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Down To You (The Love On Edge Series)

Page 10

by Kline, Addison

  Chris pushed Brant against the hard stucco wall of the restaurant, knocking Brant’s cell phone out of his pocket. It crashed to the ground below with a smash. The screen lay cracked into a million pieces.

  “Get the fuck out of my face!”

  Brant kicked Chris off of him, gaining some leverage.

  “How dare you lay your hands on my wife! Piece of shit!”

  Brant punched him again, this time sending Chris flying back into a parked car and rendering him unconscious. Brant looked down at his former friend with disgust. They had been friends for so long, but no one had the right to disrespect him or his wife like that. Brant leaned down to pick up his now destroyed cell phone as he left his former friend in the cold, bloody and defeated. In the distance, Brant could hear the faint wail of a police car.


  “Holly, honey, are you okay?” asked Brant, still out of breath from his scuffle in the parking lot. Holly was talking to two police officers about what had occurred, and she agreed to press charges against Chris. Sloane was standing by Holly’s side for support.

  “I don’t think I’m hurt. I’m just shaken up a bit,” said Holly in a shaky voice.

  “They have him in the back of a squad car. It’s okay now.”

  The police officers departed, giving Holly a number where she could follow-up if she had any other information. Sloane went back to the dining room to make sure their dinner party was still going as planned. When she left, Brant pulled Holly into a tight hug.

  “What did you do to him?” asked Holly, her eyes wide with alarm.

  “Nothing he didn’t deserve.”

  “Honey, your hand. It’s bleeding,” said Holly with concern as she grabbed a napkin off of the bar to wipe it off.

  “He’s got a hard head.”

  “Yeah! No kidding!” said Holly as she lifted her still bruised hand from their previous altercation.

  “I told you I could protect you,” said Brant proudly.

  “I never doubted you for a minute,” said Holly with a smile.


  Brant went into the men’s room to clean himself off. With the exception of a few scrapes and bruises, Brant walked away from the fight fairly unscathed. The same could not be said for Chris Beckman. Brant scrubbed the blood from his hand and fixed his shirt before joining Holly back at the bar. Once he came back, Holly was eager to get back to the dinner party so he and Holly rejoined the others in the dining room. With the exception of Sloane, Greg and Luke, no one knew that anything had gone wrong and that is exactly what Holly wanted. They were able to rejoin their dinner party without questions.

  That night, Holly and the girls stayed at the house on Wallace Road, keeping in tradition that the groom was not allowed to see the bride until the wedding. Meanwhile, Brant and his groomsmen all converged at Marv’s tiny row house in South Philly. It was a one bedroom home that was suitable for two people, tops. Tonight Marv would need to provide sleeping arrangements for four grown men and an eight-year old boy. Fortunately, he made do with a pull out couch and three camping cots. It was not a comfortable rest, but Brant’s mind wasn’t exactly letting him lull off to sleep anyhow.

  Chapter Sixteen

  White Wedding

  December 31, 2013

  McCresson Residence

  The snow fell lightly over the city and onto the pavement as Brant peered out the front window of 27 Lee Street. A black stretch limo was struggling to get up the narrow street at a slow but careful snail’s crawl. Brant felt his stomach drop when the driver side door of the limo opened and a man in a black suit and hat climbed out into the wintry weather.

  Brant glanced at the silver Rolex watch that Holly gave him as a wedding present. It was 4:00 P.M.; right on time. He took one more glance in the mirror. He looked irresistibly dapper from head to toe dressed in his black tuxedo and silver accents. His hair was neatly slicked and combed. He gave his shoes one more polish and he took in a deep intake of breath. From behind him Luke approached him, and slapped him hard on the shoulder.

  “Breathe, man. It’s all going to work out,” said Luke with a smile as he looked at his friend’s nervous face in the mirror. Brant laughed nervously, and he shook his head. He knew it would.

  “Alright, fellas,” called out Marv as he came down the steps looking sharp in his tux. “Time to go. The limo is dropping me off at Wallace Road so that I can get Holly.” Brant breathed sharply as butterflies roamed through his stomach.


  The hustle and bustle inside 56 Wallace Road had reached a fever pitch. Sloane had called in a hair stylist and a cosmetologist to tend to all the girl’s beauty needs. Doris and Tressa were in the kitchen getting their hair done, while Gloria was helping Belle get dressed in her adorable black gown. Meanwhile, Sloane was upstairs getting Holly ready. Suddenly, the front door opened and Marv rushed in from the snow as the limo skidded off down Wallace Road.

  “Brr!” exclaimed Marv as he brushed fresh snow off of his tux jacket. Gloria took one look at him and squealed like a school girl.

  “Don’t you look just good enough to eat!” she said, looking at her estranged husband in delight. Marv straightened his tie and smiled at Gloria proudly. He grabbed her hand and kissed it in a very suave maneuver.

  “And might I say, my dear, that you look simply ravishing!” Gloria laughed.

  “Stop it, Marv! You’re making me blush!”

  Tressa eyed her grandparents from the kitchen and rolled her eyes.

