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Page 27

by Daniella Wright

  Suddenly, I realized what had happened. My cheeks turned red and my hands clenched into fists. “Why that rotten…!” I screamed out into the valley, hearing my frustration echo back at me. I couldn’t believe I had let him escape!

  Chapter 3

  A couple of weeks later, there was still no sign of Zander. His band of hirelings had managed to intercept the train and rob it of most of its valuables. I couldn’t quite face my shame at letting him escape, but at the same time, I couldn’t get him out of my head. His captivating gray eyes kept looking at me in my dreams, telling me I was beautiful. My heart hammered just thinking about it.

  Bile formed in my mouth. I was disgusted with myself. How could I let some lowlife Zerothian fool me like that? I vowed to never let it happen again. I had to catch this guy and make him pay for the humiliation he had caused me. Which meant I had to find him again. Zigzag Zander, although infamous was very elusive. No one ever seemed to know where he was, so instead of trying to find him, I opted to intercept his next gig.

  Finally, I came across a clue in the form of a poster, hung outside a salon. Dingo Dancing was printed at the top of the page. I looked at the vivid picture where three-headed dogs were wrangled into a large corral by a strong-looking Zerothian. I tilted my head, reading the information printed at the bottom. Join us for our second annual Dingo Dancing event! There will be thousands of Dingoes for purchase and trade. Come one, come all. I grinned. No doubt Zander would see the opportunity presented by such a fair. If he was able to capture the Dingoes for himself and sell them on the black market, he would be a very wealthy man.

  I snatched the poster and folded it into my saddle bag. “This time, we’re going to get him,” I told Bianca, determinedly. There was no way I was going to let him fool me again!


  I quickly got into contact with the event organizer to set up a trap. He was more than willing to cooperate with me when I told him it was for the safety of his Dingoes. When I mentioned Zigzag Zander was the one I was after, he looked plain terrified and told me to do whatever it took to catch the crook. Of course, I tried to reassure him, saying he had nothing to worry about.

  The trap was simple and foolproof. We dug up a portion of the track the Dingoes would travel over and covered it up with a chameleon cloak. It was an advanced piece of technology from the Willow planet. They specialized in unique pieces of cloth that could do a wide variety of things from turning into any piece of clothing, to transforming into a piece of scenery. They were the weavers of the galaxy and I was about to put their hard work to good use.

  I draped the tarp over the hole, watching as it transformed to look just like the desert terrain that surrounded us. No one could realize it was a trap, but once they walked over it, they would fall into the pit and Zander would be mine.

  I grinned, thinking there was no way it could fail. All I had to do now, was wait. It was nightfall by the time I heard the sound of hooves. Once again Zander was not alone. His group of men followed him in a tight formation. I jumped into action, knowing I would have to lure them over. I signaled the buyer who freed his Dingoes, guiding them away from the tarp, knowing it was very important that none of them fall in and expose the trap.

  “We meet again!” I called out over the stampeding creatures.

  Zander smiled at me warmly, as if he were expecting my company. He signaled to his men to go on without him. I ground my teeth, cursing myself for not thinking of them. How was I supposed to stop them and Zander at the same time?

  I quickly grabbed my gun and shot after them, aiming for their horses’ chests, hoping they would get bucked off. I was just about to pull the trigger when Zander urged his horse forward, gracefully jumping over the Dingoes and avoiding the trap. There was no time for me to react. In a flash, he zigzagged around me, causing Bianca to lose her focus. She grew frightened by the colt who brushed against her and reared up.

  I found myself falling off, bracing myself for a killer impact. To my surprise, I never did feel the hard ground. Instead, I felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrap around me, catching me. I froze, looking up in horror.

  “Gotcha,” Zander smirked at me.

  Chapter 4

  I was in a bitter mood. No, worse than that. I had never been so angry in my whole life. Here I was, with my hands tied to Zander’s saddle, riding into the Ayris wilderness. How had I allowed myself to be captured so easily? I ground my teeth around the piece of cloth, tied tightly around my mouth to keep me quiet. I wanted to scream out at him, but all I could do was feel my body sway to and fro with his as we rode on into the darkness.

  Behind us, a pack of Dingoes followed, kept in line by Zander’s men. He hadn’t said anything since my capture and I hated that. I wanted him to gloat or something. Anything to give me another reason to hate him. I kept my eyes forward, watching the landscape change as we approached a mountain range. Occasionally, I would look at Bianca who rode next to us, tied to Zander’s horse. I had to figure out some way to get us out of this mess.

  Finally, we stopped. He left me on his horse as he helped his crew set up camp for the night. I started to rub my wrists together, reaching into the lapel of my jacket with my mouth, trying to remove the small blade I kept there in case of emergencies. I finally got it between my lips, thankful that the gag was loose enough for me to do so. I leaned down and started filing away at the coarse rope that kept my hands bound.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Zander asked, standing by his horse and watching me. I jumped, startled by his sudden presence. I dropped the small blade and looked at him with pure hatred. “What, you think I don’t know that trick?” He removed the hair tie on his braid and it turned out to be a malleable file.

