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Nature of the B*E*A*S*T*

Page 16

by Rebecca Goings

Lanie licked her lips. “Being a shifter's mate is kind of like being their wife, however, the bond seems stronger somehow. It means you'll forsake any other man, only care for him—for the rest of your life, and he will do the same for you. Are you prepared to make that kind of commitment?"

  More than they knew. Keira closed her eyes and took a deep breath in an effort to calm her racing heart. “I love him,” she said again. “I can't live without him.” More tears burned her. “I want him to be my mate more than anything. I don't have anyone else but him. My old life ... I don't want it anymore. I want to be Keira McAllister. I don't want to have a single damn thing to do with the name Covington."

  "We don't blame you there,” Marlie said, rolling her eyes.

  "Keira,” Lanie said, “sometimes men need a little nudge every now and again."

  Marlie nodded. “Ain't that the truth?"

  "How ... how did Noah ask you?” Keira wanted to know.

  Lanie smiled and turned away, but answered. “He asked me the first time we made love. Well, more like the second or third time, I've lost count. He wouldn't finish ... you know ... unless I answered him."

  Marlie chuckled. “At least he gave you a choice in the matter. Rogan didn't ask me. He told me I was his mate and that was that."

  "Oh, that was classic,” Lanie said, giggling.

  Their brevity made Keira feel somewhat better. Perhaps Wade wasn't on death's door after all. “Then I should wait for him to ask me?"

  "That boy is so messed up inside, honey, that it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't ask you simply because he thought you'd never be able to love him."

  Keira nodded. “That seems like something he'd conclude."

  Lanie smiled at her. “You've got to do the asking."


  "Yup. Whenever he wakes up, pounce on him. Wade's been living inside a deep hole for two years, Keira. You're the only one I've seen that's been able to get a genuine smile out of him. If you can do that, then there's no doubt in my mind he's madly in love with you. Don't let him get away."

  With one last sniffle, Keira stood up straight and wiped her eyes. “I don't intend to."

  "Good for you!” Marlie clapped her on the back.

  "Wade will be my mate whether he likes it or not."

  "Now you're talkin’ sister.” Lanie's laughter echoed all around them.

  Twenty Eight

  Robyn couldn't sleep. She gazed up at the moon and sighed, her thoughts drifting to Mac. Ever since she'd been found in the Oregon woods by him and his friends, she'd had her sights set on the jaguar, wishing and hoping he'd glance at her with anything akin to lust in his eyes. It would seem she'd gotten her wish, but at what price? The man loathed touching her, and even the small taste of him in the Hummer earlier that day hadn't quenched her desire for him.

  She admired Mac for his strength and his leadership, taking the other shifters in and giving them orders on what to do and what not to do. When they'd infiltrated the compound in Oregon, he'd been the leader, and his tactics impressed her, not to mention his fine physique. But he was cut from a different cloth. He wanted her, that much she knew, but he fought it tooth and nail and Robyn had no idea why.

  Sitting on the curb outside the small motel they'd stopped at for the night, she scowled. Insufferable man. If he weren't so damned ornery, she was sure she'd be warming his bed tonight instead of sleeping in her single room.

  Wade was going to be all right. He still hadn't woken up, but the others had carried him into a room he'd be sharing with Keira just a few doors down from hers. Mac and his friends were in an upstairs room, all bunking together. She was the odd man out—the only one among them who didn't have a roommate.

  Well, that wasn't completely true. Lucian was alone, still hogtied in the trunk of his Buick for all she knew. She'd heard the others arguing about what they should do with him. Rogan suggested letting him go. Mac wanted his blood. Noah had finally been the voice of reason, suggesting they all sleep on it and see what conclusion they came to in the morning. Robyn hoped they'd continued sedating him, as being locked in a trunk for hours on end couldn't possibly be pleasant.

  A small clicking sound came from her left and she glanced that way. The moon wasn't full and therefore didn't emanate much light. However sharing her DNA with a snowy owl gave her an advantage—her eyesight was excellent. Nothing seemed amiss. Except for...

