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Fallen Dynasties

Page 12

by Nick James

  ‘I know, sorry, Tony, but can I order a movie, they have Shrek? I love that movie,’ Hannah asked with hope written all over her face.

  I had to smile. ‘Anything you want, just get it, I’ll pay later.’ This made her lunge at me, causing me stumble into the room. Freddie tried to scream for help.

  Hannah looked at him and laughed. ‘A stubborn one, then.’ She chuckled and walked closer to him. ‘You killed Suzie. Talk or die, you c**t.’ She slammed her dainty fist into his bollocks. ‘I’ll leave you to it, Tiger, then I’ll make sure you’re nice and clean.’ She then kissed me like a lover would. Okay, I did cop a feel, but I vowed to keep her off the drugs and the streets, especially after that kiss and her words alone.

  I locked the door, went to my bag and took out some secateurs that were my old mum’s. They were only used when she caught the gardening bug, but it only lasted for an hour, until she saw her first worm, so that was it for her.

  ‘Right, mate, ten more chances.’ I stopped and looked at his groin, then looked him in the eye. ‘Make that eleven,’ and with that I gave him a test, by snipping a nostril.

  Two fingers and an earlobe later, I found out it was someone called Ming-Hau Chow who had ordered the hit, although his instructions came directly from China. Chow was the leader of the Chinese mafia in the UK, and it was from his lips alone that brought about the death of my Suzie Q. The good news: he was staying at the Savoy in the Strand in good old London town. He’s a fucking dead man. ‘Thank you.’

  The bleeding and sobbing Freddie Loo looked up with hope. ‘Can I go now? I told you everything I know,’ he moaned.

  ‘Release you…? Fuck, no,’ I said calmly and slammed the hammer into his forehead, and then again for luck, and once more to release him from his earthly anchor. It was done. I picked up all my tools and washed them thoroughly and placed them in the carrier bag, then inside the rucksack. I cut off the ties and placed them in the bag. He could keep the ball gag. I have another one, which was a gift…honest.

  I heaved up the rucksack and dialled the front desk. ‘Hello, mate, need a clean-up in room forty-six, spilt a Chinese. I’ll settle in the morning,’ I said.

  ‘No worries, they’re standing by. Disposal or message?’ Davey asked.

  I barked a laugh. ‘No messages, totally disposal, keep cash and cards if you want,’ I said happily. It’s good to be local, and slightly shifty, too.

  I walked back to our room and was instantly relieved of my rucksack and taken by the hand into the bathroom. Without a word, Hannah stripped me and washed me clean lovingly and caringly as a lover would have.

  She left me to it. When I came out, Hannah had put all the clothes I’d brought with me in a bin bag. Not only that, she had cleaned my boots with a clinical eye, after robbing the cleaning supplies cupboard down the corridor.

  At 2 a.m. we were cuddled up in bed, trying to ignore the sounds coming from room 46. I knew then that the Late Freddie Loo would never be found; well, not in one piece anyway.

  That night she rode me like she had stolen me. And that night she vowed to help me kill that last little shit.

  Two days later, Hannah moved in with me and quit the game. Cleaning up the hotel room cost me two grand in the end, which was a bargain, I must have had a coupon.

  Strangely, killing Ming-Hau Chow was the easiest thing to do. Hannah and I went for a drink in the bar of the posh Savoy hotel. I obviously bought her a stunning red dress and heels, and she looked hot, until she showed off her teeth, but I was getting those fixed for her shortly.

  We popped in at 8 p.m. After an hour I moved away and pulled the fire alarm and then rejoined Hannah at the fire points the staff had pointed us to. And that’s where we saw him, thanks to a picture Mai had sent to me. She did question me about it, but I just told her not to worry. The Chinese man and his guards, two large buggers, were standing away from everyone else in the shadows away from the light and cameras…perfect. I proved later that nobody could see you against that wall – and another thing, wheelie bins come in handy to bend someone over. Thank you, Hannah.

  A week later, Hannah went into the hotel bar with a friend. At 10 p.m. her friend triggered the fire alarm. Like clockwork, the whole hotel was emptied. I prayed that the hotel manager wouldn’t override the alarm, but he followed the rules. Good man.

