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Touch of Decadence (The Magic Mirror #1)

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by Sylvia McDaniel

  Putting a potholder on her hand, she pulled out the pan of sinfully, sexy delights and set them aside to cool.

  "Mr. Krazolz, it would be in your best interest to hop right back in your spaceship and head back to your planet."

  He strode into the room and grabbed her by the arm. "How did you know I was not from Earth?"

  "Earth men don't have that spicy scent. Nor do their eyes turn all red and fiery when they don't get their way."

  "You can smell me," he asked.

  "Yes, your scent is sweet-spiced oil." She pulled her arm away. "I know you're not from around here. Now get out before I lose my sweet disposition and send you galloping out the door."

  Ignoring her, he walked over to the health department certificate hanging on the wall. Whirling around, his blue eyes turned a fiery orange. "You are of the Blanchet family. You are the witch I'm seeking."

  Darn, darn, double darn. Now she'd have to stop and cast a spell on the big alien. She didn't have time to mess with the man, even though he was muscle-bound and had a delicious scent that intrigued her. If she weren't so busy, she might have given him a chance to see if he was her mate, but now was not the time. She had Topper's order to fill.

  When would she ever make time?

  She pushed the thought out of her mind. Not now.

  "You found me. Now what do you want."

  Whipping up the icing for the deserts, she sprinkled in a dose of remove-your-clothes, sex on a stick and a dash of lust. One lick and the Looney's would be shedding their clothing and once again remembering the love they had for each other.

  A bite of the pastry and their blood would be pulsating with need. Two bites and he would be professing his love for her. Soon they'd forget their problems and find themselves in bed having great sex. Why could Daisy manage to make this spell work for everyone but herself?

  "I'm here to take you back to my planet," he said. "My ship is waiting. We must leave at once."

  She turned and looked at the alien. "What makes you think I'm going to just drop everything and jump into a space ship with a stranger and go rushing off to your planet with you?"

  "Your Queen commands you," he said.

  She started laughing at him and his eyes turned a brilliant fire red.

  "I don't answer to anyone," she said.

  "I would prefer that you come willingly," he said striding towards her. "Our planet is peaceful and we seek to respect all life. But the need for you is urgent and if I must, I will carry you."

  Oh no, you don't make threats to Daisy. With a flurry of her hands and a few chosen words, she zapped him with a spell.

  What the hell, he was still standing. No one was ever immune to her magic.

  He continued to stalk her. She did her donkey spell one more time and nothing happened. She tried again, desperate to stop him and still no response.

  "Blue blazes to purgatory, does your alien blood block my spells," she asked.

  He frowned. "You were trying to cast a spell on me?"

  "I'm not leaving Earth. Do you understand?"

  "Your Queen needs you to break a spell."

  "She's not my Queen. I live on Earth."

  He stopped right in front of her. "She is Queen of the universe."

  "Maybe she's Queen of your universe, but here in Magic, New Mexico, I would say that Topper reigns supreme and she's coming for these pastries any moment now. Let me finish and then I will discuss the reason you need me to go flying off. Though I have to warn you, I have an aversion for heights and speed. It unsettles my constitution. I'm the only witch in Magic who has motion sickness."

  Try flying your broom at a high rate of speed while wanting to puke. On long flights it was often necessary to take a dose of dimenhydrinate, but then she was flying in such a state she was accused of drunk flying and they grounded her broom. So now she only flew when necessary.

  The alien frowned, but his eyes slowly turned from red back to a warm blue. She sighed with relief and quickly finished spreading the icing on the decadent chocolate cakes. She'd made a few extra just in case anyone else wanted one of the delightful pastries that would set the mood for any couple. She'd place them in the display case and they'd be sold before the end of the day.

  Pulling out two of the pastries she wrapped them in tissue paper and placed them into the box, when she glanced over she gasped. Her heart ricocheted like a ping-pong ball inside her chest. The big oaf was finishing one of the decadent chocolate cakes and about to reach for a second one. One was bad, but two would put him in a sexual frenzy.

