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Whispered Surrender

Page 16

by Lynn LaFleur

  Abby blinked back tears. How many years had they wasted? How many years had they loved each other and neither knew it?

  “Unfortunately, we were like those two ships passing in the night,” Brett said. “She left Seaside and I went on to achieve everything Dad said I would. I never thought we’d see each other again, until a couple of months ago when I kicked back for a beer with an old football buddy and his wife.” He pointed to a table in the second row, where a dark-haired, athletically built man and a lovely brunette held hands. “If you followed the Irish back then, you certainly remember Slade Blackstone.”

  Abby heard the sounds of surprise coming from the guests. “He could have been the best damned wide receiver in the game if he hadn’t chosen the Marines instead.”

  That brought a thundering round of applause from the guests. Slade flashed a thumbs-up in acknowledgement.

  “That’s his wife Kari sitting beside him, and today’s their first wedding anniversary.”

  Slade smiled and hugged Kari, who looked both pleased and embarrassed.

  “I have to tell you something about Ms. Kari. She’s psychic.”

  A titter of laugher coursed through the group.

  “Hey, I admit I thought Kari was pretty far out there too, especially when she saw I was about to find true love.” He look lovingly at Abby. “Tonight I’m a believer.” He brushed her lips with a quick kiss and reached for something in his jacket pocket. “And so now, in front of my family and all of you, I’m going to call the riskiest play of my life…”

  To Abby’s astonishment, Brett dropped to one knee in front of her, took her left hand in his, and said, “I have loved you, Abby Horton, since the first moment I met you. I want to go on loving and cherishing you forever.” And then in that same wonderful drawl he’d used when he asked her to dance, she heard the words she’d longed to hear since the first moment she’d met him. “Miz Abby Horton, would you do me the honor of partnering with me for the rest of our lives?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  It wouldn’t have mattered if the ring had been a cigar band instead of an array of diamonds and sapphires almost too big to be real, or that the last few hours had been better than any fairy tale. There were still a couple of things that rankled.

  After Abby, her voice shaking with emotion, accepted Brett’s proposal, the crowd showed their approval with a standing ovation and a demand that they dance the tango one last time. Afterward, Slade ran interference while they dashed out the side door, the exit Abby had earlier planned to use for her quick escape.

  Carlton stood patiently beside the open passenger door of the small limousine he’d driven Abby to Whispers in just two nights ago.

  Abby slid across the soft leather seat. “You’re so sweet to give Slade and Kari a night at The Castle as an anniversary present.”

  Brett took off his jacket and loosened his tie before climbing in beside her. ”I was happy to do it.” He drew Abby into his arms. “I hope they enjoy The Castle as much as we did.”

  Abby touched his cheek. She had to keep touching him to be sure all of this was real. “Has it only been three days?”

  “More like eighteen years.”

  “Ummm,” she purred. His wonderfully soft, warm fingers had found their way to her breast. He kneaded it while he trailed kisses along her chin and throat.

  “No bra?” he murmured in her ear.

  “No.” She tilted her head back so he had easier access to her neck.

  “I like that. Promise me you won’t ever wear a bra at home.” He whisked his thumb across her nipple. “Or much of anything.”

  “I promise.” She’d promise him anything as long as he kept touching her, kissing her. “Where are we going?”

  “To our castle.” He kissed her jaw and worked his way toward her lips. “Do you have any idea how hard it was to stand in front of that crowd and concentrate when all I wanted to do was rip off this dress and devour you.”

  She giggled. “I don’t but please feel free to tell me.”

  “It was torture. Now that I have you alone, I can’t get you out of this damned dress. See, all we need is a little zipper from here…” He laid his finger on the cleft of her breasts and drew a line in a southerly direction. “To right about here.” He stopped a little below her mound. “I need to touch you, Abby, now.”

  “How long ‘til we get home?”

  He slid his hand under the hem of her dress and along her inner thigh. “Too long.”

  She opened her knees and arched her hips. She loved it when he touched her… there.

