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Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Kristal, Deausha

  He might be right. It wouldn’t do any good getting stuck out there at night trying to get home, only to have to try and find a place to stay. “Ok good idea. Let the others know,” I say smiling.

  Grabbing my pack I go over to the others waiting for everyone to get ready. Looking around at our group, my family, I wonder what lay ahead of us. Who will make it and who won’t? And how that will impact the group?

  Seeing that everyone is ready I say, “Ok guys, does everyone know who they are riding with? We don’t need to get out there and have no clue what’s going on. It will be crazy out there getting to the trucks.”

  Everyone is getting into groups with who they are riding with. Looking over at Renee I see her sneering at me and say, “Make sure you shoot them and none of us. And I’m sure that most of you know it’s got to be a head shot. Everyone know where the head is?” Renee turns red in the face and walks away. Pete and Mack are shaking their heads laughing. “Liam you riding with us?” I see that he’s standing with Sal.

  “Yeah Mom, sure am.”

  Looking out the front of the store I see the zombies, they are everywhere. It’s now or never. “Ok guys come with us and when we get outside hop in the back of the truck. We will take you to yours.”

  I walk over to Sal and Liam. We start heading to the back of the store. Sal has a lock in his hands. Smart move, he will lock the door behind us. It’s safer than not doing it.

  “Ok guys be ready I’m opening the door,” Sal says. Slowly he opens the door to the store. The sunlight floods in the dark storeroom. “There’s only two out here and they are a ways off. We should be good.”

  We all rush through the door, jogging over to the passenger door I yank the door open and motion for Liam to hop in. Looking behind me I see everyone piling in the back. Two of the guys grab the boxes Sal and I left there the night before.

  “Egypt get in,” Sal yells.

  Hopping in the truck slamming the door behind me Sal runs around to the other side and hops in. Liam had the door open ready for him.

  Sal starts the truck and takes off heading around the buildings to get to their trucks. Reaching behind Liam Sal opens the cab’s back window. “Guys be ready those zombies are going to be all over us. I’ll get you as close as I can,” he says.

  Turning the corner, we are in front of the stores. Zombies are everywhere. They notice us and start heading our way. Shit this is not good. Rolling my window down I draw my gun. We need to start taking them out. The guys in the back are sitting ducks. Aiming at the one that’s too close I fire, it drops to the ground quicker than I can blink. They are starting to surround the truck. I hear shots being fired out the back.

  Sal heads right to the trucks as I keep firing, dropping all I aim for. I aim for another one and just as I’m about to fire Sal slams on the brakes and I miss taking off the zombie’s ear.

  “Damn it Sal next time a warning would be great!” I say.

  Looking behind us they start to jump out of the truck. Sal opens his door and starts taking the zombies out. From what I can see, they all make it to their trucks.

  Sal slams his door shut and guns it in reverse. The truck jumps up and slams back down! He’s running them over! Turning the wheel sharp he takes off towards the road.

  Looking behind us I see everyone is following us out of the parking lot. No one is waiting for the light to turn green, kind of funny really. You can drive how you want now. Go into stores and not pay for anything.

  Sal swerves around cars that have been burned and abandoned. There are people lying dead on the ground. You start to wonder what kind of lives they had. If they had kids, what kind of jobs they went to everyday. Shaking my head I look out ahead. We’re about to turn on the road that Sam’s is on.

  Looking behind I see the guys are still following us. Sal slows down and pulls into the parking lot of Sam’s. There are cars here. Some are trashed like someone went through them looking for stuff. Others just look abandoned. We circle around the store and find what we’re looking for, the delivery ramp. Backing up we pull to one of the doors. It will make it easier to load this way. Turning off the truck we all hop out with our guns ready. As the others back into the remaining spots I look around. I don’t see anyone or anything yet. Sal goes to the bay door and it opens. They didn’t even lock up when they left.

  Chapter 26

  Good for us. They really must have been in a hurry. Taking one last look around I notice a few cars on the other side of the parking lot. Pointing them out to Pete I say, “Ok so heads up guys, there might be someone or something inside those cars over there. They don’t look messed up.”

