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Your Tempting Love (The Bennett Family)

Page 21

by Layla Hagen

  I'm about to tell them that I'll gladly pay for a vanity table before building one when

  Sienna continues. "I bought all the parts, and we have the instructions, but neither of us knows how to build stuff. Victoria told us you built the gazebo for your parents, so—"

  "Let's get started.”


  An hour later, we're knee-deep in glue, nails, and wood bits. We moved to the living room because Lucas's bedroom is too small for this ‘science project’. Sienna and I do most of the work, and I'd be twice as fast if I weren't looking at Lucas every few minutes, making sure he's not gluing together his own fingers or something. It was easy to find Chloe a job. I told her no gift is complete without a handmade card, and now she's furiously drawing one. But Lucas insisted he wanted to help, and gluing was the safest task I could find for him.

  "How are we doing with the time?" I ask.

  "Two hours to go until Victoria said she'll be back," Sienna replies, frowning in concentration.

  "Okay. Plenty of time to finish this."

  We focus on the vanity table for the next hour, exchanging instructions and trying not to mess anything up.

  "Just so I'm prepared, do you guys want to build Victoria something for Christmas too?" I ask.

  "We haven't thought about that yet," Sienna replies. "We still have two weeks." Chloe finishes her card, which she insists features a phoenix bird. All I see is a red mess. If I squint, it almost looks like a butterfly. But I smile and nod because I'm not a heartless bastard. Chloe proceeds to draw a second card—this one with unicorns—so Victoria can choose her favorite. Lucas has finished gluing everything there was to glue, so now he just hovers around, eyeing the hammer hopefully.

  Nope. Not gonna happen. Not on my watch.

  "Buddy, why don't you go outside and practice until Victoria comes back? Sienna and I have this covered."

  Ah, I can practically see the two thoughts warring in his mind. On the one hand, he wants to be part of this; on the other, the soccer call is strong.

  "You have to practice if you want to be the star of the team," I insist, and his resolve breaks. With one nod, he's out the door.

  Great. Potential disaster handled.

  For the next hour, I'm doing most of the work because Sienna stops often, typing furiously on her phone.

  "Is that Victoria?" I ask.

  "Nah, it's Ben."

  I turn in her direction so fast I swear my head snaps. Who the fuck is Ben? I take a few seconds to calm down, trying to remember how it was to be that age. I remember two things. One, I hated adults meddling in my business. Two, groping girls was high on my priority list.

  I already hate Ben.

  "Who is Ben?" I ask her in as calm as a tone as I can muster.

  "A guy from school. We're working on a biology project together."

  Over my dead fucking body.

  "And Victoria is okay with this?" I ask, even more calmly. Predictably, she shoots daggers with her eyes at me.

  "Yes, yes she is."

  Well, Victoria has never been a seventeen-year-old boy. I'll have a word with her when she returns. Why can't girls start dating only after they graduate college? That's about the time men start thinking with their brain, not their cock. I don't insist on the topic, instead focusing on my work.

  "You're cool for hanging out with us today, by the way. And thank you for helping us build this."

  We finish a while later, but instead of sitting back and enjoying the result, we realize the living room looks like it's been a war zone, with bits and pieces scattered everywhere.

  "Sienna, can you bring a trash bag? Chloe and I will start cleaning up."


  Chloe shoves the new card under my nose just as Sienna leaves the room.

  "Do you like the unicorn?" she asks. I'm on my knees next to her, inspecting the card.

  "Yeah. It looks…." Not like a unicorn is what I want to say, but hey, at least it has four legs. "Well done."

  Unexpectedly, she throws her little arms around my neck in a hug. "You're the bestest, Christopher. Thank you for helping us build the vanity table."

  "No slacking allowed," Sienna says, having returned with a trash bag. "Come on."

  We barely start cleaning up when Lucas bursts through the front door.

  "Victoria's car is pulling in," he announces.