  "What are you doing?" she cried in alarm. Great Merlin, the man had eaten one of her love potion pastries. And worse, she didn't have a batch of the antidote readily available. It would take days to prepare and there was no time.

  "Hungry," he said, licking his fingers. He reached for the second pastry and she was just able to snatch it away from his mouth. "So good."

  "You can't have these. They are..."

  He smiled at her and laughed, moving towards her, his arms outstretched. "You are more beautiful than the sonnets foretold. Your curves inspire men to write poetry and your lips are like honey. Come, and let us join together."

  Oh no, he was under the spell of the cakes and he would feel the need to mate with someone, anyone, but mainly the person standing in front of him. Her. He wanted to mate with her.

  Moving behind the pastry table, she watched as his hands reached up and ripped open his shirt. Dear Merlin and all of her ancestors, he threw the shirt onto the ground. She gaped at the rippled abs of his stomach, her breath catching in her throat. In Earth terms, he was hot.

  He was man candy and she liked sweets, but she had to wait on her mate. If she slept with the wrong man she could die. Only the mirror could tell her who her mate truly was and that little device was at home. Better to be safe than find herself pushing up daisies.

  Unable to back away any further, Daisy halted determined to stand her ground. He smiled at her as he reached for the snaps on his trousers.

  "Oh no, big boy, I don't think that's such a great idea," she said stopping his fingers. He grabbed her hand and raised it to his mouth, where he kissed her palm, sending a delicious shiver through her. No, no, no, this can't happen, not now. She didn't have time for a love induced slave to passion. A shame he hadn't arrived two weeks from now. Then she could use a man.

  The bell over the door tinkled and she heard Topper call out, "Daisy, dear I'm here."

  Yanking her hand away, she pulled out of his grasp. "Sorry, but I have to get these to Topper."

  "Oh my sweet Daisy, come back and let me sip from your nectar," he said and thrust his hips in her direction. "We will move the universe with our mating."

  She all but ran out of the kitchen and hurried to the counter.

  "Topper, thank Merlin you're here," she said, her voice sounding out of breath, her heart racing as she hurried to get away from the big alien.

  "What's wrong? Is it the pastries?"

  "No, my spells. Something is wrong. I can't read his mind. Then I cast a spell on him and it didn't work. That's never happened to me before."

  No man had ever been immune to her magic until now and that made her uneasy. Before she could just cast a spell on a man whose attention she didn't want and the problem was gone. But Orion was not affected.

  Curious, she wondered what it would feel like to be in the alien's arms. How would his lips feel against her own? Her heart beat a little faster at the thought.

  "What are you talking about?" Topper asked in surprise.

  The door to the kitchen swung open and Orion strolled out completely naked as the day he was brought forth into his world. The man looked like perfection, with his muscled thighs, his manhood erect as he strolled determinedly towards Daisy.

  "And then this..."

  Topper busted out laughing.

  Daisy's eyes widened as she realized he was coming for her and she knew his intent. "What am I going to do? He's immune to my spells and h
e ate one of the pastries? Now he wants to...wants to..."

  "Honey, from the looks of that alien, I think his big Johnson is more than you can handle at this time. How long does the pastry potion last?"

  She wished with all her might, that she could do something to stop the potion, but there was nothing she could do. Her verbal spells were not working on him, but, oh, how her pastry potions worked very well.

  "At least three to four hours. You try a spell on the guy," Daisy said, as he gripped her hand and raised it to his lips.

  "Your eyes glow like the rings around Tesceanus, calling me home. Your blonde curls I want to wrap around my body until I am tangled in your golden locks. We will spend the night entwined together and awaken in the morning, our love far from sated."

  Laughing, Topper gazed at Daisy. "I will try to help you, but you have to make certain he returns to his planet or we'll soon have one of those government inspectors showing up."

  He pulled her against him. "I want to kiss my way down your limbs, lingering to feast on your breasts, and dine on your nipples."

