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The Brooding Earl's Proposition

Page 20

by Laura Martin

  ‘Can we go to the folly? It’s a clear day, we might see the sea.’

  Deciding to go along with whatever the girls were planning, Selina nodded and then set about finding their coats. Within ten minutes they were outside, Theodosia and Priscilla walking quickly ahead, looking back every few minutes to check Selina was following.

  * * *

  It took half an hour to reach the folly, half an hour of cold, whipping wind and toes that felt as though they might fall off. It wasn’t the most pleasant of days to be doing a long walk, but Selina couldn’t deny her mind felt refreshed and sharper.

  The girls had stopped outside the door to the tower and were watching her approach with impatience.

  ‘You go up first, Miss Salinger,’ Theodosia said. ‘We’ll follow.’

  Allowing herself to be swept along, Selina began the climb, wondering what she would find at the top. She was halfway up when she realised the girls weren’t following, not yet at least, and she paused, considering whether she should continue upwards or climb down. After a moment she carried on to the top, knowing she would be able to see them from the edge of the tower.

  ‘Good afternoon,’ Matthew said as she emerged out of the narrow door. He took her hand and placed a kiss on its back, just below the knuckles. Whatever Selina had been expecting it wasn’t this. Matthew was dressed in a simple dark brown jacket and light brown breeches with a brilliant white shirt underneath. He looked dashing in the late afternoon light and Selina felt her heart squeeze in her chest.

  ‘What’s happening?’ she asked, trying to find a reason the girls would have lured her here to meet with Matthew.

  ‘I have something very important to ask you, and I thought I would do it at the most picturesque spot on the estate.’ He grimaced. ‘I had hoped it wouldn’t be quite so windy.’

  ‘Something to ask me?’

  ‘I’ve come to a realisation, a very important one. I’ve realised that I can’t bear to think of my life without you. If I imagine a future without you it looks grey and dull.’

  She felt a surge of hope and knew her eyes had widened in surprise.

  ‘I know I’ve been a fool, suggesting you become my mistress. I think I was so traumatised by my marriage to Elizabeth, so ashamed of how I’d gone along with something I’d known was wrong, I didn’t think I deserved happiness, but you’ve given it to me anyway.’ He smiled at her, gripping her hand tighter in his own. ‘I don’t want you as my mistress. I want you to be my wife.’

  Selina felt herself stumble and gripped hold of the stone parapet for support.

  ‘Marry me, Selina. I promise I will do everything I can to make you happy.’

  She wanted to throw her arms around him, to kiss him until they both forgot everything but the taste of the other, but something held her back. There was a little voice of caution telling her not to rush in.

  ‘What about India?’

  ‘We’ll work it out. Perhaps we will all go for a short while, just so I can appoint someone to run the business in my absence. We will find a way to make it work.’ He smiled at her reassuringly. ‘I know you are cautious, after what happened with your father, but I promise I will take care of you. You may not trust many people, but I think you trust me.’

  Selina realised it was true—after just a few short months she did trust him.

  ‘You haven’t given me an answer,’ he said softly.

  She would be a fool to say no. She loved him, had dreamed of this.

  ‘Yes,’ she said, flinging her arms around his neck. For a long moment they kissed, their lips coming together as his arms wrapped around her waist.

  ‘Have you asked yet?’ Theodosia’s voice came from the doorway.

  Selina and Matthew pulled apart, but she noticed he kept a hand resting lightly on her waist.

  ‘I have.’

  ‘And what did she say?’

  ‘I hardly think they’d be kissing if she’d said no,’ Priscilla observed from behind her sister.

  ‘Have you given her the ring?’

  Matthew dug into a pocket and produced a sparkling ruby surrounded by diamonds set on a delicate gold band. ‘A betrothal gift.’

  In a daze Selina held out her hand for him to slip it on, looking down at the beautiful piece of jewellery. When they’d set out from Manresa House half an hour earlier she’d had no inkling this was going to happen and she felt as though her head was spinning and the rest of her couldn’t keep up.

