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The Complete Quake Series

Page 35

by Chance, Jacob

  Yeah like your orgasm. She probably broke up with him because he’s a lousy lay.

  “Look, if you’re still calling her name when you come, you’re probably not over her. Why don’t you go after her?” I slip under the covers; my clothes are still strewn about the room and it’s awkward lying here exposed. “Show her you still want her.” I prop one pillow on top of another and sink down into the softness. “What woman doesn’t want to feel wanted for more than sex?” Even I want that; I just don’t think I’ll ever have it. Guys take one look at my double D’s and it’s all they see. Their gaze doesn’t make it up to my face to notice my full pink lips or what color brown my eyes are. It’s been that way since I was sixteen years old. I’ve always thought some attention was better than none, but now I’m starting to wonder.

  I see the way Kyle looks at Janny and the way Derek looks at Kenna. Just once I’d like someone to look at me like that.

  “I broke up with her a few months ago.” The muscles in his arms flex when he slips his shirt over his head. “She wanted to get married and I didn’t.” His arms go through the sleeves and he pulls it down covering up his six-pack abs. “Now I’m not sure I made the right choice.” He steps into his jeans and pulls them up over his lean hips.

  “If you’re not sure you need to contact her. At the very least seeing her again should give you some clarity whether breaking up with her was a mistake.” He fastens his pants and looks at me. “Go to your room and call her now, before you change your mind.” I sit up, clutching the sheet over my chest for modesty sake. “It’s the things we don’t do that are the things we regret.” He quickly slips his socks and shoes on. “If she’s moved on at least you’ll know.”

  He walks over to the side of the bed, leans down and kisses me on top of my head. “You’re a great girl, Elle. You should find a nice guy to settle down with.” He picks my hand up from where it rests on the mattress and holds it between his. “You deserve to be treated better than what happened tonight. You shouldn’t ever put up with being a substitute for someone else.” He releases my hand and his lips lift in a small smile. “Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”

  The quiet of my hotel room is all encompassing as I lie in bed. Too much noise can drive you crazy, but absolute silence is no different. That’s when the thoughts sneak in - the ones I normally avoid - the ones regarding Joshua Dawson.

  I stare up at the stark white ceiling and think about what happened earlier with Josh. The kiss we shared knocked me off balance. It was angry and passion filled. I wanted it to go on and on. I wanted it to lead to more. When he tore his lips from mine, it brought me back to reality. I couldn’t believe a kiss from Josh could have such a powerful effect on me.

  The cruel words he carelessly threw at me through clenched teeth hurt, I can’t deny they cut me to the quick. I despise myself for letting anything Josh said make me question myself or question what kind of person I am. I enjoy sex and I embrace that about myself. What’s wrong with using guys for sex? They use me for the same thing? I’m always up front about what I want and I never lead anyone on. How is that so wrong?

  I hug a pillow to my chest. Mark’s words play over in my mind. “You deserve to be treated better than what happened tonight. You shouldn’t ever have to put up with being a substitute for someone else.”

  Josh kissed me. Once I got over the initial shock, I was completely consumed by him and wanted the kiss to go on and on. I lost myself in the feeling of his mouth on mine, his body pressed tight against me. His kiss was all I could think about. Was it the same for him? Was he as lost in the moment? Or is he still hung up on Janny and imagined he was kissing her?

  Chapter Six


  We sleep in the next morning and take advantage of room service. I order enough food to feed a small army. This will most likely be our only meal until after the wedding. I’ve made reservations, with Janny’s help, for Kenna to get her hair and makeup done. She packed a new dress she purchased the other day. I haven’t seen it yet. It’s hanging in the closet here, covered up. She came home so excited about it.

  “I got a dress.” She flashed me a smile as she walked across the kitchen to me. I was cooking our dinner at the stove, stirring the spaghetti sauce in a pan. I leaned down and captured her lips with mine for a quick kiss.

  “Good,” I replied, not sure what the appropriate response should be in this scenario.