  When I return home, I'm bone-tired, but at least the day was a success, and I signed a new client. Now I have my birthday and the entire weekend stretching out, which I get to spend with my family and a wonderful man. What more could I ask for?

  When I enter the house, the sound of hushed voices coming from the living room alerts me to some possible wrongdoings. Standing in the foyer, I strain my ears trying to make out individual words, but fail.

  "I'm here," I say unnecessarily; if they haven't seen my car, they heard me open the front door. The whispering doesn't stop, nor do they greet me back. Oh boy. That's never a good omen. Gathering my courage, I head for the living room and do a double take.

  What on earth?

  There are bits of wood and colorful paper scattered around the living room. By the bulging trash bag, I assume there was even more lying around before. Sienna and Lucas freeze when they see me. Chloe smiles brightly, and Christopher has the distinct look of someone being caught during mischief. The three of them are standing in a straight line, so close you'd think they’re glued to each other, or trying to hide something.

  "I made you two cards," Chloe says, running toward me. "One is with a unicorn, one with a phoenix. Which one do you want?"

  Stunned, I take both cards from Chloe—neither even remotely resembles a phoenix or a unicorn—and lower myself to her level, then kiss her forehead. "Thank you, pumpkin, I'll take both."

  "We saw all your pictures of the vanity table in your office and wanted to surprise you," Sienna says. In unison, she and the boys step to the side, revealing a vanity table, which looks suspiciously like the one I have been desperately searching for… for a client.

  "Do you like it?" Christopher asks, and I swear the four of them are holding their breath. And you're not telling the four people you love more than anything on this earth, who've spent hours working on this, that you were looking at it for a client. Nope, I'll take the secret to my grave.

  "I love it." It's not even a lie; the only problem is that I have no need for one. I'll remedy that as soon as possible. "Thank you."

  "We were going to clean up before you arrived," Sienna explains, "but we got carried away."

  "We'll do it together," I say, hugging each of them. When Christopher's arm hooks around my waist, I can't help but melt into him, wishing we could stay like this for hours.


  Rain starts pouring shortly after lunch, confining us to the house. Lucas and Chloe are taking a nap, the excitement of the morning clearly having worn them out, while Sienna's on the porch, talking to Ben on the phone. I have to start working on the festive dinner I have in mind for tonight soon, but there’s still time.

  Christopher and I are alone, and as he shuts the door to the living room, I'm convinced he's preparing for an hour-long cuddling session. But then he says, with no traces of his usual good humor, "We need to talk."

  I sit up straighter on the ottoman, my stomach coiling instantly. "What's going on?"

  "What do you know about Ben?"

  I squint, sure I must have misheard him. "How do you know about Ben?"

  Christopher paces around the room, jamming his hands inside his pocket. "Sienna was texting him constantly while we were building your vanity table."


  "She said you allowed them to do work on a project together."

  "I did."

  He opens his jaw, stopping midstride. Then he throws his hands up in the air like I just announced I'm planning to run the marathon naked or something. "Are you insane?"


  "Do you k
now what all seventeen-year-old boys have on their mind?"

  "I've dated seventeen-year-old boys. I know very well. I know Ben. He's nice, and he's one of her closest friends and her lab partner. They often work together."

  "You might not know this, but working on a project together is usually code for making out at their age."

  I can barely keep back my laughter as I watch him. He's all but breathing fire out of his nostrils.

  "I know for a fact it's not the case. I'm very close to Sienna, and she tells me everything."

  "When can I meet him?" Christopher barks, resuming his pacing. His features have softened a little—but very little.

  "Judging by your lunatic reaction, never." I try to work severity into my voice, but utterly fail because all this shows me is how much he cares. Decisively, his caveman tendencies are hot, not annoying. And in this moment, I know I've fallen in love with this man. The realization is humbling and exhilarating at the same time.

  "I don't get it," Christopher says, snapping me back to our conversation.

