Outbreak The Beginning (The Outbreak Series Book 1)
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Heading outside I stop at the truck and wonder where we are going to put this stuff. It’s drizzling out and it’s starting to get cold.
“Egypt, get in the truck Liam and I will pack this stuff up, no need for you to get wet,” Sal says.
Smiling I’m not going to argue. Hopping in the truck I turn it on and blast the heat. Damn that feels good! I know its summer out but today it’s cold.
The others come out of the store and pack the truck. Once we’re done we head home. Watching out the window, I can’t believe all the things that happened in the last 48 hours. We lost Renee. We made new friends or should I say enemies. I don’t really think we can trust them now and then there’s Sal. Looking over at him he looks at me and smiles. I don’t know where it will go between us but I think I want to find out.
“Mom, look we’re coming up on our road,” Liam says. He has a happy look on his face.
Grabbing the walkie, I say, “Nate, we’re coming down the road be ready, over.”
“Welcome home Mom we’ll be ready to let you in, over,” Nate says.
Smiling, I lean back into the seat. In 5 minutes we’re going to be home. We pass a few burning houses and come up to ours. I watch the gates start to open! We drive in with the three other trucks following us. Hopping out I see the gates are closing. Looking up I see three people keeping watch. Someone touches my arm. It’s Hank.
“Glad you’re home Egypt. I’m sure you will tell me everything that happened out there but that can wait. Where do you want all this stuff?” he says.
“In the garage, I don’t want anyone going through this stuff until tomorrow!” I say.
Hank nods. He gets a few guys to start unloading the trucks.
Walking into the house I’m greeted by my babies. Dropping to my knees I let Rufus and Herk kiss me all over me. Hugging them close, I’ve really missed them. They’re home to me. Standing up I walk into the kitchen. Everyone’s in there, Tabby, Mom, Aunt Nancy and Samantha. My mom walks over and hugs me.
Hugging her back I whisper, “We will talk later tonight.”
Nodding she goes into the kitchen and starts spooning soup into bowls. “Did we lose anyone?” Aunt Nancy asks.
Looking over at her I nod yes, “We lost Renee.”
Everyone starts asking questions all at once and most are now crying. Sitting down at the table I put my head in my hands. I knew this wasn’t going to be easy coming home with news like this. “Just STOP,” I yell. I wait till they all went silent. “Listen right now, Jim and Jen needs you more than anything right now,” I say looking at Aunt Nancy and Samantha. “We can all talk about what happened and what needs to happen when everyone that was on this trip gets to eat and rest for a couple hours. The stuff we brought in does not get touched until tomorrow, so that I can take stock of what we have.”
Everyone looks at me and starts to walk away. My aunt and cousin go out the sliding glass doors. I really hope they go give the support that Jen needs. Looking over to my mom she smiles gently at me.
“Tabby, go let the others know they can eat,” she says.
I walk over to the fridge and grab a pop. Opening it up I head back to sit down. I really just want to eat and then go be by myself in my room. Tabby comes back in and the guys follow behind her. Sal walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. Placing mine over his I squeeze. He sits down next to me. Looking out the doors I see the kids running and playing in the yard. Running my hands down my face, I think there’s so much to be done. And it can start tomorrow.
“Egypt after you eat honey can you talk to Tomas? Mom says he lost his dad. And he’s not doing well! He will talk to you,” she says.
“Yeah Mom I will after I eat, have him come to my room,” I say.
Tabby serves us all beef stew and salads, one of my favorites. I eat without talking. I just listen to what everyone is saying. They all talk about everyday normal things. Their clothes, what movie they are going to be watching tonight. Looking over to the clock I see its 8 pm already. It’s been a very long day and all I want is to go to bed and sleep in.
“Ok guys hate to be the one with bad news but who’s keeping watch tonight? Not just for the zombies but there are dangerous people out there as well, “I ask.
Everyone goes quiet and looks at one another.
Nate walks over to the table. “Mom we got it taken care of for the next few days. We can talk tomorrow, about everything else.”
Standing up I clear my dishes and take them to the sink. “I’m going out back for a bit before I head to bed,” I say.
Walking out the back doors I walk over to where Jim and the girls are. I know he has told them about Renee because they are crying. I drop down to my knees and hold my arms out wide. They both come running to me and into my arms. Bundling them up I let them cry into my chest. Sitting down on the grass I let them tell me how they feel.
Once they have calmed down a little bit I say, “Hey guys why don’t you come with me and we will get the others kids. I want to make something for all of us.” That gets them to perk up a bit.
Heading towards the house I see Jim go into the kitchen and get something to eat. I grab Tomas and we all go into the living room. “Ok everyone sit in a big circle.” I walk to one of the bookshelves and grab a jar with black ribbon on it. “Ok guys, here’s what we’re going to do. For everyone we’ve lost we will write their names on a little heart and put it in this jar. So that way we will never forget them and when we walk past this table here we can remember them.”
