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Carter's Treasure

Page 24

by Amy Gregory

  “Carter,” she begged through a whisper. He was the only one that could give her what she needed now.

  His mouth moved lower still, his kisses soft again. His lips settled on her stomach. Her hands moved to his shoulders, and she felt the deep breath he drew in, felt his words spoken against the tight skin of her abdomen.

  “No more condoms.”

  She ran both hands up his neck, settling her fingers on his cheeks. The shake of her head was slight. Dragging her eyes back open, she looked down her body to see his face, his chin still on her stomach, but his eyes locked on hers.

  “No more pills,” she whispered.

  His mouth made its way back up her body, this time on a mission. Each pass brought him closer and closer to her. It would be another first of sorts. This time, there would be nothing between them. She would feel him for the first time.

  As Carter settled himself between her legs, he touched her cheek in silent understanding as he slowly slid into her body. The air that was in her lungs escaped as a hiss through her teeth. Not from pain, but impatience. Molly needed him now and the man was driving her out of her mind. There was no point in hurrying him, though. He never failed to give her what he knew she needed. A sheen of sweat glistened on her skin while she waited.

  Tonight the wait was short.

  “Molly,” Carter said under his breath, and then he started to move.

  Immediately she felt herself splintering into a million pieces. Her eyes shut so tight she swore she saw stars. When she went tumbling, a high-pitched noise escape from her mouth, right before Carter took it over, kissing her faster and harder. Nipping at her, taking what was his, before slowing and taking more care with the lips he’d just punished, then quickening again. Carter dug his hands into the mattress on either side of her, and she felt the strength in the one last push, heard the grunt of power that came with it. Then he collapsed, sweaty and breathing uncontrollably on top of her.

  “I love you, Molly Sterling.”

  Carter’s declaration was barely heard. Molly tried to grin at her new last name and hoped he could hear her return the words. “I love you too, Carter.”


  She grinned as she looked into the full length mirror, watching the three women move around her.

  They had decided for a quick wedding. She was completely uncomfortable around a lot of people and Carter knew that. Instead, he insisted on a small, intimate affair with just their closest friends and family. Carter’s family was huge and she hated the thought that it might cause a rift. Their destination wedding had solved that problem. His only request was that it was sooner rather than later.

  Molly had had absolutely no problem with that.

  Finals week was the first week in May, the last race of the season, and it all ended in Vegas, a huge event with easy access to a wedding. Karen and Erin had quickly put together the small wedding. No attendants, no flower girls. Just the two of them in the small chapel that looked like it belonged in a little country town somewhere, surrounded by those that loved them.

  Molly had pinned up the sides of her hair, leaving a sheet of thick gold hanging straight down her back. It was already warm there in May, so she had opted for no panty hose, going with only a white lace thong that she knew Carter would love and a white lace strapless bra underneath the dress.

  She yawned as Erin, Connie, and Karen helped her carefully step into the white strapless silk dress with a sweetheart neckline, and pulled it up. The dress had little fabric covered buttons running down the back and a sash that was wide in the front and narrowed in the back to tie in a small bow, leaving the ends hanging long. It was a simple dress, plain almost, but with the full skirt and short train on her tiny little frame, anything else would have been too much.

  Karen attached the elbow length veil in place with a small Swarovski clip. Taking a deep breath, Molly turned around for their approval, and was immediately smothered in hugs and kisses.

  “Don’t make me cry.” Gentle laughter escaped her mouth as she tried to hold back the tears. “I have on too much mascara.”

  “I love you so much, Mol.” Erin said as she hugged her tight. “You mean the world to me. You and Brody are my best friends. Remember, the three of us against the world?”

  Molly smiled through the tears at their familiar motto. “Yeah, how could I forget? That got us into more trouble.”

  “No, your brother got us into trouble.” Erin laughed and yawned.

  Molly grinned. “Well he’s not here to defend himself. So yeah, we’ll blame him.”

  “I was there,” Karen said as she hugged both girls. “He is to blame.”

  Giggles burst from both girls again, and Molly had to dab beneath her eyes, trying to fix her mascara. “Why can’t this be waterproof? The stinking package said waterproof.”

  Both girls yawned again at the same time.

  “Why are you girls both so tired? You can’t stand up there on the alter yawning, Molly.” Karen’s chin tilted in suspicion.

  Molly bit her lip. They were pretty sure they’d made a clean get away this morning. Carter had sent a text when he got to Brody’s room and promised her he hadn’t run into anyone. Erin had said the same. But when Erin yawned again, they both lost it. Molly was sure their laughter could be heard out into the small church.

  “Girls, shh.” Karen waved her hand downward as she looked toward the door of the changing room. “What’s gotten into you two?”

  Erin mouthed “into” to Molly and Molly lost it, the little dirty inside joke sending her into a hysterical tizzy.

  “You had boys in your room last night, didn’t you?” The anger on Karen’s face would have been more threatening if she wasn’t fighting laughter so hard. Even with her hands on her hips, her face gave her away as it turned redder and redder.