  "As a general rule, if you tell a teenager not to do something too often, they'll rebel against you. I'm saving my nos for situations that will truly require it. As I said before, know Ben, and he's trustworthy. They only meet here anyway, and usually sit in the kitchen or the living room. If they're in her bedroom, she knows she must leave the door open all the time."

  "And she's okay with that?"


  He huffs something along the lines of “I'll believe it when I see it” and “I still don't trust a seventeen-year-old boy.”

  I can't hold back any longer. With a grin, I cross the room and lace my arms around his neck. "You losing your shit about Sienna and Ben is the most adorable thing you've done so far, Bennett." Including building me a beautiful vanity table I don't need. Leaning in, I inhale his delicious scent. I will forever associate pine and mint with him.

  "I was a seventeen-year-old, and I know what's on their mind," he repeats.

  "Ben's trustworthy. You don't have to judge anyone by your appalling standards, you know."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "That you use every opportunity to feel me up."

  "I was under the impression that you were enjoying it."

  "Never said I didn't, but that doesn't make you less of an opportunist."

  "I see. So when you ask me to kiss you, I should just be a gentleman and keep my distance."

  "Now you're twisting my words. That's not what I meant. Can I tell you a secret?"

  "Do tell." He feathers his lips at the nape of my neck, turning my skin to gooseflesh.

  "Sometimes when you're asleep in the morning, I kiss all around your chest and shoulders."

  "Confession time? I know."

  "What?" I jerk my head back, heat rising up my cheeks. "How?"

  "Because I'm a light sleeper, so I wake up as soon as your precious mouth touches me."

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "And deprive myself of the constant proof of how much you worship my body? No way."

  In response, I simply pinch his arm. This does not deter him from teasing me in the slightest.

  "So, since we established you kiss me when you think I'm asleep, who's the opportunist now?"

  Looping an arm around my waist, he flattens me to him, sliding his hand further down.

  "Since you're currently groping my ass, I think that means it's still you."

  "You're too sassy for your own good. So, since I fessed up about knowing about your morning shenanigans, can I give you some tips? There are some parts of me you have thoroughly neglected."

  "Really," I challenge, resting my hands on his shoulder. "And what would those be?"

  He wiggles his eyebrows. "You have three guesses."

  "You're impossible."

  "Wrong choice of words. If you want to receive your present tonight, I suggest you play along."

  This gives me pause. "You just gave me my present."

  "No, that was all the kids. I just helped them build it." Something on my expression gives me away, because the next thing I know, Christopher lets go of me, stepping back. "Did you really want a vanity table?”

  Oh hell, I don't want to lie to him, but I also don't want to come across as ungrateful. I weigh the pros and cons of each course of action in my mind and ultimately go for honesty.

  "No, all those pictures were for research. For a client."

  "Damn it, I had a feeling."

  "I shouldn't have told you." Biting my lip, I add, "But it was really nice of you to build it."

  "Telling me is a good idea. I'm a big proponent of honesty. Pain now saves pain later. Otherwise, you could set yourself up for a lifetime of bad presents."

  I try very hard not to swoon at the word “lifetime,” but I swoon anyway. I chastise myself, because he could have been referring to a lifetime of bad presents from the kids.

  He hauls me up against him, kissing the tip of my nose, making me swoon again. Pinching my lips together, I hold back the love declaration threatening to spill out of me. Despite everything, I don't know if he's there yet, and I don't want to scare him off, or for him to feel pressured.

  I really hope he's there too, because the feeling of having his arms wrapped around me, and his warm breath on my neck? I don't want to be without it ever again.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Preparing the birthday dinner is a wild affair. The arguments start the second Victoria announces she'll start cooking—alone. Sienna makes the case that the birthday girl must be spoiled. Victoria stubbornly holds her ground, refusing to let Sienna and me cook or order food. That's when I step in and save the day, if I do say so myself. I pull her into an empty room, kiss her thoroughly, and let her know she won't receive my present unless she relents. No one said saving the day couldn’t involve playing dirty.