  I tracked the three men once again as they moved towards the shadows. As they started to move, so did I. Using nothing but shadows, I moved like a cat, or a panda. Everybody’s eyes were drawn to the flashing lights of the police and fire brigade. Nobody gave a shit about a rotund gentleman walking past wearing a woollen hat.

  I had practised this many times in the woods with Hannah who timed me. She had even managed to get me three mannequin dummies to practice on. If anything went wrong, I would be doing life, but it was the only way I could think of doing it.

  Ming-Hau settled, leaning against the wall wearing an overlarge winter coat. It wasn’t that cold; it was summer. He was stood behind his wall of muscle. They didn’t even hear me walk up. I stopped. With my rubber-gloved hand, I levelled the stolen Walther PPK. One, two, three.

  With a calmness I had been devoid of all my life, all three men dropped with holes in their bodies. Ming, with one to the head, which made the apes turn. The second was hit in the throat. And the third in the chest. I started to move again, sending another bullet into each of the guards before disappearing into the night and dropping the gun with dear Freddie’s prints on it. With all the noise going on, no one even noticed.

  Job done.

  Chapter 22

  Michael McAllister

  ‘DUDE, FOR FUCK’s SAKE!’ I shouted, walking into the flat that I had arranged for Tiger to hide in. Well, not arranged. I just had new keys cut when I took the Blades around the flats we had offered them from the firm. Just walking in was never fun, but seeing his pasty white, fat arse pounding away with his new ex-prostitute girlfriend was a new low. It was only two days ago that I’d gone to the Savoy Hotel with Hannah and set off a fire alarm to help him.

  The newspaper and online media were declaring a gangland war had started with the massacre of two bosses and family members in China at a funeral. The search was on for those with gang affiliations. So, I guess, that’s why those two were celebrating on the sofa. Thank God for Scotchgard protection.

  I managed to avert my eyes from things swinging into my vision. What’s the expiry date for best friends? I may have to look it up as they continued the final act of grunt and groan theatre. Tony walked out with a shit-eating grin just as the shower started up.

  ‘Sorry, Peanut, we got carried away,’ Tony said, giving himself a post-relations scratch. ‘The news seems to be quite positive. Adrianna said the new mob guys are running around in panic, not knowing who to call.’ He then started to pick his toenails with my keys.

  I snatched them off him. ‘When are you going back to work, Tony?’ I asked whilst trying to find a clean spot to sit on. Maybe the chair, then.

  The big sex monster gave it a bit of thought, or maybe he just had wind, who knows. ‘I phoned today, and I have another week, then they do want me back. They said the doughnuts were building up and they were getting ants,’ he said, making me chuckle.

  I jumped up and saved a couple of beers from going out of date in the fridge and handed one to my oldest and dearest friend. ‘What about Hannah, when’s she getting her teeth done?’

  There was a pause in the conversation as he drank from his beer and a butt naked Hannah walked past with a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She then proceeded to bend down to pick up her phone and give Tony a grope and a kiss, before waddling back out and giving me a wink. Jesus, where to put your eyes.

  ‘I’ve got her booked in next week, to see what they can do. That pimp did a real number on her,’ he said and seemed to wipe a tear from his eye. Tony having emotions, this was new territory. A red-letter day.

  ‘Buddy, what’s wrong?’ I asked, providing all the emotional support
I could give.

  He sniffed. Was this time for an emotional breakdown? ‘Hannah wants breast reduction surgery.’

  Oh, for fuck’s sake, I thought to myself.

  ‘Han says she won’t be able to find a job, and they hurt her back anyway.’ He sobbed.

  I could hear her either torturing a cat or singing, I wasn’t sure which. ‘And what are your feelings about that, buddy? I know you’re quite attached to them.’ Oi, don’t laugh.

  ‘I am, but she helped me out big time, and the street was going to eat her alive,’ Tony said sadly, and then flinched when she tried to hit a high note. ‘I’ve seen too many girls getting lost to the street. If I can save her, then I might be allowed into heaven.’

  ‘A bit optimistic there, Tony, maybe a day pass,’ I said, making the bear of a man laugh. ‘Right, what are we having for dinner?’

  Once again, Tony stood up and picked up the well-worn Chinese takeaway menu, which always made me smile. He may be with Hannah, but he will always love that Suzie Q. ‘Normal, Peanut?’