  Daisy could feel her cheeks blooming. The man was going to ravage her right here in front of her friend if she didn't stop him. "Topper, do something. Help me."

  "Oh my dear Daisy, you have cast your spell of love on my heart and I will be yours until the end of time," he whispered into her ear, sending a delicious shiver through her.

  Oh my, he was saying everything she wanted to hear, but she couldn't listen, not now. And what if he wasn't the one?

  "Topper, how can I continue to search for my mate, if I have a love sick alien following me?"

  "That dear is not my concern. Do you want my help or not."

  Of course she wanted her help. Right now she'd even take the town ogre's help.

  "Yes," she yelped as Orion pulled her mouth to his, his lips covering hers, consuming her.

  The world ceased to exist as his mouth devoured hers. Time seemed to stop and her arms wound their way around his neck as he moaned deep in his throat. What was happening to her? Never before had she experienced this kind of kiss. Her heart was pounding in her chest and warmth seemed to infuse her from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She wanted this big alien.

  But Topper was here. They were in her store and anyone could walk in at any time. She was Bad-Date Daisy and she didn't need the whole town seeing her kissing a naked alien with a raging hard on.

  The tinkle of the bell above the door had her pushing back, she quickly turned away from Orion, glancing to where Topper had been standing. She was gone. How embarrassing to be so thoroughly kissed in front of her friend.

  Yet, she left her with this big hulk of a naked alien, who wanted to have sex with her. Quickly, she glanced down at his man parts and laughed. Topper's spell didn't reverse the pastry potion, but had put him in a male chastity belt. The poor man still had a hard-on, but he couldn't get to her even if he wanted to.

  Now she had to entertain a lovesick alien until the spell wore off.

  "Come, my love, let's drink water," she said to him and led him back into the kitchen. She'd never been the recipient of one of her love spells before, and as long as he couldn't make love to her, then this might be fun for a little while.

  And his kiss...his kiss had been a thorough examination of her mouth that left her knees shaking and her heart pounding in her chest.

  He was an alien from another planet. He was from the wrong place and had arrived at the wrong time. But dang, if she wasn't just a teeny bit attracted and even turned on by the big guy.

  Topper ran out of the bakery, giggling with delight. The handsome hunk of alien was kissing Daisy like he was drowning and she was his lifeline. Obviously, he wanted to do more than just smooch the girl, but Topper had put a halt to his attempts to mate with Daisy. By the time the chastity spell subsided, he would be sleeping off the mating pastry and Daisy would be safe once again, for now.

  The Fates should know that Daisy had met a man whose mind she couldn't read. She couldn't even cast a spell that worked on the hulking giant. The only magic that seemed to have an effect on him was the decadent chocolate cake. Could the alien be here for Daisy and would the Fates tell her?

  So many times they were close-mouthed about what the future held.

  "Destiny, Fortune, Aura," she called as she ran into their occasional home. She hoped they weren't traveling to some distant star. Fortune appeared at the top of the stairs. She floated down to Topper, wearing an elegant evening gown and looking like a classical movie star. Her hair was a golden sheen and her eyes a deep emerald green that sparkled.

  "What brings you here to visit?"

  "Daisy. She tried to cast a spell on an alien and it didn't work," Topper said, barely concealing her excitement.

  Fortune smiled. "How interesting."

  Really? That was all the woman could say? Bad-Date Daisy had met a man she could not turn into an onocentaur and the woman just smiled.

  "What's all the yelling about," Aura said coming out of the kitchen with a wine glass in her hand. "It's happy hour and I'm sitting out on the deck."

  "Daisy's onocentaur spell didn't work on a big alien that came into town," Topper said unable to contain her excitement. "Is he her mate?"

  Before she could respond, Destiny, the third fate, roared up on a motorcycle outside. They watched as she swung her leg over the big Harley, pulled off her helmet and let her long dark hair swing free as she strapped the helmet to the back of the bike.

  "Destiny," Aura said, meeting her at the door. "Nice ride?"

  "The best," she said. "Nothing like a fast ride through the mountains to clear your mind and give you a vision into the future."

