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The Broken Girl (Lonely Girl Book 2)

Page 16

by Wilson, Gracie

  “Rebecca, I’m going to go meet up with the host and talk about my speech. Are you okay?” He looks at me and I nod, still staring at a painting of myself.

  “Beautiful.” I gasp at the sound of his voice.

  “It really is beautiful.” I respond, bringing myself down memory lane.

  “Yes, the portrait is beautiful too.” Turning, I stand there looking at my mystery man.

  “Jake.” He brings me to him in a hug and I let him.

  “Becca, fancy meeting you here.” I laugh at his attempt to brush this off.

  “You know, I’ve already had one stalking boyfriend, and I’m not sure if I’m looking to make it two.”

  He gets a huge infectious grin on his face. “Boyfriend, huh?”

  I elbow him and he just laughs harder. “Jake, really, what are you doing here?”

  “Becca, you thought the first time your work is going to be shown that I wouldn’t drop everything to be here?” If only it were that easy, or could it be?

  “Well, thank you. I’m nervous and want to crawl under a rock but I wouldn’t be Becca if I didn’t feel that way.”

  He brings me to him, holding my hand. “No, you wouldn’t be my Becca if you didn’t feel that way.” My heart warms and I wonder if I could really make it this easy. Just choose Jake, forget everything, and be happy.

  “Well, this must be the beautiful Becca you never stopped talking about.” Turning around, I see a man who looks just like Jake, just twenty-five years older.

  “She is everything you said she was.” He is looking at me with such kind eyes and Jake follows suit. I’m wearing a long black satin dress with a small train at the back of it and it has a loose neckline. I’m wearing silver high heels and a simple silver heart necklace.

  “She’s more really,” Jake adds.

  “Well, where are my manners? My name is Jared Kelso. As I’m sure you’ve gathered, I’m Jake’s dad.” I step forward, giving him a quick hug. I laugh at the fact that I just hugged him.

  “Sorry, I’m sure a handshake would have worked too.”

  He laughs. “Ah, yes but than you wouldn’t be the woman my son has spent the last year and a half talking about. It’s nice to finally meet you, Becca. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about you.”

  Trevor doesn’t come back, so I continue talking with Jake and his dad. They are two of a kind. It’s easy, just like it always was with Jake. Two people approach us and they both look at Jake and his father. Jake places his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, almost protectively.

  “There you two are. We’ve been looking for you, and who is this?” I assume this must be Jake’s mom. She’s beautiful, of course, but Jake is a double of his dad.

  “Dear, this is Jake’s girlfriend, Becca.” Jakes dad is beaming. “She’s one of the models of the portraits being showcased and even has her own painting being displayed.

  “I didn’t know you were with anyone, Jake. Must not be anything important enough to tell your sister.” She says.

  Jake’s dad glares at her. “That was very rude, Denise. Don’t say such things. Becca is all your brother every speaks about. I feel like I already know her.” He smiles and my mood picks up after his sister’s outburst.

  “Don’t mind my sister. She’s just mad that she couldn’t pawn me off to one of her friends.” I laugh nervously.

  “Well, Becky, is it?” With that name, my whole body goes rigid. Flashes of Dillon come back and I know I need to get out of here.

  “It’s Becca, mom.” Jake says loudly.

  “If you all will excuse me, I have something I need to take care of.”

  Making my way away from all of them, I find myself in a hall trying to calm down. I should be able to hear that name. It’s over, he’s dead, and he can’t hurt me any more.

  “Becca, Becca.” I hear Jake calling my name and I know from the tone he’s worried.

  “I’m over here, Jake.”

  My phone beeps and I check it. ‘I know he’s with you. Stay away from them. They will never choose you over their child.’

  Quickly I reply to her, asking which of the many possibilities was she referring to, and I delete the message. Jake races up to me, places his hands on either side of my face. He kisses me passionately and I allow myself to have this, to have Jake.

  “I love you, Jake. I still love you more than you will ever know,” I say, as soon as he releases the hold he had on my lips.