  “Do you mind if I don’t wear a white dress like a traditional wedding?”

  I laughed and wrapped an arm around her. “Leoncita, since when have we done anything the traditional way? I think you look beautiful no matter what you wear.”

  After breakfast, we laze around in bed. It’s not until noon that I fill Kenna in on what I have planned for her.

  “You might want to jump in the shower now.” She cocks her eyebrow at me. “You have an appointment to get your hair done in the salon downstairs in thirty minutes.”

  “You made me an appointment?” she questions, a small smile teasing her pink lips.

  “I did with a little help from Janny. You and the girls are all getting your hair and makeup done.” She turns on her side and props her head up on her hand. She trails her fingers up and down my bare chest. “You’re the best. How did I get so lucky?” I catch her hand and bring it to my lips for a soft kiss. “We’re so lucky.”

  * * *

  While Kenna’s gone to do her girly shit, I meet up with Kyle and Josh. There’s a cigar bar located in the hotel and the three of us are currently puffing away on some Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Belicoso cigars from the Dominican Republic.

  “I can’t believe you’re getting married today, man.” Kyle shakes his head. “And to my sister of all people.”

  Josh laughs as he exhales. “Your hot sister.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “Hey, hey, enough of that. Don’t make me hurt you, dude. You’re one of the few guys I know I haven’t punched yet.”

  Josh holds up his hands, in surrender, his cigar pinched between his lips.

  “Besides, don’t think we haven’t noticed all the eye fucking going on between you and Elle.”

  Kyle chuckles, nodding his head in agreement. He taps the extra ash from his cigar into the large glass ashtray in the middle of our table. “Don’t deny it, dude. I’ve seen it too and so has Janny.”

  Josh shakes his head. “I hate couples. They must talk about everything. Even the most mundane shit.” He puffs on his cigar and blows out a few smoke rings. “There’s nothing going on with Elle and me. She hates me, dude.” His expression is morose. He points his cigar at Kyle. “If you can’t see that then you’re not as observant as I’ve always given you credit for.”

  I laugh at what a dumb shit he’s being. “She doesn’t hate you, dude. Trust me.” I take a sip of Jameson the waitress placed in front of me. She moves around the table delivering drinks to Kyle and Josh. I wait until she’s done, before continuing, “Sometimes when you’re in the moment it’s hard to see a clear view of what’s really going on.”

  Josh shakes his head. “Trust me, she barely tolerates me, and she only does because she and Janny are best friends. And how weird would it be if I messed around with her best friend?” Josh taps his cigar on the edge of the ashtray and then continues, “Isn’t there some girl code that prevents them from fucking each other’s exes? I think there’s an unspoken rule about that shit. I wouldn’t want to ruin their friendship.”

  “I think I know the answer to this one,” Kyle adds with a smile. “Janny wouldn’t care if you guys hooked up or dated or whatever the hell you want to do. Jesus, just do whatever it takes to get you to stop sending her those sad, longing looks. You look like a homeless puppy waiting for a new owner.” Kyle bursts out laughing and I can’t help but join in.

  “Fuck you guys.” Josh flashes us both the bird and takes a pull on his beer. “That’s rich coming from you Mr. Ducky.” He aims a look at Kyle.

  “Jesus.” Kyle shakes his head, be
fore continuing. “So, Janny told you about the duck too?”

  “Yeah.” Josh nods his head.

  “And me too,” I jump in. “Technically Kenna told me, but Janny told her. Either way we know all about your pathetic little duck text.” I smirk.

  Kyle tips back the rest of his whiskey and leans back in his chair. “Let’s get back to talking about you, Josh. When are you going to man up and tell her how you feel?”

  Josh places his empty bottle down. “Nothing good could come from going down that road.” He runs a hand over his hair. “She’d never look twice at me anyway. She only dates assholes.”

  “And you’re point is?” I reply, raising my eyebrow. Kyle chuckles and flags the waitress down for another round of drinks.