  I nodded and saw him check with the now tap-dancing Hannah. Her hair was now dry, and she had finally managed to put a dress on, although it didn’t really hide a thing. But they were happy, so I was happy.

  The buzzer on the door went, and Tony jumped up like a toddler at Christmas. He opened the door, but something was wrong. He was just standing there. Hannah and I swapped looks.

  ‘Tony, everything okay?’ I called out.

  ‘Hey, fat boy,’ came a familiar voice.

  Tony moved to the side and let in a small Chinese woman carrying our order.

  ‘Fuck… Suzie?’ I asked as my eyes took in her form.

  ‘Hey, Peanut,’ Suzie said, and then looked at the blonde. ‘Hey, Hannah, fat boy being good to you?’

  Tears formed in Hannah’s eyes. ‘Suzie…I thought you were dead.’ She looked at the stunned Tony, and then at Suzie Q. ‘I’ll get my stuff and leave, I’m so sorry.’ She tried to get up, but the surprisingly strong Chinese woman pushed her back down.

  ‘Cut that shit out,’ Suzie said in perfect English, which she turned to in times of stress. ‘After what happened, I had to go to ground.’ She then turned to look at a still silent Tony. ‘Tiger, let’s eat, and then I will tell you everything.’ All he could do was nod.

  Hannah and Tony sat on the sofa knee by knee. Suzie and I sat on the floor opposite, leaving the chair free. We all tucked into the food.

  Soon enough the food was gone. Tony then brought out a bottle of vodka and four glasses. ‘Suzie, I’ve done things, bad things,’ he muttered.

  ‘I know,’ she said softly, in tones unheard of from the mouth of the hard-nosed Chinese woman.

  ‘You have no fucking clue, woman!’ he boomed, the words echoing around the flat. He balled up his hands into fists until Han whispered to him. He nodded back and visibly relaxed. ‘But go on, tell me what happened.’

  Suzie, whose hair was now shoulder length, tucked it behind her ears and told us her story. The day Tony called to warn her about the trouble coming her way, she had already started to get ready to go home, and then she had the phone call from Freddie asking for her schoolgirl act for a blackmail job. Of course, she had to agree, but a new girl straight off the plane from China wanted to earn some extra cash. Being about the same size as Suzie, she thought it could work.

  They talked for a bit, and Suzie agreed and talked her through the ins and outs of the jobs, but in the end it was just a case of getting the job done. So, after donning the wig and the schoolgirl uniform, Little Bo Ling headed off to carry out her first job for the casino.

  Suzie explained that she had decided to follow the girl from the other side of the road. That’s when Suzie saw the hitman Freddie following Bo. She had tried to call the girl, but her phone was off. She carried on following them hoping it was all a misunderstanding – it wasn’t.

  ‘I checked my phone and heard your warning. I realised a shitload of trouble was coming our way,’ Suzie said, not lifting her head. ‘I thought it would be easier to hide separately than an English man and Chinese woman together.’ She downed another shot. ‘But I knew you would try and find me, so when the rumour came to me about being dead, I chose not to contact you. I hid at our Chinese. I knew you were safe as long as the order for this place never changed.’ Suzie then looked up with tears in her eyes.

  Tony was nodding while Hannah held his hand. ‘I understand, but the things I did, in your name,’ he whispered. ‘I put Hannah and Peanut at risk.’

  ‘I know, but if you hadn’t, we would never have been safe,’ she said, taking another shot. ‘Between you and Mai, you’ve crippled the organisation, and for that I owe you everything.’

  Shots were done all round. Hannah was still whispering in his ear, and I saw a smile return to his face. ‘What now, Suzie? You staying or leaving?’ Tony asked with a giggly Hannah by his side.

  ‘Here, fat boy, my place is in between you two,’ Suzie said with a wink, causing Hannah to jump up, rip off her dress and take the bottle into the bedroom followed by Tony and then Suzie.

  I picked up the last sweet and sour pork ball and stood up to leave – what a crazy day. ‘Oi Peanut, you want in on this?’ Tony called from the bedroom with sounds of entertainment coming from within.

  Why not? It’s only work tomorrow.

