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The Broken Girl (Lonely Girl Book 2)

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by Wilson, Gracie

  I look to Drake and see nothing but supportive eyes looking back at me. “Thank you, Drake.” He turns and puts his arm around me, leading me to the nursing station, with Charlotte in tow.

  “Alec will be back. He just took that good-for-nothing jackass back to his room.” God, I love Charlotte. When a nurse comes to talk to us, we just listen. None of us are breathing, it feels like. She told us that it’s still to soon too tell, but that Jake had complications from his last surgery. He is in critical condition due to internal bleeding. She gives my hand a squeeze before leaving us in the waiting room closest to the operating room.

  “Anything?” I see Alec and he has no emotions showing on his face. I know this face well. It means he’s barely holding it together. I remember this same expression from when they told me Michael hadn’t made it. “He’s in critical condition, Potts. It’s all we know.” Drake looks at me and pulls me next to him. I lean into him. The next six hours are the longest of my life. At some point, I fall asleep with my head on Drake. When I awaken to hear the doctors coming through the door in search of us, I forget where I am momentarily. I find myself laying in Drakes lap with a blanket on me. “Are you the family of Jacob Kelso?”

  We all nod and the doctors explain that it was touch and go for most of it. At one point they did lose him, but where able to stabilize him and he seems to be doing well in recovery. They tell us that when he’s moved to his room, it is fine for one of us to stay with him. “Who’s Rebecca Potts?” I perk up and raise my hand. “His grandmother, who we called to notify, said that you’re in charge of his care.” Drake, Charlotte, and my brother just stare at me. I nod because this isn’t exactly news to me.

  “Will he be awake?” I finally find my voice but it’s still shaky.

  “He’s medicated now but we expect him to wake up in a few hours. We believe he will now make a full recovery.” I breathe for the first time it feels like since I saw them take Jake away. “As soon as he comes through recovery, a nurse will be through to come get you.” I nod and the doctors walk away.

  “Becca, when did you become his next of kin?” Alec asks.

  I look to Alec and I just shrug. “I didn’t know until I got here and wanted to see him on the ICU floor. I guess when I was here and he wasn’t allowed to see me, since it wasn’t listed. After Dillon attacked me, he didn’t want me to ever feel that helpless and not be able to be informed. That’s what he told his grandmother and she wasn’t fighting me on it. She said it’s what he wanted.”

  Charlotte tries changing the subject. “Alec, I think we should leave and go get Becca something to change into and something to eat other than this hospital crap.” Charlotte is trying to give me some space but I don’t think I want to be alone. Drake’s arm is draped over my shoulder and I don’t feel alone with them all here.

  “Charlotte, I don’t want to leave Becca alone that long,” Alec says.

  I feel Drake tighten around me as he interrupts my brother. “I’ll stay. Just bring me back something. Okay, Charlotte?” My brother looks at him with hesitation, but I nod to him, giving him the okay. They pick up their jackets and hug me goodbye, leaving me sitting in the waiting room with Drake. What’s even stranger is that I’ve never felt safe around him until now. What has happened to my life?

  Chapter Five

  Sitting and waiting to be allowed in to see Jake, being alone with Drake has become awkward. His arm is still around me, comforting me with his presence. It’s completely friendly, which is so strange. However, he keeps opening his mouth to say something, and then he changes his mind. I see the inner thoughts stirring and I feel for him. He looks like he’s trying to tell me the hardest thing in the world.

  “Drake, thank you for staying with me, for finding me.” He pulls his arm off me, causing me to flinch at the loss. He turns to look directly into my eyes. He grabs my face with each of his hands and pulls me closer to him. If anyone around us was watching they’d think he was going to kiss me but I know that’s not what this is. There is such sadness in his eyes that it’s breaking my heart for the pain I know he must be feeling. “Don’t ever thank me, Becca, not after how I treated you. Not after everything I’ve done. Please don’t thank me.” I see tears in his eyes and I pull him toward me, hugging him tightly. His head is on my shoulders and I feel the wetness from his tears now coming through my shirt.