  * * *

  Kenna returns to our room a few hours later. I’m lying on the bed, napping. I must be getting old. The combination of whiskey and cigars made me tired. I glance at my watch and note we need to be at the chapel in ninety minutes. Kenna’s going to love this place. Couples have been getting married at this location for over seventy years. The advertisements for this chapel say over one hundred thousand couples have exchanged vows there. Hopefully, that means good luck for us.

  I sit up and place my feet on the carpet, while I rub my eyes. My gaze slides over to her and I lose my breath for a second. She’s so goddamn perfect. Looking at her hurts my chest. I rub in between my pecs to lessen the ache, but it doesn’t ease up. “You look amazing, Leoncita. You’re going to be the most beautiful bride there ever was.”

  She smiles at me. “You’re so sweet to say that. I can’t wait to see what you think of my dress.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love it, but not as much as I’ll love it off you. I’m going to take my shower now,” I tell her as I rise and walk into the bathroom. I peek my head back out. “Clean shaven or leave the stubble?” I already know what her answer will be.

  She chews on her bottom lip as she studies me. “Leave it. I want to feel that scruff scratching me in all the right places later.”

  I grin. “Don’t worry, you will and that’s not all you’ll feel.” I wink and close the door.

  * * *

  There’s an hour until our wedding. I stare at the face on my heirloom watch again. I can’t believe I’m marrying the girl of my dreams in sixty minutes. I never thought we’d make it to this point. I imagined she’d spend the rest of her life with some nameless, faceless, schmuck with the perfect pedigree for breeding. He would come from a long line of successful men and would need to produce a male heir to carry on the family legacy and keep the lineage going. He’d wear pink button down shirts with pressed pants and yellow polka dot ties, but not at the same time. That would be enough to give his personal stylist palpitations.

  Thank God I saved her from such a dismal future. Who am I kidding? Without her I’m just a miserable mutt from Dorchester.

  When Kenna comes out of the bathroom in her black dress and heels, I’m completely awestruck. She’s so fucking breathtaking. I’ve never seen another woman who can hold a candle to her and I never will. In my eyes, no other women exist. She’s all I see.

  “Leoncita, you are a vision. Your dress is perfect for our wedding. I love that she chose black. I like to think it’s because it’s my favorite color.

  My eyes roam over her and take in her bare arms and shoulders. The top wraps behind her neck and it will be fun to undo later. I can’t wait to peel it off her. There’s a slit in the side of her dress that’s teasing the fuck out of me. I keep seeing a flash of her thigh and then it’s gone.

  I hold my hand out and wait for her to move in front of me and take it. I pull her in close and caress her cheek with the back of my fingers. “Are you ready to become Mrs. Santiago?”

  She nods her head. “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.” I squeeze her hand. “Let’s get this show on the fucking road.”

  Chapter Seven


  Laughter and conversation surround me inside the limousine Derek rented to drive us to the chapel we’re about to be married at. All our friends are here with us. The guys are wearing suits and Derek looks too handsome for words in the black tux he rented. Seeing him dressed to the nines was a nice surprise. He’s just full of them on this trip.

  I can’t believe I’m about to become Kenna Santiago. How is this possible? God. It took us forever to get our heads out of our asses and admit our feelings to each other. It took me getting shot and almost dying for Derek to open up about being in love with me, but once he did, there was no holding back for either of us. Hearing the words, I’d only dreamed of leaving his lips, was surreal and better than I’d ever imagined they’d be.

  When we come around the bend in the road, and I catch the first glance of our wedding venue, I immediately smile. It’s so adorably quaint and perfect for our wedding. The outside of the Little Church of the West Chapel looks like an old mining town church. It’s built of cedar and California redwood.

  I turn to Derek next to me. “I love it.”

  He smiles at me. “I knew you would.”

