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The Slave of Lidir

Page 6

by Aran Ashe

  "See," she would declare with satisfaction. "Your cockscomb flips from side to side, just like the real thing - when the cock gets quite excited ..." Usually the girl would shut her eyes from embarrassment, and Ildren might tolerate this for a while, since she was by now full to bursting point with love and genuine affection. "I wonder if your little cock is equally excited ...?" she would add very rudely, just to make the girl's eyes shut even tighter. In truth, Ildren really would not want to investigate that point yet, at so premature a stage, for of course the lips would still be in their first state; although by now, in some girls, they might look as if they were polished.

  The second state - what was that and how was it achieved? In part it puzzled Ildren. She did not know quite how it was effected: for example, she might have been playing with a girl for a very long time, or sometimes merely briefly, and then quite suddenly the change would strike; the girl's breathing would seem shallow, and tiny straining movements would ripple her belly and curl her toes. Her eyelids might appear heavy; her lips would then feel warm and damp and very, very floppy, so much so that Ildren would have no difficulty in curling them round her finger.

  She would know then that the time was ripe to have the girl turn over.

  The massaging of the lips was in fact a very useful preliminary; it would help a girl accustom herself to things like this, which to some girls might prove, if not offensive, then certainly unfamiliar, although Ildren had found that the boys had little difficulty with what she now proposed to do. And it was true that some of them really got to like it, so much so that Ildren, when dealing with the boys, would routinely don an apron to cope with the emissions. The girls, in her experience, were generally far less enthusiastic, which to Ildren seemed a pity, since she preferred, by far, to do it to the girls because it gave her so much greater pleasure.

  When a girl was ensconced on Ildren's lap and in this bottom-up position, Ildren would find it necessary to make some preliminary adjustments which, in Ildren's view, might help the girl enjoy it. The most important thing would be for the girl to spread apart her legs as far as was convenient, so her mound would press against Ildren's thigh, and Ildren, reaching underneath, could ease apart those flaccid lips and thus expose the cockstem, which she had yet to see; holding her breath, she might allow herself one tiny touch, which in its turn might make the girl briefly lift her hips and gasp in promise of greater delectations which her Taskmistress might yet choose to license. For the present, Ildren would secure for her some gentle stimulation by keeping apart the girl's soft lips whilst her fleshcock brushed against the velvet.

  "You may move your hips and brush your cock against me - but only while my finger strokes around and in your bottom," was how she liked to put it, because she knew that would embarrass the girl.

  However, before the Taskmistress would begin to touch the girl in that very private place, she would first of all place a cushion underneath the girl's head - not, as some girls seemed to think, so that they might bury their faces and hide themselves from their disgrace, but rather - so that they might lay one cheek against it and face towards Ildren, who could thereby watch the girl as she proceeded to touch her. Possibly Ildren might catch the girl's eye in the midst of some very intimate procedure, or she might talk to her, or have the girl explain to Ildren exactly what it felt like, or alternatively she might make the girl express in words precisely what Ildren was doing to her. This delightful game could bring Ildren very great joy; if, in her explanation, a girl should be forced to use a word which was especially rude, then Ildren would feel once more that invisible hand between her legs close strongly about her person.

  The Taskmistress would be quite insistent about one more preparation for this venture, namely that the girl should spread her bottom cheeks with her very own hands. This was in point of fact a most necessary procedure, since not only did it present her bottom in the framework of subjection, but also it provided the tension in which the pleasure would be rooted, whilst leaving Ildren's hands quite free to administer the delight. A few girls, it was true, would refuse co-operation in this crucial matter, in which event the Taskmistress would not argue; but neither would she give in to an insubordinate slave. With very good grace, she would simply suspend the game and say:

  "You are not to blame, my child. Your training is remiss," and she would commence immediately a course of appropriate correction, in the first instance by means of the equipment that was kept within her apartments. In due course, however long it took, the slave would then be ready to resume the game at the precise point where a halt had first been called. But Ildren never would chastise such a slave by saying, for example: "If you'd seen sense, we could have got this over days ago." No - that would be quite inappropriate and very unfair. She would instead say: "This time, my dear, I feel sure that you'll enjoy it," which was a far more optimistic way of looking at things. And the Taskmistress was always very optimistic, where slaves were concerned.

  She liked to match the finger used to the size of the woman's anus, so that after that first upward stroke within the groove, which commonly would make the woman close her eyes, she could hold the fingerpad against it, covering it precisely, while she made the woman open her eyes and she questioned her. Ildren would always try to keep her face expressionless during this dialogue of delight, so the slave could never tell in advance when the next stroke would come; frequently, the stroking bore very little relation to any spoken words, since Ildren would be using it simply to make the woman's face infuse with pink. The Taskmistress also liked to vary her technique, by scratching lightly across the tightened rim with her fingernail, or sometimes smacking her finger very sharply in the centre. This latter treatment gave Ildren almost as much pleasure as it did the slave. She would insist, furthermore, that a girl should keep her mouth wide open at any time when Ildren cared to push a finger into her; she could close again only when the finger was removed. It was Ildren's rule for this particular game; it meant the girl acknowledged that she was being penetrated in this very intimate way.

