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Cowgirl Up

Page 4

by Marteeka Karland

  Chapter Six

  The next day and night were the happiest of Julie Ann’s life. Wyatt made love to her in every room of the house. Even on the front porch, much to her dismay. She’d leaned against the railing and he’d pounded her from behind until neither could stand. They’d laughed over that one, likening themselves to careless teenagers. Wyatt had then proven he still had a voracious appetite—at least when it came to her—by carrying her upstairs to bed and continuing where they’d left off on the porch.

  Never once did they use protection. At first, there’d been panic, but only until she’d looked at him. One look into his gorgeous, blue eyes and she couldn’t find it in her to care. She knew there’d never be another. If Wyatt left the next day, never to return, no other man could ever compare to him. And she’d never been a woman to settle for second best.

  Saturday morning dawned overcast and gloomy, just like her mood. She wasn’t any closer to figuring out how she would pay James. Lying in her bed, wrapped securely in Wyatt’s arms, she realized that the ranch might have been her father’s legacy, but what she’d found with Wyatt was far more important. It was what her father had always said: love was more important than anything material. A house could be rebuilt, another ranch could be purchased, but you couldn’t buy love. Not true love. She was beginning to realize she might have a chance at true love with Wyatt.

  His hold tightened on her as if he could read her thoughts. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he murmured drowsily. “I’ll take care of everything. Not because you slept with me either, so don’t get all defensive. I’ve got more money than my grandkids will ever be able to spend, so it’s really no big deal to me. Hell, James Cameron is such a sorry son of a bitch, I’d have given it to you just to keep him from getting his hands on anymore land in West Cliff.”

  Julie Ann opened her mouth to protest, but he silenced her by rolling over lazily to cover her body with his. He feathered kisses along her jaw to her ear, then down to her neck and shoulder. Then his cock was seeking entrance to her. With an easy, lazy move of his hips, Wyatt made love to her. And that’s what it was. Love. She’d never believed love happened this fast, and maybe it was all in her head. The fact was, no one had ever made her feel as special as Wyatt did. He found her desirable. He liked her smart mouth. Hell, he even liked her saucy attitude, laughing at her as she ordered him around when he’d flustered her by taking her on the dining room table. Wyatt treated her with respect, made her feel beautiful where no one else, other than her father, ever had.

  “I’ll go with you to the bank and we’ll take care of this together.” Normally, she would have insisted on doing it herself, but it would be nice to have Wyatt there so she didn’t have to be in the same room alone with James. His movements remained slow and easy, as if he was taking his time and savoring the moment.

  With a happy sigh, Julie Ann wound her arms around his neck, only to slide over his heavily muscled arms and back again. “I know this is a bit premature, but this weekend has been so special to me, Wyatt.”

  He answered her smile with a heart stopping one of his own. “It has to me, too. I’m glad you called me back Thursday night. Much as I don’t like physical violence, I’m so glad you called. I like knowing you came to me when you had a problem. Besides, they’d have sent someone else if they thought they were dealing with Brady’s little sister.

  She shoved at him to put a little distance between them. “Are you saying I’m a pushover?”

  He chuckled, bending once more to claim her lips. “Not at all. I’m merely saying he’s your brother and you love him. I’m betting he knows that. Me, he’s not so sure about. I prefer to keep it that way.”

  Julie Ann tried to pout, but her body was coming to life again and she didn’t care about her brother at the moment. It just wasn’t worth the effort. She’d much rather put that energy into making love with Wyatt.

  Shoving at him hard, she pushed until he gave in and she rolled them over and sat up, straddling Wyatt’s legs, their bodies still joined. Wyatt’s hands immediately went to her hips, gliding over her hips and thighs, caressing with the lightest of touches.

  She grinned at him. “I prefer it that way too. Much as I love my brother, it will be good to have a shield between me and him. If, that is, you plan on staying around a little while.” She said it flippantly, not wanting to give too much of herself away.

  To her relief, Wyatt sat up, curling his muscled arms around her like two tight bands. “Oh, make no mistake,” he said, capturing her gaze and not letting go. “I have no intention of going anywhere unless you tell me specifically you don’t want me here.”

  The breath she hadn’t even been aware she was holding expelled in a great sigh of relief. It was funny how much it mattered to her that he wanted to stay. But it did. She wanted this man in her life. Not for protection or for what he represented to her home, but because of him. Wyatt was a man of his word. A man who guarded his integrity zealously and never said anything he didn’t mean. He was kind, hard working, and made her feel like she finally had a place in the world and it was at his side.

  Julie Ann melted into him. Her mouth found his and she poured her heart and soul into her kiss, all the while doing a little shimmy on his cock, trying her best to return all the pleasure he’d given her all weekend.

  Wyatt broke the kiss to bend her back to allow him access to her breasts where he lavished each nipple with the pleasure of his tongue and teeth. He maneuvered himself so his legs were underneath him and he sat back on his heels, the position giving him a little more leverage to surge into her. He was an active lover, not one to sit back and let her do all the work. Julie Ann couldn’t help but smile. Yes. He was her perfect man.