  * * *

  Kyle waits with me at the end of the aisle as the first notes of The Wedding March begin to play. He doesn’t offer any last-minute words of advice or ask me if I’m having any doubts. He hooks his arm for me to hold onto and smiles at me. “He’s waiting for you.” I nod my head, too choked up to say anything. “He’s always been waiting for you Kenny.” I press my lips together and try to keep the tears from falling. “Since the first time he saw you. I watched him - watching you, and I knew there would be no keeping you two apart.” He pats the hand resting on his arm. “Come on, Kenny, your future awaits.” Kyle winks at me and we start to slowly move forward. My eyes lock on Derek where he stands at the end of the aisle; a large and imposing figure in his tux, with a smile only for me on his lips. His eyes burn into mine with each step I take down the wide aisle that’s flanked by bench seating. The pews are situated at a forty-five-degree angle toward each outer wall of the chapel and our friends are seated in the front rows. The way they’re placed gives an optical illusion of an arrow that draws your eyes to the front of the aisle.

  When I reach Derek, he and Kyle exchange handshakes and share a quick hug. My brother takes my hand, placing it in my future husbands, and I can’t contain the huge smile that has my cheeks lifting. Kyle leans over and kisses me on the cheek. “I love you, Kenny.”

  I nod my head overcome with emotion. “I love you.” I mouth the words; if I say them out loud I’ll break down in tears and we haven’t gotten to our vows yet. Kyle steps away from me, but instead of walking back down the aisle as expected he steps in front of us.

  He grins. “Derek asked me if I would be willing to officiate your ceremony and I said of course. I even went online and became a licensed reverend.” I roll my eyes and giggle. Our friend’s laughter breaks through the quiet atmosphere. Kyle pulls out some note cards to read off.

  “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today for the marriage of Derek Santiago to Kenna McKenzie. If anyone here knows of a reason these two shouldn’t be together, please don’t speak. We all suffered through seven years of them being miserable without each other. We don’t ever want to see that again.” He pauses for the laughter that follows. “I always knew you two would find a way to be together, even though I warned Derek off the first time he saw you.” I gasp and my eyes swing to Derek.

  He nods his head. “He did, Leoncita. He threatened to cut out my tongue if I didn’t put it back in my mouth.” He leans forward to whisper in my ear. “You looked so sexy in your little cutoff shorts. You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. You still are and always will be.”

  Kyle glances down at the cards, before starting. “True love can’t be denied and when it’s meant to be it will find a way. It might take seven years,” he smiles, “but it’s worth the wait. “Derek and Kenna have written their own vows to say.” He nods at Derek to begin.

  He turns
to me and takes my hands in his. “I’ll never forget the first time I saw you at that party. You were about to leave for college, and you were so excited about your future. I can remember every word of our first conversation like it was yesterday. I gazed into your golden eyes and you stole a piece of my heart right then and there. Each time we’ve been together over the years, you’ve stolen another piece and right now I’m giving you the rest. My heart hasn’t been mine for a long time. It belongs to you and it always will, Leoncita.” He cups my face with his palms and stares deep in my eyes. “You're the reason I wake up every day. You’re the reason for the permanent smile I wear on my face. I’ve dreamed of this happening for years now, but the reality is so much better. We’re going to spend the rest of our lives together, starting right now, amor de mi vida.”

  Kyle gestures for me to begin.

  I wet my lips; my mouth is suddenly dry. I stare up at Derek through the tears welling in my eyes. “I’ve been in love with you since I was eighteen years old. You were my older brother’s best friend. Untouchable and forbidden, I never dreamed you’d ever give me a passing thought.” I smile as I remember the first time I set eyes on him. “I tried to forget about you, but every time we were near each other I’d feel this incredible pull in your direction. I’d try to resist, but no matter what I’d always come back to you. Now I realize that was a sign that we’re meant to be, we were just too stubborn to see it for what it was. I’ve imagined becoming Mrs. Derek Santiago for seven years now. I can’t believe my dream is about to come true.”

  “Do you have the rings?” Kyle asks Derek. He nods back at him and removes them both from his right, front pocket. He hands his platinum one to me and he holds on to my diamond band.


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