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Dark Days (Written Pictures #2)

Page 11

by H. A. Kotys

  Perhaps she had been the bitch that had etched the word on to her. Memories were all so difficult to draw forward these days. Focussing with all she had left, Red struggled to plough into the inky recesses of her memory but her body blared other priorities. With a discomforted groan to the muscular spasm rolling from the pit of her stomach, she vomited over her legs and the door to her past was again slammed firmly shut.

  CHAPTER XXVI – Spaced Out

  Raven had hoped never to experience the degradation of that night. Observations had turned to ridicule, unleashing all the insecurities that she had taken so long to corral and lock away. They had overwhelmed her.

  It was like that night again, that night when she had fled her home, her only plan to be anywhere but there. She had felt it again when her boyfriend, the one in which she had dared to place delicate trust and precious hope, had stolen everything she had just to get his next high.

  Each time she had grown back, relying on herself in the absence of anyone else. Refocussing. Rebuilding. Reinventing herself into an independent woman who took no shit, took no friends and took what she wanted. Even that though had failed her. First buckling under the constant pressure of countless days that chipped away at her defences, she had folded under the intense scrutiny of being displayed in such a humiliating way.

  It would change her – she already knew that. With the audience ushered to their next entertainment, Raven was unceremoniously hauled down from her perch by the strong arms of Alexei’s two guards.

  Hands mauled her latexed body, wandering in a frenzy of unchecked exploration while they guided her lower. As they did, they squeezed here, pinched there, felt everywhere. She was powerless to stop them, even if she had the will to. With her stiff wings and ankle still chained high to the perch, they held her head down, dependent on them.

  One leg was swinging free while the other was still stretched high. She was tethered like a dangerous bird of prey, carefully kept locked to its handler in some strange display of falconry but with an outsize kink. Only she was no predator now. She was vulnerable. Exposed. Nothing in her past had prepared her for this. Inside, she felt distant, not quite in touch with events, and as a heavy hand pushed latex between her lower lips, Raven realised her mind had retreated to another place.

  It was a place she had pushed many into. A parallel world occupied by those beholden to the will of others - Mela had often worn the look that Raven guessed would be on her face now. She had no control, nothing left to fight with and as unashamed hands molested her exhausted body, her mind retired deeper into the sanctuary of that sub-space. It was safe there, protected from further taunting assaults and she allowed herself to tentatively relax, and even start to enjoy.

  The heavy exploration continued. Two strong men acted in tandem to slake a thirst she had built in them from when she arrived. They had watched, she had seen that and tried to work with that as raw material for eventual escape. She had thought them perhaps immune but they had merely been biding their time. And, spurred on further by her seductive striptease earlier in the day, now the hands found an outlet, symptoms of the infection that was lust.

  With no resistance they continued, pressing fingers into her latex covered thighs and legs as they held her inverted. The first twinge of pleasure she managed to hide, but the second was accompanied by a soft ‘carrrrr’ as Raven moaned, her beak-shaped breathing apparatus distorting the sound.

  == ~ ==

  It had already been too long and peeling away from his guests, Alexei strode purposefully back toward the room he had left only minutes earlier. She should already have been brought to him, her place was by his side after all. He couldn’t understand how it took so long to remove her plumage and restore her to the woman she was underneath, even if they had to then bind her arms of course, just to be safe. So he pushed past his confused guests and headed back, gathering pace as he did with a stride ill-fitting his size.

  == ~ ==

  It should have appalled her but as the larger man unzipped the pants of his tuxedo, she found herself pressing herself forward while still held tightly in the strong arms of the other. She needed to feel wanted, needed to feel like the woman she had been and disgusted with herself, she felt herself push her breasts against a rigid cock.

  Frenzied kisses started to pepper her, assailing her. Arms gripped still tighter around her limp body while ‘carrs’ whistled as she tried to breathe. Her body was deaf to her increasingly incensed commands to stop, panting arousal when a man’s thick fingers gripped tighter on her confined breast, pressing it against a hard cock.

  The grunt warned her he was already close. It was all the broken Raven could do to stop herself matching his thrusts with those of her own as her body hunted for the sanctuary that release offered to deliver.

  Kiss after pummelled kiss was still thrust at her body, jarring her, which in turn assailed her hooked rectum. She was full in so many ways. It was starting to overflow. She couldn’t hold it back but she had to. It couldn’t be here, not with him.

  “Fucking Yankee slut,” snarled the man who held her convulsing body while the other smeared his spent cock over her breast. He would dream long and wet on the image of what he had done to the American woman and how he had defiled a body that, much as he desired it, still stood for everything he despised.

  == ~ ==

  It shouldn’t have been like this but Raven didn’t care anymore and even as the warm bodily fluids slithered down chest toward her neck, she ‘carred’ softly to the imagined picture of it in her mind’s eyes, twitching to the unfulfilled sparks that were misfiring between her legs.

