Observatory Mansions
Page 28
When I first saw our baby daughter I cried because she had such tiny hands. Now they are larger. Now they grip and won’t let go.
I have been painting our new home white. Sometimes I dip my entire hands into the pot of paint. On those occasions I walk to the mirror and look at myself with white hands, and then I feel sad.
(Lot Numbers 1–996)
1. A till receipt.
2. A used envelope (white).
3. A used envelope (blue).
4. A white plastic bag.
5. An empty wine bottle.
6. A pencil stub.
7. An empty can of plum tomatoes.
8. A red plastic bag.
9. An empty vinegar bottle.
10. An empty can of pineapple chunks.
11. An empty cardboard box (white).
12. A rusted and bent nail.
13. A brown paper bag.
14. A quantity of pencil shavings.
15. A goose’s feathers.
16. A light bulb (blown).
17. An old mop head.
18. An empty cardboard box (brown).
19. A number of fish bones.
20. An out-of-date calendar.
21. A collection of toenail clippings.
22. A quantity of various dogs’ faeces in a glass jar (sealed).
23. A cotton handkerchief (unclean).
24. A sealed jar containing used bathwater.
25. A collection of ash from a fireplace.
26. A bent hairclip.
27. A quantity of potato peelings.
28. A newspaper.
29. A snapped metal coathanger.
30. An apple core.
31. A china teacup missing its handle.
32. A used disposable razor.
33. A fuse (blown).
34. A cork (from a wine bottle).
35. A cigar butt.
36. A bent staple.
37. A sock with three holes.
38. A teddy bear (small).
39. A tin soldier (infantry).
40. A clockwork robot.
41. A stuffed fox.
42. A plastic frog.
43. A collection of shattered glass.
44. A tin of tobacco.
45. A wad of black cigarette papers.
46. A miniature ivory elephant.
47. A marriage casket (tortoiseshell and metal marquetry).
48. A dinner gong (copper and tin).
49. A love letter.
50. The eighth volume of an encyclopedia.
51. A pair of brass doorknobs.
52. A mahogany ruler.
53. A large bottle of black writing ink.
54. A hairnet.
55. A pair of wooden doorknobs.
56. A soup ladle.
57. Four curtain pulls.
58. A photograph of a shooting party.
59. A photograph of a hunt.
60. An oriental wooden cockerel.
61. A globe (terrestrial).
62. A leg from an old ice chest.
63. A piano stool.
64. A book on the science of physiognomy.
65. A gold signet ring.
66. Various parts from four scarecrows.
67. A punch bowl (silver and tortoiseshell).
68. A two-handed sword (steel).
69. A pine draining board.
70. A riding crop.
71. An ivory shoehorn.
72. A family tree (on parchment paper).
73. A carving knife.
74. A pair of nail scissors (silver).
75. A miniature steam engine.
76. A corner of a tapestry (wool and silk).
77. A pestle.
78. A photograph of a woman with a number of porcelain dolls.
79. A clothes brush.
80. A brown leather shoe (gentleman’s, right foot).
81. A black leather shoe (gentleman’s, right foot).
82. A pepper pot.
83. A porcelain swan.
84. A gilded beechwood candlestick.
85. A brown trilby.
86. A soup tureen (porcelain).
87. A wooden croquet ball (red).
88. Two crystals of glass from a chandelier.
89. Twelve cash books.
90. A silver-gilt ewer.
91. A marble bust of a bald gentleman.
92. A chair leg (pine).
93. The bit from a bridle.
94. A snuffbox (ivory).
95. A book entitled The Eucharist (black goatskin binding).
96. A tiara (gold, silver, emeralds).
97. An ash pan.
98. An illustrated book of moths and butterflies.
99. A salmon fly-fishing rod.
100. A pair of silver and diamond earrings.
101. A book of maps of modern cities of the world.
102. A small sculpture of a classical figure (boxwood).
103. A straw doll.
104. A wheel-lock musket.
105. A large terracotta flowerpot.
106. A stained-glass window of a family crest.
107. A silver letter knife.
108. Two eggs made of malachite.
109. A charcoal drawing of a large house.
110. A tontine salver (silver).
111. A parasol.
112. Three silver napkin rings.
113. A newspaper rod.
114. An apron.
115. A copper kettle lid.
116. A gate latch.
117. A screw from a microscope.
118. A toboggan.
119. Two china teacups.
120. A wooden lavatory seat.
121. A bottle-corking machine.
122. A watering can.
123. A pair of cricket bails.
124. An illuminated manuscript.
125. A cushion with an embroidered cover.
126. A pin box.
127. A cooking thermometer.
128. A book containing botanical drawings.
129. A pair of prints, of fighting cocks.
130. A book of anatomical drawings.
131. A metal bolt.
132. A gardening glove.
