Notes from An Alien
Page 7
The Lord's Army claimed 30,000 members. The Faith of Eternity, 13,000. The Disciples of Faith had nearly one million avowed believers and the Aklans were impossible to count due to their deaths and the unwillingness of anyone, except Velu and Zena, to venture into the Unholy Lands. One thing was certain: their martyrdoms seemed to have no appreciable effect on how many were being of service, except that the faces kept changing.
The settlers claimed some 1,087,000 people.
Exact numbers for any group were also suspect because members of one group became members of another group with no predictability.
Anla-Purum was, to say the least, in flux.
Anga-Param, on the other hand, still had the technology to keep painstaking track of its citizens. However, since the former Corporate government had evaporated, the tallying of citizens had become an indicator, daily, of the remaining population's will to survive. The planet had, at last count, 21,344 people.
War is, truly, hell...
Velu was sitting up during one of the resting spells between her bouts of exhausting labor. Zena stood near. They were in their home, not far from where Akla's body was laid to rest. Three Aklan women were in constant attendance and thousands of Aklans were outside, ranging up and down the mountain valley. Every major turn of event in Velu's birth process was communicated, mouth-to-mouth, through the valley and down to the low lands, then on to the rest of the Unholy Lands' residents.
Akla had hinted at a very special birth and the time to expect it. The character of Velu and Zena had focused the hint on this birth.
Twenty-six hours since the beginning of Velu's travail and each hour had seen more visible activity in the plasma streams in the atmosphere above their home—red and green and purple waves and ribbons of color, giving a completely festive feeling to the birth process.
Zena handed Velu a warm drink and she said:
"Our child will rename this territory."
Knowing his wife was seeing what she said, he asked:
"What will she call it?"
"She?" Velu cocked an eyebrow and a small smile.
"Velu, you know I know."
"Your powers are resurging."
"Yes. I've needed raw, stark rationality to deal with the Worlds' situation but our child's energy is calling my powers out."
"Are you ready to hear the name I've chosen?"
"If you're ready to reveal it."
"Sweet Breeze..."
Velu had a major contraction and Delva's crown peeped out. Velu slid her body off the bed and crouched over the birth blankets. Two of her Aklan attendants sat in front and one behind. Zena stood where he could see, his mind recalling one of Velu's favorite prayers. He sang:
"Oh, Eternal One!
Oh, our Hope!
Be with us and bring us joy.
Fill us with Your Spirit."
The plasma display intensified.
The Aklans began a cheering chant.
Baby Delva didn't cry...
A lone astronomer on Anga-Param, having idly trained his telescope on Anla-Purum, noted the increased plasma activity in the planet's atmosphere, wrote down the coordinates, and left to find his friend and get a second opinion.
The ruling priests of the Lord's Army and the Faith of Eternity had been in consultation when they saw the plasma storm.
Urnun turned to Vaozur and recited a verse which was in both their Holy Books:
"She will come to you with glory. She will come at the lowest ebb of the River of Life. The sky will announce her coming. This is the time to meet together and decide your fates."
"Urnun, you know as well as I the danger of applying holy writ to events, making assumptions unchecked by confirmation from God."
"I say we choose one follower each, two Gifts for God, to see if we will be inspired to judge this event."
The man and woman had been fastened to the stake back-to-back, the Knife Bearers and Blood Tenders were ready, the priests advanced to the wooden platform.
As the knifes began to open the veins, the priests kneeled. They were the first to drink the blood. The Tenders then shared it with the others.
All were silent. All could see the plasma display.
When the man and woman had died, so did the plasma display.
The priests were dead, too.
Over time, the weather on Anga-Param began to respond favorably to the radical plasma infusions.
Over time, the various Leadership Councils, inspired by the unremitting advice of Zena and Velu, had all agreed to a Convocation. They still had to receive popular assent to the terms to be discussed at the meeting:
1. A new institution—Worlds' Council—shall be formed.
2. The first Worlds' Council representatives will be elected from the general populace of both Worlds.
3. The representatives of the first Worlds' Council will establish the operation of Territorial, Regional, and Local Councils.
4. Local Councils will send elected representatives to Regional Council Conventions.
*These conventions shall elect, from the population of the Region, the members of the Regional Councils.
Regional Councils will send elected representatives to Territorial Council Conventions.
*These conventions shall elect, from the population of the Territory, the members of the Territorial Councils.
*Local and Regional Council Conventions shall be held each year.
Territorial Council Conventions will elect Worlds' Council representatives.
*Territorial Council Conventions will be held during each cycle of Worlds' Close Approach.