  I sit there for what seems like forever, just holding him, before he begins to talk. “Becca, I am so sorry for everything I’ve said to you. I just wish you could forgive me for being such an ass. I was going through a hard time when I came back to school. I should have waited longer before I came back. I never would have treated you that way if I had dealt with all my shit. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a man, and you are beautiful. I was hitting on you, but then I just hated you. None of that was your fault. I never meant to be this guy who you had to avoid. My….” The tears are falling down his face and I put my hand in his to show him that he’s not alone. “My sister died right before I met you and I just… you reminded me of her. She never took shit from me or anyone else and that drew me to you. I was intrigued, but when I found out you were Alec’s little sister, I hated you. I hate him because he still gets to have a little sister. Her death is my fault, and I shouldn’t get to have you in my life now either.”

  I shake my head at his words. “It’s not your fault, Drake. I know better than most that sometimes bad things happen and it’s no one’s fault.” I look to his eyes and I see the hurt lying behind those crystal eyes.

  “She took sleeping pills and never woke up. She killed herself, Becca.” I do the only thing I can think of and embrace him with all the unspoken emotions I’m feeling at this point. “Jake came to me after what happened with you and Keegan. He told me that you took some extra pills. He asked me questions about you because of my history. After my sister died, I started working for a suicide hotline. When he told me what had happened, I just felt like the similarities where ripping me open. I hated you more than anything after that moment.”

  I remember that night that Jake had struggled to wake me. I just wanted to sleep without dreams and without being kept awake by my broken heart, after finding Keegan fooling around with Sarah. Jake was sure that I might have done it on purpose but I told him it was an accident. He must have gone to Drake after that. It also explains why Drake was going out of his way to make my life hell afterwards and couldn’t look at me without a hateful look in his eyes. “I’m so sorry about your sister, Drake, but that doesn’t make you a bad brother and it one hundred percent doesn’t make you at fault. Take it from a little sister that sometimes we do things that we may regret. We might get into trouble; we might feel alone and sad, just wanting this life to end. But her taking her own life was not your fault. I’d never want Alec to walk around with that guilt weighing on his shoulders.”

  Drake has made so many things clearer by his admission to me about our history. I would never have guessed he had all this bottled up inside. “Becca, you can’t do that to Alec. I know about everything and that it wasn’t only an attempt. Just remember that no matter what happens, there are people that love you. Even though I’ll admit that your life is pretty screwed up and it’s in a royal sort of way, but I’ve learned that it’s selfish. In my opinion, at least, but I don’t want you to think that if you are upset or just need a friend to talk to, that you’re alone. You can talk to me. I’ll be around, anyway. I… well, I am kind of into Charlotte.”

  I look and Drake is blushing! I’ve never seen him like this and when we were out as a group, he always had a girl with him. He always liked when girls were interested in him. Except for Sarah, something about her always seemed to piss him off. “I never thought I’d see the day, Drake. Charlotte hasn’t said a word… which isn’t a bad thing. It means she probably likes you as much as you like her.”

  I hear an odd noise and I see it’s Drake. He’s trying to suppress his laugh. “God, I hope so.”

  “Becca, this stuff wi
th Keegan and Jake. Well, it’s screwed up, that’s for sure. But I still think you love them both. Probably in different ways and to have that connection taken away from you is so fucked up. Sarah is a bitch and she’s seen her opportunity to swoop in. She’s a tramp and always has been. Hopefully, Keegan will snap out of it and remember all that. If not and he doesn’t see what’s in front of him, it’s his loss. No lack of memories should stop him from seeing what’s right there. Jake too. They both need to wake up and smell the damn coffee that is Becca Potts. I’ve seen you with them and with Alec. Jake told me about Michael and I know it’s hard to lose those you love. But you just keep kicking, even when the psycho ex was trying to knock you off. That right there should show them that you’re amazing. No matter what, it’s your choice. Don’t just pick Jake because Keegan doesn’t remember you. Don’t pick one that’s just a second choice. You deserve to be happy. No matter what, you need to come talk to me before you think of doing anything like take an extra pill to sleep. I’ll stay all night with you. I won’t let your brother live through my hell.”