The kids write names on the hearts and stick them in the jar.
“Tomas, you too babe,” I say. “I know your dad died, he needs to be in that jar too.”
I watch as Thomas writes the name and puts it in the jar. He walks away and must be heading outside where everyone is gathered. The kids take off after him.
Grabbing the jar I put the lid on it and put it on the little table in the living room.
Walking back into the kitchen, I say goodnight to everyone and head down the hallway to my bedroom. Rufus and Herk follow me, just happy I’m home.
Opening the door I walk in and realize that Sal is following me. He gently closes the door behind him. Walking over to me he picks me up in his arms and gently lays me down on the bed.
“Our time will come Egypt and you better be ready,” he whispers. He lies down on the bed and holds me.
“I hope you can handle me Sal,” I say.
Grinning at me in that sexy way of his, he whispers, “When I get a hold of you, you won’t be able to get out of bed for a week.”
Kissing me lightly on the lips, I fall asleep. Thinking all this can wait until tomorrow.
To be continued…
Outbreak.. The Living
Summer 2015
Trade Mark Page
Dr Pepper Cherry
Barnes & Noble
Sam’s Club
Mountain Dew Products
Pixie Stix
Play List
Some Nights …… Fun
Luke Bryan
Ready Aim Fire……..From Iron Man 3
Turn Down For What ……. Lil Jon
I Can Transform Ya ……. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne
You Shook Me All Night Long ….. AC/DC
Wrecking Ball …… Miley Cyrus
Love Story …… Taylor Swift
If I Die Young & Better Dig Two ….The Band Perry
Let It Go ……Demi Lovato
Beds Are Burning …… Midnight Oil
Hero…… Enrique Iglesias
Because Of You…… Reba
Invisible …… Hunter Hayes
Wagon Wheel ….. Darius Rucker
Eyes Of An Angel ….. Sarah McLachlan
Jesus – “Greater is He that is in me, then he that is in the world.” Without you in my life I would be nothing.
Thank you for believing in me and giving me a push when I needed it. You are my Sal, I love you with every breath I take! You are an AMAZING husband and father.
Larry - Thank you for many hours of questioning about the end of the world stuff. You are my encyclopedia, and my dictionary. With you who needs google!!! Thank you for showing me what a father should be like. I love you!!!
Mom- You have been my inspiration from day one. Although I know you won’t read this “kind” of book. You have been there for me through countless hours of hearing this or that. YOU are the strongest women I know. I can only dream of being just like you!!! I love you.
Joey - My son, you have been a blessing. I loved all the talks about bombs and EMP’s without you saying “MOM it can’t happen that way over and over until I changed it. And for that you have made this a better book!!! And I love you for that.
Zachary- You may be my youngest son BUT you are the smartest when it comes to guns!!! Thank you for the hours you spent, telling me about them. And looking them up online so that I could see them. For the hugs you freely give when I just wanted to give up and walk away. Love you so much.
Summer- Just want to say thank you for being you (For those that know her, you will understand why….) and for thinking that it’s so cool to have an Author for a mother. I think it’s cool to have you for a daughter. I love you!
Kitty- I don’t know where to begin I could write a story in itself!!! You have been an amazing friend for soooooo long, and when I started this wild journey you hopped right on .No questions asked! The long hours on the phone of me venting to you. The endless pm’s late at night and early in the morning. THIS WOULD’NT HAVE HAPPENED WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT!!! I love you and can’t wait for the next road trip!!!
Sophia- although you are far, far away LOL. You have been a blast to share this journey with. You cracked me up at every turn. Love you!!!
James Price- YOU ROCK!!!! You have done an AMAZING job on my cover!!!! Can’t wait to work with you on many more. Look him up on Facebook if you need anything done!!!
Simon Okill- You are a very sweet gentle soul. With amazing patience and editing skills. Without you, this book would be a mess. Thank you for believing in me.
My Beta Readers – Kitty, Sophia, and Summer. What would I do without you? You may have put me through hell. But, in the most, gentlest ways LOL. You girls ROCK! Get ready for more pouting and whining, LOL
About The Author
Deausha Kristal is an at home mother of three and has been married for 19 years to the love of her life. She has a love for many things including reading, horseback riding, going to church, and walking on the beaches to find sea glass/ beach glass. She absolutely loves anything zombie. Her favorite zombie movie is Dawn of the Dead. Deausha lives in Ohio with her family and fur babies (Chihuahuas) Rufus, Hercules and Tresor. She has a love for writing as she has just found out!! She would love to hear from her readers. So if you want to contact her, here are her pages.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Deausha-Kristal/657437614353022?ref=hl
Email: deaushakristal@gmail.com