  Ildren had devised many such rules for various occasions; some more formal, others mainly designed to enhance their lordships' pleasure. Their lordships would frequently allow the slaves to flout her rules, believing that they were perhaps unnecessary, or too restricting, but in fact almost every one of Ildren's rules was there for a very definite purpose. Only one or two existed solely for Ildren's private amusement. Their lordships did not seem to understand that, where rules were absent, then slaves could not exist; without Ildren there to keep Lidir strong, their lordships' weaknesses would in time secure their own demise. In that sense, the Taskmistress was Lidir's saviour - even the Prince relied on her support. She was his strength - alone, he was too weak-hearted, too readily influenced by those lords around him who were as soft as he was, too easily beguiled by beautiful slaves.

  Sometimes, Ildren would require that a slave take a more active part, by squeezing with her anus. "Squeeze my fingertip very tightly," she would instruct the girl in such a case. "And brush yourself against me." Once more, Ildren would use one hand to hold the lips apart, so the woman's tiny nub of flesh could sink into the velvet, to be tickled by a thousand tiny hairs which would prick themselves against it. And when at length the girl would move her hips and simultaneously squeeze against her finger, then Ildren would feel drenched in luscious waves of pleasure; her joy would know no bounds at having made that girl display herself so lewdly, and take her pleasure in so delectable a way. She would love to test that strength of gloving round about her finger, by pulling very firmly, until that tightened bottom mouth would grip her in its cup of flesh which, in its unsheathing, as she pulled again, would contract and send a quaking shock of pleasure up inside the girl, and indirectly, up through Ildren.

  "Tell me," she would ask the girl, whose eyes would be pools of liquid darkness, "has anybody pleasured you in quite so sweet a way?" A girl could hardly ever bring herself to answer, and Ildren would not force her, preferring
rather to repeat that pleasuring and take delight from the way the girl's open sex would move against her thigh. Ildren might then feel urged to stroke that sweet girl's belly; her hand would slip more deeply underneath the woman's mound, so her fingertips could tickle across the skin above her curly bush. While this tenderness continued, Ildren's other hand would spread once more those soft and fleshy lips, and hold them thus, apart, so Ildren's wrist could kiss repeatedly against the woman's burning openness, and Ildren's skin could, by this kissing, come to know that woman's heat. Ildren would withdraw her wrist, wet with female nectar, and ensuring that the girl was watching, would close her eyes and breathe that scent, then lick it from her skin. The woman's musk might drive her wild, and fill her with a desire so strong that she would lose control; she would penetrate the woman with her fingers and open out her sex, crying, "Submit your body to your Taskmistress." She would work her fingers deeper, as the slave would spread her thighs ever wider as a sign of self abasement. Ildren would take slow deep breaths and then regain composure, and stroke the woman gently on the cheek as her fingertips withdrew.

  What happened next depended not so much on Ildren's moods or sudden compulsive cravings, as on what she might have planned for this occasion. She was well aware that deep inside she was, by nature, gentle, though naturally her mask of duty might often seem quite stern; yet within the Taskmistress lay a certain quality of mischief, which on occasion might be permitted to add some interest to the evening, provided it was kept more-or-less in bounds. For instance, if Ildren had decided that a girl should achieve that ultimate release of pleasurable satisfaction (which frequently, she withheld), she might set about it in the following way. The girl, assuming she was on Ildren's lap, might be made to stand and face the Taskmistress, whilst Ildren, still seated on the couch, would carefully instruct her:

  "Place your feet apart and push your belly outwards. Now, use a finger of each hand to hold apart your love lips." The girl would next feel even more embarrassed.

  "Use your thumbs to pull back the hood; make your fleshy tongue peep out." The girl might now be shaking.

  "Ask me now to milk you with my fingers, till you die of shame or pleasure." And Ildren would be most insistent that the girl repeat every critical word.

  "Now, do not take your eyes from mine, that in them I may gauge the swelling of your pleasure, so I may prolong it, thereby making your coming sweeter."

  Ildren would milk the girl very, very slowly, and she at times would pause as she had promised, when the girl had reached the brink, to make the pleasure wane, and then gently coax her back again in the direction of delight. She might make the girl behave with more abandon, by having her open her mouth and push her tongue out very far and roll her hips about the point where Ildren's fingers pressed around her nubbin. And Ildren might have the girl squeeze her other lips repeatedly about that stiffly poking tongue, saying:

  "Pretend it is a man's part. Show your Taskmistress how you would work your lips around that fleshy stem." Each squeeze the girl would press about her tongue would then be mirrored in another squeeze that Ildren gave her flesh nub.