  I glared at him. Was he mocking me? I mumbled for him to let me go through my gag. He chuckled again, finally getting me off the horse. His hands rested on my hips, squeezing them slightly as he held me close. I had always been a tall girl, but Zander was much taller. I had to crane my neck to look up at him.

  With gentle, nimble fingers he untied the gag and let it slide down to my neck. I rounded my jaw, trying to loosen it up. “Let me go!” I screamed at him almost instantly.

  “Now why would I do that? We both know that you would simply turn me in and I can’t have that.” He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me toward the fire.

  “Let go of me this instant!” I demanded, pounding against his bare back with my still bound hands.

  “If you say so.” He shrugged, dropping me on the ground. I groaned, landing on my shoulder.

  “That’s not what I meant,” I grumbled, sitting up and feeling my headache.

  “Well, next time choose your words more carefully.” I narrowed my eyes in his direction. My hat had fallen off in my fall and he quickly snatched it up, putting it on. “What’s the point of this thing?”

  “It’s none of your goddamn business!” I spat, trying to get back on my feet.

  “Oh come now, don’t be like that. If you’re going to be my prisoner, we should really learn to get along.” His smooth voice wrapped around me, working to pacify me for a brief moment. My cheeks reddened and my heartbeat quickened.

  “Just give it back.”

  He chuckled, his radiant smile shooting right through my soul like a bullet, my knees going weak. What was happening? Why was a criminal having this sort of effect on me? I tried to ignore the pestering thoughts in my head, but no matter what I tried, I could only notice how incredibly attractive he was.

  He looked down at me and wrapped his hand around my elbow, helping me up. He guided me toward the fireplace, setting me down and then placing the hat back on my head. We sat in silence for a moment. His men were separated from us, talking amongst themselves, their voices melding together into some indistinguishable background noise.

  “It’s beautiful out here, isn’t it?” He asked, leaning back and looking up at the sky. Ayris’ dual moons hung overhead like someone had shot two silver holes in the blac
k sky. I said nothing. All I could think about was why a man like him, who was obviously smart, cunning, and quick-witted decided to waste his talents on being an outlaw.

  “Why do you do it?” I finally asked.

  “Do what?” He returned, raising an eyebrow in my direction.

  “Why are you an outlaw? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  He just laughed, the sound coming from deep within his belly. “That’s a good question.” He paused and looked up at the sky once more. “You know, you and I, we aren’t all that different. You’re just like me, I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Don’t you dare compare me to yourself.” I snapped at him, getting angry. “I’m not some lowlife criminal!”

  “No, you’re not.” He said calmly in response. “But you do have a love for adventure, just as I do. You love the wilderness and yearn for it. There’s that same glint in your eyes which I see whenever I look into a mirror.” He explained, his voice like liquid honey. I found myself listening to him with the utmost attention. “The only real difference is that we’re on opposite sides. I choose to break the law while you choose to uphold it.” He turned, leaning on his elbow and looking at me. “It could’ve easily been the other way around.”

  “Then why isn’t it?” I challenged, finding myself gravitating closer to him. “Tell me why you choose to ruin the lives of those around you.” Our faces were nearing now, getting closer and closer together.

  He just grinned at me, our noses practically touching. “That would be a story much too long to tell right now. And, I much rather let my lips do all the talking.” Suddenly, he leaned forward, closing the gap between us. His lips collided into mine and my eyes grew wide for a moment, feeling the roughness of his blue lips. They felt strange at first as if they were setting mine on fire.

  I tried to push him away, but he was too strong, pulling me closer, his hands running along my body. I didn’t want to admit it, but his touch started to turn me on. I could feel a fire forming between my thighs and it was driving me insane. Finally, I gave in, kissing him back, feeling like my head would explode. What was I doing? Why was I kissing this man?

  Still, I couldn’t pull away. His lips were too sweet and his touch so intoxicating. He pulled me onto his lap, letting his fingers crawl into my pants. My eyes grew big, but to my own amazement, I allowed him to continue, wanting to find out how far he would go.

  Chapter 5

  I couldn’t believe what I had allowed to happen last night. I was furious with myself, seeing my pants on the other side of the campfire. My panties were still on, thankfully. I had managed to at least keep that shred of my dignity. And yet, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It had been the best experience of my life… but that didn’t mean Zander needed to know about it.

  He walked around the campsite, preparing some breakfast. There was a bright smile on his face that I just wanted to smack right off. “Why do you keep smiling like an idiot?” I suddenly snapped, feeling myself growing irritated.

  “What do you mean? A man can’t smile when he has an amazing night with a beautiful woman?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow in my direction. I clammed up immediately, trying to ignore him. “Why are you shy about it?” He teased, leaving some food to cook over the flame. “Because you weren’t very shy last night…” His fingers ran along my jawline and I quickly pulled away, a hard expression set on my face. “Aww… don’t be like that. You know I don’t bite… that hard…” His whisper caressed my ear, his tongue lapping at my lobe before he took it between his teeth, teasing me. I ground my teeth, my nails digging into my palms.

