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Aces Wild

Page 25

by Taylor Lee

  Gabe stood next to him and looked in his terrified eyes.

  All of the men at the table were making frantic, agonized sounds muffled by their gags as Gabe’s men walked among them sprinkling them with gasoline.

  Gabe ignored the others and focused on Peter.

  “I know you like to be as far away from your dirty work as possible, Peter. You think that not seeing the men you ordered killed or tortured lessens your responsibility. As though Davy’s murder is not on your head. Or that you can’t be blamed for Chao’s or Kai’s near death. You think by not participating in the gang rape of Ana or others that you instigated mitigates your responsibility, makes it less your crime. No, Peter, it just means that like most murderers, torturers, and rapists you’re not only responsible you’re also a coward. Tonight you don’t have the option for distance. Tonight you and the others will die a painful death. A message to any men who choose to provoke the wrath of Angel’s Avengers that eventually they too will pay for their crimes.”

  For the first time Gabe allowed himself to meet Ana’s gaze.

  He held out his arms. “Come here, Princess.” When she stumbled toward him, he scooped her up in his arms and followed his men down the hallway. As the last of his men left the room, Gabe said over his shoulder, “Light it.”


  Chapter 36

  Gabe glanced around the garish room and winced at the familiar trappings of red velvet and gold braid. He should have objected when they all accepted Dominic’s invitation and headed back to the Lucky Lady. Now listening to the sounds of Ana bathing in the next room, he acknowledged his bigger mistake. There’s no way in hell that he should have brought her here, or damnit stayed in the same room with her. He looked over at the large opulent bed and shuddered. Taking a long drag off his cigarette he prepared to explain to Ana why he couldn’t stay with her.

  When she came out of the bathroom, he almost swallowed his tongue. She’d insisted on bathing. Said she wanted to get rid of the smells of the gasoline, the burning building and the stench of the men. She also wanted to wash her face and her body. Scrub off the paints and polishes Maude’s women applied. Gabe was glad. He wouldn’t have said anything, but the sight of her whore’s getup, that only emphasized her frightened innocence, nearly broke his heart. But now, she looked like her own self, beautiful and even more enticing.

  Her skin was damp and flushed from her bath. Her long shiny hair hung in steamy waves. Her borrowed silk robe clung to the moist curves of her body emphasizing every hill and valley. Knowing that she was naked beneath the thin silk didn’t help. As if to strengthen his resolve, the image of her standing on the stage dignified, proud but unable to hide her fear and humiliation kicked his rage into high gear. He poured himself another glass of whisky and tossed it back.


  Ana saw the anger in his eyes. It frightened her. She didn’t know if he was angry with her or with the terrible things that had happened. But she knew if he didn’t hold her soon she might collapse, give in to the horror of the last two days. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep her voice from trembling.

  “Gabe, are you okay? You…you look angry?”

  His voice was harsh. “Angry, Princess? Fuck angry. Try furious, enraged, murderous. I dunno, you think up the adjectives. The stronger the better. And, no, Princess, I am far from ‘okay.’”

  “But, are you…are you upset with me? Something I did?”

  Gabe jumped up and began pacing across the room, then stopped and glared at her.

  “Jesus, Ana. How could you think that? What do you think I am? That I blame you for being kidnapped at gunpoint, drugged and whored up and put on auction for the pleasure of a bunch of despicable animals? Is that what you think of me?”

  Ana took a deep breath and said as calmly as she could, “I need you to hold me, Gabe.”

  She winced when she saw the pain flood his face. He stepped back and held up his hands. He made a visible effort to control his voice, the emotion she saw vibrating off of him.

  “I…I can’t, Ana. I can’t hold you.”

  Ana gasped, and put her hand over her mouth to cover her shock. “Why? Why not, Gabe? Why can’t you hold me?”

  He sighed long and hard. She felt his anguish from across the room. He turned to what she knew was his crutch. With his back toward her, he found his cigarette case and lit a cigarette. When he faced her, his expression was calm. Only the tension in the corded muscles of his neck betrayed his emotion.

  “Ana, you don’t understand. There’s no way I can just “hold” you. Honey, killin and sex are damn well woven together. They get all tangled up in a way that isn’t pretty.” He held up his hand when she tried to interrupt.

