The Helium-3 Conspiracy
Page 8
"Yes, indeed!" Chen gurgled. "I heard you reporting to John but I was already on my way back to investigate. I arrived in the nick of time by the looks of things. You had fallen on your face barely ten feet from the Processor."
"You obviously used the auxiliary tank from the cabin. You saved my life Chen!"
"Don't mention it my friend. Just did what anyone else in the same situation would have done."
Chen then switched back to general frequency to report back to John Miller. He confirmed that Jet was shaken-up but alive. Miller, in turn, confirmed that Beth Eaton and Timmy Rose, aboard the third lunar terrain vehicle, were en-route with an extra backpack of oxygen tanks and should be approaching the Processor soon.
Miller then spoke to Jet, "I'm really happy that Chen managed to get to you, Jet. You realize that I have to report this as an incident and you will have to explain why you allowed your oxygen supply to get so low?"
Jet responded, "I fully realize that, sir. I take full responsibility for my actions."
Miller concluded, "Good! I want you and Chen in my office the moment you return."
At that moment Beth and Timmy arrived and Jet finished off with the Commander. Beth clambered down from her seat and bounded up to Jet, grabbing both his gloved hands and pushing her visor flush with his.
"We really thought we had lost you," she said with emotion in her voice.
Jet answered hesitantly, surprised at her reaction, "I have Chen to thank for deciding to turn back and investigate."
"If that toolbox hadn't fallen out of his vehicle you would not have survived," she ventured.
Tim Rose busied himself changing Jet's oxygen tanks for the spare backpack they had brought with them, while Beth and Chen stood by, asking questions. When Beth had assured herself that Jet was not injured or suffering any after-effects she suggested that they investigate the area where the meteorite had landed and assess the damage. A comprehensive report would have to be compiled for the Base Commander. Timmy checked on the oxygen feed line from the missing Emergency Supply Module and found that the self-sealing line had done its job well. The ESM would need to be replaced but the loose feed-line no longer posed a threat. There was also a non-return valve in the system.
With Jet's oxygen refill complete, they made their way over to the Solar Panel Array area and moon-walked down the rows of panels. While negotiating the third-last row they came across what appeared to be an impact site, with several badly damaged panels, and a lot of debris.
Timmy and Chen investigated the smashed panels, each talking into his camcorder to provide a verbal record for the video. Chen stood back and viewed the scene from a different angle, a puzzled look on his face, not seen by the others because of the sun's reflection on his visor. After a minute or two he approached Jet and Beth, who were standing at the edge of the array.
"It is very strange!" he said in a quizzical tone. "I cannot find any sign of a meteorite having collided with the surface here."
"How do you mean?" questioned Beth, slightly alarmed.
"There's no hole or gouge in the surface, no sign of an impact, and no evidence of a meteorite—only the damaged panels and supports."
"It had to be something from outer space. The panels could not have exploded by themselves," Jet offered.
Chen looked thoughtful for a moment. "Then what do you think this is?" He held out his gloved hand. In its grip was a piece of twisted metal of unknown origin. It had a fragment of wire extending out of one end. Both Jet and Beth looked puzzled.
"Doesn't appear to be part of a panel or support," Jet ventured. Just at that moment Timmy bounded over to the group.
"What's up? You all appear to be questioning something."
"Check this out," said Jet, indicating the piece of metal in Chen's grasp.
Timmy took the piece of metal in his own gloved hand and scrutinized it for a few seconds. "I have seen one of these before. It's part of an explosive triggering device!"
The others stood in shocked silence as Timmy continued to turn the metal over in his gloved hand.
"Yes, indeed! This is the core section of a receiver. It receives a signal from a remote trigger. We used a lot of these in the military, usually with C-6 explosive."
There was a moment of silence as Timmy's words sunk in.
"But who.....why?" stammered Beth incredulously.
"That's what we are going to find out, as soon as we get back to base," answered Timmy grimly.
Meeting with the Base Commander
Sunday, July 12, 2026
1830 hours
The drive back to the Lunar Base was uneventful. The three LTVs drove in convoy, their occupants deep in thought, each wondering what was happening to the once-peaceful mining operation. Jet, Beth, Timmy, and Chen were relieved to see the domed roofs of the Base appearing ahead as each LTV rounded a small crater, heralding the final stretch of barren ground.
The uppermost thought in Jet's mind was the timing of the incident. If the explosive had been detonated by remote, then someone would have had to be in close proximity to see him walking through the solar array or, at least, have had video coverage of the area. Video coverage would be possible from the Base as the excavator operators directed their machines through that system. He realized he should have searched a wider area for a camera, maybe perched on Processor One, giving it a vantage point to cover the entire solar array. Jet made a mental note to return the following day for a review of the whole situation.
On arrival they disembarked and entered, performing the usual ritual of suit removal and proceeded into the habitable zone. Jet was immediately called to Commander Miller's office, so he left the others to continue about their normal business and the logging of their respective reports.
