before.

  How could someone so familiar, still manage to surprise me after all these years?

  “I wish I knew what was on that mind of yours,” said Brant, the uncertainty of their situation clearly weighing on his mind.

  “You really want to know?” said Holly with a smirk.

  “Of course I do,” said Brant, now really interested in what she was going to say.

  Holly took in Brant’s face for a moment, contemplating what she would reveal.

  “Promise me something…”


  Holly tugged hard on the collar of Brant’s coat to pull him closer to her.

  “Never let me go.”

  Tears began to burn from Brant’s eyes like never before. He buried his head at her shoulder, breathing heavily into her hair and down her neck. Finally, smiling, he grabbed her hand and said, “Come on, let’s go find us a Christmas tree.”


  Brant led Holly further and further into the forest, until he had decided that they were in the perfect place to select a Christmas tree.

  “You check down there,” Brant pointed to a line of trees, “and I’ll check the ones on the outside here.”

  Holly followed his direction and walked down a path where there were evergreens of all different sizes, some far too big for their living room, but some would be just perfect.

  “This one?”

  “No, no, not that one!” Brant yelled, “Further down… keep going…”

  Holly had no idea which tree Brant was referring to.

  “This one?!”

  “Good God, no… That won’t even fit in my truck!”

  “Oh, never mind. I think I found one!” yelled Brant, “Come see!”

  Holly laughed at how excited he sounded. Slowly, she trudged through the snow along the line of trees. Finally, she reached the clearing where Brant was standing waving her on.

  When she reached the clearing she couldn’t believe her eyes. They were no longer alone. Marv was there. Doris and Harry had come with the kids! Even Sloane and Luke had come.

  What was going on?!

  This was Brant’s moment t
o shine and he decided he was going to do this right.

  “Marv, if you please…” said Brant cueing Marv to bring forth a small blue box. Marv trudged forward in the snow, passing the box off to Brant. Suddenly, Brant dropped to both knees. One knee simply would not do.

  “Holly Marie McCresson-Edgemont. Will you give me the extreme pleasure of being your husband… again?”

  Holly caught her breath. It was all that she could do to keep from bursting out into tears of joy. Everyone watched her, waiting for her reaction. Sloane felt as if she might die if Holly didn’t answer soon. Marv waited with baited breath with his fingers crossed behind his back. Little Belle yelled out, “Mommy! Say yes! Marry my Daddy!”

  Holly couldn’t help but laugh at her little girl. She looked deeply into Brant’s ethereal blue eyes.

  “Of course I will.”

  Brant couldn’t contain himself anymore. He jumped from the ground and took Holly into another of his famous bear hugs and kissed her more passionately than ever before.

  Tressa and Randy protested in disgust, “Eww! Gross!”

  Brant presented Holly with her old engagement ring, with a few small additions. Brant added diamonds in the band – one for every year that they were happily married.

  Holly couldn’t remember ever being so happy in her entire life.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Long Road Home

  December 24, 2013


  “You do know your way home right?” asked Holly as she watched Brant from the passenger seat. He smiled in response. Brant seemed to be taking the most long-winded route home possible. Brant and Holly had stayed savoring their second engagement longer than the others. Sloane and Marv headed out first in her red sports car. Harry, Doris and the children followed shortly after, once Harry and Brant had their freshly cut Christmas tree secured to the roof of Harry’s rental SUV. Holly and Brant lingered until the cold became too much for them. On the road, Brant had made multiple stops and Holly was beginning to get suspicious.

  First, they stopped to get gas since the truck was running low. Then Brant saw a Cabela’s and insisted upon stopping. While Brant was admiring the camping gear, Holly was able to sneak a few things up to the register for Brant for Christmas and out to the truck before he even noticed. About twenty miles later, they passed through a small town that miraculously had a coffee shop and Brant insisted upon getting Holly another pumpkin spice latte. Add to that the three hour drive back home, and they were both starving by the time they reached the Philadelphia city limits.


  Wallace Road was lit up festively with Christmas lights strewn from house to house as Brant’s truck pulled up outside of the Edgemont house. Day was turning to dusk, and hunger had turned to yearning. Holly looked speculatively out her window. It looked like someone was throwing a party in her house.

  What the hell….

  “Brant, what on earth is going on?!”

  Brant laughed.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” replied Brant innocently. Holly gave him an incredulous look.

  “So, you don’t see all those people in my living room?”

  “Looks like someone’s having a party,” he winked as he put the truck in park.

  Leave it to their families to come into town and throw a party. Holly could see their freshly cut blue spruce in the window, brightly lit and already decorated. “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” played out into the cold winter air. Brant grabbed Holly around the waist as he led her inside.

