First Bite: How We Learn to Eat
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Massachusetts General Hospital, 204
Maudsley approach/Maudsley Hospital (South London), 208
Mayans, 73
Mayer, Jean, 161
McConnell, Carmel, 157
McCorkle, Jill, 60
McDonald’s, 89
McMillan, Margaret, 69
Mead, Margaret, 91
Mead Johnson, 46–47
Meals, structured, xxxi, 190, 256. See also Family meals
Mealtimes, reintroduction of regular, 213
Measurement, of hunger, 159–165
adolescent girls and red, 144–145
as children’s food, 80, 81
in Japanese cooking, 223, 224, 226
men and, 74, 75, 92
See also Beef; Pork
Meat taboo, for children, 73
Meiji Restoration, 223–224
Memory, learning to eat and, 41–43. See also Flavor memory; Food memory
Men, meat-eating and, 74, 75, 92. See also Boys; Gender
Mendelson, Charlotte, 56
Men Love Pies, Girls Love Hummus (Rimmer), 143
Mennella, Julie, 44, 45
Mere exposure, 19–21, 197
Microbiota, 131
Micronutrient deficiencies, xx
Milk, xiv, 5, 6, 9, 47, 63–64, 73, 91–92. 224, 225. See also Breast milk
Milkshakes, 108, 173, 211, 214
Millard, Abi, 37–38, 40
Millard, Dawn, 37, 38
Miller, William, 232, 234
Mindfulness, satiety and, 179–180, 181
Minestrone, 174
Minnesota Starvation Experiment, 164
Mint tea, 51–52
Mobley, Amy, 118
Momofuku restaurants, 92
Monell Chemical Senses Center (Philadelphia), 44, 58
Mortality rate, of anorexia, 188
Moss, Michael, xvi
anorexia and, 208–209
treating acute child malnutrition and, 168–169
Motivational interviewing, 230–235
Motivational Interviewing (Miller & Rollnick), 232
Mount Sinai Hospital (Cleveland), 5–9
Musaiger, Abdulrahman O., 151
National Center for Women’s and Children’s Health (Beijing), 108
National food culture
changes in, in Japan, 219–227
Sapere movement and changes in, 248–249
National Health Service (Great Britain), 148
National Research Council, Committee on Food Habits, 91
Nausea, disgust and, 14
Neophilia, 21
Neophobia, 20, 21–22, 23, 25, 247–248
Nesbitt, E., 66
Nestle, Marion, 47, 178
Neurogastronomy, 50
Never the Same (documentary), 53
Newmarket House (England), 212
New York Times (newspaper), 39, 62
Nicholls, W. A., 69
Nigeria, 111
No Kid Hungry initiative, 155–156
Norway, 67, 245
Nucleus accumbens, 3
Nursery food, 72, 78–84, 91–92
Obama, Michelle, xx, 89
anemia and, 146–147
authoritarian parenting style and risk of, 119–120
in China, 107–108
dopamine and, xxiv
eating choices and, xvi
in Japan, 219–220, 227
judgmental impatience and, xx–xxi
leptin and ghrelin and, 163
See also Child obesity
Olfactory receptors, 48–49, 50
Oliver, Jamie, 89, 241
The Omnivorous Mind (Allen), 217
One and Only (Sandler), 136
Only child, eating habits, 135–137
Oral defensiveness, 192–193
Ottolenghi, Yotam, 14, 17
Overeaters/overeating, xvii, xxix, 112, 120, 138, 141, 170, 180–181, 230
Overfeeding, of children by grandparents, 104–109
Overjustification effect, 20–21
Pac-Man, 101
Palatable foods, xxii–xxiii
Paltrow, Gwyneth, 172
Pande, Rohini, 132–133
Parenting styles, feeding techniques and, 116–121
Baby Led Weaning and, 122–124
default patterns of eating and, 98–101
failure to recognize child’s obesity, 147–152
family-based treatment of eating disorders and, 207–211
feeding techniques, 25–27, 109–112
pressure on girls regarding weight, 139–141
training in taste exposure, 197–198
See also Mothers
Patterson, Daniel, 58–60
Pearson, Dympna, 229–235
Peer influence, on food preferences, 30–32
Pellegrini, Angelo, 82
Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital Feeding Program, 192, 194, 197, 198
Penn State Hershey Medical Center, 27–29, 89
Permissive parenting, 117, 118–119
Persuasion, motivational interviewing and, 240
“Pester power,” 89
Phenylethylamine, 153
Physiological differences in relating to food between sexes, 142–143
The Physiology of Taste (Brillat-Savarin), 138–139
Pica, 189