Commander John Miller was well thought of by all the miners on the Base. The personal problems that Beth Eaton could not resolve would inevitably end up at his desk. He had proved to be a very balanced, thoughtful and intelligent leader who was capable of making difficult decisions and giving good advice. Miller and Jet got on well and occasionally chatted over drinks in the conference room, where the staff could also, if they so desired, watch a movie. Alcohol was only served after 1700 hours every Tuesday and Saturday, Earth time, for those who enjoyed "happy-hour" once in a while. Due to the miners' rigorous work schedules, this sort of recreation was limited but it was enough to give them some time to relate to one another, other than meal times.
Jet stood at the door of the Commander's office and waited for Miller to complete his computer work. After a few seconds Miller looked up and nodded, indicating one of the open chairs at the desk. Jet sat down and waited, wondering what form his report should take, but he knew that only the truth would suffice. He prepared himself for a sharp rebuke.
Finally the Commander was ready, "So, Jet, what in heaven's name happened out there?"
Jet averted his eyes downward for a second and answered, "The truth is, sir, that I made a bad judgment call which nearly cost me my life. After helping Chen replace a jammed excavator wheel, I calculated that I would have enough oxygen, including the emergency supply system, to quickly check the solar arrays before heading back to the Lunar Base."
"You are well aware of the protocol regarding the oxygen—why did you include the emergency supply in your calculation?" asked Miller.
Jet squirmed slightly in his seat and answered, "I wanted to check for damaged solar panels because I didn't have time on the previous day to perform this task. In consideration of the extra oxygen tank in Process One, I decided it was a reasonable risk to take."
The Commander narrowed his eyes slightly and looked doubtful. Jet lifted his chin and continued, "Of course, I had not counted on there being an explosion, which appears to have been arranged for my benefit!"
John Miller knew nothing about the explosion and was still thinking it to have been a meteorite. He reacted sharply, "For your benefit?"
"Yes, sir, for my benefit! Chen disco
vered a piece of metal that Timmy says is part of a receiving device for a trigger. Someone appears to have deliberately set up the explosion."
Miller was stunned for a second. He looked incredulously at Jet and said, "But who, in God's name, would do such a thing?"
Jet remaining calm answered, "We haven't a clue at this stage, but we have confirmed that there was no meteorite impact. Timmy Rose will confirm everything I am telling you."
The Commander was quiet for a moment. He then got out of his chair and moved to the office door, closing it. Turning around he said quietly, "This changes things and we will have to investigate the matter. However, I still need to prepare a report regarding your oxygen situation and your deliberate decision to disregard protocol."
"I fully understand that, sir. I am prepared to take responsibility for my actions, and I will make out a full report for your review."
John Miller looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully, "You do that, Jet! In the meantime we need to keep a lid on the news of this explosion. Let's call it meteorite damage for the time being, until we can establish the truth. I will speak to others involved and ask them to maintain silence on the matter."
"I understand, Commander," answered Jet, relieved that the worst was over. "I'll get together with Timmy and Chen to see if there's anything we've missed. We'll need to keep our eyes and ears open."
"Don't speak to anyone outside the group involved. We'll get to the bottom of this. I just don't know how explosive charges could have been brought from Earth to the Lunar Base without security picking it up," Miller said pensively.
Jet got up, moved to the door, and opened it. "I'll have my report on your desk tomorrow morning. I won't e-mail it in case there are inquisitive eyes watching."
"Good idea!" said Miller, leaning back in his chair.
Jet went to his room to remove his LCVG and put on casual wear. Thoughts regarding his narrow escape where whirling around in his head—he had come close to losing his life.
The Canteen was empty when he entered. Just as well, he thought to himself. I don't feel like company. A bite to eat and a few hours of solid sleep is all I need.
Chapter Eleven
A Clandestine Meeting
Monday July 13, 2026
12:00 noon
The weekend visit to Camilla's family had been a boring experience for Arthur Jackson. He was glad to get home to his world again. There were many important things pending and he had busied himself with paperwork until it was time to retire to bed. The discussion with Condor, heralding the move to the end of Phase One of Valkyrie, weighed heavily on his mind.
The following morning with breakfast over, Jackson bade farewell to Camilla and headed for the garage. He looked forward to spending a little time in D.C. There would be several hours to kill after the meeting with Wolverine—time he could spend with Sue, one of several attractive presidential assistants at the White House.
The clouds were gathering in the north area of the county as Jake watched the double garage door of the Jackson residence start its slow upward travel to reveal the rear of the Senator's Jaguar. Within a minute Senator Jackson's car, with its lone occupant, backed out of the garage and proceeded on its journey.
Jake had previously determined from the surveillance video, that Jackson would be meeting with someone code-named Wolverine that afternoon.
Fortunately for Jake, a wealthy woman had called the previous day to acquire his surveillance services. She suspected that her husband was cheating on her and offered to pay Jake's expenses. She shared some basic information about the haunts that her spouse frequented and the businesses he owned. With this promise of financial relief Jake gave his position some thought. He needed to follow Jackson the following morning to an unknown destination and was reluctant to use the old environmentally-challenged Mercedes. He immediately called a car rental and negotiated a low rate on a small two-door sedan for one day. For the purpose of tailing Jackson to his meeting the Mercedes would remain in its parking bay.
