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The Best Of LK Vol. 1

Page 26

by LK Collins

  “That’s fine.”

  “Ooh, he likes you,” Eve says, “You should get his number.”

  I roll my eyes, “He’s not my type—he’s scrawny. I need muscles, something to hold on to.”

  “I get that, girl. So tell me about the trip.” I fill her in on all the details as we pay our check and box up our to-go food. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about him sooner,” she scolds me as we make it back into our building.

  The warmth is so inviting. “There’s not much to tell, it was just a week, and now it’s over with.”

  “Quinn, you don’t believe that, do you?”

  We wait at the bottom of the elevator banks for a car to arrive and I look her directly in the eye. “Of course I do.”

  As we shuffle inside, everyone calls out their floors, and this is one of the things that drives me crazy. Why can’t people just push their number when they walk in? Eve snickers at me as I push yet another number. Then right as the doors close, someone calls out, “Hold that, would ya?”

  I ignore them, but the person on the other side pushes the door open button.

  Seriously? The stairs would’ve been faster.

  And as I look up, my heart skips a beat. Dressed in a sexy ass suit with the most gorgeous expression ever is Merritt, and his gaze is eating me alive. He squeezes in, placing his body right along the front of mine as he presses the button for his floor, glancing behind him.

  “Hey,” he says, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek. I can sense Eve’s eyes all over us, and I swallow searching for my voice. “Hi.” Suddenly I’m shy, but he’s not. Everything about him is consuming me and when he takes my hand in his, holding it tightly, the comfort I felt for the week when we were together comes rushing back to me. I’ve missed him more than I realized.

  The elevator doors open at its first stop and a few people shuffle out giving us a little more room, but Merritt doesn’t give me any more space. “What are you doing here?” I ask him, knowing we only have a little while longer together.

  “I have a meeting with a client that Ari is trying to steal from me.”

  Of course, he is.

  “Didn’t you get my texts?” he asks.

  “I haven’t checked my phone all day.”

  “Check it.” He cups my cheek and touches my lips with this thumb. I lean into his hand, getting so easily lost in him that everything else fades away. It’s as if we are standing alone…just he and I. The elevator dings and Eve calls me to follow her as she waits on our floor. “Room 503,” Merritt says, passing me what looks like a hotel keycard, and I step backwards, not responding, but our eyes stay locked together. He licks his bottom lip as the doors close, and I’m in such a daze. “What the hell was that?” Eve shrieks.

  “That’s him, the guy from the week I spent in the mountains.”

  “You said he lived in Texas.”

  “He does, he’s here on business.”

  “You also said it was a one-time thing, so what was that?”

  “I have no clue.” I look down at the key card in my hand. The name across it reads, “The Brown Palace,” which is only like the nicest and oldest hotel in the city. Eve snatches it from me and asks, “What are you gonna do?

  Looking to her for advice, I respond, “I have no idea.”

  She gives me back the card and looks like she is about to pee her pants. “Hi, Mr. Johnson,” I say as we pass one of the senior VP’s.

  “Oh my God, Quinn. Are you going?”

  “No!” I tell her as we sit down. She glares at me. “I don’t know, maybe.” Taking out my phone, I check it, and yep, there is one missed call and two missed text messages from him.

  I might be coming to Colorado for business today, could I see you?

  Heading to the airport now…dinner?

  I find it hard to believe that he suddenly has business here. When we talked last night, he didn’t mention a thing about it. He just kept trying to push me to admit to wanting more with him, and when I didn’t, now this morning he might be coming here. Then when I don’t respond, he’s here? He knows I’m not in any place to date or be with him.

  Taking the key, I toss it into my trashcan. Why should I go, because he said so? I’m done being told what to do, as much as it hurts to push him away, I’ve gotta look out for myself, no one else will.

  Dialing Willow, her phone goes to voicemail, and I remember that she is in class all day today. Hanging up without leaving her a message, I call Ari. Something seems off about all of this. Merritt could’ve planned this all along, and I have to find out if he’s lying about things or if this is really a coincidence.

  “What’s up, Quinn?”

  “Did you tell Merritt where I work?”

  “No, why?”

  “Because I just ran into him in my building, and he claims he has business here. Something about getting a client back you’re trying to steal?”

  “Oh, the Serrano Family. Their attorney’s office is in your building. Remember when I texted you for lunch the other day? I was there to close the deal; now he’s trying to get it back ‘cause his old man is a fucking kook.”

  “Are you being serious?”

  “Yeah, why would I lie?” He’s right…why would he lie? “Hey, if it means anything, Quinn, he’s a really good guy.”

  I hang up with Ari and don’t know what to do. Is this all me just making this shit up in my head? Am I being paranoid because of my past? Do I let my guard down and just wander over to The Brown Palace and strip naked because that’s what Merritt wants and Ari says he’s a good guy?

  Work gets the best of me, and I’m thankful to keep my mind busy. As the day flies by, I don’t know where the time has gone. Everyone around me is packing up to leave, and I feel like even though I’ve been swamped, I’ve gotten nothing accomplished. Minus making a list of reasons why I need to stay single that is so long I could make a book out of it.