  “No, Princess, you don’t want to be around a guy like me under most circumstances and sure as hell not after what happened tonight.”

  Ana took a step toward him.

  “I want you, Gabe.”

  He stepped back putting distance between them. “Ana, honey, you don’t understand.”

  She swallowed and willed her legs to stop shaking. Keeping her voice as firm as her pounding heart would allow, she said, “I want you to do what you did in the dojo. Make me feel like I did. Make what happened…make it happen again.”

  Gabe’s expression hardened. He held her gaze for a long moment. When he spoke his voice was cold, flat. “You need to know something, Ana. I am a hard lover. A demanding lover.”

  She shivered, surprised that his words excited her. Made her cheeks heat.

  But Gabe shook his head. His eyes were gleaming, a dark emerald green.

  “No, Ana. You don’t understand. The women I bed do what I tell them to. And they like doing it. You get it, baby? When I take a woman, I’m the boss. I’m the one in charge.”

  He glared at her. “Damnit, Princess, if I told you to make me coffee, you’d make tea. And you’d probably put arsenic in it if you were angry with me.”

  Ana tossed her head. “I would not put arsenic in it, I but I might make tea if I thought it was better for you.”

  He gave a snort and shook his head.

  Ana hesitated. She felt the heat rising on her cheeks. “”Maybe…maybe its different, Gabe, …in the bedroom. When someone you love tells you want he wants you to do…the things he wants to do to you. Maybe that’s different than ordering you to make tea.”

  Gabe frowned as if surprised, then annoyed at her response.

  “You’re not hearing me, Ana. I’m a demanding son of a bitch, Princess. I like it hard, rough.”

  Ana raised her chin and snapped, “I’m tough,”

  Gabe gave a wry chuckle. “Yeah, honey, you are. But you’re not up to me.”

  Ana forced herself to be calm, firm. “I think I am, Gabe.”

  Gabe leaned back against the table and took a long drag off his cigarette. He raked his eyes rudely over her body, openly appraising her as if deciding whether he liked what he saw. A dismissive smile tugged at his lips.

  His voice was quiet but commanding. “Tell me what you want, Ana.”

  Ana was startled by the flash of sensation in the pit of her stomach. She took a deep breath. She stammered. “I…I…you know, Gabe.”

  He grinned but his eyes were dark, cold. “Yeah, I do know, but I want you to tell me.”

  She bit her lip and clenched her fists on her thighs to stop her legs from shaking.

  Gabe shook his head. “That’s what I mean. Ana. This is the third time I’ve asked you to so something and you can’t -- or won’t.”

  She raised her chin and glared at him. She saw the dare in his gaze. She bit her lip and swallowed hard. Still not sure if she could say the words she forced herself to speak.

  “I…I want you to put your fingers up inside of me…” She stopped then plunged on. “I want you to touch that place on me that made me scream.” She closed her eyes grasping for her courage then looked up at him beseechingly. “And, I want you to touch me on that hard nub, on that place that you did when you m
ade me…come.”

  Gabe stared at her. There were tears in her eyes but he also saw her desire. Her banked excitement was palpable. The fragrant oils from her bath mixed with her musk and his cock jumped at the smell. Christ, his throbbing prick was ready to break through his pants if didn’t get relief, soon.

  He nodded then jerked his head at her crotch.

  “How wet are you?”

  She jumped back, a horrified look on her face. He pressed his lips together and didn’t speak.

  Once again, she hesitated then asked, “How do I know?”

  He glanced at her crotch then said with an indifferent shrug, “Put your hands between your legs. Touch yourself.”

  Her blush was almost painful to see. Then she closed her eyes and opened her robe and delicately slipped her hands inside. Gabe forced himself to breath at the glimpse of her soft curls shiny with dew.

  When she looked up at him and nodded, he asked, “Are you? Are you wet?”

  Her eyes were shining. She gave him a shy smile. “Hmm…um…yes. Yes, I am.”

  He held her gaze. “Good. Now suck on your fingers.”

  She started. She looked surprised, embarrassed. When he nodded, she put her fingers in her mouth and sucked on them.

