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Sublime Vanity

Page 7

by Dana Arden

  Emerson pipes in. “Yep. I need to make sure Peppa has eaten and had her hair brushed.”

  “I just want Razz.” Xander croaks out.

  “I know, so do I.” I release them both as my mom takes them both in her arms and I watch as the tears spill down her cheeks. These two are her grandchildren by every means.

  When momma gets herself together, she sits in front of Emerson and Xander Indian-style. “I’m going to spend the night with y’all and then in the morning, we’re going to eat breakfast and wait for Trigger to come and get y’all.” Smiles replace frowns and then Nicole is saddling up to us. Mom hugs the kids again. “Y’all go on with Nicole and I’ll be there in a couple of hours. Be good.” They nod and each takes one of Nicole’s hands. Emerson looks over her shoulder at me and gives me a smile that lightens some of the darkness that has filtered through lately. I watch as they walk out the door.

  Looking at the clock behind the bar, I realize Sadie’s meant to arrive in ten minutes, so I head back towards Church. I have no desire to be her welcoming party.

  I sit against the wall facing the door expectedly. My brothers slowly filter in. Beanie, Buzzard and Toby are the last to file in and by the look on their faces, their trip to Pine Lake wasn’t promising. Beanie makes eye contact with me and shakes his head. My head automatically bows.

  Hands squeeze both my shoulders. I look over one side to the other. Banshee and Poison have decided to stand behind me to show their support. It’s not warranted but it’s appreciated. I give them both chin lifts as a greeting.

  Sadie arrives promptly prancing into Church as if she owns the Chaotic’s as Benny walks behind her. She sits to the left of my dad where Marc would normally sit. I’m sure even if she knew the disrespect she was showing our VP right now she wouldn’t care. Her eyes never leave mine and the condescending expression on her face has my simmering blood boiling once again.

  Before any of us can start this discussion, she begins. “Let’s get down to business. Trigger and I will be moving into Razz’s farmhouse as of tonight. We will be getting married within the week.” Man, this bitch is crazy if she thinks I’d tie myself to her. “He’ll adopt Lyla and if the baby I’m carrying isn’t his, he’ll claim it as his own. He’ll raise the two brats on his own. He’ll pay for everything; bills, groceries, anything my heart desires. When I get bored with him, we’ll remain married and he’ll look the other way when I decide to do who or what I want.” She looks around the table and her eyes land behind me to Banshee. Her face pales and I look over my shoulder to see Banshee’s jaw clenching. “Any questions.” She adds snidely.

  “I have some questions.” A feminine voice says sarcastically. Taking my gaze from Sadie I turn towards the new arrival and my heart begins to beat rapidly in my chest and I can’t control the dampness from invading my skin.


  Chapter 18


  I had no intention of coming to the Chaotic’s clubhouse today until I got word that Sadie was using her exploit of me on Trigger. The she-devil has used up every last bit of patience I own and it’s time for her to realize that with me she’s never had the upper hand.

  I strolled into this room with my figurative guns blazing and my focal point was Sadie. Watching her blanch when she noticed Reggie and Pyro on each side of me was priceless. As much as I wanted to seek out Trigger, I knew that one look from him would change my focus. This is all about her. This is about getting her to realize she’s at the bottom of the totem pole.

  I came prepared, paperwork and all.

  “How do you plan to accomplish this long list of demands while you’re admitted to a looney bin?” I ask and watch as Sadie’s face scrunches up in confusion. “You have no clue who you’ve been dealing with for years. Each and every person in this room knows all about Serafina Breaux.” Here face pales and her eyes go blank. “See since the day you cornered me and threatened to turn everyone against me, I’ve had an eye on you. I’ve had you followed and photographed. I know all of your comings and goings in Cumming.”

  “I’ll have you arrested for stalking.” Sadie purrs as she gets some of her composure back.

  I chuckle. “Have fun with that. It seems your favorite Sheriff’s deputy has been released of his duties.”

  “Never.” She screeches.