  “Drake, I promise no matter how bad things get between all this drama, I would never take my own life. I didn’t fight so hard against Dillon to just do it myself. No matter what happens with the guys, I’ll be fine. I have my brother and Charlotte… and well, now I have a new friend who I can talk to.” I nudge him and laugh, trying to lighten the mood. “Well, now it’s my turn to say something. I never thought I’d see the day that Becca could have a man friend she wasn’t secretly in love with. Unless there’s something you want to tell me, Becca?” He gives me this mischievous look and busts out laughing at what I assume is a very serious look of hatred coming off my face.

  “You’re such as asshole, Drake.” I push him away and can’t hold it in anymore. I start laughing so hard that I feel tears coming.

  “Don’t you forget it Becca.” For a minute, I forget everything. I forget the chaos that has come of my life.

  I hear footsteps and a door swing open. I look to see a nurse coming towards us with a small unsure smile on her face. My heart stops beating and I haven’t taken a breath when she speaks. “Mr. Kelso has been moved to his room on the surgical floor. I will be happy to show you up there, but unfortunately it’s only immediate family or next of kin allowed, and only one.”

  I look to Drake and he nods at me to follow the nurse. “I’ll move to the waiting area up there and message Charlotte so she knows where you are. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I give him a hug and kiss his cheek before turning to the nurse. “Thanks, Drake.” He just nods. As I begin to walk away with the nurse, I asked the question I’m dying to know. “Has Jake woken up yet?” I feel all the air being sucked out of my body as her face falls and she answers me.

  “No, honey. I’m sorry, but he hasn’t.”

  Chapter Six

  I now walk into the room where Jake lay unconscious. My heart literally stops. He barely looks like Jake. He has cords connected everywhere. Monitors beep at a steady pace, which I take to be a good thing. Seeing him there, pale and covered in bandages, makes me feel like my breath is escaping me “Oh, Jakey.” I go to walk up to him, to touch him, but stop short and look to the nurse. “It’s okay to touch him and you can be on the bed next to him. Just don’t touch his incision areas or put any pressure on his abdomen. In a few hours guests will be allowed to visit him as per doctor’s okay. The doctors will be by in the morning to talk to you about his medical status.” I nod and wait for her to leave before climbing in the bed with him. I turn towards him and begin to sob softly, being careful not to put any weight on him. “Jake, you can’t leave me too. Please stay with me. I’m nothing without you.”

  I must have dozed off because I hear noises and open my eyes to see Alec, Drake, and Charlotte looking at me, talking quietly. “How long was I out for?” Looking over to Jake. he is still the same, no change to his body placement or anything. I feel my heart sinking. God, Jake, wake up! I need you. “They let us in about half an hour ago. You must have fallen asleep just after coming in here. You look exhausted, Becca. I think I should take you home.” I shake my head and yell. “No, Alec, I won’t! He didn’t do it to me when I was lying here. I won’t do it to him. Stop asking me! It’s not helping me, for God’s sake! Just stop it!” I immediately regret my response when I see my brother flinch. Drake walks up to me and grabs me off the bed and brings me into the chair, and onto his lap. I look to see Charlotte closely watching, but not in a jealous way. But in awe of Drake’s ability to comfort me and my willingness to let him. “Potts she didn’t mean it.” I nod in agreement, looking towards Alec, and hoping he understands. “Becca, I’m sorry. I just hate seeing you like this.” Charlotte grabs my brother’s hand and pulls him into a hug. “Why don’t we go get some coffee for everyone. The doctors will be in soon.” It was morning already. I guess the nurse didn’t let them in until later than she had anticipated.