  Robyn stood, blinking her eyes a few times. She couldn't really be seeing this, could she? Before her very eyes, the trunk of Lucian's Buick gaped wide open. What the hell?

  Robyn's skin crawled with uncertainty. Should she go take a look? Run and tell the others? Or shift and get out of there before all hell broke loose? Before she could make up her mind, a male voice breathed hotly in her ear.


  * * * *

  Wade awoke to the soft sounds of a television set, droning some late night infomercial. He was lying in a bed in a small motel room with Keira curled up beside him, sound asleep. The TV sat on a dresser near the foot of the bed, and the only other light in the room came from the lamp on the nightstand. He spied a clock next to the lamp that read 2:05 a.m. Good Lord, how long had he been out?

  His side was wrapped in white gauze and it hurt when he moved, but not quite as much as it had a few hours before. Despite all the hell he'd been through, he silently thanked the B*E*A*S*T* agency for engineering their shifters into fast healers. He'd probably feel as good as new in a day or two.

  Who would have thought Covington had a knife on him? Or attack him in public, no less. The entire insane mess made Wade purse his lips in confusion. He still couldn't believe it. His wound was the one reminder he had that the showdown in the bank did indeed happen, not some figment of his imagination.

  Keira moaned softly in her sleep and snuggled closer. Wade's heart melted. Lifting the covers, he smiled at the scene that greeted him. They were both stark-raving naked. Her creamy skin rubbed against him in a most wicked way, and his body immediately responded. Despite being in pain, his erection still rose to the fore, as if it had a mind of its own. Wade chuckled at his own thoughts.

  Keira's leg lifted across his and gently stroked up and down. Wade bit his lip and groaned, not wanting to wake her. But when Keira's hand spread out upon his belly, tracing lazy circles, he knew she wasn't asleep.

  "How do you feel?” Her husky voice raised every hair on his body. Wade shuddered when her hand dipped lower, but he answered her.

  "Like someone jabbed me with a red-hot poker."

  "Aw, poor baby.” Keira opened her eyes and gazed at him with a sly grin, her expression one of seduction. He had to close his eyes to her. She was just too enticing and he had no idea if he could make love to her properly. It was best if he put a stop to whatever she was thinking.

  "Keira, I'm not ... I can't..."

  "Shh.” Keira's hand finally found its prize as she took hold of his length. “Don't talk right now."


  Her grip tightened and he cried out, but he didn't know if it was in pain or pleasure. Leaning up on one elbow, Keira lifted her mouth to his ear, licking his earlobe ever-so-softly. “I want you, Wade McAllister,” she whispered. “All of you."

  His breath came in short pants as he turned his head toward her. She kissed his lips lightly, but pulled away before deepening the kiss. Wade almost groaned in frustration. “I ... don't know if I can make love to you, Keira.” He swallowed hard, embarrassed by his own confession.

  "Don't worry about that.” Her breath against his cheek ignited his blood. “Let me make love to you."

  Keira's hand began fondling him up and down, making him press himself further into her palm. Her touch was tender and almost loving, but he tried not to think about that. He didn't want to dwell on what she did or did not feel for him. All Wade wanted was to be lost in the moment, to take what she was offering and be grateful for it.

  When she peeled back the covers, Keira began a descent with her mouth, kissing and li
cking his skin. Her tongue flicked each of his nipples, bringing them to hard points within seconds. Wade's fingers buried themselves in her red-gold hair, holding on tight, almost guiding her lower. His desire intensified until it was nearly painful when she continued her downward path. He burned with anticipation. Was Keira actually going to ... Ah, Christ, she was.

  Her hot mouth closed around him, and beads of sweat appeared on his brow. She swirled her tongue, back and forth, up and down. Wade could do no much more than clutch the pillow in submission. She was in control, she was the one setting the pace. But that didn't stop him from raising his hips, asking for more, practically begging her to take him deeper.

  She did.

  Mother of God, was he truly awake? Was he having an erotic dream? He hoped like hell he was wide awake when her eyes locked with his. Keira's tongue flicked out once more, licking him from base to tip, making sure he watched her with reckless abandon. It was hard to sit still and let her continue on her own. The urge to thrust his hips overpowered him and he groaned when he couldn't hold back. But Keira took him in, almost all of him, and he hit the back of her throat. He almost came at that alone.

