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Rage Unleashed

Page 6

by Casheena Parker

  He said nothing but nodded in agreement. He would need all the eyes and ears he could get in this situation because he didn’t really know what he was up against especially if it was guys who worked in the very same station as he did.

  Blake, Luke and Lelone headed out of the hospital and to their separate cars. Then they all sped out of the parking lot heading to the station. When they got there, Blake and Luke went to speak with their Captain about what they’d learned while Lelone walked in and went straight to Detective Farmouth’s office. She wanted to get a head start on her own research while they worked on doing things their way. On her way to his office she bumped into Officer McKinney who seemed to be standing there as if on guard.

  He abruptly stopped her and said, “Hey there little lady. I

  think you’re lost the reception area is back the other way.”

  She pretended to ignore him and kept walking past him. He tried again to get her to stop without touching her or drawing attention to himself because there were other detectives around and

  he wasn’t supposed to be there either. When she continued to ignore him he tried to grab her arm and make her stop. When he did she quickly moved making him run into the wall then she made a dash to the office to find it occupied by Officer McFalley. Officer McKinney had been detained answering questions from other detectives about what happened. They had heard and seen what happened and wanted to know his reasons behind it.

  She walked slowly toward the office while pulling out her phone to record him. She watched him go through Detective Farmouth’s desk and his computer all while glancing at the pictures of LJ, Lucian and her on the desk. He was so into what he was doing he never looked up to see her standing there only a short distance away recording him. After Officer McFalley finished snooping through Detective Farmouth’s computer he got up and slowly exited the office while looking around to make sure no one saw him. He was so busy looking for the other detectives he didn’t see her standing tucked slightly behind the nearest wall still recording him. She watched him walk quickly out of the detective department while sending the video she recorded to Detective Farmouth. She figured he should know that he was snooping in his office that would give her another reason to be on his computer when he returned. Then she went into the office to find out what he was looking for and to do a little research of her own.

  She immediately noticed that he used a professional lock system to break into the office, the door still showed signs of being locked though it stood open and unlocked. She also noticed that he slightly moved all the pictures in the room. As if he took the time to pick up and look at every one. Just by doing that, he already learned way too much about their family. In Luke’s office there were pictures of everyone that was closest to him. This included her and her mother as well as Della and the girls at the hospital. Seeing this she knew that she would have to move fast with her plan because if he was trying to cover his tracks than he would be going after the family that would fight to find out the truth of what happened. She wasn’t planning on losing anyone else.

  With more rage than when she first entered the department she sat down and immediately went through the recent files on the computer. Because McFalley was in a rush and attempting to cover his tracks he didn’t clear the history so this part was easy to follow. She found that he had begun to check on everyone in the family; he looked for everything including their current addresses and phone numbers. The alarm of immediate warning went off in her head and she thought of Della, the grieving unsuspecting widow, at home with her baby girls. She picked up the phone and called her, it took a while but she finally answered sounding as if she’d been crying.


  “Hey Della. It’s me Lee Lee. Are you okay?”

  “Oh hi Lee. I was just sitting here getting the girls ready to eat before I tried to continue on with the day. I can’t believe all that’s happened. How is Lucian? Is he doing better? Has his condition changed any? I can’t bear for anything else to happen.”

  “His condition is actually stable. But there’s been no change. He is still in a coma and the doctors have said nothing in either a good or bad direction.”

  “Okay. What room is he in? I would like to go and visit with him after I get the girls settled. I know that your mom and Lela are there still and I really need to be around family right now. Even if it is at the hospital.”

  “Okay. He’s in ICU room 7. They should still be there waiting to see what happens. I left to get some things done. But listen, I don’t think you should go up there right now. He’s still unconscious and you have a lot going on with the girls. I will be there to stay with you shortly.”

  “Oh okay. Is there something going on? You sound a little weird and with everything going on right now, I’m just a little on edge.”

  “Everything is fine. But listen, don’t answer the door for anyone but family, okay? No one not even if the police come to your door to talk with you. Don’t answer the door for anyone. In fact, make it look like you’re not home.”

  “Okay. Lelone it’s not like you to ask me to do something like that. What’s going on? I know you know more than what you’re telling me. I’ve known you long enough to know that you have your ways to find out way more than any of us ever could. Talk to me and tell me what’s going on. Don’t leave me in the dark. I have the girls to think about and I don’t want to have to continue to run and look over my shoulder until this person who killed LJ is caught. Tell me.”