  “Yep, it seems that after a little digging into his life and making sure that the information got into the right hands, Goober was no longer needed. But you know what the icing on the cake is?” I question as I slink around to Rudy’s side and pull a sheet of paper out of my back pocket. Setting it in front of her, I wait for the reaction I want and I get it as she crumples the paper in her fist and throws it with a scream. “That’s right! You can’t marry Trigger today, tomorrow or even next week because I’m married to him.” Gasps and chuckles fill the quiet space. “See apparently Pastor Glenn knew that regardless of what your sinning ass did that Trigger and I’d always be together.”

  “This isn’t over.” She yells and tries to get up. I give Reggie a chin lift and he shoves her back in the seat by her shoulders.

  “You are correct. This isn’t over because I’m not done talking. Now, when it comes to the baby you’re carrying. When the baby is born, a DNA test will be requested before you start pushing. If the child is Trigger’s, you will sign over all your rights. If the child isn’t Trigger’s and you have no clue who the father is, you will put that baby up for adoption so that it can have a better life than being your meal ticket.” Sadie shakes her head fiercely.

  The clearing of a throat has me looking to Banshee who looks like he’s ready to rip someone’s head off. “I need to be on that list for DNA tests.” My mouth drops open. How the fuck did this happen? He holds up his hands to stop me. “I had a little rendezvous with Sera,” he points to Sadie, “a few months back.” He shakes his head. “I guess I should be honored that at least I got a portion of her given name instead of a lie.”

  “Well, think of yourself as added.” I whisper and continue with Sadie, Sera, Serafina, Sophia or whoever the fuck she is at this moment. “Once everything is handled with the baby, you will voluntarily sign yourself in to the Emory Psychiatric Facility in Atlanta where you will remain until it is seen fit that you’re able to live a suitable life outside of that building.”

  “No, no, no! That will not be happening.” Sadie shrieks. “I’m a millionaire now. I can pay anyone to get what I want.”

  I shake my head and giggle. “You are the stupidest bitch I’ve ever met. That little notification you got saying you had been transferred my money was as bogus as you being a genuine person. My friend, Rose, hacked your account and staged the money long enough for your dumbass to believe.”

  “You bitch. You’re ruining my life.” She screams.

  “No, Sadie, you did that all on your own by underestimating me.” I tap my index finger on my chin as if in deep thought. “Now, where was I? Oh, right! If you decide not to follow everything that has been laid at your feet today my friend over there,” I point to Mad Dog, “will personally be carting your ass off to prison.”

  “You don’t have any evidence to get me charged with shit.”

  “Ah, but you’re so wrong. Let’s see what I’ve got on you so far. You’ve skimmed money from Dani’s bar and Mrs. Johnson in Tennessee. I have the security footage from the pawn shop where you sold Queenie’s jewelry. I’ve been working with Ruth and Eileen about your false accusations against me. Might I add that Ruth doesn’t think highly of people who try to fuck with the kids she helps. Not a smooth move there, Sadie. What else is there? Oh right, you had me kidnapped by the Blue Enigma and then tried to have me killed. Have I missed anything? I’m sure I have, but that will do for now.”

  “You have no proof that I had anything to do with your kidnapping.” She purrs.

  I motion for Pyro, Reggie’s righthand man. He steps close to Sadie with his cell. Sadie’s conversations with Reggie arranging my kidnapping and not wanting me to
leave the Blue Enigma’s compound alive play clearly.

  When the recording ends, Sadie is shaking violently. “You drowned in the lake.” She jabs her finger in my direction. “I watched you go into the water.”

  I laugh maliciously. “It’s amazing what a cut rope and a quick splash around in the water can get accomplished. We knew,” I motion to Reggie and Pyro, “that you’d never know the difference between panicked drowning and a person splashing around, and we were right. So Sadie, what’s it going to be? Your choices are baby being born then psych facility or jail time now and for the next twenty years or so.”

  “Fine.” She slams the palm of her hand on the table. “I’ll go to the facility after the baby is born.”

  “Oh, I forgot. While you’re waiting, you’ll stay here at the Chaotic’s as they watch you until you go into labor. There won’t be a moment when you aren’t supervised. I hope you enjoy being watched as you take a shit.” I laugh.