  Finally, Wyatt lay her down on the bed, her thighs over his. He gripped her waist and pounded into her. Over and over he moved, his fingers digging into her delicate flesh with almost painful intensity. Julie Ann didn’t mind, though. The slight pain only enhanced the pleasure, and her orgasm was building faster than she thought possible.

  As if sensing how close she was, Wyatt used his thumb to stimulate her clit. At the first touch, Julie Ann fell. She embraced the orgasm, letting it consume her as she screamed his name. Her body must have taken him with her because his hips jerked as if out of control and he let his head fall back and roared his release. Cords of tendon and muscle stood out against his neck as he emptied himself inside her.

  For a moment neither of them moved, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Then Wyatt eased out of her. He looked like a very satisfied, very smug Cheshire cat. Julie Ann couldn’t help but laugh at him.

  “Don’t get it in your head you’re some kind of stud. It’s just been a while for me and I’m sure I’m easily satisfied.”

  He laughed outright at her. “Oh, that was cruel! You cut me to the quick.” But he didn’t look hurt. He looked completely and utterly sated. “Come on. Shower and get ready. I want this bank business over with so I can bring you back here and make love to you the rest of the day.”

  “Wyatt! No. No way can you still want me.” She shook her head, laughing in pure joy at her new found sexual freedom. God, but she loved the way he made her feel.

  “I most certainly can. I don’t plan on letting you out of this bed for the entire week.” She threw a pillow at him as she got up to shower, hoping everything went smoothly. If she knew James, however, things would be anything but smooth.

  Chapter Seven

  “Let me get this straight.” James Cameron pinched the bridge of his nose, a pained look on his face. “You’re paying off the loans against Julie Ann’s ranch? All of them?”

  “Yes.” The good humor Wyatt enjoyed while alone with Julie Ann had vanished, replaced with a need to smash his fist into the face of the money hungry banker. He wanted Julie Ann’s ranch, and, more importantly, he wanted Julie Ann. Wyatt was bound and determined he would get neither.

  Julie Ann sat across the desk from James, her hand firmly in Wyatt’s. It might have
been a little crass, but he had a pressing need to make sure everyone who saw them knew they were a couple, not just two friends doing business together.

  “Why would you do that? What is she to you?”

  Julie Ann started to open her mouth, but Wyatt squeezed her hand. Had she wanted to confront the little bastard, she’d have done it. The fact that she kept silent told Wyatt she had no desire to fight this battle. It was obvious she was very uncomfortable even being here.

  “Everything,” Wyatt answered. “She’s everything and more to me. Buying out her mortgage to save her family’s legacy is the very least I can do, especially if it means she’ll grace me with one of her smiles.”

  With every word, James’s face grew redder and redder. Wyatt had met James when he and his friends had moved to West Cliff a couple of years ago. Two things he’d learned about the man were that he hated losing, and he had the temper of a maddened grizzly bear. Because of that, Wyatt deliberately placed himself between Julie Ann and James so she could make a run for the door should James forget himself and completely lose it. Wyatt had seen the man fly into a rage on more than one occasion and had no intention of Julie Ann being anywhere in the vicinity should Wyatt have to smash James’s face.

  As expected, James turned his wrath Julie Ann’s way. “I though you said you wouldn’t sell yourself for that ranch? Yet, I’m barely off the property before you spread your legs for someone with just a little more money.” He looked back at Wyatt. “She’s nothing but a whore. She’ll take what she wants from you then get rid of you and move on to the next soft-hearted bastard.”

  “You had no problem offering to marry her yourself.” Wyatt held on to his anger by his considerable force of will. He wanted nothing more than to pound the other man into oblivion. “What changed your mind?”

  James looked ready to explode. “She was going to marry me until you came along, Davis. I’m just a little concerned she’s playing you like she played me.”

  “When did I ever agree to marry you?” Julie Ann looked almost as furious as Wyatt felt. She tried to let go of his hand, but Wyatt held her firm. “I never insinuated I’d be willing to be with you in any way, least of all by marrying you.”

  James opened his mouth to reply, but Wyatt cut him off. “Just show me the figures. I want this taken care of today and then I don’t ever want to see you on Julie Ann’s property again.”

  The other man seemed to weigh his options, then pulled out a folder with all the paperwork. The figure for the pay off wasn’t as much as Wyatt expected, but it was still more than Julie Ann could have hoped to pay even the interest on at the late date she’d gotten wind of it.

  Calmly, Wyatt took out his checkbook and wrote it for the amount. “I wish I could say it was a pleasure doing business with you, but we’d both know it would be a lie.” He stared at James until the other man backed down, then he pulled Julie Ann to her feet. James handed them their copies of the paperwork and Wyatt ushered Julie Ann out without another word. With any luck, James wouldn’t act stupid and bother Julie Ann anymore. Wyatt wasn’t sure he could be civil if he ever saw the man again.