  Holly couldn’t believe her eyes. Everyone was decked to the nines and ready to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Marv was dancing with Tressa by Christmas tree while Randy and Harry were watching “A Christmas Story” on TV. Sloane was chatting with Luke and Greg by the stairs and Doris was taking pictures of Belle who had wrapped herself in silver tinsel.

  When Sloane saw Holly and Brant walk in, she raised her glass of brandy. She gained everyone’s attention by clinking a fork loudly against the glass surface.

  “To two of the best friends a girl could have: Happy holidays and Congratulations! This is for you!” said Sloane referring to the impromptu Christmas party.

  The crowd clapped and cheered as Brant and Holly pulled Sloane in for a group hug. When they finally released her, she said, “You’re not allowed to break up again! My nerves cannot take it!” Holly and Brant laughed at their neurotic friend, and then leaned in for a sweet kiss on the lips.

  “Oh, before I forget. This is for you two, as well,” said Sloane with a glint of mischief in her eye. Holly recognized the look immediately and swallowed in response.

  Sloane pulled out a large white envelope from her Prada bag and handed it to Brant. Brant had a perplexed look on his face. This was one surprise that he hadn’t expected. Brant opened the sealed envelope carefully as Holly and Sloane watched with excitement. Sloane could barely contain herself.

  “What is it, Sloane?” asked Holly, with a surprised look on her face.

  “Just open it!” Sloane yelled.

  Brant’s hand moved quicker now, as he removed the contents of the envelope. Inside lay a stack of papers that were neatly arranged and addressed to Sloane directly.

  The letterhead was from the Ballroom at the Bell. Both Holly and Brant looked floored. The Ballroom at the Bell is a historic ballroom that is located in Center City Philadelphia, just a few hundred yards from the Liberty Bell. It features an impressive lobby, numerous ballrooms, and one of the most beautiful ceilings that you’ll ever lay eyes on.

  Brant’s jaw dropped a little bit. The Ballroom at the Bell was where Sloane’s parents threw their New Year’s Eve parties every year. The words opulent and swanky could not do this venue justice. Sloane watched as Holly and Brant’s eyes widened.

  “My father gifted my mother with a two week trip to Australia for Hanukkah. They left this morning, therefore, their usual New Year’s Eve party is canceled. I thought, rather than allowing the deposit to be wasted, that it would be a better idea to celebrate a new year and a new start with all of your closest friends.”

  Brant and Holly stared at Sloane speechless and astonished.

  “If you will let me. I’d like to throw you the party, no- The wedding of a lifetime,” said Sloane with a wink. Holly was stunned.

  Brant replied, “We couldn’t possibly accept this.”

  “Oh, but you will, for the sheer purpose that if I have to wear a purple frock in the middle of the damn woods like last time, the woods that made me sneeze, I will die on the spot! Your first wedding was a woodman’s dream but an allergy sufferer’s nightmare!” remarked Sloane heatedly.

  Brant and Holly recalled their first wedding, which was quaint and sweet. They were married on the first day of spring as the chill from the winter was just leaving the air. Their ceremony was private and charming, held right in the same clearing where Brant proposed in Wallford Forest. Sloane, a severe allergy sufferer had sneezed through the entire affair. Brant and Holly couldn’t help but laugh at the memory.

  Sloane continued, “Everything is paid for; the venue, the caterers, the DJ… The whole lot. All I have to do is make a few last minute adjustments to the party plan.”

  “Sloane,” said Holly, “we could never repay you for this…”

  Sloane laughed at her friend, “The proper response when a friend gives you a gift is thank you.”

  Both Holly and Brant smiled widely as they thanked Sloane.

  “Ballroom at the Bell. Wow…” remarked Brant.

  “What will we wear?”

  “Marv and I have that covered. Don’t you worry,” said Sloane slyly.

  Holly couldn’t believe it. Brant was back in her life, they were getting remarried at the poshest ballroom in town, and all their family had merged together to celebrate the holidays. It was like a miracle.

  “Oh!” Sloane exclaimed, “I forgot one thing! I went shopping today”

  Sloane threw two large shopping bags at her
friends; a Banana Republic bag at Brant and a White House bag at Holly.

  “Go upstairs and put those on! You’re under-dressed!”

  Brant and Holly did as they were told. They ran up the stairs like a couple of school kids, but halted when they reached the dark of the hallway. Holly slumped against the wall as a wide smile grew across her face. Brant lifted his arm and caressed her rosy cheek with his sturdy hand, “It doesn’t quite feel real, does it?”


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