  Walking into the house, she glanced at their guest. "New hair color, Topper?"

  "Passionate Pink. Do you like it?"

  "Not really. It reminds me of a stomach medicine."

  Laughing, Topper glanced at her friend. "It's the latest rage. But that's not why I'm here. Daisy's Onocentaur spell didn't work on a space alien."

  "Yes, so?"

  "Oh, come on, Destiny, you can tell me. Is he her mate?"

  Topper watched her friend as she shrugged and strolled into the kitchen. Why did she have a feeling they weren't going to tell her a thing? They would make her wait and find out with everyone else.

  "We will all have to sit back and see what happens. First, we need to learn why the alien is here on our planet. What brought him here?"

  That thought set Topper back on her ruby red slippers. "Oh, Destiny, you always have a way of getting right to the crux of the matter. I can't answer that question. But I know that I left that handsome hunk of alien naked in her bakery, under the influence of her decadent chocolate cake."

  Aura glanced at her as she took a drag from the long, pink flapper cigarette holder in her mouth. She puffed on the end, but it wasn't lit. "Naked? Now that's an image I could enjoy. Especially with our sweet, little innocent Daisy."

  Fortune shook her head. "Please, the girl is almost twenty-five. Her mating season is upon her."

  Topper was afraid that Daisy would be the one who didn't find anyone to love and mate. She knew the consequences and had feared for the girl.

  "So he's her love mate?" Topper asked again.

  "We will have to wait and see what Destiny holds for her," Aura said, glancing over at her sister who smiled.

  "Oh, I think our Daisy is on her chosen path, but no one's road in life is easy and she's no exception. Leave her be and let her discover where her soul is going to take her," Destiny said.

  The three Fates all nodded and gazed at Topper with a smile.

  Topper sighed. She wasted her time coming here, but she just had to try to find out if the big alien was Daisy's mate. And as usual, she didn't know anymore than she had when she walked in the door.

  "I guess I'll go pop me some popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show. This is going to be interesting."

  Orion felt like someone was banging a gong inside h
is head and they pounded it repeatedly over and over. He awakened early this morning in the darkened bakery, his mouth dry, his head aching, and feeling like he had one too many pints of Xaltor beer. In the darkness, he knew he was alone as the woman's aura was not close.

  Standing gingerly he rose from the floor and a large piece of cloth fell from his body, making him realize he wore no clothes. A locked contraption covered his man parts. He gazed at the metal trap and with a roar ripped it from his body. Maybe he'd been unable to remove it while under her spell, but he was slowly returning to normal.

  Slipping on his clothes, he glanced around the bakery, looking for something to write a note on. He wanted the woman to know she'd not gotten away with casting a spell on him. Spotting the leftover icing he spread a message on the table. "I'll be back."

  Walking out of the bakery, he strolled down the street. Gazing up at the stars, he wondered which one of them was his planet and if his sister was doing any better. Tomorrow he would demand that Daisy return with him. He would not let her leave his sight until she was on his ship and racing back across the stars to his planet.

  Even though she was a witch, her spells had not worked on him and he worried that she could not break the spell cast on Lyra and his mother. Was her magic powerful enough to save the women in his family?

  Upon reaching the ship, he turned off the cloaking device and the door opened as he strode up the ramp.

  "Are we ready to leave, commander?" a crewman asked.

  "Not yet. It will take more time. Remain on standby."

  Walking into his cabin, he went into the bathing portal and quickly shed his clothes. In a few minutes, not only was his body cleansed, but also his blood as well. Once again he felt like himself. With a growl, like a warrior, he came out clean and refreshed and ready to tackle Daisy Blanchet once again.

  Feeling renewed he hurried back down the steps to begin the trek back into town. Signaling his ship, to activate the cloaking device, he watched the craft disappear. The sun was now high in the sky and he knew he'd lost time, but felt recharged and ready to convince Daisy to leave with him. Walking towards town determined to find Daisy and return with her to his ship.


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