  She ran her hand along the bulge in his trousers. Desire rose from deep inside her. “What about you? A vest, suspenders…”

  “Wanna see how fast this zipper comes down?”

  “I’m sure with blinding speed, but…”

  He leaned his forehead against hers and groaned. “But what? For two days I’ve been going nuts because I couldn’t make love to you. I’ve been hard for twenty-four hours straight.”

  “Good, because I’ve been in misery for twenty-four hours too, and before I get into your pants and you get into mine, you got some ‘splainin’ to do, Lucy.”

  He dropped his hands in his lap and lowered his head. “You mean about yesterday and not taking you home from Whispers?”

  “And the things Jordan said and did, where my aunt’s been, how in the world my folks got here. It’s been a crazy two days, Brett Kincade. A little too crazy.”

  No longer trying to appear contrite, he answered her with a throaty chuckle and draped one arm around her shoulders to pull her closer. He laced her fingers with his so she couldn’t move away from him.

  “Sweetheart, these last two days were awful,” he said. “But I had to give you time so you’d know for sure.”

  “Know what?”

  “I knew I loved you, but I wanted you to be sure you loved me too. Telling me you planned to leave on Monday didn’t give me much time.” He looked away a moment, as if searching for the right words. “Abby, I don’t mean this the way it sounds because I know you’re not like that, but there are a lot of women who fall in love with the idea and not the man. We started out so magical, but it wouldn’t last if it weren’t real. I wanted to give you time to see me as I am, warts and all, and to figure out if you were in love with me, or the illusion. I knew I had to trash the fairy tale to get to the happily ever after.”

  “But how did you know it was me? I told you my first name while we were trapped, but that’s all I told you. How did you know I’m Rose’s niece?”

  “She told me. Rose is a dear friend, Abby, has been for years. She was teasing me a few months ago about still being single. I admitted I’d found my soul mate years ago during the big storm, but lost her before ever telling her how I felt. After pumping me for more information, she put everything together and figured out you were the one with me. She said she’d known something had happened that day since you were so shaken when you got home, but you never told her about being trapped.”

  “I never told anyone about that. I wanted to keep what we’d shared locked in my heart forever.”

  Brett kissed her tenderly. “As soon as I knew who you were, I asked Rose for her help. She agreed to have you come to Seaside and run Love in Bloom during its busiest time of the year. She asked Ronn and Judy for their help too. They thought it was a great idea.”

  “And my folks? My dad lives by the book. No way he’d ever drop everything…”

  “Are you kidding? Joe’s great, and Janine—I love her.” He warmed her hand between his palms. “Remember yesterday, when Jordan buzzed and told me you wanted to stop in and say hello.”

  She tried to pull her hand away. He held on tighter. “I wish I could forget that. I almost packed and left last night.”

  “I’m so sorry, baby.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her gently. “I saw your cart near the elevators. Normally I would have loved it if you’d walked in and said hi, but my mom and dad and your folks were in m
y office. Jordan was sending a message for me to stay put.”

  Abby’s mouth dropped open. Jordan had been an absolute bitch to her, and she’d been helping Brett? “Jordan was in on everything too?”

  “From day one.”

  “Then why did she do her best to keep me away from the Gala?”

  “Because I asked her to. I was afraid you’d back out of the Gala. I knew if Jordan said you couldn’t come, that would be the clincher for you to show up.” He dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “No one is going to tell Miz Lily Granger what she can and can’t do.”

  Abby heard the pride in his voice. Some men would be turned off by a strong woman. Not Brett. She covered his hands with hers. “And Thursday night, after we’d…”

  “Our family jeweler lives in Mountain Ridge.”

  Abby shook her head. That name meant nothing to her.

  “About five hundred miles north. You could say I’d put him on high alert before I met you at Whispers. Afterward, after the first time we made love, I knew he had to get moving. I met him at seven the next morning so we could finalize this design.” He kissed her fingers, next to where the diamonds and sapphires sparkled in the low light. “I stayed over rather than fly back the next day to pick it up. It took longer than he thought.”