  The Taskmistress's purpose in all these games was really very simple - she wanted to train the slaves to ways of wanton lewdness, with which the slaves, in turn, could bring delight upon their lordships, and thereby their lordships' pleasuring would be enhanced. It was also true that Ildren really quite enjoyed it. She took pleasure in her work. And her pleasure was most acute when Ildren felt a woman deliver herself to long-awaited wantonness upon Ildren's fingers, or sweeter yet, upon the tip of Ildren's tongue.

  The Taskmistress would love the girl to tell her stories throughout this prolonged and dripping pleasuring, tales of fleshly acts or intimate games, exotic ways of love or lust of which the girl had of late partaken. She would ask her how the lords, or ladies, liked to have her pleasure them, and what they liked to do to her in turn - in what stance, with other slaves, or by herself, and using what equipment? Ildren would require a very detailed account of every one of these procedures, for she might hear of one which might captivate her fancy. In this case, she would question the girl with even greater intimacy, having her clarify certain aspects which might have been ill-defined, or if such were feasible, Ildren might instruct the girl to demonstrate, perhaps on her person, precisely what it was she meant. She would determine from the girl which games or methods had given her most delight; the girl would be required to explain exactly what she'd felt and why she had enjoyed that particular delectation. And all the time, Ildren would be squeezing at her nubbin, or merely tickling at the end. If a girl should find a topic perhaps too embarrassing to discuss, Ildren would have a way of dealing with such an unfortunate eventuality. She would make the woman bow her legs and rub herself against Ildren's finger, whilst she justified to Ildren why it was she found this fascinating subject so very, very shameful.

  The value of this exercise was twofold - the girl would get to know that pleasure was associated with lasciviousness of tongue, and Ildren would get to know many of their lordships' little secrets.

  Some girls, Ildren had found, could be made to bring about their pleasurable release by their own contractions, accompanied by the repetition of key words or phrases which Ildren might previously have elicited, while Ildren merely held their swollen flesh bud very still between her fingers. She would encourage such a girl to make quite lewd ejaculations, saying:

  "How your nubbin loves that shameful word! Now say it very rudely!" or perhaps, "Tell me what she did to you - keep saying where she pushed it ..." or some such turn of phrase as that. At times, the Taskmistress might feel faint before the girl did.

  Alternatively, it might happen at some critical point, when Ildren's hand was playing with that sweet and oily pinkened nub of sensual gratification, that a knock might come at Ildren's door, and some lord or lady enter; in fact, it would be planned that way as part of Ildren's little game. The girl probably would gasp and try to hide her shame in simple reflex action, which, however understandable, would of course be quite wrong, and would reflect some fundamental defect in her training. In turn, this would require corrective action, to condition the slave to total lack of inhibition, where her (and Ildren's) pleasure was concerned.

  Ildren would enquire of the lord or lady where he or she would prefer the slave positioned. His lordship might well defer to Ildren, on so technical a matter. The Taskmistress, commonly, would have the slave lie back upon the table, in order to afford his lordship a more comfortable view. The slave would then be required to pleasure herself and with the very minimum of direction, but such pleasuring would necessarily incorporate certain features pre-ordained by Ildren.

  The slave would have to keep her legs quite straight at first, and pointed up and outwards; she should open out her sex using the two middle fingers of each hand, so his lordship, if he so cared, might look inside her body, and then, pulling back the hooding of her flesh by means of her thumbs, she should thus expose her nubbin; she should stay in that position until his lordship, who might on impulse delve a tentative finger through the entrance to her sex, might then instruct her to proceed.

  Her pleasuring should be administered by her forefingers, which should cross and stroke her nubbin from each side. At all times, her middle fingers should keep her body open; her sex should never be allowed to close. During her working, she should move her hips very slowly and breathe only through her mouth; she should work herself to the very edge of pleasurable excitement, then beg her lord to allow her release, which would certainly be denied, whereupon the slave would have to work her pleasure button that much harder, not stopping until by her lord's explicit request; during this working, the slave must under no circumstances suffer accidental release. If a slave should find her pleasure very difficult to control, so that, clearly she was gasping at a very early stage, then Ildren might temporarily intercede and pinch that slave's nubbin very sharply with her fingers, which would allow her sufficient respite for pleasuring t
o continue until her lord at last felt able to allow the slave her satisfaction.

  As a rule, her lord would wish to execute her pleasure with his own finger. The slave would be required to develop her flesh nub very fully while her lord would slowly stroke her, at a constant pace, until she came. Ildren would hold the slave's head, but this time she would not be looking directly into the slave's eyes, for Ildren would be checking; the girl must take her pleasure silently, and with the minimum of fuss; certainly no contraction should tighten her belly, and no quiver should disturb her breasts; her legs should stay unmoving, her toes quite straight; her breathing should remain at all times fully under her control; no flicker should tremble in her eyelids; her nostrils must not flare. That woman's deliverance to the altar of desire should be marked, at most, by the merest whisper, a faint, delicious, yet barely perceptible shimmer of her person, as Ildren's tongue, after drawing slowly back and forth across the woman's fully opened lips, was pushed inside to fill the woman's mouth and thereby form the trigger of her desire.


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