  ‘Lady Westcroft,’ Matthew murmured in her ear. ‘It has quite a ring to it.’

  It would take a little getting used to. In the space of two years she’d gone from debutante to governess and now to future wife of an earl. Future wife of the man she loved.

  ‘I know you’re not going to be our mama, because Uncle Matthew isn’t our father, but it’ll be almost like having a mother again,’ Theodosia whispered to Selina, squeezing her hand. ‘I’m so pleased you’re going to stay.’

  Selina dropped a kiss on her unruly blonde hair. ‘I’ll always be here, no matter what.’

  Priscilla squeezed out through the doorway on to the top of the tower and in an unprecedented show of affection she threw her arms around Selina’s waist and buried her face in the fabric of her dress.

  A gust of wind hit the tower, making all four of them totter backwards towards the door.

  ‘Let’s get home,’ Matthew said. ‘When I pictured the proposal it was a little less grey and windy.’

  ‘It was perfect,’ Selina said, but quickly ushered the children back through the door to the stairs. It was cold and it wouldn’t be long before it got dark, hardly the place to linger.

  * * *

  Matthew tipped his head back and caught Selina’s eye. They had celebrated their engagement in the library at the girls’ insistence with steaming cups of hot chocolate and three different kinds of cake. It was dark outside now and both girls were curled up on the sofa, sleeping soundly.

  ‘Let’s get the children to bed,’ Matthew said, ‘and then I can kiss my future wife like I’ve been wanting to all afternoon.’

  Quickly he scooped first Priscilla and then Theodosia up, making the climb up to their bedroom with their heads nuzzled in to his shoulder and their breathing deep and regular. He almost ran back down the stairs when he was sure both girls were settled in their beds.

  Selina was standing by the fire, the flickering light illuminating her in a warm glow that Matthew found mesmerising. He crossed the room in a few short strides and pulled her into his arms.

  ‘I haven’t been able to think about anything but kissing you,’ he murmured and his lips came to meet hers. She was sweet on his tongue, sweet and warm, and he felt the desire swell up inside him like an unstoppable force. ‘I don’t know how I ever thought I could be without you.’

  Selina let her head drop back as his lips traced a path down her jaw and on to the smooth skin of her neck. A soft moan escaped her lips and he knew he wanted to elicit that moan over and over again in a thousand different ways.

  He ran his hands down the length of her back, feeling her arch towards him. Her body was warm through her clothes and he longed to feel the heat of her skin against his.

  ‘Matthew,’ she said, her eyes coming to meet his, ‘soon we will be married.’

  He blinked, then suddenly understood the emphasis she put on the words and had to hold himself back to stop his hands ripping the clothes from her body. She might have just suggested they could pre-empt their marriage vows by a few weeks, but he still had to remember it would be her first time.

  ‘Shall we go upstairs?’ he asked, not knowing what he would do if she said no.

  Selina placed her hand in his and together they hurried for the stairs, almost tripping more than once in their rush to reach the bedroom. Matthew pushed open the door, ushered Selina through and then kicked it closed behind
him, pausing only long enough to click the lock into place to ensure they were undisturbed for the entire night.

  He turned and for a moment he was rooted to the spot. Selina had pulled the pins from her hair and let it cascade loose over her shoulders. As he watched she began fiddling with the fastenings at the back of her dress, her eyes never leaving his.

  With two steps he was by her side.

  ‘You don’t know how many times I’ve imagined this,’ he said, his voice ragged.

  ‘Me, too.’

  Suddenly he had an image of Selina tossing and turning in her bed, hot with desire for him.

  Matthew gently turned her around, reaching for the fastenings of her sensible wool dress and fumbling with the intricate design.

  ‘From this moment on I’m banning you from wearing grey,’ he said, almost letting out a yelp of celebration as the first fastening came loose.

  ‘I only own grey dresses. Suitable attire for a governess.’