  “This is fucking insane.” She’s screeching again. “You can’t do this to me.” She faces Trigger. “Trigger, baby.” She coos. “You can’t let her do this to me, to our baby. Please Trigger. I’ll do anything.”

  Trigger chuckles. “Sadie or Serafina, whatever your fucking name is, I don’t give a flying shit what happens to you and the only reason that you’re still left without a scratch is because you’re pregnant. You’ll do as she says or we’ll have your chariot with lights and sirens waiting for you in the parking lot.” God I want to wrap myself around him.

  “Whatever.” She sniffs.

  Rudy slams the gavel making her jump. “Alright boys, let’s get her acquainted with her new living situation.” Benny and Toby lift Sadie up by her elbows and escort her out of the room. “I gotta say, Razz, you kind of scared the shit out of me a little. Who’d of thought you’d be so vindictive and you’re my daughter-in-law. Fuck, I thought I was screwed with Dani and Greer as family but y’all compliment each other and we’re in a world of hurt if we ever cross y’all.”

  The room erupts in cheers and I’m once again surrounded by my MC family.

  Trigger moves around the table and yanks me into his arms crashing his lips to mine. He pulls away an inch and his tongue smooths along my bottom lip making me moan. His tongue enters and dances with my own. As the kiss deepens, everything around us fades away. He releases my lips and I let out a groan. He chuckles. “As much as I want to devour you, I think it’d be best if we put some ice on it and save the heat for later.”

  “Promises, promises.” I cluck into his chest as I bury my face.

  Rudy brings the room back to attention. “So since Razz has apparently gotten this all figured out let’s sit and hear what she’s got to say.”

  Trigger takes my hand and leads me to the seat he just vacated. He sits and I plop into his lap. He wraps his arms tightly around me as though I’m going to vanish any second.

  Everyone settles and looks to me expectantly. “Well, I plan to make an appointment with my doctor to get her seen as well as an ultrasound that gives us a better timeline.” I look for Banshee in the room. When I spot him, I lift my chin at him. “Banshee, if you’d like to go to the appointment I can let you know the date and time.” He nods. “Also, she’s going to need to be watched closely. She’s spiteful enough to go to any and all extremes to get what she wants, so everyone who is in her presences needs to understand that she can manipulate them.” I receive a few grunts. “Our number one priority is to make sure that the baby is taken care of. If she starts rebelling by not eating or drinking, I know a couple of nurses and doctors at the hospital that’ll have no problem admitting her.”

  Rudy shakes his head in disgust. “Do you think she’ll actually resort to that?”

  “This is Sadie, Rudy. The baby she’s carrying isn’t a gift to her. It’s an accessory to get what she wants. Look at Lyla. She used her pregnancy to work over Dani and then when Lyla was older and not as effective she disappeared and dropped her off at her dad’s who doesn’t even know Lyla.”

  Dani nods. “Yeah. Mr. Breaux and Lyla should be here some time tomorrow. He’s beside himself with everything we’ve told him.”

  “This isn’t some overnight mental break for her. She’s been this way since she was younger. She’s learned and advanced her methods over the years.” I point at the door. “She’s probably in that room scheming. She’s pulling at every string she can think of. She’s not done causing trouble that I can guarantee, so if y’all can’t handle her here I’ll find other avenues to keep her ass under lock and key.”

  Rudy shakes his head again. “That won’t be necessary. We’ve got this until the end. I want to make sure my family is protected and having her here with us keeping an eye on her is the only way we can accomplish that.”

  “I agree. Goober might be an issue if he finds out who was behind his resignation. I called Jimmy on the way here and he’s going to keep an eye on him, but Goober’s slick.”

  Banshee leans his back on the wall and drags his hand over his face with Poison at his side. “This is such bullshit.” He grits. “Trigger, I’m sorry brother. I had no clue who she was.” He motions to Poison. “We had a run to Shreveport and stayed a couple of days. I just figured she was a barfly. I’d never poach.”