5. The Worlds' Council will determine the permanent boundaries of each territory of both Worlds.
6. The Worlds' Council will determine all trade and commerce regulations of both Worlds.
7. The Worlds' Council will enact any Worlds' Laws deemed important to maintain Worlds' Peace.
8. The Worlds' Council will be the Court of Last Resort for all Worlds' disagreements.
9. The Worlds' Council will develop a Worlds' Protective Force to enforce its mandates.
Over time, the Leadership Councils did receive a general, popular assent to these terms.
Over time, the first Worlds' Council was formed and began its work to institute Territorial, Regional, and Local Councils.
Over time, the Worlds' peoples began to feel a glimmer of hope.
6 ~ Mercy
The activities of the Worlds' Council's first years were taken up with assuring the implementation and guiding principles of the Territorial, Regional, and Local Councils. The more arduous tasks of setting boundaries, dealing with trade and commerce, instituting Worlds' Law, and developing a Worlds' Protective Force took more years.
During this time, two most critical parallel developments were occurring:
Pockets of dissent were cropping up.
Delva was growing up.
Velu, Zena, and a few others expected dissent to eventually develop even before the general populace's assent to the new governmental arrangements. It was one thing to be in a state of hopeless confusion and welcome what appeared to be a solution. It was something else to watch the new arrangements being developed and wondering how to grab a piece of the power.
Delva decided, when she reached her fifteenth birthday, that she would become the Worlds' Mediator—the person who traveled widely and negotiated wisely to help the Worlds' Council maintain peace and further both Worlds' regeneration and prosperity.
Delva's parents were fully convinced she was up to the task. They also knew she had quite a few years of growing and travel to accomplish before she approached the Worlds' Council.
Delva, her parents, and Morna began a program of visiting each of the 406 Local Councils and living with them for a month
. Some welcomed them with open arms, some gave Delva no end of opportunities to develop her skills in negotiating. By her thirty-forth birthday, she had accomplished this first goal. There were now more than 406 Local Councils, due to more cities and towns being brought back from collapse, but she felt word of her abilities would spread to the new Councils, and, hopefully, influence their operation, so she set out to accomplish her second goal—obtain a written recommendation from each Regional and Territorial Council that she could present to the Worlds' Council. This goal was achieved in one year.
At their final destination, the Beselima Territorial Council's headquarters—on the former corporate planet, Anga-Param—Delva and her parents had an historic conversation. The only record of this was in Morna's electro-plasma mind.
"Mother, tell me again about your visions during my birth."
"Delva, you've asked me that so many times. You think there's still more to be gleaned from the symbolism?"
"I do."
Zena cradled his daughter's hand and said:
"Dearest, you still amaze me."
"Father, you still downplay what you and mother have given me. Apart from being loving and encouraging, you were the ones who caused the plasma storm that gave me my mental and emotional powers."
"Caused is too strong a word."
"Only if you define cause too narrowly."
Velu cradled her other hand and said:
"Akla was the cause."
"So you believe."
"So I believe."
"Mother, you've had a great trial all these years putting up with a husband and daughter who don't share your religious beliefs."
"Trial? No. Blessing."
"Your ability to see challenges and emotionally nettlesome situations as blessings is still something I find truly amazing."
"Such is the power of Akla's spirit."
Delva stood and walked to the window. After what seemed an eternity, she turned and said:
"Tell me again, mother."
Velu stood, took Zena's hand, pulled him up, walked to the table, and beckoned Delva to sit.
"Delva, you've consulted with scientists, farmers, priests, writers, lawyers, cooks, artists, laborers, and children. You've developed a theory about the plasma environment of the Angi system and you've determined for yourself that the plasma storm at your birth was caused by the alignment of your birth place with Beli and Angla along with your Father's and my presence. You know I believe the plasma was sent by Akla. Your father feels both explanations are true. No matter the cause, it gave you abilities that the Worlds will need for many years to come. Out of respect for your abilities, I will tell you, once again, what I saw during your birth."
"Mother, Beli-Pallos is, no matter the particular belief of the individual, the mother planet of Anga-Param, Anla-Purum, and Angla-Palli. What you saw in your visions contains a message and I intend to unravel it. This will be the last time you tell me your tale, not because you're old and frail but because I will be far too busy to ask. I was born to be Worlds' Mediator. Whatever the cause of your visions, God or your unconscious mind, they are critical to the success of my life mission. Pretend I've never heard them before. Tap into your love for me and hold nothing back.
All was a purple glow. Three voices were heard. One called with the tone of Wisdom. Another called with the tone of Faith. The third called with the tone of Justice.
Wisdom said, "There is no boundary. All interpenetrates."