  Once they were in Wyatt’s truck and the doors safely closed. Julie Ann let out a sigh of relief. “I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my whole entire life. I’m so glad you came with me. How in the world am I ever going to repay you for this? I have no idea why I let you talk me into letting you square the mortgage with the bank. I think you seduced me into it.”

  Wyatt grinned, his mood lightening the second they were outside of the bank. “Absolutely. I wove my spell around you and you were helpless against my considerable charms.”

  Julie Ann laughed, carefree and sounding happy. “I’d deny it, but it would be a lie. But seriously, what can I do to repay your kindness? I don’t believe in freeloading, even from someone with so much money that—how did you put it?—your grandkids would never be able to spend it.”

  He waved a dismissing hand. “Not to worry. I’ve got that part figured out too.”

  Raising a delicate eyebrow Julie Ann replied. “Oh, really? What did you have in mind?”

  Despite the lightness of the mood, Wyatt’s heart pounded. He’d debated on this since he’d gotten up this morning and hadn’t been sure until this very second he was actually going through with it. “Marry me. Give me at least four children and we’ll call it even.”

  Julie Ann sucked in a breath, her mouth opening in shock and surprise. “What did you say?” Her voice was almost a whisper and her hand fluttered to her mouth.

  “You heard me, sweetheart.” Wyatt opened the console of his truck and pulled out a tiny box. He flipped back the cover and revealed the most beautiful diamond and emerald engagement ring Julie Ann had ever seen. It looked to be a full carat for the main stone, but wasn’t gaudy. It was put together delicately, set in a band of yellow gold. Wyatt took it out of the box and slid it easily onto the ring finger of her left hand. “Marry me, Julie Ann. Be my wife and stay with me forever.”

  Of all the things she’d expected, this wasn’t even in the cards. Oh, she’d hoped one day maybe they’d get here, but not this soon. Up until that moment, it had only been a pleasant fantasy.

  She stared at the ring on her finger shining in the sunlight, and tears filled her eyes. Her mind was telling her to back off. This was way too soon. She might have known the man in a professional way, but the personal stuff was just too new. There was no way this could possibly work. What if he left his dirty underwear lying in the middle of the bathroom floor? What if, God forbid, he squeezed his toothpaste from the middle of the tube? Would those things drive her insane? And what was that thing about at least four kids?

  “You’re out of your mind, Wyatt,” she whispered. “Completely insane.”

  “I know. So, what’s it going to be? Will you marry me or embarrass me by making me return this beautiful ring? You know I bragged to the sales lady about how I had the most gorgeous and intelligent woman in the world. How do you think it will make me feel to have to take this back and tell her you didn’t want me? It would completely unman me.”

  Julie Ann wasn’t fooled for a moment. “You’re such a cry baby!” She laughed. The tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks. Wyatt brushed them away with the pads of his fingers, bringing his fingers to his lips and tasting her tears. For some reason, that simple gesture was the most sinfully erotic thing she’d ever witnessed. And after the previous night, she’d witnessed a lot.

  “Well? I need an answer, sweetheart. Will you marry me?”

  With a burst of something between laughter and tears, Julie Ann nodded her head. “Yes, Wyatt. I’ll marry you. I wouldn’t want your reputation to be ruined. The damage to your fragile ego might be more than you can take.”

  Wyatt pulled her to him for a kiss. He wanted to do more, but it would have to wait until they got home. His tongue slid easily into her mouth, stroking the way he wanted to do with his cock deep in her pussy. Her surrender to him was as sweet as ever. They’d only spent a couple of days together in an intimate way, but he was already so smitten with her he doubted he could ever get her out of his skin.

  When they broke apart reluctantly, Julie Ann flashed one of those killer smiles he was growing to love every second he was in her company. “I didn’t say it before because I felt kind of silly given we’ve not even been on a real date, but I really do love you.”

  “I know.” He smiled at her, too smug for her liking. So she punched his arm. “Wait,” he laughed raising a hand to ward off her blows. “I simply meant you’re not the kind of woman to agree to marry someone unless you were in love with him. And just so you know, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t love you right back.”

  Julie Ann’s heart fluttered and her stomach did a crazy little flip at his words. “All the same, I’d like a bit of an engagement. I don’t want to jump into this any more than we already have. I’d like us to get to know each other a little better. I won’t have you squeezing the toothpaste tube fr
om the middle.”

  Wyatt laughed, his handsome face looking almost boyish in delight. “I’m all good with a long engagement. I just want that ring securely around your finger so no one else tries to move in on me. I’d really hate to kill anyone here in Colorado. They’re not as forgiving about such things here as they are in Texas.”

  They both laughed and Julie Ann was happier than she could ever remember being. “Now that that’s settled, take me home, cowboy. I have some riding I want to do.”

  “I definitely love the way you think, honey.”


  Marteeka Karland

  Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of.

  Want to see what’s up with Marteeka? Check out her website at or join her Yahoo! group at Marteeka always welcomes e-mail from her readers. You can reach her at

  Table of Contents

  Title page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Marteeka Karland


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