133. A watercolour of a beautiful woman, two centuries dead.
134. An hourglass.
135. A bottle of old port wine (unopened).
136. A silver-gilt and glass salt cellar.
137. A weathervane.
138. A quantity of bookplates (with heraldic design).
139. A fountain pump.
140. A pair of dice (ivory).
141. Two wooden pieces taken from a game of backgammon.
142. A castle from a chess set (ivory).
143. A castle from a chess set (wood).
144. A stick for cleaning shotguns.
145. A pair of oven gloves.
146. Seven drying-up cloths.
147. The winding key to a grandfather clock.
148. The winding key to a grandfather clock.
149. The winding key to a grandmother clock.
150. The winding key to a carriage clock.
151. The winding key to a table clock.
152. A magnifying glass.
153. An amount of turmeric.
154. An amount of garlic salt.
155. Two bay leaves.
156. A cut-glass decanter containing malt whisky.
157. A silver sugar bowl.
158. A naval cutlass.
159. A pair of bellows.
160. A fire poker.
161. A porcelain vase.
162. A psalter.
163. A morocco-bound book (a volume of Orme history).
164. A photograph of a boy with a teddy bear (black and white).
165. A wading stick.
166. A silver-gilt and glass pepper pot.
167. A wrought-iron fireguard.
168. A coal scuttle
169. Twelve book dust-wrappers.
170. An iron mantrap.
171. A fish kettle.
172. A black leather riding boot.
173. A glass-crystal fruit bowl.
174. A teddy bear without a mouth.
175. A wooden spinning top.
176. A wooden yo-yo.
177. A cricket bat.
178. A puppet (of a boy with a long nose).
179. A tricycle.
180. A birth certificate.
181. A death certificate.
182. The remains of a mouse nailed to a board (labelled).
183. The remains of a mouse nailed to a board (labelled).
184. A light switch.
185. A shooting stick.
186. A chewed dog collar with name tag (inscribed).
187. A lampshade dog collar.
188. Eight hinges from a dressing screen.
189. A bedside light.
190. A letter of resignation.
191. A bell pull.
192. A naked porcelain doll.
193. One half of a pair of curtains.
194. A number of tapers.
195. A farewell letter.
196. A letter of apology.
197. A letter from a master to his housekeeper.
198. A housekeeper’s keys.
199. A servant’s livery.
200. Two ice trays.
201. A set of children’s building blocks.
202. Six dismissal letters.
203. A hookah pipe.
204. A clockwork toy train.
205. A tub of floor wax.
206. Seven screws taken from a boiler.
207. A dustpan and brush.
208. Four postcards from foreign cities.
209. The key to the servants’ hall.
210. An antique box camera.
211. A tin of silver polish.
212. A shoe grate.
213. A tear-stained confession (ink on paper).
214. A letter to notify termination of contract.
215. A monocle.
216. A tennis racket bracket.
217. A lavatory handle.
218. A mummified cat.
219. An oriental rug.
220. A dog bowl.
221. A globe (celestial).
222. A quantity of green baize (from a door).
223. A bottle of aspirin tablets.
224. A list of items to be auctioned (booklet).
225. An auctioneer’s hammer.
226. A cheque made out to an auctioneering company.
227. Two rolls of wallpaper.
228. A drum of household electricity wire.
229. A hacksaw.
230. An electric drill.
231. Two boiler suits.
232. A carefully cut length of skirting board.
233. An industrial floor polisher.
234. The insides of a telephone.
235. A tool box.
236. A fuse box.
237. Thirteen paintbrushes.
238. A ballet shoe.
239. A new resident’s first set of keys.
240. Seven invitations to a house-warming party.
241. An unused doormat.
242. A length of bandage.
243. A number of photographs of the sun’s chromosphere.
244. A travel book.
245. A metronome.
246. A will.
247. A cashmere scarf.
248. A medal (silver, ribbon).
249. A map of Western Europe.
250. A map of Eastern Europe.
251. A photograph of a wedding.
252. A tennis racket.
253. A wooden clog.
254. A bugle.
255. An X-ray of a pair of lungs.
256. A plastic male doll.
257. A dried globe fish.
258. A paraffin lamp.
259. A trumpet.
260. A pair of spectacles.
261. A pebble.
262. A Ventolin inhaler.
263. A leather boxing glove.
264. A dog collar (for a priest).
265. A quantity of communion wafers.
266. A book of fairy tales.
267. Four lace bonnets.
268. A military sword.
269. A can-opener.
270. A book of instructions (for a child’s model kit).
271. A piece of cardboard with writing on it (belonging to a tramp).
272. A passport.
273. A number of guitar strings.
274. A discus.
275. A death mask.
276. A hand-drawn map.
277. A shopping basket.