Faith said, "There is a boundary. God, only, can cross it."
Justice said, “Perception is the Rule.”
The purple glow began to grow spheres colored green and blue and brown, three in number.
The spheres began a dance and the dance caused music.
The music had nine harmonies and nine melodies.
Six blue spheres began to grow and, at the center of their dance, a purple sphere, larger than all the others, took form.
The purple sphere spoke with the tone of Love.
Love said, "The boundaries interpenetrate. All is one."
All the spheres rushed together and a blaze of white light spread to the ends of time and space.
Time spoke with the tone of Infinity.
Infinity said, "There is no thought. There is no feeling. All is consciousness.
Space spoke with the tone of Humor.
Humor said, "There is no need to hope. All is as All does."
The white glare contracted to a sphere that contained all the other spheres. The white sphere spoke with the tone of Compassion.
Compassion said, "You have been called forth to be the portal for another to be called forth. You will live through the times that define all times. You will suffer for your love. You will love your suffering."
All disappeared except the original purple glow. Slowly, within it, grew a shape that had no shape, a form of formlessness, a silent sound with the tone of Mercy.
Mercy said, "No fear. No fright. No injury. No pain. This is what is being born from you."
All went to purest black.
Near the place where Delva and her parents were, a group of twenty farmers were gathering. They had been told by their Regional Council that they needed to change the crops they grew. They had enjoyed high profits from what they grew. They had no desire to understand the Council's reasoning—that a different crop was needed if growth of recently renovated villages was to continue.
The farmers were approaching the building that housed the Beselima Territorial Council's headquarters. It also contained the room that held Delva and her parents.
The officers of the Territorial Protective Force lay dead.
The farmers encircled the building and began to set the bombs in place.
Delva had left her parents in the room and stepped outside to contemplate, yet again, her mother's visions. She was carrying Morna. She'd wandered to the edge of the nearby forest and was about to enter the dark and fragrant sanctuary when the trees were suddenly illuminated with a yellow-red glow. The following concussion threw her into the forest. Her last conscious thought was, I have so much to do.
Morna continued to call to Delva. Her vitals were strong but she lay there unconscious. Morna had been thrown about a hundred yards further into the forest so she used her loudest volume. Eventually, the people who had gathered to put out the raging fire heard Morna calling Delva's name. Both were transported to the nearest hospital. Delva remained unconscious for a week. Morna used the time to gather information about the explosion and the suspects being held.
Delva finally opened her eyes. She saw a man. He appeared to be a doctor. She said:
"How long have I been away?"
"Just about a week. How do you feel?"
"I feel fine, hungry, eager to continue my work."
The doctor told his nurse to get a meal and trained the light from some device into Delva's eyes.
"I'm not in shock."
"No, it appears not."
"What's your name?"
"Verluin. Verluin Namis. I was assigned to you by the Worlds' Council. They obviously think you're important."
"I am."
Verluin smiled and Delva felt a surprising surge of love. She queried her own mind—checking thoughts and feelings to appraise this sudden affection. She swiftly determined it was no common feeling, that it signified an important turning point in her life, and that she would be very careful with this man and test him.
"Delva, you are free to leave the hospital but I'd like to run a few more tests."
"What kind of tests?"
"Neurological and endocrine."
"I can see the possible need for the brain tests. I felt the force of the explosion before I passed out. I can surmise the endocrine tests are to evaluate the extent of impact of the event on my emotional health. Just so you know, I'm aware my parents died in that blast. I was laying here, eyes closed but mind
awake, for the last few hours and my internal conversation with Morna brought me up to date. It will take time to realize my grief but I have important work to accomplish and my parents would want me to carry on."
"Obviously, the monitors told me you were awake. I've been here since just before you regained consciousness. I still think you need the endocrine tests. Not to evaluate deep shock but to appraise your ability to take on the role the Worlds' Council wants you to perform."
"You're not just a doctor."
"I am a doctor, physical and psychological. I'm also a close friend of many of the Worlds' Council members and they will soon announce your appointment as Worlds' Mediator."
"Now for my third life-goal."
"Excuse me?"
"I set myself three goals when I was fifteen. First, to visit all the existing Local Councils and live with them and learn from them. Second, to obtain recommendations from all the Regional and Territorial Councils to the Worlds' Council to appoint me as their mediator. Now, the third goal can be sought."
"And, that is?"
"Bring the Worlds to a truly unified and lasting peace. Not just some political arrangement born of hopeless anxiety but a deep and firm commitment of all the Worlds' peoples to see themselves as one people and be willing to put that vision into abiding action."
"Delva, I've heard stories about you and your qualities and I've prayed they were true. But—"