  "Wade.” Keira's voice seemed to drift to him through a fog. He glanced at her, taking in her swollen lips and mussed hair. She was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.

  "What?” Bringing his hand up, he brushed the back of his fingers across her cheek.

  Keira returned his gaze boldly. “I'm in love with you, cougar.” Grasping his erection once more, she caressed him with her tongue, then said, “I want you to be my mate."

  Wade's entire world focused on Keira in that one sweet moment. Tears burned in his eyes and he threw his head back on the pillow. “God, don't tease me at a time like this, lady,” he managed to ground out. “I can't take it."

  "I'm not teasing.” Her tone sounded calm, yet taken aback at the same time. “Do you hate yourself so much you can't possibly believe that someone in this world loves you?"

  The bed dipped as she stood on her knees. Wade watched in helpless wonder as she straddled him, her breasts bouncing, her hair cascading over her shoulders. This woman was all he wanted in life, just her, nothing else. He ached to tell her that.

  Once she'd settled herself on his hips, he could feel the length of him pressing against her moist, warm skin. Wade longed to sheathe himself within her, but Keira had other ideas as she took his arms by the wrists and pressed them into his pillow above his head.

  "I ... I can never get you pregnant,” he whispered, meeting her eyes.

  "I don't like children anyway.” The side of her mouth turned up as she gazed at his lips, as if pondering whether or not to devour them. Wade's heart was in his throat.

  "I'm not sure if this whole thing is over yet,” he said. “I could still have to live life on the run.” Keira slicked him in her essence, making him raise his hips just a bit to help her along. He could have broken free of her grip at any time. Even though he was injured, he was still much stronger than she. But he knew Keira was trying to make a point, and he was in a losing battle.

  "I'm not leaving you,” she said matter-of-factly.

  "But I'm a freak."

  Keira made a sour face. “You're the man I love, Wade. I don't understand anything B*E*A*S*T* has done any better than you do. But what I do know is you are the man I want to wake up to in the morning. You are the man I want to make love to in the evening. You, Wade. Just you. Please don't make me beg."

  Keira leaned closer to him and Wade smelled her uncertainty. The woman who had been so bold mere moments ago was now losing her bravado. Tears shimmered in her eyes as she continued to hold his wrists. Her nose barely touched his. “Be my mate, Wade. Tell me you love me."

  "God, Keira...” Wade's thoughts whirled when she let his arms go, only to cup each one of his cheeks.

  "Please don't ever leave me.” Her words touched him so deeply, that he couldn't find his own words to speak for many silent moments. His entire body trembled, but he managed to lift his hands to her face as well.

  "I have been your mate since the moment I first smelled your desire,” he breathed. “I love you, lady. I don't know how, I don't know when, but you're mine now, Keira Covington, and you're never getting away from me."

  A huge relieved grin lit upon her face as her tears fell. “Keira McAllister,” she corrected. “We might not be married in the traditional sense, but I'm no longer wearing my father's name."

  Wade's hand found the back of her neck and he pulled her close, growling against the skin of her neck. “Then you're all mine."

  "Perhaps we should consummate this commitment?” Her teasing tone was his undoing.

  "Yes. We should."

  No more words were said as Wade captured her mouth, bringing his head up to meet hers. Instantly her tongue plunged into his mouth and he barely kept up with her. Once she took him inside of her, however, Wade had no idea how he was able to continue after a few thrusts. The woman he loved was tight and wet, and enjoying every minute of their lovemaking.

  She sat up, giving him a glorious show of her body while her hips worked him back and forth. Wade watched in awe when she found her pleasure, coming swiftly, her breasts bouncing as she shuddered, uttering small cries of satisfaction. Her muscles squeezed him deep within her and that was all it took for him to come as well.

  Grabbing hold of her hips, he guided her up and down until their passion subsided. That was, perhaps, the best damn orgasm he'd ever had. Making love to a woman who loved him in return was an experience he would never be able to describe. He didn't deserve her.