278. An umbrella.
279. A pair of aeroplane tickets (non-returnable).
280. A cross-cut saw.
281. A pencil drawing of a hunchback.
282. A woollen mitten.
283. A crucifix.
284. A gold sports medal.
285. A reel of barbed wire.
286. A tap-dancing shoe.
287. A leather punch bag.
288. A dog whistle.
289. A calfskin gauntlet.
290. A record player.
291. A lawnmower blade.
292. A death threat (letters cut from a newspaper glued on to white paper).
293. A length of stair carpet.
294. The transcripts from a trial.
295. A tin of dried tea leaves.
296. A tax rebate (cheque).
297. A collection of scissors (twenty-six pairs).
298. A pair of moleskin trousers.
299. A list of records from a jukebox.
300. A bottle of massage oil.
301. A pair of walking sticks.
302. A nail brush.
303. A blue shirt.
304. An appointment book.
305. A quantity of keys on a keyring.
306. A road sign.
307. A zoetrope.
308. A quantity of dried chillies.
309. A bird’s nest.
310. A shopping list.
311. A puppet on a stick.
312. A child’s potty (enamelware).
313. A Bible (leather bound).
314. The top of a human thumb (wrapped in cotton wool).
315. A tin foot bowl.
316. A school photograph.
317. A guidebook to a public abattoir.
318. A component from a washing machine.
319. A book of philosophy.
320. A glassblower’s iron pipe.
321. A child’s story book.
322. A dog-leg chisel.
323. A black leather belt.
324. An address book.
325. The peddle from a sewing machine.
326. A microphone.
327. A silver teaspoon.
328. A dried starfish.
329. A book on dieting.
330. A quill pen.
331. A Noah’s ark (containing twenty wooden animals and two wooden people).
332. A plastic doll that wets itself.
333. An oboe reed.
334. A urine sample (inside a test tube).
335. The lid of a baptismal font.
336. A rudder.
337. A child’s drum.
338. An electric toaster.
339. A gym slip.
340. A Petit’s tourniquet.
341. A wineglass with a lipstick mark on its rim.
342. A betting slip.
343. A bottle of liquid paper.
344. A Jew’s harp.
345. A blow pipe.
346. A plastic toy tank.
347. A political manifesto.
348. A bull’s-eye (from a dartboard).
349. A knuckle duster.
350. A poster of a screen idol.
351. A tin of straw-hat varnish.
352. A telegram.
353. A pair of pearl earrings
/> 354. A paper flag on a wooden stick.
355. A metal detector.
356. A dinosaur model kit.
357. A code book.
358. A library book.
359. A library card.
360. A piece of shrapnel.
361. A pair of pyjama bottoms (unclean).
362. A length of tartan material.
363. A number of exhibition catalogues.
364. A flag.
365. A tooth mug.
366. A tube of spot cream.
367. A kazoo.
368. A medical dictionary.
369. The tusk of a narwhal.
370. A battery-operated torch (rubber casing).
371. A handwritten map of the whereabouts of a grave (paper).
372. A pair of boots, one with raised heel and metal supports.
373. A cardboard theatre.
374. A book of illustrated stories.
375. A quantity of sand stored in a glass receptacle.
376. A pair of earphones.
377. A fob watch.
378. A soldier’s bayonet.
379. A blood-stained tea cosy.
380. A television’s remote control.
381. A saline drip.
382. A cheap piece of jewellery (engraved).
383. A roller skate.
384. A top hat.
385. A smoke alarm.
386. A corduroy jacket.
387. A brass doorknocker.
388. A fingerless shooting glove.
389. A medical bracelet.
390. A darning egg.
391. A boomerang (karenya wood).
392. A beer mat (with a telephone number written on it).
393. A radiator tap.
394. A job contract (to work at a waxworks exhibition).
395. A list of rules and conditions in the workplace.
396. A city map.
397. A hat pin.
398. A fragment of a wax ear.
399. A wooden hoop.
400. An ink pad.
401. A rubber stamp.
402. A blue sock.
403. A paintbox.
404. A nurse’s uniform.
405. A dunce’s cap.
406. A harmonica.
407. A miniature statue of Buddha.
408. A Saint Christopher medallion.
409. A pair of candy-striped braces.
410. An ostrich feather.
411. A soldier’s helmet.
412. A bottle of arsenic.
413. An artist’s preliminary sketches.
414. A circular saw blade.
415. A sculptor’s spatula.
416. A silver propelling pencil.
417. Moulds from a wax head.
418. A quantity of fair hair.
419. A wax foot.
420. A glass eyeball.
421. A silk headscarf.
422. A machine for counting notes of money.
423. A quantity of brown hair.
424. A postcard of the founder of a wax museum.
425. A kaleidoscope.
426. A black and white photograph (a family portrait).
427. A pair of black leather gloves.