  His desire roared through him. It took every bit of control to tear his eyes away from her fingers in that ripe, juicy mouth. By some act of god, he kept his voice and cock under control.

  He asked, “Do you like the taste?”

  She hesitated then looked up at him. “It’s…different. But…yes… I do.”

  He closed the distance between them.

  He said, “Let me taste.”

  Grabbing her wrist, he lifted her fingers to his mouth. He licked each one and then sucked on them hard.

  She gasped and flushed a deep rosy pink.

  He growled a low rumbling sound and pulled her close. “I like it, too.”


  Chapter 37

  As Gabe licked each of her fingers, wet with her juices, the smell of her arousal filled his nostrils. At some primal level he’d known she would taste like this, smell like this. Hot, sweet, tangy. Holding his fingers against his nostrils he breathed in. The blood pounding in his ears rushed to his prick. He gave in. There was no stopping him now. He was about to take the biggest leap of his life. She stood before him, flushed and trembling. When she looked up at him, he saw that her eyes were brimming with as many emotions as he felt. Fear, excitement, desire and most frightening of all, love. He focused on the last.

  “Come here, Princess. I want to make love to you.”

  She looked up at him and smiled a tremulous smile.

  “I’m here, Gabe.”

  He lifted her chin and gazed in her eyes. Her inviting mouth was inches away. Her breaths were whispery pants. He knew he would die a thousand deaths if he didn’t take her and take her now. Clinging to his last rational thought, he promised himself he would be gentle, caring, and considerate.

  Then he kissed her. He pressed his lips against hers, a fleeting touch. They were as soft and full as he remembered. He ran his tongue across her lips then pressed against the seam urging them to part. Slipping his tongue inside her mouth, he tasted the succulent juices that had coated her fingers. The taste hit him at a primal level.

  “Damn, Princess. You taste so good. So fucking good!” With a groan he pulled her close to him and captured her mouth.

  All the rage, the fear and the pain of the last days rose up and poured through him. He was greedy, hungry. He couldn’t get enough of her. With his lips, his teeth and his tongue he devoured her. He buried his fingers in her hair and jerked her head back dragging her body up to his.

  Ana cried out and dug her fingers in his hair tugging, pulling him closer. Her frantic moans matched his. His tongue drove deeper and deeper, twisting with hers. If he could, he would’ve consumed her. His need was that great. With a huge effort, he unwound her fingers from his hair. Ignoring her shocked whimper, her fluttering wail, he stepped back.

  His lungs screamed for air, his cock throbbed for relief. Scrabbling for one breath then another, he regained some semblance of control. She stood before him, a trembling column. Her lips were red, swollen from his feverish assault. She frowned, her expression questioning, uncertain.

  He swallowed hard and motioned to her. His voice was soft, commanding.

  “Take off your robe, Ana.”

  She gasped. Her cheeks flushed a deeper rosier pink. But her gaze didn’t waver. Her eyes stayed locked on his. She bit down on her lip, ratcheting up his desire yet another notch. Her fingers shook when she reached for the clasps holding the silken robe closed. The tiny hooks protecting her naked body from his piercing stare. He squashed the urge to reach over and yank the flimsy covering off of her, shred it with his big hands.

  Instead he nodded, encouraging her to continue. After several clumsy attempts, her fingers calmed. She looked up at him and her eyes gleamed. His breath caught in his throat when she gave a saucy toss of her head and slid open the clasps. She stood for a moment then allowed the shimmering silk to slip to the floor. That unpracticed invitation hinted at the depths of wanton passion beneath the shelter of her innocence. It nearly undid him. When she stood naked before him her robe pooling at her feet, he stumbled back. His voice caught in his throat and almost choked him.

  He shook his head and whispered, “Jesus, Ana, look at you.”

  He was stunned by her beauty. Awed. His eyes riveted on her breasts, full, firm glorious globes. Her nipples were soft, a dusky pink. They began to pebble, darken responding to his hungry gaze. He longed to taste them, feel them harden under his lips and tongue and teeth.