Picky eaters, 185–186, 189, 193–194, 199, 200
Pizza, 85, 146, 165, 178, 189, 192, 194, 200, 243, 257
Pizza Hut, 151
“Plate A and Plate B” taste exposure, 198–199
Pleasure, eating and, xi, xx, xxvii, xxx, 30, 51, 57, 124, 240, 242, 244
Plumpy’Nut, 166–169
Poisons, irrational dread of, 192
Poland, 220
Pollan, Michael, xx, 108
Pooley, Siân, 76
Popkin, Barry, 93, 175
Pop-Tarts, 83, 198
Pork, Japanese consumption of, 223, 224, 226
Portion size, 178, 179, 190, 257
Post-ingestive conditioning, xxiv
Potato chips, 84, 216–217
children’s food and, 75–76
eating healthily and, xxvii–xxviii
obesity and, 138
underfeeding and, 99
Power, manipulation of food preferences and, 31–32
Prader-Willi syndrome, 163
Prefrontal cortex, 50
Preloads, of nutrients for satiety, 172–173
Prescott, John, 21
Prisoners of war, food obsessions of, 52–54
Pritchard, Eric, 81
Probe meals, 28
Processed foods, nostalgia for, 60–62
Project “EAT,” 140–141
PROP tasting, 15–18
for fathers, 74, 75
historic lack of in children’s meals, 74–75
in Japanese diet, 225–226
satiety and, 172
Proust, Marcel, 42, 60
Provision of Meals Act of 1906 (Britain), 67
PTC (phenylthioucarbamide), 14, 15
Puberty, anorexia and, 206–207
Public health campaigns, changing eating habits and, 235, 240–241. See also Dietary advice
Puisais, Jacques, 244
Purdue University, 174
Rai, Baldeesh, 106, 237
Rainey, George, 69
Ramen noodles, 222, 223
Rapley, Gill, 122–123
br /> Rationing, hunger and, 163–164
Ration rice, 225
Reeves, Maud Pember, 75–76
Refeeding, 209–211
Reflective listening, 231–232
“Relishes,” 74
Residential programs, to treat anorexia, 212
Restaurant cooking, food memory and, 57–60
Retronasal olfaction, 40
of food for children, 20–21, 97–98, 103–109
stickers as, 26–27
in video games, 101–103
Rice, Japanese cooking and, 223, 224, 225, 226
Rice pudding, 65–71
Rimmer, Simon, 143
Ringwood, Susan, 206–207
Ritual eating, xxv, 56, 86, 115, 183, 257
Robinson, Jancis, 16
Roden, Claudia, 150
Rollnick, Stephen, 232, 234
Rolls, Barbara, 179
Rozin, Elizabeth, 226–227
Rozin, Paul, 2, 14, 252–253
Rumination, 189
Russia, 183
RUTF (Ready to Use Therapeutic Food), 166–169
Salad cream, 32–33
changing sense of, 242
children’s food and, 83, 86
SFS palate and, 93
Sandler, Lauren, 136
Sapere Association, 244, 245
Sapere movement, 243–251
Satiation, 170–174
Satiety, 170–174
self-regulation of eating and, 175–182
sensory-specific-satiety, 179
Satter, Ellyn, 121
Scarcity, fear of food, 110–111
Scheindin, Benjamin, 10
Schiller, Deborah, 252–253
School food movement, 67–68
School meals, 89–90
kid food and, 85
lunchbox, 125–126
postwar Japan, 225
rice pudding and, 66–71
Second-order preferences, xxviii, xxx
Seeds, fear of children eating, 77, 80
Selective eating, 190–197
treatment of, 195–200
Self-help, for bulimia, 213
Self-regulation of eating, xxxi, 175–182
Self-selection diet experiments, 5–11
Sensory exploration, changing eating habits and, 242–251
Sensory-specific satiety (SSS), 179
Serotonin, 153, 238
SFS palate (sugar/fat/salt), 93
Shapes, of kid food, 86
Shark Baby video game, 102–103
Shephard, Sue, 53
Shepherd, Gordon M., 49–50
Shozo, Marumoto, 224
competition for food, 127–129, 132–135
family-based treatment and, 210
gender and expectations/pressures regarding weight, 137–141
influence on eating habits, 127–131, 152
only child’s eating habits, 135–137
Sim, J., 82
Size-contrast illusion, eating and, 178
Slater, Nigel, 142
Slimness, ideology of, 139–141
Slurp! (Kushner), 222
female sensitivity to, 143
flavor memory and, 47–52
Snacking, 175
Social anhedonia, 202
Social aspects of eating, xxiv, 13, 158–159
Social suggestion, food preferences and, 30–33
Socioeconomic class/income
children’s food and, 75–76
food preferences and, 17
Soup, 172, 173–174, 256
Spargo, John, 74
Spieler, Marlena, 39, 40–41, 52
Spinach, 6, 17, 24, 46, 47, 81, 84, 102