  “Becca, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say those words. I love you too, more than I ever thought possible. I won’t let anything come between us, Becca. I’ve lost you once. I won’t lose you again.”

  Placing my lips softly against his, I kiss him again, just because I can. “So girlfriend, eh?” I say, with a smirk on my face.

  “I told you, nobody can love you like I can.” He begins kissing me again and I give in, letting him have all of me. His phone rings, interrupting us. He doesn’t answer it and as soon as it stops, it just starts up again.

  “Hello… okay… yes, I know… I’ll be right there.” He hangs up the phone and looks at me with sadness in his eyes. “I have to go.” My mind isn’t on the same page and I’m confused as to what just happened.

  “Who was it?” I ask.

  “It was Sarah, and she needs me. She thinks something’s wrong with the baby.” Jake is looking at me, hoping I’ll understand. I don’t because, of course, nothing is wrong. She’s just doing what she does best. Screw up my life.

  “Jake, she’s fine. She messaged me telling me to stay away from you. She’s just doing this to hurt us, so don’t let her.”

  Grabbing my phone, I call Alec. “Hey, it’s me. Can you go check on Sarah? She called telling Jake she thinks something is wrong with the baby… Thanks.” Hanging up my phone, Jake is glaring at me.

  “What?” I ask, but I know he’s mad.

  “She called me, and she needs me, not Alec.” I push off the wall and start pacing around him.

  “Jake, if she was that worried why would she call the one person who isn’t even in the same city? She’s doing this to get in between us. Why hasn’t she taken the paternity test? Because she knows it will end this game.” He looks at me and I’ve never seen him look at me this way.

  “That could be my child, Becca. I’m sorry that you can’t understand that she’s scared and isn’t ready. I don’t have time for this right now so we will talk about this later.” He starts walking off.

  “No, we won’t! I’m supposed to be your ‘girlfriend,’ aren’t I? If that’s true, stay with me and let my brother check on her. If something is wrong, fine. We will go together because that’s that only way this works.” He’s shaking his head and I feel defeated.

  “Even if there isn’t something wrong, she needs me.” That pisses me off and I lose what little grip I had on my anger.

  “I need you! You know what tonight means to me. I’m your girlfriend, not her!”

  “Not any more,” he says, as he pulls away from me.

  “Jake, if you walk away now, that’s it. I won’t compete with her.”

  He walks away.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Rebecca, there you are. We are going up now.” Trevor looks at me and I feel like he can see everything that’s just happened. Trevor guides me back into the gallery and we pass Jake who’s talking to his dad. They are arguing and I wish I could hear what about but I’m being brought up on stage.

  “Please welcome Trevor Hunt and Rebecca Potts,” the announcer says and everyone claps, causing my nerves to get the better of me. Trevor steps in front of the microphone and begins talking. My eyes never leave Jake, watching him so closely that my eyes feel like they aren’t blinking. His dad is looking at me and pointing. He’s angry. Jake isn’t backing down though. “I’d like you all to welcome Becca Potts.”

  Trevor moves aside letting me take the stage. Before my nerves get the better of me, I step up. “As Trevor said, my name is
Rebecca Potts. Behind me, to the left, is my portrait that Trevor painted. To the right of me is a painting I did myself. It’s labeled The Broken Girl. I was asked to speak about the piece and its meanings.” My eyes find Jake and he’s watching me. “I began working on this just after my seventeenth birthday. During the course of the next year and a half, I continued to work on it. Define it. Breaking it down inch by inch to bring every emotion possible to the painting. Each tear you see pictured here isn’t that just of a brush and paint. It’s of tragedy and losses. My tragedies, my losses. But those defined the painting. They brought it to life. Gave it reality. The broken can rise again, but not with those who break them.”

  I pause for a moment. Jake turns, leaving. His dad tries to stop him but it’s no use. Jake leaves, walking right out the front door with his mother and sister trailing behind.