Jake had risen early the next morning, picked up the rental and made the trip to the Jackson residence where he parked under a tree, across the street from the mansion.
He waited ten seconds before moving off in pursuit of the Jag. The traffic was fairly heavy, burdened with the early morning commute to the city center—Jake kept a three-car distance from the Senator. He did not know where the rendezvous between Jackson and his contact would take place, but he had a suspicion that it would be in Washington, D.C.
Apart from a change in strategy and a mention of another name, Sammy Binks, there wasn't a great deal he could take from Jackson's conversation with Condor. Whatever form the main strategy was to take, it had to do with Valkyrie, a word that had cropped up in one of Jackson's previous communications. Jake made a mental note to do some basic research on the word.
Jackson appeared to be heading toward Washington, D.C. Whatever his destination, it would be a good place for a clandestine meeting, most likely a public park. The most important aspects of public parks were large open spaces, making it easy to spot the approach of unwanted company.
A snooping device, sensitive enough to listen in on conversations up to fifty yards distant was securely tied to Jake's abdomen under the tracksuit top he was wearing. He hoped to appear as a weary jogger resting on the lawn taking a breather while the device recorded the meeting on video. The tiny camcorder was situated on the left earpiece of the Walkman earphones. He would have to pick his spot carefully with the hope that Jackson and Wolverine did not sit too close to any noisy children or water fountains.
The Senator, with his car in auto-drive, gave instructions to the computer to park in an underground parking facility one block from Lafayette Square located on H Street just north of the White House. Jake followed the Jag into the area and parked close by.
Lafayette Square's seven-acre historical site housed many historical structures and had originally been called President's Park. It was officially renamed after the Marquis de Lafayette, a Frenchman who fought in the American Revolutionary War.
Jackson glanced at his watch and then proceeded to a nearby coffee shop, purchased a newspaper and a meat pie, then settled himself in a cubicle. At first Jake thought this might be the meeting place but it turned out that Jackson was simply killing time. At 12:30 p.m. he folded up the paper, exited the coffee shop, and walked toward Lafayette Square.
Jake, well versed in the art of tailing, followed at a distance, his baseball cap peek pulled low over his eyes. The Senator glanced once more at his watch and made for a bench, seeking the shade of an overhanging tree. He seated himself and removed his coat, draping it over the back of the bench, unfolded the newspaper, and began reading. Jake positioned himself about thirty yards away, sitting on the grass lawn under an adjacent tree, his arms folded around his knees.
He did not have long to wait. A tall, attractive woman in her early fifties came striding along, a take-out coffee in her hand. Jake knew he had seen her before. It would come to him—this must be Wolverine! She looked like a business woman escaping the pressures of the office, out for a brief walk through the Square. She headed for the bench where Jackson was sitting.
For a moment Jake was taken aback, thinking that the Senator might be having an affair. The woman, dressed in a dark gray suit and her short gray hair brushed neatly back to form a duck's tail, seemed an unlikely prospect for the Senator. They greeted each other with a nod. Jackson folded up the newspaper and set it down on the bench between them.
Jake donned the Walkman earphones and turned on the snooping device. The small video camcorder connected to the voice sensitive, directional microphone, focused in automatically on the couple while he appeared to gaze at the passing human traffic. The two voices filtered through clearly as he made an adjustment on the receiver strapped to his abdomen.
He listened intently as they spoke. Jackson revealed that he had contacted someone who went by the name of
Wolf, but apparently Wolf was not able to meet with them that day. In front of him, were two of the top players in the Valkyrie plan. That added one more name to the list—Wolverine, Condor, Wolf, Jackson and Binks. There was also someone else with the initials 'E.' The infamous group was growing.
Jake turned his attention back to the meeting and had a sudden revelation. He remembered where he had seen Wolverine before. It was on TV news the previous evening just prior to the breaking news about the loss of communication with the Lunar Base. She was being interviewed about budget constraints for the organization she was overseeing. Wolverine was none other than Mia Anderson, the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
After fifteen minutes the meeting came to an end. Jackson and Anderson both stood and said their goodbyes, each leaving with only a curt nod of the head. Jake waited until both were out of sight before he stood to begin the walk to the parking area and the trip back to Baltimore.
Later that afternoon he dropped the rental off and walked back to his office.
The National Security Council and the OLF
Monday, July 13, 2026
6:10 p.m.
It was 6:10 p.m. at the White House. The President and his Chief of Staff were huddled together in deep discussion regarding the issues the administration now faced. Decisions regarding the information to be fed to the National Security Council in the upcoming meeting took preeminence. At 6:30 p.m. that evening, the National Security Council convened for the second time. The Oval office couches and coffee table had again been removed to make place for the chairs. The Council members were all seated, solemnly awaiting the President's attention. The President welcomed everyone to the meeting. He looked around the room, adjusting his tie for the third time.
"Ladies and gentlemen, late yesterday I received a brief from a group calling itself the Oil Liberation Front informing me that they have hijacked the Cerberus Satellite System. They also said they would issue a statement regarding their rationale for doing this. This morning I received their demands."