  I couldn’t face the tube the next morning. My thoughts went out to Sam Blades, who did that journey every day. So, taxi it was, and no, I wasn’t going to share it with my employee. I had forgotten what a team Suzie and Tony were – but add Hannah, holy shit, my body felt like it had been through a meat tenderiser. It seemed that the newest member of the team was a biter; luckily, nowhere sensitive. But the three of them were a force to be reckoned with. They offered me a replay tonight, but no, I just couldn’t do it.

  I walked into the Shimmering Dreams building with a limp, a bite mark on my arse was paining me, but I still managed to wave at the perfectly turned-out receptionists, and they looked happier for it, clearly Blades hadn’t made it in yet. I headed to my office of solitude.

  Being Friday, many of the bigger bosses were out, apart from that workaholic dick Danny. I’m watching you, Doo. Once again, he had been through my files.

  I checked Sam’s files and saw that they had been reviewed, too. People are so untrusting nowadays, but that’s it, prick, you chase my patsy. I almost wanted to spin in my chair while holding a white cat and laugh, mwahahahahaha… But it had been strange, I’d had no contact from my handlers. Were they dead? Or just busy? Then again, Suzie Q did say the Chinese organisation was in pieces.

  An email popped up, it was from Blades:

  Pint for lunch? You owe me one, we got shot last time.

  Now that did make me laugh. Sure, why not, so I replied:

  See you downstairs at noon, don’t forget to duck.

  As the morning went by, my thoughts drifted back to Mai. From what Suzie said, she was alive. Would I see her again? I hope I did; I really missed her.

  Just before noon, I saw Blades standing by the front doors with a funny smirk on his face, and the receptionists looking furious. ‘Blades, what have you done now?’ I growled and pushed him through the doors.

  He chuckled. ‘Not me, guv, not a single word passed my innocent lips,’ he said.

  ‘Why don’t I believe you, Blades?’ I retorted.

  He just shrugged. ‘You have trust issues, I guess,’ and then laughed a bit more. ‘All I have to do is look at them now and they get nervous.’ He beamed at me. ‘First drink’s on me.’

  I listened to him chat about this and that, which kept me laughing, so I guess he wasn’t too bad. After settling down at a booth far away at the back, we clinked our cider and lager together and took a mouthful – nice. ‘Cheers, Sam, how’s the missus?’ I asked.

  ‘Yeah, she’s okay, boss, got a lot of shit going on, and we’re going to get engaged soon, which should be fun,’ he replied.

  ‘Fantastic, how are yo
u going to propose? Women like a big deal,’ I said, knowing that it depended on the woman. Best thing to do was ask their friends first.

  He took a big slurp of his cider. ‘We’ll see, I have a few plans. But I got a kick to the sack the last time I surprised Bunny, so I’ll have to think it through,’ Blades said with a dark laugh. We lapsed into silence, and then Sam stared at me. ‘The reason I asked you for a drink is I think we have a good working relationship, do you agree?’ he asked.

  Uh oh. ‘Yeah, of course; after all, we have shed blood together,’ I answered, but not liking the way he was talking.

  ‘Good. Firstly, can you stop hiding your files on my computer?’ he said, making me stop my pint halfway to my mouth. ‘Your login is all over it. You’ve copied them somehow, but they’re not clean.’

  I lowered my drink.

  ‘I may be a piss-taking bastard, but I like my job and I am loyal to my mates – Dreyfuss and you – until there is a time not to be loyal.’

  We locked eyes.

  ‘And I think you moved me into your department for this very purpose.’

  I shook my head. Oh shitttttttttt. ‘I don’t know what to say,’ I said, which was the fucking truth.

  ‘Good, this is a one-way conversation. I’m going to delete the files. I have to, this Danny Doo bloke is a bloodhound. He’s following in Kettering’s footsteps, and he has us in his sights,’ Sam advised.

  I raised my eyebrows. ‘And how do you know this?’

  He actually smiled at me. ‘I know a lot of people, and I’m very good with computers,’ Blades admitted before taking another drink. ‘People like Danny Doo, great name by the way—’ he chuckled ‘—he works quick, and thinks quicker, which means he leaves clues and mistakes all over the systems. But he’s coming after us, so stop what you might be doing.’

  All I could do was nod. I couldn’t deny it; he knew too much. ‘Okay, I might ask you to check my computer, just so we’re sure things are as they should be?’ I asked, throwing out a lifeline.


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