  Karen leveled her eyes at both girls, or at least attempted to. When Molly couldn’t stifle the yawn, the suppressed laughter started bubbling up all over again. That was the problem. Molly had a nervous giggle anyway, and once she started, it was like hell trying to get it to stop.

  Karen shook her head. “So who did the sneaking?”

  Both girls shouted their defenses at the same time, “The boys.”

  Connie raised her eyebrow. “I had a feeling my son was to blame.” The crooked grin of the older woman barely hid her amusement.

  Molly brought her hands up in surrender. “Technically, I never did anything wrong. I stayed in my room the whole night.”

  Erin’s eyes went wide. “Well…I was kidnapped.”

  Both mothers’ eyes rose.

  Karen shook her head and finally chuckled, letting Molly know she thought it was funny. “We’d better put you back together. You have makeup running everywhere now.”

  Erin took the tissue from Molly’s hand and wiped off another smudge. It reminded Molly of the old days, when they’d do each other’s hair and makeup. It had been a friend triangle that ended perfectly—Brody, Erin, and her. Finally after so many years growing up as friends, Brody and Erin had made it official. Now her two best friends were going to make her an aunt.

  “Well, Mol. I’d better go find your brother and my seat. Who knows what those boys are up to? With all four of us in here, there’s no one to contain the madness that might be happening out there. I love Carter, Eli, and Jesse, but man, you add Brody to the mix, and those four together are one hot mess.”

  Molly grinned and looked at Connie. “I’d say Mike could keep them under control, but from what I’ve seen—he and Sam just join in like little boys. What is it with good looking guys? They’re all freaking as ornery as hell.”

  Erin shook her head and blew Molly a kiss as she walked out the door. Connie grabbed her purse and a couple of tissues.

  “Ah, let me have one more.” Connie chuckled as she leaned in to hug Molly carefully. “All right, sweetie. We’re so happy to have you in our family, Molly. Tom and I love you.” Her words were cut off as she started to tear up, and she waved her han
d in front of her face to try to get herself together. “I’ll leave you two alone. See you in a few minutes.”

  When Connie disappeared out the door, Molly checked the clock on the wall for the four thousandth time and let out a breath, bit her lip, and put her finger to the cross at her neck.

  “Nervous, sweetheart?”

  “No, why?” Molly whispered.

  Karen didn’t even have to speak, Molly could tell be the look on her face. Karen’s smile widened even more when Molly dropped her hand.

  “Oh. Yeah, I guess so.”

  “It has nothing to do with marrying Carter, does it? You’re nervous about walking down the aisle?”

  “You know me too well.” Molly grinned and walked into Karen’s open arms.

  Karen adjusted the veil. “He makes you happy, doesn’t he?”

  “More than I thought possible.”

  “I’m so glad, that’s more than we could have ever hoped for. You’ve turned into an amazing young woman, Molly. James and I couldn’t be more proud.”

  “I wouldn’t be here today without the two of you. I will never be able to thank you enough.”

  “Oh, baby girl, give me grandchildren and we’ll be even.”

  “Done.” Molly smiled. “Karen?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I’ve been wanting to ask you something for a really long time, but never knew how.”

  “What, honey?”

  “Is it…would it be okay…um—“


  “Well, I just feel like you and James are more than a couple who took me in when I needed help. I was wondering if maybe it would be all right… I mean, would it be weird if I called you Mom and Dad?” Molly asked, unable to hide the hesitation in her voice. She had wanted this for so long, but it was such an awkward request. The more time that went by, the harder it became. Her stomach rolled once as she bit her lip and nervously waited for Karen’s response.

  The embrace she received from Karen was answer enough, but undeniable in the excitement bubbling out of Karen. “Oh my…sweetheart, you’ve just made me happier than I have ever been. We’d love that! We just never suggested it because we thought it might make you uncomfortable. We’ve always considered you our daughter, you know that.”

  Molly shook her head yes, not trusting her voice. If she spoke now, she’d end up starting from scratch with her makeup.

  A knock at the door startled them both. “Five minutes.”

  “Oh, Molly, I love you, so much.” Karen dabbed both of their eyes with a tissue.

  As hard as she tried to keep them from escaping, the tears of joy rolled down her cheeks in a fresh wave. Molly hugged Karen again, holding on tight. “I love you too.”

  “I better go get Jam—I mean, your father.” She flashed a watery smile at Molly and then walked to the door, blowing her a kiss before pulling the door shut and leaving Molly standing in the room by herself.

  Carter stood in his black tux, pulling at his collar. His friends and brothers had been chatting and joking with him, trying to keep him calm, but all he wanted was to be by her side, and even more so to have her in his bed. One by one they all shook hands and left to find their seats with their wife, girlfriend, or date, leaving him with just James and his father. James reached out his hand to his future son-in-law then pulled him into a tight hug.

  “You’re a good man, Carter. You take good care of my baby girl.”

  “I will, sir.”

  “I know you will.” James smiled.

  “I know it’s been quick and we’ve been through a lot…it’s been kind of a whirlwind, really. Thank you for trusting me.”

  “Well, I do trust you, Carter. She’s happy, as long as you keep her that way, that’s all I can ask.”

  “Thank you, James.”