  “Life is full of loss. It makes a person, builds a picture. Each artist in this room builds off some emotion when they paint. Sometimes those emotions are so raw that the picture comes out like mine has. Full of a voice.” The crowd claps and I decide right then and there what I’m doing.

  “I’d like to thank the gallery and Trevor Hunt for his guidance. I’d also like to take this opportunity to accept his job offer and the work that he’s asked me to commission.” The room erupts in applause. Everyone but Jake’s dad joins in; he wears those same sad eyes I’ve seen so many times on Jake.

  “Rebecca, that’s marvelous. I will get started right away,” Trevor says, once we leave the stage.

  “Trevor, please don’t tell anyone yet. I need to tell my brother and my parents.” Mentally I make note that I need to tell Keegan but I know that’s just going to hurt.

  “Rebecca, I know your parents won’t be excited that you will be leaving school. I will pay for your education and make sure it is the finest I can find. Rest assured, Rebecca, those who work for me are taken care of.” I smile and nod.

  “Can I have a word, Becca?” Turning, I see Jake’s dad waiting for me.

  “Mr. Kelso, I was going to come say goodbye before I left.” I lied, so sue me.

  “Becca, I don’t know what’s going on but I hope that it wasn’t what made you decide to take this offer.” Just like Jake, his dad can see through me but he’s only part right.

  “No, sir, it wasn’t the only factor. I’ve been spending my summers abroad, studying art and before returning home, I looked into schooling over there. It’s the best move for me right now. My brother will be graduating this year and then I will be there alone anyway. I’ve always wanted to study art and it is my true passion.” I hope this explanation will suffice.

  “Well, I can see that you’re extremely talented. You’re everything my son has said you are and more, actually. I thought you were this mythical woman that he’d made up because I just couldn’t believe that someone like you existed. Now I’m afraid he’s ruining that. My son is my world, but maybe he doesn’t deserve such an accomplished person. Becca, wherever you go I have a feeling you will have all you’ve wanted. For my son’s sake, I hope he pulls his head out of his ass and figures that out quickly.” I break out laughing and Jake’s dad does the same.

  “Mr. Kelso…”

  He interrupts me. “Jared.”

  I nod and continue. “Jared, can you please not tell him about this? I will when the time is right, but I just need to tell my brother and my family first. Work everything out first, and then let Jake know the plan.”

  He thinks for a moment, then agrees. “It’s not my place to tell him when if he’d only waited five minutes longer, he could have celebrated with you. Good luck, Becca, I hope to see you again soon.” He gives me a hug and leaves me there with so many questions going on in my head.


  I don’t return home for two days. Trevor and I had so many things to get ready for my departure. I’ve called my parents and they reluctantly agreed. Trevor is hard to resist. I have to admit if I hadn’t been sold on the idea, his speech would have done it for me too. My parents agreed to let me tell Alec and they are somewhat happy. My mother was more receptive. All my dad was concerned about was not finishing at Lakehead.

  When I get back to the dorms, I don’t know what I was expecting but Charlotte and Drake waiting for me was not it.

  “I’m leaving.” I blurt it out without thinking it through.

  “You just got back?” Charlotte says, confused.

  “No, Charlotte, I’m leaving, as in I won’t be finishing at Lakehead. My parents already know. I have been offered a job, commissioned artwork, and a full education in art along with anything else I want. I’ve already accepted it.” Charlotte stops for a second and I see her working through everything.

  “When do we leave?” I’m shaking my head but Drake intercepts this conversation.

  “Well, I can’t leave until Christmas break, but I can transfer anywhere after that.”

  “That was not what I was expecting you to say, Drake.” He just smiles at me.

  “Drake… you’d follow us?” Charlotte asks softly.

  “Becca needs you, and I need you. It’s that simple. I love you, Charlotte.” She kisses him and I am so happy that they’ve found each other and that we have each other because I know they are going to be all I have very soon.

  “Well, I guess I will tell Trevor I need a bigger place, unless you don’t want to be my roommates?” They both hug me tightly and we laugh.