  “Night,” Eve says, thankfully not asking me if I’m going to see Merritt again or not and I smile, finishing the spreadsheet I’m working on.

  My phone buzzes in my desk, and as I glance inside, I see a view of Downtown Denver. The only thing that would make this view better is you. Room 503…I’m waiting.

  I slam my desk drawer and pinch the bridge of my nose. Why is this happening? How could he be here and expect me to just drop things and run to him? He knows how I feel, we agreed to one week and now he’s pushing me. Looking at the picture again, I begin to dig through my trash can and get startled by my boss. “What’d you lose?” he asks, and I shoot straight up in my chair.

  “Oh…nothing, just a paper. I don’t want to re-pull the docs and search through them to reprint it.”

  “Ahh, okay. Well, I need a favor. We just got the signed documents in for the Torrez accounts. They’ll be here Monday morning, and I hate to ask you, but if you could work on everything this weekend, I’d owe you.”

  “Stan, you already owe me,” I tell him.

  “I do, and I’m sorry I haven’t paid you back from the last time I asked you to work on the weekend. You can even do this from home if you want. And I’ll give you my tickets to the Nuggets game this weekend too. Will that help?”

  “If you have them on you now, then maybe.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out two tickets. But before he lets go of them he asks, “You’ll get everything, including the accounts, all set up by Monday morning?”

  “Sure will,” I tell him.

  “Thank you, Quinn…you’re a life saver.” He walks off, leaving me with a sweet pair of floor seats to the Nuggets game tomorrow night.

  With my trashcan still between my legs, I look in and spot the card right away. Taking it out, I toss it in my purse and grab my laptop and other things I need to get my weekend work done, taking it all with me as I leave.

  Walking home, my phone rings; it’s Merritt. I’m reluctant to answer; my brain is so jumbled right now but like usual…I can’t resist him. “Hello?”

; “Are you coming over here or not?”

  “No,” I tell him, waiting to cross a street.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m spent, it’s been one hell of a week back, and my boss just gave me even more work that I have to do at home this weekend. I think I just wanna go home crash and get a fresh start tomorrow.”

  “I’ll come to you? I…I just want to hold you.”

  His offer is so sweet, how can I turn him down? But thinking about it, the truth is, once we are alone, cuddling will be the last thing we’ll be doing. We’ll fuck and probably won’t be able to stop, and what will that open up? I need to think about things for myself, for my future, to make sure I do what’s right…for me.

  “Not tonight?”

  “I’m leaving in the morning.”

  “Then there will be another time, Merritt.”

  He doesn’t respond, and I enter my building, keeping my voice down as I ask him, “Okay?” But he’s still quiet. Glancing at the screen to see if he’s even still there, he’s not. He’s hung up on me.

  What the fuck? Just because I need some time, he hangs up on me? How is that even fair? I didn’t ask him to come here.



  Staring at the blank screen of my phone, I’m aggravated at how closed off Quinn is being. I don’t get why last week it was perfectly okay for us to be together and now this week it’s not. At the time that we agreed to one week, I thought a week would be enough to let me get over my feelings for her, but it wasn't. All it did was make them stronger. She’s gotta be feeling what I am; I’m not crazy after all. I’m trying to respect her and not push things, but she won’t even see me to just cuddle, and being this close to her, yet so far away, is driving me fuckin’ mad.

  Refilling my glass of whiskey, my father calls me again, wanting to know if I closed the Serrano deal. Fuck him! All he cares about is business. He doesn’t care about me or what I’ve had to go through to get the Serranos back.

  Sitting on the couch that overlooks the view of the city, it occurs to me that I’ve never realized how beautiful of a city Denver is.

  “What’s up?” I answer Ari’s call on the first ring.

  “Oh, man, you better close the Serrano deal, or your old man is gonna lose it.”

  “How much you think it’d cost to hire a hit man?” I ask him jokingly.

  We both laugh, and I tell him, “In all seriousness, I think I saved the deal. They’re gonna answer me in the morning.”

  “You mean you stole it from me?”

  “Fuck you; you stole it from me.”

  We both laugh and he says, “So I heard you saw Quinn.”

  “She call you?”

  “Yup, all worked up and shit.”

  “You should’ve warned me that she worked in that building.”

  “I’m busy, man, I don’t have time to worry about who works where and cross-reference it by your oh-so-important schedule.”

  “Shut up, bitch!”

  “So did you hit it again, get in a good nooner?”

  “No, and now she’s being all bitchy about seeing me.”

  “Who cares? She’s been hurt. You know how women are. Don’t give up on her…that’s what she’s expecting.”

  Hanging up with Ari, I never imagined he could make so much sense. I dial Quinn’s number, and she answers, “Did you seriously hang up on me?”

  “No way,” I lie. “My cell phone died, and I just got it turned back on.”

  “You really didn’t hang up?”

  “Nope. So what are you wearing?”

  “Merritt!” she scolds me.

  The alcohol urges me on, making me very brave. This is where we first connected—sex. If I can make her see how good we are together, even through the phone, maybe I can convince her to give things with us a shot.

  “I get that you don’t want to see me.”