  “Well, I better go get my little girl. I’ll meet you up at the altar.” James nodded at Carter as he walked out of the room.

  “Well, Son.” Tom straightened his son’s black bow tie.

  Carter took a deep breath. “I love that girl, Dad.”

  “All right then, let’s go make her yours.”

  James tapped on the door and peeked his head in. “I heard my daughter is ready to get married.”

  Molly turned back around to face him and watched his mouth drop open. “Wow, you look beautiful, baby girl.”

  Molly could see tears form in his eyes as she walked into his arms. “So…you talked?” Molly grinned.

  “To your mom?” James smiled, his pride evident across his face. “Yes. I’ve never been more proud of anything than to be able to call myself your father. You and Brody are the best two kids a man could ask for.”

  Molly hugged him tight, smelling the familiar cologne she’d bought him for Father’s Day last year.

  “You know when I signed that contract with George, I never dreamed in a million years you wouldn’t come back home at the end of it.” Molly watched James attempt a smile, but it didn’t quite reach. “You sure about this boy?”

  Molly knew he was teasing, but she couldn’t help but feel that twinge of fear. She wouldn’t ever go back to live in her old bedroom. She’d never again wake up and drink coffee with him and her mother on Saturday mornings. Things were going to change. She was excited about her new life with Carter, but a piece of her was homesick already.

  “Yes, I love him.”

  He gave her a little smile and his words were tender. “I’m not ready to give you away yet.”

  It seemed as if her father had just had the same realization she did. The dress just made it all so real. She’d had the same moment when she saw herself in the mirror for the first time.

  “You’re just sharing. I’ll always be yours…” She paused. “And Mom’s.”

  Molly heard the breath James took and hugged him tight when he pulled her back into his embrace.

  “Well, let’s go take you to your boy. He’s about to wear the carpet thin from pacing. I don’t think he can wait another minute.”

  The two of them walked to the doors of the little sanctuary in silence, each lost in their own nerves and thoughts. They stopped just outside, both taking one last deep breath.

  “I love you, baby girl.” James kissed her cheek before pulling the veil over her face.

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  The doors opened and everyone stood. She saw Carter at the altar as she waited for her cue. She let out her breath, put her shoulders back, and lifted her chin, glancing at James. He nodded his reassurance, and the two of them started down the aisle. She gripped his arm tight, needing his strength one more time. Molly kept her eyes glued on the handsome man at the end. Not trusting her emotions, she didn’t dare make eye contact with Karen.

  Molly got half way to the altar and saw Carter’s mouth drop open, then that slow, sexy grin that had won her heart on day one came across his face. He winked at her as James helped her up the three steps to stand by his side.

  James said his line then held her hand out for Carter to take. Molly glanced down at her hand in his, then back up to his smiling face.

  “You look gorgeous,” he mouthed to her. She just smiled back.

  Her heart was about to burst, first from the conversations with Karen and then James, and now to be marrying the love of her life. She didn’t hear much of the ceremony until the minister led them to the written vows.

  She turned to face Carter, who had tears beginning to well up, which immediately caused her to lose her own battle with tears.

  “Molly, we haven’t known each other for very long and we’ve been through a lot. But I knew the day I met you I’d marry you. I knew I’d found my perfect match. When I’m with you, I feel like I can do anything. And no one can make me laugh or challenge me…” He grinned at her. “Like you do. I love you more than anything in the world, Gorgeous.” He squeezed her hands.

  Molly took a deep breath, hoping it was somewhat subtle. “Carter, I remember the day we met, too. Seeing that slow grin come a
cross your face as you shook my hand, it stole my breath. Then I looked in your eyes and I fell in love with you that very moment. You’ve been by my side through some very tough times and never wavered. I feel loved, cherished, and protected when you are by my side. I love you.”

  He mouthed, “I love you,” back to her and she felt the tear roll down her cheek.

  The minister continued on through the short ceremony. Her heart soared as she heard Carter say the words first. The shortest sentence known to man, but one that meant so much. One that meant everything.

  “I do,” she said, smiling sweetly at Carter.

  “And by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Carter’s palm slid along her back, pulling her closer. He told her I love you one more time, before he tipped her chin up with his other hand and her lips met his for the first time as husband and wife.


  The small, private room of the restaurant had been transformed into a princess’s dream, quaint and romantic with white lights and greenery everywhere. The aged brick walls gave an old world Tuscan feel to the Italian restaurant. In the middle of the rustic wood floor was a space big enough for their first dance and the father-daughter dance she would share with James. Carter wasn’t sure how Karen had found it, but for their catered dinner, it was perfect. She had put together the most perfect wedding and reception for her daughter and Carter appreciated it. It wasn’t some elaborate affair that Molly wouldn’t enjoy because she couldn’t relax.

  Instead, Molly bounced around, being passed from one hug to the next, and Carter watched her, laughing the entire time. She was stopped once again by Eli and Jesse. Carter could tell they were teasing her about something, and he smiled as Jesse took her under his arm in mock protection from Eli over who knew what. Judging by the plate full of food in Eli’s hand, it was to keep Molly’s dress clean. But Carter couldn’t care less if the dress ended up covered in food, as long as she had fun.


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