  ‘I shall buy you new dresses, every colour of the rainbow.’

  ‘And until they arrive?’

  Matthew grinned at the thought of Selina walking around completely naked. ‘You shall have to stay in bed,’ he murmured, catching her earlobe between his teeth and feeling her shudder beneath him. ‘And I’m a gentleman, so of course I’d keep you company.’

  ‘Of course. It wouldn’t be gentlemanly to leave me by myself.’

  He trailed his lips along the back of her neck, lacing his fingers through her hair to move it to one side before returning his attention to the fastenings of her dress. The last one came free and he almost shouted with triumph, but instead satisfied himself with pushing the thick material from her shoulder to expose the creamy white skin underneath.

  Selina turned to face him, shrugging the loose material from her shoulders and allowing it to fall to the ground. She was still clad in her chemise and petticoats, but these were much thinner, leaving her body much more accessible.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ he said as she stepped closer, pressing her body against his. Matthew could feel the curve of her waist and the flare of her hips and he had the urge to lay her back on the bed and explore every hidden inch of her with his hands.

  Selina kissed him again, her hands roaming over his body, pulling at his clothes. She managed to loosen his shirt and with a swift movement Matthew pulled it off over his head, letting out a low groan as her hands danced over his chest. Never had he wanted anyone the way he wanted Selina. He felt her grip the waistband of his trousers and begin to tug downwards and at the same moment he lifted her chemise over her head. She wiggled out of her petticoats and finally she was standing naked in front of him.

  Matthew paused, wanting to store this picture of her for ever. His eyes roamed over her, revelling in her soft curves and creamy white skin, drawn to the rosy buds of her nipples and then lower to the soft curls between her legs.

  ‘You’re perfect,’ he said, then gathered her up in his arms and toppled her on to the bed.

  Instinctively her arms encircled his back, pulling him closer so his body brushed against hers. They kissed, all the time his hands tracing a path over her body, revelling in the smoothness of her skin and the instinctive way she writhed and moved underneath him.

  ‘Are you sure you want this?’ he asked, not knowing what he would do if she said no.

  ‘Yes.’ Selina had broken away only long enough to utter the one word and then she returned to kissing him.

  Gently Matthew allowed his hands to drop a little lower, caressing the taut muscles of her abdomen and then ever so slowly dipping into the soft curls below. His body screamed for him to bury himself inside her, but he knew he needed to make this wonderful for her and, as this was her first time, that meant taking everything slowly.

  He felt her stiffen as his fingers found her folds, then let out a moan as he slowly began tracing backwards and forward, dipping and caressing and making her hips thrust up involuntarily again and again.

  Underneath him he felt her breaths become shallow and her skin flush with warmth and then she tensed for a long ten seconds, her head dropping back and her mouth opening, any sound silenced by the deep kiss he gave her as she climaxed.

  Once she had caught her breath Matthew felt her hands guide him on top of her, her hips pressing up into him. He pushed inside her, almost shouting out in pleasure at the sensation, forcing himself to take things slowly. Gently he pressed forward, stopping when he was fully inside her and only beginning to thrust when her hips shifted underneath him. Again and again they came together, until Selina moaned loudly again and tensed, sending Matthew over the edge into his own climax.

  For twenty seconds he didn’t move, unable to do anything but hold himself above her. He felt as though his body were floating in the air above the bed and only slowly did he come back to earth. Gently he rolled off her, scooping her up into his arms and manoeuvring himself behind her so they lay cradled together.

  ‘I could get used to that,’ Selina said quietly. ‘We should do it again. Lots.’

  ‘I’m very happy to donate my body.’ He kissed the nape of her neck. ‘Very happy.’

  Selina snuggled back into him and Matthew wondered at how incredibly contented he felt right now. Here he was, lying with the woman he loved naked in his arms, ready to settle down, ready to face the demons of his past and accept he did deserve a little bit of happiness.

