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Boundless Fate

Page 8

by Alicia Rae

  Her breathing became labored, and I sensed she was close.

  “Again,” I demanded.

  She repeated the motion. I gently squeezed her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and rolled it in my grasp while sucking the other one.

  Her head fell back against the mirror, and she shuddered. The darkness of her brown hair falling off her shoulders contrasted the lightness of her skin.

  I stood and watched her fall apart in front of my eyes, reveling in her pleasure. I took my length in my hand and guided myself inside her. With a deliberate measured pace, I slipped halfway into her heat and then slowly drew out, prolonging her orgasm.

  She finally tipped her head back up to meet my gaze, and I drank in her glossy brown eyes and flushed cheeks. Her beauty was enough to seize my heart.

  “There is nothing sweeter to my eyes than watching you come undone beneath me,” I said, sinking deeper into her.

  Paige elevated her legs and locked her ankles around my ass.

  I began to quicken my thrusts, losing myself inside her. Not a single thing in this world compared to being with Paige like this.

  All my troubles seemed to fade away as I focused solely on her. This past week of devastation and heartache was replaced with vivid images of Paige and the life we’d shared together.

  I pulled her close and continued to thrust in and out of her with abandoned earnest and passion as I remembered the first time I’d ever seen her smile, our first kiss so many years ago, and the first time I’d ever told her I loved her. The memories had me seeking out her lips. When I found them, I conquered her mouth and controlled our embrace, needing to consume her.

  Paige trembled in my arms as she came around me. Feeling her inner walls squeeze my cock was my own undoing. I let go and pumped my release into her, filling her.

  She curled her body into mine and nestled her nose into the crook of my neck as we fought to catch our breaths. I supported her slender frame while massaging my fingers up and down her back.

  When I felt her relax, I asked, “So, are you ready for that bath now?”

  “Yes.” She smiled against my skin.

  My thumb pressed firmly into a knot she had below her right shoulder blade, and she groaned.

  “But only if you promise to keep doing that.”

  “You got it.” I grinned.

  Without delay, I hoisted her off the counter and cradled her into me as I went to the Jacuzzi.

  Four candles evenly dispersed around the bathroom were the only lights illuminating the room. The smell of jasmine bath oil filled my nose as my index finger descended between the center of Paige’s breasts to the slight curve of her belly before gliding over to her waist and back up her body again.

  “Mmm…you’re like my own personal sexy naked masseur,” Paige moaned softly.

  A recollection of Paige having a girls’ day at a local spa several weeks ago flashed through my mind. Afterward, she had come over to the ranch and painted the living room with me. She’d teased me that a guy had eased her muscles during the massage. She had been joking, but I’d happily taken full advantage of ravishing her gorgeous body up against the wall.

  “And I’ll be the only sexy naked person to ever do the job,” I replied firmly.

  Paige flipped over onto her stomach, rested her forearms on my chest, and gazed up at me with humored eyes. “Aw, you mean you don’t want some hot stud using his bare hands to work out the tension in my muscles?”

  The thought had me seeing red, but I knew she was taunting me. “Do you want me to ravish you up against wet paint again?”

  Her lips parted in deliberation, and she grinned. “Actually, I do.”

  I playfully narrowed my eyes at her and shrugged, striving for indifference. “It’s your call, but I don’t suggest you be the reason for some innocent masseur getting a broken jaw.” My hands found the delicious curve of her round ass and cupped it. With a swift rock of my pelvis, I was sure to rub the tip of my head over her sensitive nub. “All you have to do is ask, sweetheart, and I’ll gladly take you anywhere, anytime.”

  Paige giggled and splashed water at me. “You’re going to scare off our company.”

  “We could kick them out and make them stay at a hotel.” I grinned devilishly.

  Paige rolled her eyes. “You would not.”

  “Oh, I would.” I pinched the lower half of her ass cheek and continued, “The guys would completely understand, too, so don’t tempt me.”