  “You didn’t return my calls yesterday, after you’d asked me to call you.”

  “When I got to his place, I realized I didn’t have my phone. I’d dropped it on the plane. By the time they returned it, I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t tell you where I was or ask to see you. I know I would have blown the surprise, so I did nothing.”

  She kissed him soundly, then scolded him. “Don’t you ever, ever do nothing again.”

  “Ummm, I promise.”

  Again she purred when he gently palmed her breast. Until she abruptly sat up. “One last question.”

  “One and only one.”

  “How the heck did Madame end up sitting beside Aunt Rose? I thought they hated each other. And when did Aunt Rose get back from Rio?”

  “That’s two questions.” He smiled. “Your aunt never left town. She was staying at Clara-Jean’s.”

  “Then they don’t hate each other?”

  “Maybe sometimes. Rose and Clara-Jean have been lovers for years. Unfortunately, they fight as ferociously as they love. In fact, during one of their hotter times,” he added emphasis to hotter, “they bought the land and pitched the idea to Dad and me for Whispers.”

  Abby’s eyes widened. “My aunt owns Whispers?”

  At that Brett burst out laughing. “Your aunt, your future father-in-law, and your fiancé—and very soon, you!”

  Flabbergasted, Abby leaned back in her seat. “There’s so much I still have to learn.”

  “And so much more I want to teach you.”

  She knew by his tone, what he’d teach her had nothing to do with her aunt and Madame Duvalier. Her pussy thrummed in anticipation. “How much farther to your place?”

  He kissed her neck, at the tender spot right below her ear. “About two hundred yards.”

  Abby sat up and looked out the window. “Oh…my…god!”

  The house sat on a hill overlooking the ocean. Lights both on the house and surrounding it illuminated the two-story Mediterranean design. Palm trees and flowers in tropical colors decorated the grounds. One look made Abby feel she’d been transported to the coast of Spain.

  “Oh, Brett, it’s magnificent.”

  He smiled. “I’m glad you approve.” He squeezed her hand. “I can’t wait to give you the tour.”

  She touched his cheek, love swelling her heart so much that speech would be difficult. She nodded.

  Carlton opened their door. Brett took Abby’s hand and helped her from the limousine. “Will you be needing anything else tonight, sir?” the driver asked.

  “No, that’ll be all. Thank you, Carlton.”

  He touched the brim of his hat. “Have a good night, sir. Miss.”

  Abby’s hand remained nestled in Brett’s as he led her toward the front door. Once he unlocked it, he lifted her in his arms and carried her over the threshold.

  Abby laughed. “You’re supposed to do that after the wedding.”

  “I’m practicing.” He kicked the door shut with his foot. “Welcome home, Miz Horton.”

  He set her on her feet in the foyer. Abby took a few steps into the great room, with its high ceiling and tall picture windows. Overstuffed furniture sat in a U facing a huge high-definition television.

  Abby smiled to herself. It figured an ex-football player would have a big TV.

  A set of French doors opened onto a large patio. Outdoor lights cast their glow on the swimming pool. The water in a hot tub bubbled in one corner of the pool area. Trees and bushes surrounded the area, giving it a jungle appearance along with privacy from anyone who might walk along the beach.

  “The kitchen and dining room are that way,” Brett said, pointing to his right. “My office is over here.” He gestured to a closed door to his left. “There are two more bedrooms and a bath upstairs, plus another room that could be a bedroom or study or…a nursery.”

  If shock shown in her face, Brett didn’t comment. She knew he wanted children, and she did too. Mentioning a nursery made it so real. Maybe she wasn’t dreaming after all.

  “Right now the second floor is used only by guests.”

  She turned in a circle, taking in everything, before she looked at Brett again. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  “Our bedroom. This way.”