  Victoria agrees, with the caveat that she help too. I give in. I think it's called a compromise. Of course, once we start working, Lucas and Chloe poke their heads in the kitchen, insisting they want to help too, eyeing the set of knives on the counter while practically salivating at the idea of chopping vegetables… or fingers. I toy with the idea of giving them something benign to do, like I did when we were building the vanity table, but the damn kitchen is a death trap.

  In the end, Victoria offers to watch a movie with Lucas and Chloe, effectively leaving the kitchen to Sienna and me. You'd think we planned this. Judging by the smug look on Sienna's face, she might have.

  "Did you put Chloe and Lucas up to this?" I ask.

  She shrugs, retrieving the ingredients out of the fridge. "It was their idea to help. I just told them to focus on the knives excessively."

  "When did you talk to them?"

  "When you pulled Victoria away to talk to her alone, I’m pretty sure that talking included ‘doing the kissing.’" She imitates Chloe to perfection.

  "I'm impressed."

  Two hours later, the guests arrive: their Aunt Christina, her husband Bill, and their kids. Christina sizes me up, and I can tell dinner will be a test, but I'm confident I'll pass. We first enjoy the roast beef with herb crust, alongside caramelized shallots and mushrooms that Sienna and I cooked, then the cake that was delivered from Alice's restaurant. By the time the guests leave, it's almost midnight.

  "Where's my present?" Victoria asks afterward, once Sienna has taken Chloe upstairs to prepare her for bed and Lucas is in his room. "And I swear if you just made it up to convince me earlier, you'd better improvise fast."

  "I didn't make it up," I assure her.

  "What did you get me?"

  "You'll see."

  Just as Victoria opens her mouth, Chloe steps inside, clutching her old fairytale book to her chest. Ah, so tonight will be a reading night. A few times a week, she asks Victoria to read to her until she falls asleep.

  "I'll be right up to read, sweetheart," Victoria says.

  "Can Christopher read my story toni
ght?" Chloe asks, bouncing back and forth on her toes. This is the first time she's asked this. Victoria lets out a loud breath, and it takes me a second to realize she's interpreting my silence as hesitation.

  "Sure, I'll do it," I say. “It would be an honor, Chloe.”

  Chloe takes my hand, leading me out of the living room and up the staircase, then down a narrow hallway. Her room is all the way to the back.

  "Do you like my room?" she asks shyly as we walk in, pink assaulting my eyes from every direction.

  "It suits you," I reply.

  She points toward the big beanbag opposite her bed, saying, "Victoria usually is there when she reads to me."

  "Beanbag's mine, then." Grabbing the book from Chloe's hand, I plop myself on the surprisingly comfortable seat. "What do you want me to read to you?"

  Climbing in her bed, Chloe pulls her brows together. "Cinderella. It's my favorite one."

  The book cracks open at the page where Cinderella starts, which means it’s been opened at this exact place numerous times before. In fact, this book is coming apart at the seams.

  "Why don't you buy another book?" I ask. "This one's going to fall apart soon."

  "It was Mom's," Chloe says in a small voice, hugging her pillow. "She had it from her Mom."

  "Ah, a family heirloom." I rack my brain to come up with something funny to say to cheer her up, but I draw blank.

  "When Victoria reads to me, I sometimes imagine Mom's reading," Chloe continues. "Now I can imagine Dad's doing it."

  Her voice is hopeful, almost cheerful, but I feel like someone just stabbed me. This little girl is climbing in my heart, taking permanent residence there. Jesus. No one should lose their parents, much less at her age.

  Chloe falls asleep midway through the story. I place the book on her nightstand, then leave the room carefully without making noise.



  Pacing my room/office, I'm on pins and needles as I wait for Christopher to join me. I all but melted when Chloe asked him to read her bedtime story. My little girl has completely let him in her heart, as have I.


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