  “It’s not that. I’m…I’m scared to be alone with you. Just being in the elevator today was a lot.”

  “Do you trust me?” I ask her, the same way I did when I blindfolded her.

  “Yes, you know I do.”

  “Good, now go into your bedroom and take your clothes off.”

  She doesn’t answer me, and I imagine her standing there stark naked, her soft white skin, alluring and tempting. Wanting to be touched.

  “I’m naked.”

  I get undressed myself and say to her, “Look in the mirror.”


  “Trust me.”


  “Do you see that freckle on your right side, next to your tit?”


  “I want you to close your eyes and imagine my lips on it.” She’s breathing hard, and I grab my cock, knowing I could come at any moment, but I’ll wait for her.

  “Can you feel my lips?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Good, now, touch yourself.”

  “Oh God, Merritt,” she moans, and I have to let go of my dick. I close my eyes, listening to her ragged breathing and hope she sees how good we are together, how fucking well our bodies react to one another’s.

  “Tell me what you’re doing,” I command her.

  “Touching myself. I just laid down on my bed.”

  “I bet you wish my cock was inside you, huh?”

  “God, yes.”

  “Mmm, keep pleasing yourself, baby.”

  “Jesus, I wanna come. Will you come with me?”

  “No…” I respond, and she gets eerily quiet.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m saving it for the next time I’m inside your sweet cunt. Good night, Quinn.”



  Reading the clock on my nightstand as it changes from 2:16am to 2:17am, I haven’t fallen asleep yet. All I have been doing is tossing and turning all night, my mind fighting with my body, the two wanting completely different things.

  After Merritt and I messed around earlier and he teased me and then basically left me hanging by a thread, my body is a jumbled mess. I need to see him, even though I shouldn’t. I want him one more time…but it’s such a bad idea.

  Shutting my eyes, I fight with my brain to be quiet and hope this time I can fall asleep. But all I hear is his voice and the way he coaxed me on.

  Fuck, it seems hopeless, the clock still reads 2:17am. On my nightstand is the keycard for his hotel. I pick it up, spinning it around and around in my fingers. Then, I drop it and get up, hoping that maybe a bath will tire me out.

  After soaking for what feels like an eternity, it doesn’t help a thing. If anything, I feel even more awake. As I slip my sweat pants on, my clit is still twitching for him, and I’ve made my mind up. I need to go to him; I need to figure out the reason for this constant pull. Maybe one last time together will stop it. Slipping on my boots and coat, I leave.

  I decide not to call him, what is the point of that? I have a key after all. Hell, maybe he’s with someone else like a typical traveling man would be and walking in on it would make me be done with him in an instant.

  Getting into my car, it’s cold and takes a few minutes to warm up. On the drive, there is literally no one out on the roads.

  The drive is short, and I park my Jeep on the street outside of his hotel, then make a dash inside. The old eclectic décor seems to span from floor to ceiling. I’ve never actually been inside of this place. Looking for the elevators, I spot them, right as the desk clerk looks at me with a curious expression.

  I guess it could be because I am wearing sweatpants and pretty much look like a cute hobo. I press the call button and instantly the doors open. Taking the car up to the fifth floor, I’m reminded of the interaction that Merritt and I had in the elevator earlier in the day. He was so domineering, the way he kissed me on the cheek, so close to my lips, like I was his, and held my hand while he pressed his body right along mine, ignoring everyone else sharing the space.

  The doors open to the fifth floor and my palms are
sweaty, not really sure what I’m about to walk in on.

  Room 503 is at the end of the hall. As I stand in front of it, I listen for any sounds or noises, but there aren’t any. Placing the key into the door, it flashes green, and I remove it.

  I open the door and look around the dim hotel room. The TV is on some infomercial which is illuminating Merritt’s sexy, naked body.

  He’s alone, just like I hoped he would be.

  Quietly, I close the door and latch the lock, then take my coat and boots off, leaving them by the door. Walking to the bed, I sit on the edge of it, taking everything in. There’s a half-drunk bottle of whiskey next to him on the nightstand. He must still be naked from when we messed around earlier on the phone.

  Maybe this entire time, everything that I’ve been worrying about shouldn’t be a worry. Deep down, I really don’t think he’s like other guys. He could have any girl in the world. Look at him: perfect body, gorgeous face, huge cock, and he wants me.

  Sitting this close to him and not touching him is driving me crazy. Getting up, I strip naked, all the while my eyes are on his dick. Then I hover over him, pressing his dick against my pussy as I brush my hair to the side and lean down kissing him.

  “You came,” he says against my mouth and stretches, pushing his cock against me. His eyes are still closed, but he knows it’s me.

  I kiss him again, and he knots his fingers into my hair and flips us over, his tired eyes finally waking. I relinquish all of my control, giving over to him, forgetting about all of my worries and reservations.

  “Tell me you want me,” he brushes his nose against mine.

  “You fucking know I do.”

  “Tell me, Quinn.”

  “I want you, Merritt. I want you inside me, I want you to—”

  “Like this?”

  I gasp as his hard shaft fills me. He pushes more and more into me, burying himself as deep as he can. With my legs held around him, I hold our bodies close, and neither of us moves.


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