  “I can’t tell you everything. But what I will tell you is that you can’t trust cops right now. There are some things that are going on that you should be aware of and I don’t want you to trust anyone but the family until I find out more. Can you do that for me?”

  “Yea I can. What about Lela and Tami sitting at the hospital? Couldn’t they just as easy be in just as much danger? They are sitting in the hospital with the one who survived the attack.”

  Lelone realized that she was right. She returned to her search to find out what else Officer McFalley looked up then she remembered that they were already there when Lucian was brought in. They knew what hospital to go to and who to look for. She quickly told Della that she would have to call her back and to remember not to answer the door and then she quickly called her mother. She picked up on the first ring.

  “Lee Lee. Where are you? I was just about to call you and tell you that—”

  “Mom I can’t talk long but I need you to do something for me. Talk with the staff and tell them to immediately move Lucian to another room and place him under an alias. I think that whoever did this will eventually come back to finish the job and I don’t want to make it easy for them. Also mom, don’t talk to any cops. Not one.”

  “Lelone what’s going on? Why shouldn’t I talk with the cops? They would be the ones to help solve what happened to Lucian and LJ.”

  “Mom! I need you to trust me on this please. The cops don’t know anything about what happened to Lucian and LJ. They didn’t even know they were attacked. That’s why me and Luke are trying to figure out what’s going on. There are no records of anything that happened last night on the police database so if they come and ask you anything there is no reason they should know. Do you understand what I’m trying to say to you?”

  “I hope you’re not saying what I think you’re saying.”

  “I am Mom. Please listen to me. I’m trying to keep you guys safe while you’re there. Talk with the staff right now and tell them they need to move him urgently.”

  “Okay I will do that now. The nurse just came into the room to take his vitals and see if there’s been any change in his condition and if he’s possibly waking up.”

  “Okay I’ll… Wait what do you mean see if he’s waking up?”

  “Lucian started moving his eyes and hands so I called the nurse in here to see what’s going on with him. If what you say is true and I believe it is, then him waking up could mean that he’s in even more danger.”


  She listened as her mother talked to the nurse and the doctor as they entered the room. They didn’t know what to make of what she was telling them to do, but due to the nature of Lucian’s attack and how he was brought into the hospital they didn’t think it was that outlandish of an idea because they didn’t give her much trouble at all.

  “Lee Lee. I told them. They are moving him right now. Do you remember the name that your brother and LJ used to call themselves?”


  “Good, he’s using that name again. I don’t want to say it aloud to you but you know the name to ask for.”

  “I do. I’ll let Luke know as well. I told Della to sit at home until I get there. I think that once Luke comes to get Lela you should leave with them and stay at their house until everything is taken care of.”

  “You’re still not going to tell me what you saw? I know that you know who did this. Tell me who I’m supposed to be looking out for.”

  “I just did.” That was the last thing she said before she hung up the phone. It left Tami with a creepy feeling and her hairs standing on end. If the police are the ones responsible, then how much protection could they really have.


  Luke and Blake sat in the Chief’s office watching him process all that they had just told him. Chief Mitchell knew them both very well and he knew that if they were bringing him this information it wasn’t BS. They were the best on the force and they were very well respected. He was one of the few men who had the pleasure of knowing them both on and off the force. And hearing the news about Lucian and LJ was just as big a shock to him as it had been for everyone else. Those boys were like nephews to him. He watched them grow up. He was the one who threw Luke his adoption celebration party when they found out that the papers had been finalized.

  This news was heartbreaking for the Chief, and then to also hear that there were dirty cops that could be involved made it even worse. He had never had to deal with dirty cops on the force before. And now that he was faced with this information he didn’t really know how to process it. He knew that he would have to take it to the head of the Internal Affairs department and find out if there had been anything suspicious going on that he was unaware of.

  They would get to the bottom of this, because they had a code among them all and that was that they would protect each other while they upheld the honor to protect and serve. He would not allow a murderer to stand behind that honor and try to use it to his advantage. As part of the police force they did their job so that their family could be safer and they would be doing an injustice if they allowed the murderers to get away with what they’d done. He immediately made the call to the head of Internal Affairs Jaxon Banks, and was told that he would begin an investigation immediately and would get back with them with what he found out.

  What he didn’t know was that by the time they found out who it was and what was going on it would be too late.