  ‘Matthew,’ Selina said, her voice heavy and her body already slipping into sleep. ‘I love you.’

  He felt his heart squeeze. Never had he expected he would hear those words. For so long he’d kept everyone at a distance, but now he was just beginning to realise how much he’d missed having someone to care about and someone who cared for him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  ‘I am going to ride every single day for at least three hours,’ Theodosia said. ‘And then when I’m the best horsewoman in Yorkshire it would be silly for me not to have my own horse.’

  ‘Silly indeed,’ Matthew murmured, trying to suppress a smile and failing terribly. Luckily Theodosia only had eyes for the docile grey mare she was sitting on, holding the reins as if they were made of porcelain.

  ‘I’m going to have a beautiful black horse, completely black, but with a white diamond on its forehead,’ she continued and Matthew knew he would soon be scouring the country to find a horse that matched that exact description. Quickly he glanced at Priscilla, but she seemed to be relaxing into the outing now.

  He’d suggested he take the girls out on the horses the evening before, after remembering the comment Theodosia had made about wanting to learn to ride. On close questioning he had learned they had ridden a handful of times before, but not consistently. His brother had never been keen on riding or any of its associated leisure pursuits and evidently neither had their mother. It meant both girls knew the very basics of how to sit and urge the horse forward, but anything more was out of their experience.

  Theodosia had reacted with excitement as he’d expected. Priscilla’s reaction had been a little more reserved and, when she had first been assisted on to the back of her beautiful bay mare, she had looked stiff and scared. Slowly Matthew had coaxed her into relaxing a little and now the horses were walking slowly down the drive away from the house with Priscilla looking as if she were in control.

  It was the first time he’d been alone with the girls since Selina’s arrival at Manresa House. Back then the idea of spending an afternoon in charge of the two children would have filled him with dread, but over the last few weeks his confidence had grown and his mindset changed.

  ‘Shall we pick up the pace?’ He showed them how to shift their position in the saddle almost imperceptibly to allow for a gentle trot. Theodosia squealed quietly in excitement as her horse eased itself forward, but even the excitable little girl seemed to know to keep her voice under control around the animals. />
  ‘How are you doing, Priscilla?’ he asked, looking at his elder niece’s serious expression. She’d been nervous around the horses when they’d first gone into the stables to see the mares they would be riding, but slowly he had seen her shoulders relax and her demeanour soften. She’d vaulted up easily on to Nightshade’s back and had found her seat and gripped the reins as if she’d been riding her whole life.

  ‘Very well, thank you,’ she said, her eyes fixed ahead on the horizon.

  He suppressed a smile. Already she was growing up. Although she was only nine years old often he saw her as a young lady rather than the child she really was. He supposed it was partly losing both parents at such a young age and having Theodosia to look after, but also just her personality. Whereas Theodosia would always be loud and exuberant, Priscilla would be serious and quiet. Still, he was hoping he could give her a few more years of childhood before she really had to grow up. A few more years of laughter and carefree days. A few more years of not having to worry about the world.

  They had travelled a fair distance from the house now and he wondered how long to continue the ride before turning back. They were both enjoying it, but he remembered from his own childhood learning to ride could be tiring. The effort of staying in the saddle in exactly the right position meant you used muscles you didn’t normally engage and he could remember many days of waddling round with sore legs after a gruelling riding lesson.

  ‘Ten more minutes and we’ll head back,’ he said, smiling indulgently as Theodosia patted her horse on the neck and started whispering something in its ear.

  ‘Uncle,’ Priscilla said, manoeuvring Nightshade over so she was trotting beside him, ‘when will you and Miss Salinger get married?’

  It had been a question they had both been deliberating for the past few days. There seemed no reason to dally, no reason they shouldn’t become husband and wife as soon as possible. Neither of them had family to notify. It would be an intimate affair, just them and the two girls and a couple of witnesses. Matthew had suggested they speak to the vicar and have the banns read as soon as possible, and Selina had readily agreed.


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