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Boundless Fate

Page 22

by Alicia Rae

  I got up onto my knees slightly and clasped both of my hands around the shaft of the gun while raising it in the air, aiming it straight for Hank’s heart. Colton was already stirring and shouting, but I didn’t catch his words. I was too focused on what was in front of me.

  I didn’t even flinch when I pulled the trigger on Hank, striking my target. In my mind, I flipped through every single time I’d feared for my life tonight because of this man. Hank’s eyes went wide, and his weapon clattered to the floor. Consumed with my own hatred for this worthless piece of shit, I cocked the gun again and fired.

  Hank fell backward in slow motion, and his body hit the floor. I watched the life seep out of him, and it gave me a deep satisfaction that scared me.

  From the corner of my eye, I noted Kyle was standing in the hallway with a look of shock. His mouth was moving, but I couldn’t hear anything. It was only a dull background noise.

  Someone was shaking me, but I felt numb, lost somewhere in myself. I felt a profound contentment pumping through me at knowing Hank was dead and then an overwhelming guilt. Together, they dueled over the forefront of my mind.

  I didn’t know how long I remained frozen in shock before I finally felt Colton’s hands on my sides, shaking me back to life. I descended down to the ground, and Colton pulled me into his lap. My handcuffed wrists came to my right side.

  I stared at Colton. His eyes were a mixture of emotions, resembling my own. I couldn’t form a single thought.

  “Jesus, Paige.” He briefly shook me harder. “Are you okay?”

  At my silence, his hands cupped my cheeks, and he gently moved my head from left to right. Tears covered his beautiful face.

  “Fuck, Paige. Talk to me. Please,” he pleaded in a broken, desperate tone.

  I swallowed the bile rising in my throat, and in awe, I said, “We’re alive.”

  Colton smiled. His eyes shimmered with love and gratitude. “Yes, because of you, sweet girl, we are.”

  “I love you,” I whispered, needing him to know how I felt about him in this moment.

  “I love you, too.” His mouth crashed down on mine, kissing me again and again. “I love you more than my heart can bear, more than life itself.”

  My lips melted into his, and he slowly eased my anxieties.

  And all too quickly, Kyle hunched down at an angle next to us and cleared his throat. “Ahem, I hate to break up your love bubble. Pixie, how about we get this gun out of your hands now?”

  I drew back slightly to see my linked arms resting over my thigh with my fingers still clutching the gun in a death grip. It was pointed at the ground.

  Kyle set his hand on top of mine and gently pulled it toward him while making sure the weapon was pointed at the wall.

  I sucked in a long breath and held it. This hunk of metal had just saved Colton’s life, and I’d grown rather fond of it. Or maybe I needed it to feel powerful enough to defend and protect myself, to feel safe.

  The air rushed out of my lungs.

  Colton began to rub my arm. He instantly relieved the tension from my high-strung body. “Paige, everything is going to be fine. You’re safe, and it’s all over, so you can let go now.”

  He was right.

  I gently began to loosen my hold, and then I handed the gun over to Kyle. He set it down on the hardwood floor. Turning back to me, he produced a key in his hand and unlocked my handcuffs.

  As I rubbed at the tenderness, a violent wave of what I’d done began to sink into my mind. My bottom lip quivered as my conscience attacked my soul with profound guilt.

  I glanced between Colton and Kyle. “He’s dea—I killed him, didn’t I?” It was a stupid question, and I already knew the answer, but for some reason, I needed confirmation.

  Earlier, I hadn’t wanted to peel my eyes away from Hank’s body going lifeless before me, and now, I was too terrified to look for myself.

  My heart knew what I had done was right, yet another part of me held myself in contempt for acting so impulsively. I could have pointed for his hand or shoulder or somewhere else. Instead, I’d aimed for what would undeniably end his life. Furthermore, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking I would do it all over again without hesitation.

  What kind of person does that make me?

  I heard sirens for the second time today.

  Will I be riding in the ambulance or the back of the police car?

  Kyle set his hand on my shoulder and finally responded, “Paige, if you didn’t shoot Hank, he wouldn’t have stopped until you were both dead. You had the right to protect your life. You know that.”

  “Yes, I do.” My voice was weak.