  “Okay, ladies. The limo will be back in thirty minutes for you, so make sure you have everything ready.”

  “Thirty minutes?!”yelled Doris from the kitchen, who still had her hair in rollers.

  “Yup. A half-hour. Best get moving…”

  Marv climbed the stairs to Holly’s bedroom, but when he twisted the handle it was locked.

  “Who is it?” Sloane yelled from the other side of the door.

  “Marv McCresson… The only and only! Open up!”

  He could hear Holly and Sloane laughing from the other side of the door.

  “One minute!”

  Marv waited patiently on the other side of the door for Sloane to answer. Finally the door swung open, and Sloane appeared looking like a movie star. Her bob hair cut was gracefully pinned and brushed to the side of her face. Her make up was exquisite, but nothing impressed more than her gown which looked like it belonged on an old-time movie star.

  Sloane stepped aside to let Marv in to see his daughter as she took leave downstairs to make sure all the maids where dressed and ready to go.

  Marv slowly walked into Holly’s bedroom, and had to gasp for air at the sight before him. He had never seen his daughter look so radiant and beautiful before. For the first time in his adult life, Marv McCresson was rendered speechless.


  “C’mon down… The limo is outside!” yelled Marv from downstairs. Sloane had gone back upstairs with Gloria to help Holly down the stairs. Marv, Tressa, Belle and Doris watched with baited breath as Holly made her way to the top of the stairs. As Belle caught a glimpse of the bottom of her mother’s wedding gown, she began clapping in delight. Slowly, step by step, Holly descended the staircase in one of the most beautiful wedding gowns Doris had ever laid eyes on. It was an ivory ballgown with delicate lace across the hem. The skirt was intricately designed with Swarovski crystals, appliques, and beads. The bodice was beautifully detailed and completely covered in crystals and beads. Its sweetheart neckline showed off the journey necklace that Brant had given Holly for Christmas. Overtop of the strapless ballgown, Holly wore a long sleeved lace overlay to help protect her from the winter chill.

  Marv took in his daughter’s face. She wore minimal makeup, but the glow that shined outward from her, enhanced her natural beauty. Her long blonde hair was pilled high atop her head in an intricate up-do. The top of her head was adorned with an understated yet impossibly beautiful Swarovski crystal tiara which had a simple veil flowing from the back. Sloan
e stood behind Holly carrying her cathedral length train, as Gloria helped Holly step off the landing.

  “Oh, Holly… I’ve never seen a prettier bride!” gushed Doris. Holly smiled warmly at Doris. There was not a stitch of nervousness on her face. She knew, from the core of her soul, that she was doing the right thing. She was meant to be Brant Edgemont’s wife.

  From outside the house, a strange clopping noise sounded.

  “What’s that?” asked Holly with a perplexed look on her face. Marv smiled broadly at his daughter.

  “That would be your wedding present from Brant.”

  Everyone followed behind Holly as she walked to the window. Standing outside in the still falling snow were two brown Clydesdale horses, and a covered carriage for Holly and Marv to ride in to the wedding.

  “Oh, my God!” Holly exclaimed. It was official. Holly felt like the luckiest girl on the face of the earth. As the girls all piled into the stretch limo that would take them to the Ballroom at the Bell, Marv assisted Holly into the carriage. It was a beautiful red carriage that stood out in radiant contrast with the white scenery of winter. It had ornate doors and a comfortable cushioned bench inside. She couldn’t feel the chill of the outside at all, thanks to the warm interior of the carriage and the radiance that was pouring out of her heart.

  “Let’s go get you married,” said Marv with a 100-watt smile on his face.


  There was an intense shock of electricity in the air as guests began filing into the lobby of the Ballroom at the Bell. There was something symbolic about a New Year’s Eve wedding for Holly and Brant. They were leaving the past behind as a divorced couple, and entering the new year married. Their future was a blank slate. Whatever came their way, they would conquer together.

  Guests climbed the broad winding stairs to the Ballroom at the Bell, and were stunned with what lay before them. At the top of the stairs, there was a long banquet hall that was lit by candlelight. The room contained over two hundred and fifty white chairs, and on the end of each pew hung a flowing bouquet of white Casablanca lilies and red winterberries with a burgundy ribbon attached and a pole that had a three-tiered candelabra attached. Down the center of the aisle a long white runner led gracefully to an arbor that was elaborately decorated with more lilies and berries. If Sloane was going for romance, she certainly hit the nail right on the head.


  The organ in the loft of the banquet hall came to life as “Carol of the Bells” began to play. Four men, who were sharply dressed in black suits and white gloves, appeared with long bronze poles. They walked up the aisle and lit the candles that were mounted on each pew. The romantic candlelight of the hall combined with the elegant tones of the organ set exactly the right mood.

  From a side door, Brant emerged with Luke, and they proudly walked up the center aisle. He couldn’t believe how packed the place was. There wasn’t an empty seat in the house, which was miraculous on such short notice. There were acquaintances from work, relatives, old colleagues from their college days, neighbors, even his old boss from the Pour House coffee shop was there. Brant stood nervously under the arbor at the top of the aisle as he waited for his bride to appear.