  Liam gives me his hand to help me up onto the ramp. I walk inside the building, it’s so dark in here. There’s a skylight but they really don’t help in here. Mack walks over to an electric box and pulls some switches and lights came on. I see boxes everywhere.

  “Ok guys we’re in groups as we were in the trucks. Pete and Mack you will go for the meats if they’re still good and fruit and veggies,” I say. Looking over at them they nod. “Jim and Renee, you guys go to the paper products, you know, even girly things, bathroom stuff. Liam, Sal and I will do canned and boxed goods. Jake and Hunter, you guys know what you came for. Just wanted to let you know where we will all be. Everyone got their walkies on them?” I ask.

  Everyone mumbles yes and start going to where they are needed to be. Looking over at Sal and Liam I say, “Well you guys ready.”

  Liam is checking his gun. “Yeah we need to be careful, could be zombies or dangerous people in here,” Sal says.

  We walk into the store. It really looks different with no one in it. We walk to the front and grab two carts each. We can’t do any more than that these are bigger than the normal ones. Taking our carts we head to the canned stuff.

  Looking around I don’t see anyone yet. Passing the coffee I stop and grab a few cases. We keep going and load our carts with everything we see. After we are jam-packed we head back to the loading dock to unload and go again. Once we get to the truck. Liam and Sal load it with what we have. It’s an extended bed we only have a few boxes in the back right now.

  Looking over, I see the other trucks have been loaded. Heading back in we do another run of the same thing. I stop at the cereal aisle and load the cart up. I still have room underneath. Walking with the guys as they put in the canned goods stuff, I look over to the pop and water section.

  “Hey guys I’m going over there to grab some more drinks,” I say. Walking over I grab the mini 24 packs of different juices. I grab ten in all, piling them on top. I can hardly push the cart now and I definitely can’t stop on a dime. Walking over to the guys they have no room on their carts either. “You guys ready to head back to the truck?” I ask looking around the shelves are barley dented.

  You would need semis to grab it all. And that’s not what we’re here for. There are others out there and they will need food just like we do.

  “Yeah we can head back. I don’t know how much more we will be able to put in the truck we need to leave some room to go to Cabela’s,” Sal says.

  Heading back to the truck we see Jim and Renee packing up their truck. Sal and Liam start packing the truck. It looks like that this is our last run into the store, we can’t fit anymore. Mack and Pete come back with their full carts.

  Walking over I start handing them the stuff so we can get out of here. Loading the last of what they got they are like us leaving a little bit of room for the other stores.

  Pete walks over to me and I can tell that he’s thinking of something. “What’s up Pete?” I ask.

  “I want to stop at a drug store before we head home. Get more stuff from there,” he says.

  Looking at the others I say, “Ok we can hit one on the way home. I know we were going to stay at the bookstore again tonight and head home in the morning but the way the sky looks we won’t make it that long. It looks like we have one hell of a storm coming our way. We need to use the tarps and cover this stuf
f and get a move on.”

  I didn’t realize that everyone came over to where we were standing. “What do you guys think? We need to move as fast as we can when we get to the next store and Pete wants to hit a drug store as well.” Looking around at the others, I wonder if they have anything to say.

  “We need to hit the toy store by the camping store we’re going to, “Renee says.

  Well the witch can talk. And she really wasn’t being a snob. Looking at Sal he gives me a small nod that no one else sees. “Ok Renee after the camping store let’s load up and get out of here. Cabela’s is just around the corner. Let’s go!”

  Loading back up into the trucks we head out of the parking lot and get on the main road. Going around the cars that are abandoned we head to the next store. Turning at the light we make our way back up towards the bookstore.

  Turning right we pull into the parking lot. Sal drives slow looking around. There are twenty or so zombies wandering around. And as soon as they heard us they come our way. Shit this isn’t going to be good. Looking over at Sal we both jump out of the truck to head them off. I glance behind me to see everyone else is doing the same thing. I can’t worry about them right now, I have raging zombies running right at me.