Spock, Benjamin, 10, 84, 242
SSS. See Sensory-specific satiety (SSS)
Stanford University, 208
Steiner, Jacob, 43
Stepmothers/stepsiblings, competition for food and, 134–135
Stewart, Laura, 147–148
Stickers, as rewards, 26–27
Stress, anorexia and, 205–206
Structured meals, xxxi, 190, 256
Studio Ghibli, 134–135
Sugar, xviii, 255
babies’ response to, 43
in kid food, 86
SFS palate, 93
See also Sweetness
Superfoods, 257
Supertasters, 15–18
Sutton, David, 56
anxiety about lumpy foods and, 192–193
learning, 122–123
adolescent iron deficiency in, 145
Sapere education in, 243, 245, 249–251
changing sense of, 242
taste for, xxii
video game rewards and, 102
See also Sugar
Taboos, food, 73, 165
TAS2R38 gene, 14
identity and, 3–4, 41
learning, xiii–xiv, 26–27, 43–45, 197–200, 258
Taste buds
appearance of, 43–44
damage to, 39–40
supertasters and number of, 15
Taste exposure interventions, 190, 197–200
Television, eating in front of, 178–179
Textures of food, 80–81, 82, 192–193
Therapeutic paradox, 196–197
Thioterpineol, 49
Thompson, Jan, 53
Thoreau, Henry David, 78
Thrifty genes, 106
Thrifty phenotype hypothesis, 4
The Times (newspaper), 111
The Times of India (newspaper), 132
“Tiny Tastes” feeding technique, 26–27, 258
Toast (Slater), 142
Tomatoes, children’s food and, 80, 81
Tonka beans, 57–58
Traditional feeding techniques, 112
Trauma, anorexia and, 205–206
The Treasure Seekers (Nesbitt), 66
of acute child malnutrition, 165–169
of anorexia, 207–212
of bulimia, 212–213
of eating disorders, 187–188, 190, 191, 195–200, 207–213
of selective eating, 191, 195–200
Tuorila, Hely, 247–248
Twin studies, on food preferences, 11–12
Ulander, Kerstin, 250
Umami, 50–51, 223
Underfeeding, 99
Uninvolved parenting style, 117
feeding style and, 117–118
United Kingdom
breastfeeding in, 25
rice pudding debates in, 66–71
United States
breakfast cereal consumption in, 183
breastfeeding in, 25
obesity in, 107, 220
University of Chicago, 208
Urbick, Bryan, 143, 153
Vanillin, in infant formula, 46–47
Vegan/vegetarianism, iron deficiency and, 145–146
childhood obesity and lack of, xxvii
children’s dislike of, 23
dietary advice on, xix–xx
gender and consumption of, 149–150
hiding in children’s food, xv–xvi
nursery food and, 81
trying to eat more, xiii–xiv
weaning babies and, 25
Veronese, Paolo, 138
Video games, treats/rewards in, 101�
Viscosity, satiety and, 172
Vollmer, Rachel, 118
Wansink, Brian, 178, 179
Wanting, liking vs., 2–3
Wardle, Jane, 23
Washington, Booker T., 74
Water, as preload for satiety, 173
Weaning, 24–27, 122–124
Weber, Eugen, 134, 135
misperception of, 147–152
pressure on girls regarding, 137–141
Weight loss, maintenance of long-term, 237–240
Weight loss regimes, 227–228
Whittome, Susi, 157
“Why Don’t They Like It? And Can I Do Anything About It?” (article), 22
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 103–104
Williams, Keith, 29, 89, 192, 194, 197, 198–200, 251
Williams, Zoe, 90
“Wisdom of the body” view on appetite, 10–11
Wise, Roy A., 42
chocolate cravings and, 153–154
compliance with dietary guidelines, 149–150
as supertasters, 15
See also Gender; Girls
World Health Organization
infant formula flavoring, 46
iron deficiency statistics, 145
weaning advice, 24, 122
World War II prisoners of war, food memories and, 52–54
Wright, Charlotte, 124
Yale University Prevention Research Center, xix
Yogurt, xxix, 11, 64, 83, 87, 88, 191
Yogurt cake, 96
Yo-yo dieters, 187
Zajonc, Robert, 19, 197
Bee Wilson is an award-winning food writer, historian, and author of four books, including Consider the Fork and Swindled. She has been named BBC Radio’s Food Writer of the Year and writes about food and other subjects for a wide range of publications including The Guardian, The London Review of Books, and the New Yorker Page-Turner blog. Wilson lives in Cambridge, England.