  The double doors of the banquet hall opened as “Ave Maria” sounded out joyously from the organ. The groomsmen joined Brant and Luke at the front of the hall. Walking ever so slowly, little Belle led the procession down the aisle. Brant smiled as he watched his little girl walk towards him as she carried the tiniest of bouquets. She was followed by Tressa, who smiled pleasantly at everyone as she walked down the aisle, and then winked at her father before taking her place next to Belle at the front of the hall. Everyone snapped their camera as Gloria walked down the aisle looking radiant and overjoyed. There was a pause in the procession. Sloane turned around to her oldest friend, kissed her on the cheek, told her she loved her, and began walking proudly up the aisle with true sense of accomplishment visible in her stride. Brant smiled broadly at Sloane.

  Where would we be without her?

  The thought alone brought tears to his eyes. Suddenly, the song changed again. This first notes of Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” began to flow and Brant could hardly maintain his composure. He looked longingly down the aisle as he waited for Holly to appear. Every second felt like an eternity. Finally, the double doors opened again to reveal a shock of white.

  Holly was standing next to Marv smiling from ear to ear. Brant had never witnessed anything so beautiful in his entire life. His heart soared with yearning. As the song gracefully crooned from the organ, Holly and Marv took their first step up the aisle. Holly was blinded by the flashes going off. The guests stood up to get a better look at her. She couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.

  Brant watched as Holly approached, and he was rendered speechless. Against his greatest wishes, tears burned his eyes, and fell down his face. He had never seen Holly look so beautiful. Holly met Brant’s eyes, and it was as if there was no one else in the world. She couldn’t reach the alter fast enough.The very thing that Holly had put off for so long, was now the very thing she so desperately wanted. She longed for the moment that she was Brant’s wife again.

  Finally, Holly and Marv had reached the alter. Holly gave Brant a sweet smile as she noticed his tear-stained face. Marv was barely holding it together, himself.

  The Justice of the Peace began, “Welcome family, friends, and loved ones to the marriage of Holly Marie McCresson-Edgemont and Brantley James Edgemont. Who gives this woman away to be married?”

  Marv perked up, “I do. Again.”

  This earned a chuckle from the crowd and a sideways glance from Brant, who simply shook his head. Marv took Brant’s hand and placed it gently in Holly’s hand, and stood behind Brant, since he was playing double duty of both best man and father of the bride.

  “I understand that you have prepared vows?” asked the Justice of the Peace. Both Holly and Brant nodded. The Justice of the Peace motioned for Holly to go first.

  She took a deep breath as Sloane handed her a neatly folded piece of stationary. In a soft voice, she read her letter to Brant outloud for all to hear:

  To Brant on Our Wedding Day (Part II),

  Who says that a home is a house with four walls and a roof? I’ve lived in the same house for twelve years now, and it is never so lonely as it is when you are gone. What is the purpose of a home? To provide shelter from the storm, to provide comfort from heartache, and to offer a place for love and friendship. I may live at 56 Wallace Road, but that is not my home. My home is your heart. It is there that I am sheltered and nurtured.

  On this day, I marry my best friend. My love. My great protector.We’ve withstood the weight of the world. There is nothing that could keep us apart now. I promise to stay by your side forever, and love you until I die. I promise to be your greatest friend and strongest ally.

  I love you,

  Holly Marie McCresson-Edgemont

  The tears had resumed in Brant’s eyes and he cleared his throat as he pulled a piece of simple lined paper out of his breast pocket.

  “Sweet mother of God. How do I follow that?” Brant said quietly to Holly through his tears. He cleared his throat again as he read off of his paper:


  I am not a perfect man. I have my faults. But I am a good man. A good man that loves you to the ends of the earth and back. Baby, it all comes down to you. If you will have me, I’ll never leave your side. I’ll fight alongside you through the storm. I’ll defend your honor, safety, name, and heart. I’ll be your friend, your guide, your love and your rock. All that I ask in return is to let me, and hold my hand ‘til the end of our days.

  I love you more than you know,

  Brantley James Edgemont

  Holly wiped the tears from her eyes as the Justice as of the Peace continued the ceremony.

  “Do you, Holly Marie McCresson-Edgemont take Brantley James Edgemont to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

y looked into Brant’s deep slate blue eyes with a serious look. She could see her future in his eyes. There was no hidden agenda. He loved her unconditionally and she knew it.

  As a bright smile emerged on her face, she replied, “I do.”

  Brant let out a deep sigh as he awaited his turn, he grasped Holly’s hands as he spoke his vow.

  “Brantley James Edgemont. Do you take Holly Marie McCresson-Edgemont to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “With all my heart. I do,” Brant said honestly and passionately.

  “As a Justice of the Peace in the State of Pennsylvania, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride!”

  Brant grabbed Holly’s cheeks as he kissed her with more passion and more vigor than he knew possible. The crowd applauded and let out cries of joy. From the organ, the “Prince of Denmark March” began to play as Holly and Brant triumphantly walked down the aisle as man and wife.


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