  “Speaking of the guys”—I grasped her hips and drew her closer until her lips were within kissing distance of mine—“I never had the chance to thank you for what you did.” My face sobered as I tried to gather all the gratitude I felt toward her. “Thank you for having the courage to pick up the phone and call Kyle…when I didn’t. Every time I tried to call him, I just didn’t have the strength to put what had happened into words. I never dreamed or expected our friends to jump on a plane to come help me rebuild my life. And the fact that they did that for me”—I swallowed thickly—“reminds me that our friendship for one another goes beyond bone deep. They truly are my family.”

  “No thank you is necessary, Colton.” Paige skimmed her thumb along the base of my jaw and then down my neck. “That’s the beauty of being there for those you love. We are all here because of how much we care for you.” Paige suddenly blushed and admitted, “But I am quite relieved to know that you aren’t mad with me for involving Kyle.”


  “Yes, I wasn’t sure how you’d respond to me asking Kyle for his aid. I just knew it was something that needed to be done, so I did it.”

  I nodded thoughtfully, silently agreeing with her decision. Ever so gently, I stretched forward and connected my lips with her forehead. “Thank you for being so strong for me when I needed you. I was just so wrapped up in the idea of someone deliberately setting out to hurt me, my horses”—pain tightly clenched my chest—“and you that I allowed it to effect my judgment.”

  Paige carefully regarded me. “Does that mean you’re letting things go with Hank?”

  “No. I still won’t let him get away with what he did,” I responded immediately. “Paige, I’m not someone who will ever back down from a fight, especially when it is brought to my doorstep, seeking to hurt those I love.”

  “Then, what will you do?”

  She’d asked me that question before, and I still had no better answer for her. “I don’t know yet. But I will keep you out of this mess. I’m not willing to risk your life.”

  Just like the day when I’d sent Paige away after the fire, emotions rushed over me, and I realized I would have to act fast with Hank, so he’d understand I wouldn’t accept any more bullshit from him.

  But for now, I was going to drown my fears in my girl and make sweet love to her.

  She opened her lips to speak, but I set my finger over them.

  “Not now, Paige. I just want the remainder of the night to be you and me, the way it should be.”

  Then, I crashed my eager mouth against hers, letting my love for her consume my every thought.

  NIGHTTIME WAS CLOSING IN after another punishing fifteen-hour workday around the ranch.

  Audrey and Paige had made us all dinner, and currently, the ladies were cleaning up the kitchen. It was just the guys left out on the patio.

  After quietly excusing myself, I went into the kitchen to grab a small cooler out of the pantry before making my way over to the fridge to put some ice in the bottom of the container.

  Paige came up alongside me, apprehensively eyeing me, as I finished my task. Lily, Abbey, Gail, and Audrey all kept themselves busy cleaning up, as if respecting our privacy.

  “What are you doing with a cooler of ice?” she asked.

  I gripped the handle of the cooler and stood up. “Just running a quick errand.” I stepped forward, set one hand on her waist¸ and reassuringly kissed her forehead. “Kyle and I will be back soon,” I added.

r this morning, I’d filled Kyle in on all the details of the fire, including my gut instinct that believed Hank was responsible for the arson and how Paige and I had found all my stolen horse sperm in Hank’s horse barn.

  “There can’t be many errands that would require you to bring a cooler along with you.” Paige crossed her arms over her chest as she pinned me with her gaze, uneasiness settling over her face. “I’m not buying it, cowboy. So, where are you going?”

  “I’m going to take back what’s mine.”

  Paige went still, worry apparent in her eyes. “You can’t be serious,” she sighed. “Colton, are you sure you want to go over to Hank’s? It could make things worse.”

  I set down the cooler and returned to my former position. “Yes, I’m positive.”

  “What happened to letting the law handle it?”

  “This is different,” I answered simply. “I need the horse sperm back now, so I can move forward with breeding a few of my mares, not in six months or however long it would take going through the court system. I know where it’s at, and I’m taking it.”