  Lelone printed out her findings and cleared the search history before getting up from the computer. She had gotten all she needed to finish what she had set out to do. She knew that the officers were moving fast to cover their tracks and they thought no one knew that they were involved. They had no idea that they were being hunted when they thought there was no need to hide.

  Chapter 8

  Swift Repercussions

  Lelone put her dark glasses on as she exited the office. She didn’t want to bring any attention to herself. She didn’t want to give anyone anything to remember about her. Though it wasn’t like it really mattered. They would see her again when this was all over but for now, she didn’t want to give anyone anything to remember, anything that could accidently warn her prey of how close she was and how much she really knew. The surprise is the best part and she didn’t want that ruined. She took time to walk over to the side of the police station to where the officers’ desks were, just so she could see who else they could be close to and if she should look at anyone else.

  She walked in and instantly saw Officer McFalley and Officer McKinney tucked into a corner passing papers back and forth. She walked past slowly and listened in on their conversation. She overheard them talking about putting a car in impound and someone named Briggs who was suspicious about why there was no paperwork for it.

  “I went and had my cousin take the car to the impound lot. Briggs was real suspicious about why he was bringing it in and why he could produce no paperwork. I don’t think he’s going to stay quiet for long,” said Officer McKinney.

  “That’s the least of our problems. You were right. The dead one does know Detective Farmouth. I’m just not exactly sure how. I was able to pull personal records for the dead one and the one in the hospital. I know where they live and work and that the dead one recently had twin girls. We’ll be able to use this to our advantage. I also got the Detective’s information, just in case we need to pay him a visit and find out just how close they were. We might have to do that sooner rather than later. I want to know what I’m dealing with so we can figure out how to move forward from here. Briggs will be fine. Just remind him that if he tells anything he will be in violation as well. He knows that he’s not supposed to take that car without the proper paperwork.”

  McKinney smiled at his friend. “Yea, you’re right. I’m overthinking this. We’re good. No one even knows what happened to them so they have no reason to start asking questions or to even think to look for the car. That car could have been just sitting on the side of the road and I had it towed as a parking violation. You’re right man. I’m thinking way too much. I’m going to go ahead and head home. I told Suzan that she better have my dinner ready for me this time. I swear that woman gets lazier as the years pass.”

  McFalley chuckled, “That’s because you haven’t given your wife the lesson yet.”

  A confused expression crossed McKinney’s face. “I don’t follow.”

  Nodding, McFalley said, “The obedience checks. I let my wife know immediately after we got married who the boss is and that she belonged to me. First, I moved her away from her family so that they wouldn’t be able to quickly get involved in our affairs. Then, I gave her the obedience lesson. I told her one time how things would go and when she did otherwise, I beat her good. I don’t mean just physically but sexually too. She thought that she was going to have the time of her life when I tied her to the bed, but she quickly found out that I wouldn’t tolerate any BS from her. She was sore for days. But I never have to speak to her about what I want more than once. That woman is like a well-trained dog. She knows exactly what to do to keep her master happy.”

  McKinney’s eyes widened in amazement. “Does that really work? I mean I know a few buddies of mine who have the same set up as you and their wives seem to jump the moment they speak their names. Is that how you get them to do what you want, when you want?”

  “Absolutely man.”

  “Does that include everything including sex?”

  “What do you mean? You mean your wife is not only lazy but she’s not satisfying you either?”

  “Yea man. She’s always too tired and in too much pain. I understand she’s pregnant and all but that’s not a real excuse to me. I mean how hard can it be to carry a child?”

  “Man I hear you. But that’s your fault that you allow her to play you like that. You’re her husband and the Bible says that she is supposed to serve you and that you are now one. That means she’s obligated to say yes. In fact, you don’t have to ask her permission to get what you want from her. How would she look coming in here to talk to your colleagues and telling them that you raped her? Sounds a bit ridiculous don’t you think?”

  “Yeah you’re right. I just don’t want to jeopardize her losing the baby. We’ve been trying so long to have one.”

  “Yea. But that would be her fault. If she was putting out, then you wouldn’t have to take it. Therefore, if she does lose the baby, that would be another reason for her to get punished. There are plenty of women who are pregnant
and they please their men. Hell most of these tramps out here doing more than the normal to please a man that’s not even theirs. These women of ours are no

  different. I was always taught that women are only good for a few things and all of those things include pleasing us men.”


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