  Looking over at Liam I see that Sal has put him between us. He nods knowing what I was getting at. “Liam you shoot and don’t hesitate do you hear me?”

  Looking quickly at me he says, “I got this Mom.”

  There’s no time now for talking. Taking aim I fire. Hitting one right in the head it goes down. I can hear the others doing the same thing. Shit where are they coming from? There’s more than when we first started. I only have two clips left on me. I didn’t get time to fill my other two up. Shit.

  Shooting as I go I grab one of Sal’s knives off him. He looks at me questionably. “I only have one clip left I’m going to need it,” I say. I can see he doesn’t like it but damn I’m not going to be zombie French fries for anyone. Shooting four more I have to change my clip.

  I hear Liam yelling. Whipping around I see he’s fine for now but he’s yelling at the zombies. Walking towards him shooting as I go I hear a scream of terror and pain. Looking over I see Renee being overrun. Shit I have to get over there. Yelling at Sal, “SAL WATCH LIAM I HAVE TO GET TO RENEE!!”

  Running with everything I have to her, I hope I make it in time. I put my gun in its holster and grab the knife as hard as I can. Coming up behind one of the zombies I stab him in the back of the head. Slowly he drops to the ground. I don’t have time to see if he’s down for good I have to get to Renee. Grabbing my gun I shoot two more off her. There’s only one left and he’s got her pinned on the ground.

  If something happens to his wife’s sister, he’ll have hell to pay. Where the hell is Jim? Taking a quick look I see him over by the trucks and he’s yelling at me. He can’t get over here he’s got the damn sick things all round him.

  Looking at the zombie I grab at his shoulders and start yanking back trying to pry him off her. Yanking even harder I fall to the ground on my ass. Looking in my hands I have his fucking arm! I tore his fucking arm off!! Shit!! Grabbing my knife I slam it into his head. Blood splatters me all over my face and neck. You can hear it squishing as it goes in. The smell is disgusting. Turning my head I throw up all that I’d eaten this morning. Grabbing the zombie I yank him slowly off her.

  Renee screams in agony as the zombie falls to my feet. Looking down at her, she’s grabbing her arm and the side of her neck is gushing blood. Falling to me knees I grab her arms. “Hold on Renee,” I say. Yanking my tank top off, I put it on her neck pressing down.

  I shout, “PETE GET OVER HERE. SHE’S BEEN BIT AND BLEEDING BAD!!!” Shit! The fighting has stopped and everyone is coming our way. Looking down at Renee I notice there’s more bites. Half her guts are hanging out of her stomach cavity, glistening on the pavement.

  “Renee, listen to me. Look at me Pete’s going to fix you up,” I say. But really I know she’s going to die leaving behind a sister and two nieces.

  Pete runs up and drops to his knees with a med kit. Taking my hands he moves them away. Kneeling there I watch as he goes about checking her wounds.

  Hands grab me and gently pull me away. Wrapping around me, my knees buckle and I’m swept up in powerful arms and carried to the truck. Someone put the truck bed down and sat me on it. Looking up I see its Mack. He takes a water bottle and wipes the blood from my face, checking to see if I’m hurt.

  “Egypt, are you hurt? Did you get bit?” he asks, shaking me.

  Snapping out of it, I say, “I’m fine Mack! No they didn’t get me.”

  “Let me get you a shirt, try and get that blood off you if you can,” he says.

  Grabbing the washcloth from him I start to wipe my chest and arms. Realizing I’m only in my bra and I don’t care. I see Liam and the other guys walking out to make sure we’re not attacked again. Sal walks over and wraps his arms around me.

  Hugging him I put my head on his chest and say, “I tried to get to her. I really did.”

  Letting me go a little Sal looks at me and says, “No one can say you didn’t. Damn you almost got taken out yourself.”

  Mack walks back over and says something to Sal. Looking at me he walks over to where Renee and Pete are. Mack tosses me a t-shirt. Putting it on, I just sit there.

  “Here drink this,” Sal says.