  My answer to Kyle had been honest, but it didn’t make the truth any easier to accept at the moment. I was on the verge of a breakdown.

  I just killed another human being.

  My tired eyes were forced to stay open for several more hours until I was positive I was delirious with exhaustion.

  I’d been hauled off in an ambulance and taken to the hospital where they kept me overnight for a mild concussion. From being struck on my head, six stitches went from the corner of my right eyebrow down to the corner of my eye socket. My palms and kneecaps were expected to heal on their own, but the nurse had given me some cream with a pain reliever. All these injuries were thanks to Eddie.

  The only thing that put my mind at ease was knowing he was in custody for kidnapping and battery, along with the other two men who had been involved. Colton had also said that Eddie would be questioned in regard to the arson at the ranch, too, because of the burn on his hand.

  From the ambulance ride to the hospital, Colton had never left my side, and neither had Kyle for that matter. The three of us had also been questioned by officers who came into my room earlier. Colton had been irritated that they wouldn’t let me rest, but I hadn’t minded. I wanted this horror movie we’d found ourselves trapped in to be over, once and for all.

  It was nearly four in the morning as I glanced over at Kyle. He’d managed to fall asleep in the green chair by the window, and I had no idea how he’d done so. He looked extremely uncomfortable. His legs were flung over my bedside table, and his arms were crossed over his broad chest while his head leaned back at an awkward angle.

  My eyes filled with tears as they traveled back to his face. God might have only given me a sister by blood, but this man was my overly protective big brother in every way. He’d risked his life for me today. Saying I was thankful to have him in my life didn’t feel like enough.

  Longing to snuggle into Colton, I rotated on my hip. I grinned at my sleeping handsome cowboy. He’d climbed into my bed hours ago, even against the nurse’s persistent protests. I felt bad for her because she hadn’t stood a chance against my stubborn cowboy, let alone when Kyle had joined in and backed him up. Between the two of them, the poor woman had just thrown her hands up in dismay and stormed out of the room while muttering something about being unreasonable and tenacious under her breath. A little giggle had escaped me at that moment, knowing she couldn’t have been more right.

  I raised my hand and slowly caressed my thumb along Colton’s cheek. We’d endured so much in the past year. After my accident on the river where I’d lost Missy and nearly drowned myself, I’d buried myself in guilt and grief for so many months. Then, Colton had watched his livelihood burn to the ground by arson, and he’d struggled with his own revenge and hate.

  Yet Colton and I were still here, unbreakable and in love.

  Some might ask how that was possible.

  It was simple—love.

  The two of us still had so much to look forward to in our future, like rebuilding the buildings on his ranch where we would grow his training facility together. Most importantly, we had a wedding to plan.

  I agreed with Colton’s thoughts at dinner. I, too, couldn’t wait to become his wife and officially call him mine—forever.

  I leaned forward and pressed my lips to Colton’s, feeling blessed to be adored by a man who would never
leave my side and who loved me so completely, so powerfully, that my heart and soul were in a state of utter bliss.

  He groaned softly into my mouth and murmured, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I said, and I did. “Forever.”

  Fate had woven our hearts together, and nothing would ever tear us apart.

  Restlessly, I tossed and turned and tossed and turned in my bed, drenched in sweat, for the seventh night in a row.

  “Would you kill for someone you loved with all your heart?” a haunting voice asked me.

  “Yes, and I’d do it again if I had to,” I confessed without skipping a beat.

  But I had learned the deed didn’t come without a price on myself. To take another human being’s life, good or evil, weighed on my soul.

  I’d caused an innocent woman to be a widow at the age of fifty-two. I’d made two college students heartbroken and fatherless. Their bitterness and resentment toward me was plastered all over town.

  “Will his family understand my reasons?” I asked even though I knew they didn’t.

  As I was met with silence, I continued to ponder my fears aloud, “Can I ever be whole again if those I’ve hurt choose not to bless me with their forgiveness?”

  Seconds ticked by before I heard, “I don’t know. Do you forgive yourself for ending someone’s life?”

  The menacing voice revealed himself to me.

  Hank Ulrich stared at me with jet-black pupils and bloodstained irises. The look froze the beating of my heart, filling it with frigidly ice-cold venom.

  “Nobody gets away with murder, bitch.”