  “Don’t touch me,” I said coldly.

  “That’s not what you said last night…” He reminded me. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment. I didn’t need him to keep reminding me of what I did.

  “Shut up!” I yelled at him.

  He just continued to tease me, running his lips along my neck. I shivered, trying not to react, but it was hard when his touch was enough to ignite a fire between my legs. For the rest of the day, I tried to ignore him until we finally started to pack up camp. We traveled many miles with the Dingoes in tow until we reached his buyer.

  “I’m glad you made it Zander.” A sleazy-looking giant said with a toothy smile.

  “It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” Zander winked, grabbing his profit and putting it away in his saddle bag. I noticed it wasn’t as much as I thought it would be. We rode off, heading toward the next town. “I have a favor to ask of you.” He whispered into my long, dirty blond hair. I didn’t answer him, trying to keep my cool even as his chiseled body pressed against mine, reminding me just how attractive he really was. “Are you not going to answer me? Still giving me the cold shoulder?” He pulled down the side of my shirt, exposing my shoulder, kissing it gently. His teeth grazed my flesh, nearly causing me to moan out in pleasure. I hated how much he affected my body. I felt betrayed by my own hormones. “Well if you won’t respond, I might as well tell you. I know you’re listening.” He whispered. “I want you to rob a bank with me next time.”

  “No!” I said immediately. It wasn’t even a matter of debate. There was no way in hell I would ever rob a bank. Especially not with him.

  “Are you sure? It’s a lot of fun. The adrenaline coursing through your veins. The rush of excitement. I have no doubt you’d enjoy it.” He pressed his hands to my hips. I jerked back, suddenly disgusted by his touch.

  “No,” I said once more, even firmer in my conviction this time.

  “Suit yourself. You’re still coming along for the ride. I’m not letting you out of my sight just yet.”


  I found myself waiting outside the bank, tied up to Zander’s horse. People didn’t even think to look at me twice, even though there was a gag around my mouth and I was just sitting there, suspiciously tied up in broad daylight.

  Suddenly, Zander came rushing out of the bank, his loot in his hands. He tossed it in front of me with a thud before jumping onto the horse’s back and making his getaway. His body pressed into mine as we sped away from the town, an angry crowd chasing after us, but Zander’s horse was much too fast.

  The wind whipped against our faces as he urged his horse faster and faster. I held on tight, feeling my body rock at the violent speed. My breathing became erratic and my heart was beating a mile a minute.

  Suddenly, as we came across a ravine, he stopped. We were miles away from the town at this point. No one had any hope of finding us. Zander let out an excited laugh, holding his stomach and looking out at the sky. “Ah, that was great!” Similarly, I was left breathless and exhilarated. I had never felt such a rush of excitement before. My whole body was alive with energy. I felt like I could run a marathon.

  “Wow…” I found myself saying aloud when he took off my gag, allowing me to speak again.

  He smirked at my response. “You know, it’s always like this. My life is a constant cycle of adrenaline and adventure.” He leaned in closer. “I wouldn’t mind adding another A to the mix.” He whispered, tenderly kissing my lips. I felt my heart skip a beat at his comment. “Aliza.” My name sounded divine on his lips. I found myself gazing into his pale eyes, holding my breath, waiting for what he might say next. “Don’t you want a life like that?”

  I stared at him, my mind buzzing. Did I want a life like that? I thought about the sensation still flowing through my body. I never wanted it to go away. I didn’t want to go back to the life of idle roaming. I bit my lip, trying to sort my chaotic thoughts. On one hand, I knew that the right thing to do was stay with the law, but on the other, a life of adventure with Zander seemed so alluring. “I do.” I finally answered.

  Chapter 6

  That night, I found myself sitting by the campfire with my head against Zander’s chest. I could hear his soft heartbeat along with the crackling of the fire. “What was your life like before you became an outlaw?” I suddenly asked. I rubbed my hands together, warming them against the flames. It felt good t
o finally be free from the restraints.

  His arms tightened around me as he laid his cheek on the top of my head in an affectionate manner. “It was hard. I come from a rather poor family. They were everything I ever lived for. I started my vagabond life because of them. It was the only way we could survive.” He explained, his words heavy with painful memories. “But I always promised myself that no matter what happened, I’d never kill anyone in any of my robberies… if I could help it. There were times I had no choice.”

  I shuddered slightly, thinking about my own experiences. When you find yourself staring into the face of death, you tend to do anything you can to save yourself. “What happened to your family? Why aren’t you with them now?” I questioned.

  “They died a while back, in a fire.” He explained somberly. “What about you, where’s your family?” His lips gently pressed against my neck, his arms tightening around my waist, pulling me even closer. “A gorgeous woman like yourself must’ve had her fair share of boyfriends.”


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