  Paige let out a deep breath and smiled, seeming to find her inner strength. “All right. Let’s go show that pompous asshat that we don’t back down from a coward, and we’re taking your stuff back.”

  My gut clenched with fear as my hold on her tightened. “No, Paige. You are not coming with me.” I would not budge on this.

  “What?” Paige asked, perplexed. “Oh, yes, I am! I will not let you go alone.”

  “I won’t be by myself. Kyle is tagging along with me.” I guided my hands to the small of her back and pulled her to me. “Don’t be stubborn about this.” I kissed the tip of her nose, hoping I could make her understand. “This is one battle I won’t let you be a part of.”

  In Paige’s expression, I could see that she was fighting herself, fighting me. She wanted to be by my side. I wanted her there, too, but not for something like this.

  I added, “Paige, I need you to stay here, so I know you are safe. Please do this for me.”

  “Fine,” Paige said in a low voice, surrendering.

  I closed my eyes, and my head fell forward until I kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

  Paige nestled her face into mine, brushing her lips against mine. “But please be safe.”

  I tenderly kissed her. “I will.”

  After retrieving the cooler, I walked out the back door and onto the patio where Kyle, Jason, Damon, and Blake were still sitting. I looked over at Kyle. “You ready to head out?”

  “Yep. Let’s take care of business.” Kyle nodded knowingly and rose from his chair.

  Jason raised his hand out in front of him and glanced between Kyle and me as he queried, “Whoa. What did I miss?”

  Kyle gazed down at Jason. “We’re going to pay a visit to a certain someone and set the record straight.”

  Blake stood up. His stance filled the patio as though he were ready to throw down. Every muscle in his throat flexed when he swallowed. He looked like one mean motherfucker. “Count me in.”

  Blake, Damon, and Jason joined Kyle and me.

  “Colton, you should know by now that if one of us goes, we all go.” Blake slapped me on the back. “That’s the way things work around here.”

  “All right,” I drawled.

  All four of my friends deserved to hear the truth before we went any further.

  I explained, “I appreciate the offer, but you should all know that, if it comes down to it, we’ll be breaking a few laws tonight. I don’t expect any of you to take that risk for me. You all have wives and families to take care of, so I will understand if you say no and choose to stay behind.”

  Damon moved until he and I were face-to-face. “We all know you wouldn’t break any laws without good reason, and we have no intention of leaving a brother to fend for himself.”

  I smiled in admiration at Damon, Kyle, Jason, and Blake. “Thank you. It means a great deal to me that you’re all willing to stand by my side in this.”

  “There’s nowhere else we’d rather be.” Jason nodded. “Now, curiosity is getting the best of me, so let’s get this show on the road.”

  We all made the short walk to my truck and hopped in. I set the small cooler on the center console and started the ignition before slipping my vehicle into reverse to back out of my driveway. While I made the drive to Hank’s estate, Kyle and I filled Jason, Damon, and Blake in on where we were going and why.

  As we pulled into Hank’s cobblestone driveway, I was relieved to see we’d caught a break. The front gate was open, so there would be no need to climb under the fence this time.

  I drove up the bend, turned around on the loop, and parked the truck off to the left of the water feature. As I expected, the porch lights were on, and the rest of the grounds seemed rather quiet.

  The five of us exited my truck and sauntered up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and took a small step backward. Kyle was at my right while Jason, Damon, and Blake stood behind us.

  Hank opened the door, dressed in a pinstriped suit and black shiny shoes. It seemed as if he’d just gotten home, and our timing was perfect. Hank’s shocked expression was priceless as his eyes widened and darted between us all before finally landing on me.

  “Kingston?” he asked. “What in the hell are you doing here?”

  I fought the urge to wrap my hands around his neck. Instead, I calmly stated, “You have something that belongs to me, and I’d like it back.”

  His head flew backward. “What on earth are you talking about?” he snapped.

  “You stole my horse sperm. I’m here to kindly ask you to return it to me.” I smiled on my emphasized word, proud of myself for being so civil with the devil himself.