  Colton pulled me out of my nightmare, and I heard my shrill screams filling the darkness of our bedroom. My face was wet with tears, and my body was slick with sweat.

  Colton cradled me in his arms and rocked me back and forth, trying to soothe me. “My God, Paige.” His voice trembled with fear.

  Fear of what, I was unsure, but it mirrored the way I felt inside.

  “You’re going to be okay, sweetheart. I got you. I got you,” he repeated, trying to lull me back to sleep.

  He’d saved me, and I’d saved him.

  The fight was over.

  Or was it?

  FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, thank you for taking the time to read my book.

  As with all my stories, each of the couples weaves their way into my heart and become a part of me. I hope you enjoyed Colton and Paige’s story and continue the rest of their journey with me.

  For the most up-to-date information, please sign up for my email list at

  You can also follow me on Facebook at and Twitter @AliciaRaeAuthor.

  I HAVE SO MANY WONDERFUL PEOPLE TO THANK. Each person has truly been a blessing throughout this new chapter in my life.

  First and foremost, I cannot express enough thanks to my remarkably talented editor, Jovana Shirley, at Unforeseen Editing. She was the first person I met when I started this journey of writing, and I’m forever grateful for her friendship, advice, and the endless late nights she shared with me while perfecting every single word of each of my novels. She took my original manuscripts and made them shine. Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work! Much love, lady!

  To my family, who has always supported me with unconditional love, even during the times when I practically live in my writing cave—Thank you, and I love you all dearly. *Hugs & Kisses*

  To Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations—Thank you for taking all the photographs and creating a work of art with all my covers. I am in awe of your extraordinary talent, and I absolutely love each and every cover.

  To my dear husband, Travis—A special thanks for taking the time to read my manuscript at a moment’s notice, giving me sincere words of affirmation when I needed them the most, and for always being my rock. You are my high school sweetheart who has made all my dreams come true. Love you, always. ♥

  To Tammie Lee—Thank you for all your heartfelt thoughts and suggestions for my manuscripts, the way you always go above and beyond for me and my books, our late-night messaging filled with laughter, and most of all, for being such a dear friend. Many, many hugs.

  To Gary Taylor—I’m so glad I took a leap of faith this past year and reached out to you. From our very first message, you have inspired me in so many ways with your words, as you have with those around the world. You remind me to always strive to be the best I can possibly be by putting all that I have into my work, to never give up when the going gets tough, and to reach for the stars. I’ll always be grateful for our friendship. It’s one I plan to keep for life. Thanks for your support, for helping me craft my thoughts for Colton and Paige’s covers, and for bringing them to life. You did a remarkable job.

  To Tiffany Liller—Many, many thank yous for everything you did for me. I’m deeply humbled that you drove all the way to Alabama to grace my covers. They are absolutely stunning.

  To Golden Czermak—There aren’t enough words to thank you enough for taking my visions and capturing the most perfect images for my covers and for making my teasers. As with all your photographs, they aren’t just an image. They are a work of art. From your keen eye behind the lens to your extraordinary editing talent, you continue to amaze me every time I even look at one of your photographs. I hope to have the opportunity to work with you again and again in the future. Thank you for your amazing friendship and all that you do for me.

  To all my beta readers—Thank you for your countless hours of reading my novels and for giving me that push I needed with your kind and encouraging words. You all help me perfect my work and make it the best it can be, and I’m extremely thankful to each of you.

  To the many bloggers who put their hearts and precious time into reading and promoting my book—Many, many thanks to you all! Truly, I’m deeply humbled and grateful for all that you do for us authors, and even more importantly, for the many friendships I’ve made along the way.

  To all the ladies at InkSlinger PR—Thank you for your guidance and hard work in organizing my blog tours, cover reveals, giveaways, and so much more. Without you, I never would have known what steps to take.

  To all fellow authors who have become friends—Thank you for writing books where I can lose myself for hours and for inspiring me to write love stories of my own. You have all welcomed me with open arms, and I’m extremely thankful.

  And especially to my readers—I can never thank you enough for reading my book. All your support means the world to me. ♥

  ALICIA RAE is a contemporary romance author who lives in Dekalb, Illinois, with her husband and three beautiful boys. Alicia has a passion for reading all types of romance, writing to bring a story to life, and photography.




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