  “Wait, what are you doing here?” They both shuffle their feet and don’t respond.

  “What is it?”

  Drake looks at Charlotte and she just shakes her head.

  “Okay, I will tell you. Everyone is waiting for us over at the house. After Jake got back and found that Sarah was fine, he demanded a test. He had them fast tracked, and it cost a fortune but they are back. It’s time to find out who’s the father of the baby, Becca.”

  I haven’t said anything since they told me; I just nodded and followed them. I now find myself sitting in my brother’s house.

  “Becca…” Jake comes up to me.

  “I don’t want to hear it right now, Jake. Let’s just get this over with, okay?”

  Charlotte has been allocated to read the results. I watch as she pulls out a page. “Keegan, you are not the father.” Looking at Keegan, he gets up and comes right to me. He kisses me lightly.

  “Thank you for being there for me, Bec.” I feel awful because he doesn’t know about Jake or about me leaving.

  “Jake, you’re not the father either.” I watch as the realization hits Jake.

  “Alec, you are the father of Sarah’s child. I’m sorry,” she says and Sarah screams.

  “This is rigged! No way.”

  “Guess that lifetime of misery is going to start now. Sarah, why don’t you tell everyone that you did this all to get back at me.” She screams again and I put my hands over my eyes.

  “It had to be the brother, it couldn’t be the boyfriends! Seriously, I slept with Alec because he was hot and I was getting even.”

  I just shake my head. “You really are that screwed up, Sarah,” I say and turn away, grabbing my bag.

  “Becca, where are you going?” Jake asks.

  “Well, since I know my brother is the father, that’s all I really needed from this conversation. I’m going to go call a lawyer and figure out how I can make sure my niece or nephew never has to deal with someone who only brought them into this world to get back at someone.” I know in reality there isn’t much I can do but it’s nice to say that.

  Walking out of the house, I finally feel free. Instead of waiting for someone to walk with me home, I just decide to walk alone. My mind starts thinking about all the things I need to do and all the packing I need to do. Not to mention telling Alec I’m leaving. It’s dark and I love the peacefulness of the streets. I see headlights coming from behind me and I turn just in time to see that they are headed straight for me.


  Chapter Twenty-Eight
  There is smoke coming from the car that has hit a tree. My ears are ringing and I feel light. Like at any minute I might blow away. Hands come around me and I can’t seem to get my eyes to focus.

  “Bec!” Keegan says loudly. “Bec, can’t you hear me?” I nod and my head feels wet. “You are bleeding, Bec, let me look.” Keegan lightly touches my forehead and I wince. “It looks fine.” Everything that just happen registers and I get up, running around to the driver.

  Sarah is lying there and I open the door, pulling her from the car carefully. “Keegan, help me.” He helps me guide her down.

  “I couldn’t even hit you right.” My hands fly up to my mouth. She had done this on purpose.

  “I let your crazy boyfriend into your dorm, told him when you were getting off the plane, and even went as far as leaving threatening messages. What will it take to kill you?” Her words are slurring and Keegan is trying to pull me away from her. I look down and I see that there is blood soaking her pants.

  “Keegan get help, the baby.” I say as quickly as possible. Keegan looks at me. “Get help, Keegan.” He leaves and Sarah tries to move but she isn’t able to do much more then twist.

  “You won.” With that, her eyes go into the back of her head and she goes limp. “SOMEBODY HELP ME!”


  Standing in the waiting room, being on the other end of those doors, and not knowing what is happening, I now know what I’ve put everyone through. They rushed Sarah in as soon as the paramedics got her here. They went into surgery and we’ve been waiting here. The doors push open and a doctor approaches us.

  “Are you the family?” he asks.

  “No, I’m the father of the child,” my brother says.

  “We rushed her into surgery but we couldn’t stop the bleeding. She had lost too much blood and was hemorrhaging. We were able to perform an emergency Cesarean but that only further compromised her care. At that point, we focused on the baby as there wasn’t anything we could do for her.”


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