  “That’s absurd.” Hank suddenly paused, and he hastily shook his head back and forth in denial. His eyes went jet-black. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, you interrupted my dinner.”

  I stepped forward until Hank and I were toe-to-toe, so he couldn’t pivot on his heels and shut the door on me.

  “That is the only time I’ll ask you nicely,” I told him, feeling the rage in me slither to a rapid boil in my veins. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, whichever you prefer. Either choice involves me leaving with what is rightfully mine.”

  Hank’s face contorted, giving the impression that he was weighing his options. It enhanced the size of his giant nose, which I’d kill to smash with my fist.

  “You’re making a huge mistake here, Kingston,” Hank threatened menacingly. “You won’t even make it into your driveway later tonight before I have you arrested.”

  From the corner of my eye, I watched as Kyle, Jason, Damon, and Blake all stepped forward in line with me and crossed their arms over the expansion of their chests.

  “I highly suggest you rethink your strategy here, Hank,” Kyle snarled. “Colton here is our brother, and we protect what’s ours. So, if you plan to pick a fight with him, you’d better be prepared for a war with the five of us.”

  Hank looked at me like we were all crazy. “You don’t have any brothers. You’re an only child, you fool.”

  “Blood is of no significance when it comes to brotherhood or family,” Kyle cut in with absolute perseverance filling his tone.

  I was damn near speechless at the truth in Kyle’s powerful words. The biggest grin plastered itself across my face, realizing this was way better than pounding Hank into the ground. “So, how about we take a walk to the barn, Hank?”

  “Uh, I…uh,” Hank stuttered.

  I raised my hand and slapped it down harder than necessary on his shoulder while coming to his side. “Don’t take it personally, Hank.” I bit back my laughter as the guys moved to the side, so I could escort Hank down the stairs as I continued, “Kyle has the dumbstruck effect on a lot of people for many different reasons. In your case, I’d do what he says. Surely, you wouldn’t want to piss him off since he’s a hotheaded Army veteran”—I tipped my head to gesture to Blake—“or this guy
over here who’s a deadly Marine.”

  Hank was rambling as we hit the bottom step of the porch, so I turned my attention back to the guys for a second.

  Damon was leaning against a wooden railing, and Jason was bent over at the knees, both of them soundlessly rolling with laughter, whereas Kyle and Blake were giving me the what-the-fuck look as if I’d just tossed them to the wolves for dinner.

  Shrugging, I returned their expressions with my own work-with-me-here look. Turning back to Hank, I caught the end of his babbling.

  “…so you have to believe me. I didn’t take it. I just stumbled across it by luck,” Hank said.

  I refrained from rolling my eyes at the scumbag as we reached the barn. When we stepped inside, I directed him to the right tack room where Paige and I had been the night of our escapade.

  “Yeah…” I drawled, letting my Southern accent rip free. “So, my horse sperm just happened to escape the fire and jump into your barn. That’s the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard.”

  Jason flipped on the light switch as we all entered the first room on the right where Paige had discovered the fridge.

  Hank came to a dead stop and whipped around to face me with accusing eyes. I could see the wheels in his head turning as he seethed, “How did you not only know it was in my barn”—he scanned the room—“but more specifically, in this room?”

  There was no way I’d give myself up so easily to a coward. Hank had wronged me first.

  “It was just a hunch, but thanks for bringing me straight to it,” I lied, uncaring if he saw right through me. “Now, fetch me what’s mine, so I can be on my way.”

  Hank narrowed his eyes at me. Right as I thought things were about to take a sharp turn for the worst, he faced the small black fridge sitting on the old TV stand and opened the door. His hands shook as he retrieved each of my tubes of horse sperm. I looked him straight in the eyes as he handed each one to me.

  An indescribable fury rocketed through every fiber in my body, all directed at this man who had intentionally inflicted destruction and heartache on me. I’d been forced to helplessly stand by and watch part of my home and livelihood go up in flames. My wound of hatred and revenge felt so fresh that it almost overpowered me.


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