  Once more taking her hand, he led her through a door into a spacious master suite. A custom king bed, extra long to accommodate Brett’s height, dominated the room. A thick carpeting in a rich royal blue covered the floor. Abby knew if she slipped off her shoes, her toes would disappear in the lush pile.

  Framed photographs, landscapes and seascapes, hung on the walls. She recognized parts of Seaside, but some were of places she’d never seen. “Did you take the photographs?”

  Brett nodded. “It’s a hobby I always enjoyed. Especially when I visit a place I might not have time to visit again.” He stepped closer and cradled her neck in one hand. “From now on, I’ll take pictures of the places we visit.”

  He covered her lips with his, the kiss gentle, tender. His other hand wandered down her back to cup one buttock and tug her close to him. His hard cock pressed into her mound.

  His kiss, the ring on her finger, the events of tonight…everything combined at once to make her head swim. She clutched Brett’s waist when her knees weakened.

  “You okay?” he whispered next to her ear.

  Goose bumps scattered across her skin at the feel of his warm breath. “I’m a bit…overwhelmed. Are you sure I’m not dreaming?”

  “I’m one hundred percent sure.” He squeezed her buttock, slid his fingers into the cleft. “But maybe I need to do something to convince you you’re awake.”

  Whatever he had in mind, Abby knew it would feel wonderful. She reached up and removed his collar stud. “Are you thinking of something in particular?”

  “Have you ever made love in a hot tub?”

  Her pussy clenched when she thought of Brett’s cock deep inside her while the warm water swirled around them. She removed the second stud. “No. But it’s getting cold outside.”

  “It won’t be cold in the water.” He nipped the pulse in her neck. “I promise.”

  He took her hands before she could release another stud. Walking backward, he tugged her to the French doors. Her clit slowly throbbed at the wicked gleam in his eyes.

  The sharp bite of ocean air hit Abby when Brett slid open the door. She shivered, partly from the cold but mostly in anticipation of what would soon happen. A padded bench with a table in the center formed a half circle around the hot tub. Two champagne flutes sat next to a silver bucket.

  Abby hadn’t seen any evidence of household staff, but someone had set out the bucket and glasses and turned on the spa.

led her to the bench. “Sit. I know it’s cool. We’ll get in the water as soon as I pour the champagne.”

  She watched him expertly open the bottle, pour the bubbly liquid into the flutes and place the bottle back in the bucket. She expected him to hand one glass to her. Instead, looking her in the eyes, he released a button on his vest.

  Abby swallowed.

  He released all the buttons, peeled off the vest and tossed it on a nearby chaise. The rest of the studs followed. He laid them and his watch on the table and pulled the suspenders off his shoulders. Still looking into her eyes, he pitched the shirt to land on top of his vest.

  She swallowed again and wondered how she could’ve possibly thought it was cold out here. She clenched her hands in her lap to keep from fanning her face.

  Slowly, he unfastened his trousers as he toed off his shoes. Trousers, briefs and socks came off at the same time. He tossed those on top of his other clothes.

  The cold obviously didn’t affect him. He stood before her, magnificently naked and fully aroused.

  He picked up one of the champagne flutes and carried it into the tub with him, giving her an excellent view of that amazing butt. He settled into the side, facing her, and sipped the cold liquid.

  “Your turn,” he said with a devilish grin.

  If he thought that might embarrass her, he was in for a surprise.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Brett calmly sipped the champagne, although inside he was one giant knot. He wanted Abby so much, it had taken every bit of willpower he possessed not to throw her to the floor and take her as soon as they walked through his front door. That wouldn’t be the way to impress his new fiancée.

  Fiancée. He loved that word almost as much he loved Abby. He’d waited most of his life for her to be his. Now, his dream had come true. No matter that they hadn’t exchanged vows formally, he considered this their wedding night. Best of all, she’d be with him for the rest of their lives.

  He watched her slowly rise from the bench. Maybe she was hesitant to strip out here in the open, even though the trees gave them complete privacy. Despite the free, sexy woman she had been with him at Whispers, he sensed there was still a touch of shy girl inside Abby.


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