  Trigger’s hand caresses the exposed skin of my stomach. “There’s no hard feelings. I swear. Any and every thing I hear about her now would’ve been a shock a few months ago, but not now. Now, everything just seems to filter in one ear and out the other. If anything, I’m sorry you got caught up in her bullshit.” Banshee nods.

  “Well,” I sigh, “I’ve had a rough couple of days. I’ve been kidnapped, drown and come back to life. I’d like to go home.”

  Rudy chuckles. “Sure, but first I’d like to talk to Reggie.” He turns his attention to Reggie who’s staring at me with uncertainty in his eyes. I lift my chin to him and he relaxes. He turns his head toward Rudy and nods. “How do you mix in all of this?”

  Reggie coughs to clear his throat. “Four years ago I got arrested on drug charges. While I was in, my family hit a rough patch and Razz helped them get settled. She’s been apart of their life ever since and I can’t say I was happy to see her when I got out, but she’s never judged us and has become an extension of my family.” He faces Trigger. “You’ve got a good woman, man. There aren’t many that’d help the lowlifes and their families.” I blink rapidly to fight off the tears. “She’s irreplaceable. I know that if anything every happen to me or the Blue Enigma she’d have my family’s back.” I feel Trigger bob his head behind me. “Anyway, a couple of years ago Sadie approached me and told me she could get information on the Chaotic’s that we could use so we could sell in Cumming. I went with it because we needed the funds. A week later Sadie showed up with a folder with substantial information, but low and behold Razz shows up without a worry in the world and sets my ass straight.” He laughs. “She convinced us that there were other opportunities for us and helped us get a few lucrative ventures up and running. Then, last week, Sadie appeared at the house wanting to take Razz out of the picture for good, so I got up with Razz and let her decide how everything went down.”

  I giggle. “Now fast forward to today and you know the rest.”

  “I don’t want there to be an issue between the Chaotic’s and the Blue Enigma.” Rudy states firmly and stands with his hand stretched out towards Reggie. I watch as the leader of the Blue Enigma and the President of the Chaotic’s shake in confirmation.

  “As long as Razz is involved and taken care of, there will be no issues.” Reggie replies.

  Trigger grips me tightly and stands setting me on my feet reaching his hand out to Reggie. “She’ll be well taken care of. You don’t have to worry.” They shake and release hands. “If that’s all for now, I’d like to take my wife home.” As fast as lightening, I find myself staring at Trigger’s ass with my body bouncing with every step as he takes me out of the Clubhouse with our family laughing and hooting in our departur

  Fucking caveman, throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  Chapter 19


  Setting Razz on the back of my bike and feeling her wrapped around my back with her tits pressed tightly against my back is a feeling I don’t ever want to lose. The ride to the house seems to take longer than ten minutes and as soon as the door is shut behind me, I attack.

  I’m desperate for her. My cock has been pulsing against my jeans since the moment she walked into Church. “I need you.” I groan into her ear.

  “You’ve got me.” She moans as I lift her and carry her over to the front of the couch.

  We make quick work of our clothes. I turn her to face the couch. “Bend over and spread your legs for me.” I demand and she does. I run the palm of my hand from the curve of her ass to the nape of her neck as I tighten my fist in her hair tugging slightly. “This is going to be fast and hard, baby. I can do slow and steady later, but right now I need you too bad.”

  She looks over her shoulder with hooded eyes. “Then fuck me Trigger like you own me.”

  That’s all I need as I position the head of my cock at her entrance and slam home. Her back bows as I hit her depths with a drawn out moan. I release her hair and grip her hips as I place my right leg over hers and put my foot on the couch to get a deeper angle. Pulling and pushing her hips back and forth as I thrust in and out of her, her pussy clenches around me. I groan as her pussy tightens and vibrates around my cock.

  I grind my pelvis against her ass as I lean forward and grip her hair once again pulling back and nipping her earlobe. “I’ve missed you and your tight cunt. I’m never letting you go again.” I grit out. “I don’t care if we think it’s what’s best. You’re mine.” I growl pulling my hips back and crashing back into her slick heat.


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