  I grab the bottled water and take a drink. When I’m half way done I look at Mack and say, “You know she’s not going to make it. Even with just one bite. And someone’s going to have to shoot her.”

  Mack looks over to where they are all gathered around her. “I know. Are you going to do it?”

  That’s one thing I like about Mack he doesn’t beat about the bush. “I can, it’s got to be done.”

  Jumping off the truck we walk over to where everyone is standing. Liam walks over to me and throws his arms around me.

  He squeezes me tight, whispering in my ear, “I love you Mom, I’m so glad that you’re ok.”

  Hugging him back I gently push him back a little. “I love you to babe and I’m fine. How are you? This is a lot to take in.”

  Liam looks down to where Renee is laying. “I’m ok Mom we will all get through this,” he says.

  Letting go of Liam I walk over to Pete. I bend down to look at Renee. She reaches her hand to me and I gently take it. Looking into her eyes I can see she doesn’t have long. I didn’t like her but I sure didn’t want to see this happen.

  She’s trying to talk. “Watch out for my sister. Treat them like they are yours, please. Egypt you’re the only one able to keep them safe and get them through this.” Coughing blood, she tries to catch her breath. “Don’t …let …. them forget me.”

  Looking over to Jim I see he’s crying. This is his sister-in-law and he loves her. “I promise to keep them safe Renee.”

  Her eyes slowly close. Jim is screaming at her to wake up. Watching her take her last breath I know that she’s gone. Pete stands up and grabs my arm making me do the same.

  Walking a little bit away, he says, “Listen Egypt we need to let him say goodbye for a few minutes. And then we will head in the store to grab what we need. It’s best we leave Mack out here with you while you do what needs to be done.”

  Nodding to him I walk over to Sal. He hands me my gun and two extra clips. Pulling the slide back I cock it, sling it into my holster. I look up to him. “I’m ok just get the stuff we need. Mack will be out here with me,” I say.

  “I know you’re ok, your tuff, Egypt.”

  I don’t let him finish, I put my finger on his lips. Shaking my head, I say, “This has to be me. I wanted to be the leader and this is what a leader does.”

  Walking away I head back to Renee. Looking over at Jim he looks at me. Standing up he wraps his arms around me and I hold him. This is what family is supposed to do -- be there for each other.

  “I know you tried to get to her and I thank you for it. Please don’t let her turn,
Egypt. End it for her. I’m sorry I can’t watch you do it but I do know it has to be done,” he says.

  Tears are running down my face, this really sucks. “I promise. I love you, now go with the others.”

  He takes one last look at Renee and jogs ahead of the others.

  Everyone is staring at me. They start to walk away heading into the store. Pete puts his hand on my shoulder as he passes by. I know Liam and Sal want to stay with me. I shake my head no at them. Mack walks over and turns, watching for anything coming our way.

  Walking a few feet over to Renee I pull my gun out. Having it ready for when she turns, because I know she will.

  We have been out there maybe 10 minutes and it happens. Looking down at Renee I wait. Her eyes fly open and she lets out a horrifying scream. I see Mack turn to see what’s going on. I don’t waste time aiming, I squeeze the trigger. One shot to the head and it’s over.

  Walking away I head for the truck. Jumping up on the tailgate I just sit there. I know they could hear that. I know it had to be so hard on Jim to just walk away and let me do it. We can’t even take her home and bury her the right way.

  Grabbing a shovel out of the back of the truck I head to a part of the parking lot that has grass and trees. Looking around I don’t see any zombies that are close. Looking over at Mack, he’s watching my back for me, I push the shovel into the ground and step on it. Not weighing much this is going to take a while. The smell of the soil reaches my nose, rich and clean. I see that storm is going to be on us soon. It smells of rain. Digging a hole as deep as I can I wipe my brow, I’m sweating like a pig. Taking my shirt over my face I’ve done all I can.

  Walking back to Renee, I say, “Hey Mack can you help me move her? We just can’t leave her here.”

  Mack helps me carry her to the shallow grave that I dug. Laying her in it I shovel the dirt on her. Finishing up I put big rocks on top.


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