  Sure, she had been submissive before and often climaxed as one for Immelmann before she had watched him killed. That was then though, very different and she was very different. That hadn’t been real though. It had been nothing more than a dress rehearsal to her recent grand finale where Raven would have willingly thrown her reservations to the four winds and just let go.

  And God, how she needed just that shot of utter release and pleasure. Rolling and writhing, chained by the ankle, utterly dependent on others and groped without boundaries, she had nigh on exploded into climax. But they had stopped and she could feel herself already starting to drift back down, falling disappointingly short as they continued to defile her breasts. Christ, she hadn’t even been touched that intimately; just a cock stabbing at her tit and strong hands thoroughly controlling her. Maybe that was deliberate, another graphic exhibition of just who was in charge.

  Controlled. Enslaved. His. These were words Raven knew she could get used to now. She would remake herself again. Better this time. Dependent. His.

  She was almost disappointed when her head was hauled back to allow enough slack to remove her ass hook. With a pop, it slipped out and her eyes shot wide in response. But as they did, they found a sepia-hewed figure just as it charged through the doorway.

  “Fucking Yankee slut,” were the words that Alexei had heard as he rushed toward the room. Turning the corner, revulsion struck. Two men, his men, were assaulting his property and without a moment of hesitation he reached for the gun he always had at his side and fired.

  CHAPTER XXVII – Connection

  It was Raven who screamed the curdling sound from the pit of her soul, her scream breaking out through the gagging effect of the beaked mask. Already looking at the blurred figure in the doorway, she had seen the flash of the shot before the deep thump of the gun struck her muffled ears a fraction of a second later. It was the very same moment she was struck by something else, feeling the heavy thud against her chest.

  == ~ ==

  All seemed to move in some kind of Hollywood-vogue slow motion to Alexei as his elbow snapped back with the kick of the gun. He always wore one now just in case another made the mistake of trying to take him down. Two burly tuxedoed men were there right in front of him, entwined around his property in a tangle of high society and deep fetish. In a surge of unbridled anger he had simply drawn his gun and fired.<
br />
  He hadn’t thought, there was no time for that. Anyway, the red mist of his rage had never known pause before. Shock. Anger. Lash out. That had always been Alexei’s way and it was no different this time. Only this time, the rage was darker than he had felt before, ensuring that his reaction was all the more brutal. As the projectile of his rage struck home, the three bodies were flung apart, exploding away from the hammer blow of the bullet.

  == ~ ==

  Trained to deal with weapons and be calm under fire, one of the two former Spetsnatz operatives instinctively hurled himself backward and rolled away toward cover in a single movement.

  The second was less fortunate than the first, encumbered as he was in bearing Raven’s weight while his partner took his pleasure. He didn’t even manage to scream when the bullet struck just under his armpit, passing through his heart and out the other side of his already lifeless body.

  It was the shot of a marksman. Alexei had been sure he had invested in the training he saw as necessary for survival. Through that tangle of bodies and limbs, he had fired and found his target with the utmost precision, exploding his handcrafted bullet through a newly hated body to extinguish a life.

  The dead bodyguard crumpled, melting as if the bones had been sucked from his body, releasing his grip on the latex clad woman while the last pulsing echoes of life splattered blood over her and into a fast-growing pool on the floor.

  No longer supported, Raven fell too. When her damaged shoulder and head struck the floor, her vision erupted in stars and her ears accompanied it with their own ringing protest.

  Her leg still tethered, she part hung from the chain around her ankle, head and shoulder against the floor while the rest of her body twisted.

  Alexei sprinted across the room, crossing the distance with a speed belying his thickset body before he could even pause to think why. Swooping down, he scooped up the stricken Raven in his strong arms, lifting her to ease the strain on her leg, eyes searching for clues to her fate. He was an expert shot and he was sure he had missed but he had to check, had to know.

  She was no longer a comical bird to him, she was his woman and gathering her into his arms he held her aloft as the semen and blood coating her body soaked onto his jacket, exhaling with the relief of feeling her heart beat against his.

  Leaning down closer to her, he brushed an imaginary hair from Raven’s latex encased forehead while cradling her in his arms. He held her there in a moment that stretched to eternity, eyes exploring her partially hidden features, sinking deeper into the woman’s thrall.

  Darting constantly, Alexei’s cold blue eyes devoured her, taking in the finesse of cheekbones, ignoring the flecks of white and red that dared to blemish but couldn’t tarnish her perfection, protected as she was behind the smoky yellow latex.

  == ~ ==

  Raven looked up into the eyes of a cold blooded killer, shivering while slipping into shock. Part hidden behind her opaque latex hood, it was impossible to see the subtle melting of those icy eyes. A knot formed in her stomach, but stunned in shock even she was unsure of the cause.

  Revulsion? Arousal? All Raven knew was that he sparked something strong inside her and she tilted her head slightly to receive the softly brushed thumb that caressed her forehead.