  Keira lay on his chest, kissing the soft skin of his neck, right where his pulse beat strong. “My mate,” she sighed contentedly, wrapping her arm around the other side of his throat. “I love you."

  Wade curled his own arms around her slim waist and squeezed hard. “I love you, too, lady."

  After a few moments of silence, Keira asked sleepily, “Would you have ever asked me to be your mate?"

  Wade took a deep breath as he hugged her close. It might not have been that day or the next, but he would have mustered the courage someday. He was just thankful Keira had more balls than he did.


  Keira pulled him closer and sighed, placing feather-soft kisses underneath his jaw.

  "Better go hop in the shower, lady,” he growled in her ear.

  "Now?” she asked, managing to sound disappointed.

  "Now. I'm a hungry man and the only thing to eat around here ... is you."

  The scent of Keira's sudden desire nearly choked him. Once again, his erection stood at attention, ready and willing to go all over again. Keira leapt from the bed. “I won't be long!” she tossed over her shoulder, slamming the bathroom door in her haste.

  Wade couldn't help but laugh while his mouth watered in sweet expectation.


  Mac awoke to the bright sunlight pouring in through the window. No one had thought of pulling the thick drapes the night before. Jet and Trevor both crashed on one of the queen beds almost as soon as their heads hit the pillow. It had taken Mac a few more minutes to fall asleep on the other vacant bed.

  He'd turned on the TV late last night and watched a bit of the Channel 6 News first, marveling at their breaking story. Senator Clive Covington was dead, seemingly torn apart by a bloodthirsty cheetah. Footage of the gruesome scene had been shown briefly, and Brett had been gunned down by the cops once they'd arrived.

  Oddly enough, there had been absolutely no mention of a cougar in the bank. Not even one eye-witness mentioned seeing Wade in his shifted state. That hadn't necessarily shocked Mac, as the B*E*A*S*T* agency seemed to have their hand in every pie. The death of Clive Covington didn't ensure a damned thing, and Mac would be willing to bet B*E*A*S*T* itself had thrown away the evidence of Wade and Brett shifting on camera.

  Authorities were still searching for an answer as to where the cheetah had come from. Most likely, they'd never find out.

loud banging on the door brought Mac out of his thoughts. He sat straight up in bed. Jet and Trevor looked around the room frantically, as if World War Three had just begun. Mac took it upon himself to jump up and answer the door. It was Rogan.

  "Pack your shit. Lucian's escaped."

  Mac's face hardened in anger as he turned from the door, allowing Rogan to step across the threshold. He grabbed the Hummer's keys off the bedside table, along with the keycard to the motel room itself. All three shifters were ready to go within moments.

  Jet and Trevor bolted out the door, but Rogan stopped Mac. “I need to talk to you."

  "About?” Judging by the wolf's guarded scent, what he had to say wasn't good news.

  "We think Carver took Robyn."

  Mac's stomach twisted inside him, as if he'd been punched in the gut. The air rushed out of his lungs and he could hardly draw breath.

  "She's not in her room and Lucian's Buick is gone. Noah cased the entire parking lot and he picked up her scent along with Lucian's. They were together in one spot. We think he's kidnapped her."

  Mac roared as his fur grew. His anger was so intense, he didn't realize he was shifting. “That son of a bitch!” he exclaimed, his voice a harsh mix of human and jaguar.

  Rogan slapped him and Mac came to his senses. His fur receded into his skin, but every inch of him itched to set the jaguar free.

  "We need to find her,” Mac seethed.

  "Any idea where he might have taken her?” Rogan gazed at him expectantly.

  "The compounds in Colorado and Oregon are gone, but we found something on B*E*A*S*T*'s mainframe computer in Portland."

  "What's that?” Rogan asked.

  "There's another compound somewhere in Florida. It's a safe bet he's headed there. Jesus Christ!"

  "Calm down, Mac.” Rogan laid a hand on his shoulder. “We'll get Robyn back. We'll find her."

  A muscle ticked in Mac's jaw. His entire being shrieked at the thought of Robyn at Lucian's mercy. God only knew what that crazy man would do to her now that the shifters had turned against him. Mac's blood ran cold.


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