  I stay in Drake’s arms, trying to wrap my mind around everything that’s going on. I’ve lost Keegan and I’m losing Jake. The door opens and I look, expecting Charlotte and Alec to have returned, but it’s the doctor. I try to straighten up but I’m just so exhausted. Drake helps me sit up, but I’m still in his lap. “Miss Potts, I’m Dr. McNeil. I was the one that operated on Mr. Kelso. We feel that the surgery was successful, however, he should have woken up already. It’s not unheard of for it to take this long, but due to the fact that he never regained consciousness from the attack previously, it’s hard to tell or give a time line.” He continues talking but I’m not hearing anything anymore and they eventually just talk to Drake. When they’ve said all they came to say, they leave and I turn to Drake, weeping. “Drake, why won’t he wake up?” I fall into full hysterical sobs, unable to catch my breath. “I don’t know, Becca. He’s just taking his time.” I shake my head against Drake’s chest. “I need him.” I feel Drake’s hand in my hair, brushing it down. I feel like somehow I’ve gained not just a friend but also a brother. “You are not the type of girl you leave if you can help it, Becca. He knows what’s waiting for him he will wake up.”

  We sit like this in silence until my brother and Charlotte return with food. “Alec, I’m so sorry. I just… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap on you like that. It was unfair of me to do that. You are hurting just as bad as I am.” He walks over and takes me away from Drake, and envelops me in a big hug. I notice that Charlotte has now taken my place with Drake and, for a minute, I forget what’s going on around me. I look at them and wonder how all this happened. Charlotte has never been one to fall into it with the bad boy, but I guess Drake really isn’t that person. He’s just as broken as I am. She looks generally happy with him and that’s something I’ve never seen Charlotte experience. When Alec lets go of me he takes his seat and pats beside him. I shake my head in response, walking over to the bed to sit with Jake.

  We are all talking about stories involving Jake, figuring we could embarrass him out of his slumber. “Did I ever tell you when I yelled for him at the door to come kill the spider in my room?” Everyone looks at me and is laughing before I even realize this is going to be good. They all shake their heads, indicating I hadn’t told them of this before. “Well, Jake came busting through the front door of my dorm, looking all bad ass like he was going to do some serious ass kicking. When he asked me what was wrong, I was cowering on my bed with my pillow, and just pointed up at the ceiling above him. He looked up and laughed at me for being scared of a spider. That was until the silly thing dropped from the ceiling and he screamed like a little girl. But not before running and jumping on my bed and hiding behind me for his own safety from the big bad spider.” We are all laughing hysterically when the door opens and my mouth drops open as to who’s standing there staring at us.

  “Well, hello, Becca. I’ve just come to stop in and see Jake before going to see Keegan, my boyfriend.” She drags out the last words and makes me cringe in anger. “What, you don’t have enough to keep yourself
busy, Sarah?” My brother gives her a dirty look that makes me wonder what he’s talking about. “I never have too much going on to prevent me from making this one’s life a little darker.” Charlotte shoots up from Drake’s lap and goes right in front of Sarah. “You better get your skanky bitch ass out of this room, before I let my cousin drag you out again by your hair like she did before.” I see my cousin smirk and so does Alec, who had witnessed my little takedown with Sarah this past school year. “Jake doesn’t even like you, Sarah. Just get out of here and stop wasting your time. Go see Keegan and help him remember his last several months. Oh, wait, you can’t because he knew you were a slut and broke up with you for me.” She takes a step forward but Charlotte puts her hand up to stop her. Before Charlotte can tell her off, Drake beats her to it.

  “We all know the only reason you have Keegan now, Sarah, is because he can’t remember Becca. Don’t think you’ve won. Because if he remembered everything he had with Becca, he wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole. Jake won’t go near you, so give it up.” She looks like her head is about to spin around and have steam start coming out of her ears. “We will see about that.” With that, she spins and rushes out the room off to see her precious Keegan, I’m sure. That knowledge makes me nauseous until I hear something that lifts my heart and soul. “Thank god, the wicked bitch of the west is gone.” I almost don’t want to turn to the side in case I’m dreaming. It came out raspy, but even so my heart melts at hearing his voice. “Jake, thank god.” I turn and hug him, causing him to wince slightly. “I’m sorry… for everything.” I have tears coming down my cheeks and he brushes them away. “And you should be sorry.” I blanch at this and wait for him to tell me he hates me for all this trouble. For dragging him into this and almost killing him. “You promised you’d never tell anyone about that damn spider, Becca.”


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