  == ~ ==

  She was exquisite, a work of art that would sit above his other prized possessions. She would be cherished and brandished with such pride. She would be caressed. But his darker needs interjected. Alexei’s inner voice slowed to a more sinister pitch. He also knew she would be fucked. So hard. So relentlessly. So often. So…

  Alexei’s lips parted slightly, allowing a soft moan to tiptoe past before he caught himself, remembering there was still one of his guards in the room.

  No. It would not be now, much as he desired it and he was a man well-used to taking what he desired, when he desired. It would not be even tonight. She had been enough. He could feel her shaking in his arms, a legacy of the shock of feeling a man’s chest explode as it was tight against hers.

  Carefully, Alexei gripped the bizarre beak, nudging it this way and that to try to prize it from its position. Rocking it gently, it started to come away until finally, with a pop, it snapped free in his hand. Careful not to snag the connection that had recently been inside her, he hurled it across the room, metal hook clattering over the floor.

  A groan of relief was all Raven could manage as the inserts dragged from her nostrils and mouth. So good; it was so good to be free of those enforced violations but as she drew deeply to take in her first free breath, she felt the latex tighten on her face. Reality flashed instantly, she was sealed tight again.

  Panic. Looking directly at him through the blood speckled latex of her hood, her eyes darted. Fighting the cling of the tight mask that clasped her jaw shut, she managed a single mumbled word, “Air!”

  The word had scarcely passed her parched lips before Raven felt a probing at the circular one way valve sealing her mouth, a stubby finger pushing inside, allowing her to breathe again.

  With a groan she sucked hard, filling her lungs with the sweetest of airs, tasting his finger which allowed her life. One breath; two; three; he was allowing her to live and unable to stop herself, she curled her tongue around the invasive finger and started to suckle in gratitude and more.

  Looking into his eyes now, another word fired into her head and with her lips feathering his finger she whispered as best she could, “Why?”

  ”He is animal,” Alexei said so quietly and calmly, turning to look at the man who was crouched in the corner zipping up his fly. “I expect no more of him.”

  “He on the other hand,” Alexei continued, nodding to the dead man, Tomas, whose blood pooled on the floor, “was not and should have known better. He abused my property and because of that he had to die.”

  And with the clinical explanation from the monster resonating within her, Raven felt herself drawn deeper into his strong arm and his lips brush against hers. Sinking deeper into blackness as her mind sought to protect itself, Raven slipped away.

  CHAPTER XXVIII – And Disconnection

  He had considered him his mentor even though they were the same age. All through the harshness of their training, Yuri had looked up to the man named Tomas for guidance and strength. As the men in the testosterone-fuelled training squad had established their hierarchy, Thomas had had the intelligence to know when to fight, but more importantly, when not to – the brains to guide the deployment of Yuri’s brawn.

  Crouching part hidden behind a chair, Yuri looked over to the twisted body of his friend, a friend he had hoped could perhaps be more one day. He had been close on one occasion, a brief moment and, looking at him now, Yuri wished he had seized it.

  It had come when Tomas had gripped his wrists to haul him from freezing water toward the end of their fifth week of training and their eyes had locked and stayed that way for longer than they should have. Since then, he had been at Tomas’ side, the loyal partner in whatever venture Tomas’ creative mind had chanced upon, wondering what could have happened but never bold enough to search for it again. Yuri’s bravado was unmatched in the physical sense, but the balance to that was an emotional uncertainty that needed someone else to rely on.

  Chance or not though, he wasn’t brave enough to take it and now, seeing Tomas lying dead, he regretted that the moment would never come again. Watching the woman carefully lifted and held aloft to stem her pain, his anger burned and gathering himself, the athletic Yuri surged forward.

  == ~ ==

  “Alexei!” shrieked his sister as she ran into the room, a thunder of other feet close behind her. Quickly assessing the scene, she spat a “No!!!” with such force that the thickset guard stopped clean in his tracks as if he had been shot too. Natalia charged to her brother’s side, skidding on the blood pooled on the floor as she arrived.

  Like a machine gun, Natalia spat commands, pointing to Yuri and stabbing her finger toward the crowd that was funnelling down the corri
dor and shuddering to a halt in the doorway once they caught sight of the dead man. As more arrived, the frontrunners spilled into the room and Natalia barked orders at them, taking charge in the chaos, using them to help.

  She turned her focus to Yuri, spewing words at him that he answered with a slow nod, edged with a sneer she didn’t see. With a last look at his departed friend, he elbowed his way forward before using his size and strength to barge roughly through the crowd.

  == ~ ==

  Alexei looked down at Raven, seemingly oblivious to the melee now swirling around him. The sucking on his finger had stopped and her eyes were now closed beneath the near transparent latex that covered them. Cradling her limp body like he would one of his priceless Faberge eggs, Alexei fished his stubby finger around her mouth to move her tongue and ensure her airway was clear, and then ripped around the valve to pull it away.


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