  She was slender, a mere wisp of a woman, incongruously small compared to his large powerful body. He reminded himself how fragile, how vulnerable she was. But the thought was lost as he traveled down her taut stomach over the lush curve of her hips. He pulsed with the need to spin her around, to examine her ass, the soft tight cheeks with that outrageously inviting crack between them. But his eyes stopped, glued to the apex of her thighs and riveted on the soft cluster of dark curls, dewy with moisture. He stepped toward her and stunned himself by sinking to his knees with a groan. He grasped her thighs in his hands and pulled him toward him. He promised himself he wouldn’t touch her or taste her. He didn’t want to frighten her. He just needed to smell her.

  It was as though he had never seen a naked woman before. In the past the sight of a woman’s body had been a pleasant trigger, the first step to an often anonymous coupling. A powerful impetus to feed a bodily urge. The images never stayed beyond the experience. They blurred along with the indistinguishable faces. As quickly as they came, the acts and the women were forgotten, gone from his memory forever.

  But this was different. He stared in wonder at Ana. He knew that he could spend a lifetime and never tire or see enough of her beautiful body. He rose to his feet and motioned her to come to him.

  Ana was shaking so hard she could barely stand. She had never known the range of feelings coursing through her. The intensity shocked her and frightened her. She shuddered at the worshipful look in his eyes. He stared at her as if she was an angel, not real, something heavenly. It frightened her…and captured her. She needed Gabe to touch her. To close the distance between them.

  But to her shock, he stepped back and unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time. Her gut clenched at the sight of his broad shoulders, his muscled chest and arms. She clenched her hands in tight fists at her sides to keep from reaching for him. She choked at the sight of the dark hair on his chest that arrowed down his stomach to the top of his trousers. He braced himself against the table and toed off one boot then the other. She sucked in a breath when his hands moved to his belt. She couldn’t look away. She refused to meet his eyes. She could only stare as he loosened the buttons on his trousers. With an unhurried shove he pushed them to his knees and then gracefully stepped out of them. He stood before her naked. A splendid, towering ar
oused male. At the sight of his erection she tried to swallow but couldn’t get past the lump of fear and desire cinching her throat.

  A crashing wave of uncertainty swamped her. She knew she could never satisfy the hunger straining his face and his body. She hesitated then forced herself to look up at him. She blurted, “I …I don’t know what to do, Gabe. I …I don’t know how…”

  His voice was low, husky. “Oh, yes, you do. Come here, Princess.”

  He reached out and took her hand and pulled her to him. She huddled against his naked body, reveling in the warmth of his skin against hers. When he wedged his erection between her thighs, sharp tremors exploded through her core. She had an overwhelming need to touch him. To run her fingers over the ridges on his chest. To feel the hard muscles on his stomach and hips. She wanted to reach around and massage the tight muscles curving his butt. But most of all she wanted to tug at the thatch of wiry hair at his crotch. Shocked at her wantonness, she looked up to see him smiling at her. God, was her lust that plain, that obvious?

  She choked and then forced herself to speak. “You are so beautiful, Gabe. Can I…can I touch you?”

  He chuckled but the sound was harsh, raspy. ”Oh, yeah, Princess. You can touch me. Anywhere, any way you want.”

  He groaned a rough deep male sound and scooped her up in his arms. Murmuring soft loving words in her ear, he carried her over to the bed and laid her on it.

  A rush of fear made her grab him, hold his face in her hands. She breathed out a fearful warning. “Promise me. Promise me, Gabe! Promise me you won’t stop”

  He shook his head. His voice was fierce. “No Ana, no. I will not stop. I am going to make love to you, Princess. Now, and for the rest of your life. I will never stop loving you, Ana. Never!”

  Ana choked at the words, the words she had longed to hear. But she didn’t have time to revel in her joy. The next moment he took her to places she had never been, never knew existed. His skillful tongue licked and lapped at her soft pink nipples moving from one to the other. She writhed under him, whimpering excited moans. He caught one nipple between his lips then circled it with his tongue and sucked the beaded tip deep in his mouth. When she didn’t think she could breathe with the pleasure, he caught the tight nub between his teeth and bit down hard. The flash of pain shot a hot burst of pleasure through her body. She shrieked at the searing sensations, the pulsing convulsions. Before she could come down from the crest, he growled in her ear.


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