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Poseidon (The God Chronicles)

Page 16

by Solomon, Kamery

  The Gods behind her all looked to be in shock as well, not moving an inch as I came forward.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked in confusion.

  Suddenly, Zeus ran forward, throwing off his fur cape and barreling into the river. He swam right for me, an unknown expression on his face.

  I didn’t know what to do, so I froze as well. Had I done something wrong?

  When he reached me, he kept on going, zipping past me with abnormal speed. I turned to watch him and my heart caught in my throat.

  Sy was in the water, but not like I’d seen him before. He was actually there, being grabbed up by his brother.

  “Sy!” I cried out, the ground shaking a tiny bit.

  I hurried to him the best I could, pushing through the water. Frustration pulled at me as I sunk into the mud. Willing myself faster, I somehow managed to create a small wave that pushed me forward.

  I wrapped my arms around him as soon as I was close enough, taking him from Zeus. With another push, we were all on the shore, crowded around a God who should be dead.

  “Is he alive?” I asked fearfully.

  “He has to be,” Zeus said. “If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t be here.”

  My eyes swept over Sy, looking for the injuries I’d seen him leave with. His skin was smooth and unscarred, like it had never been touched by anything.

  “I don’t understand,” I said. “I saw him get stabbed in the heart. He was dying in my arms.”

  “I don’t know how to explain this either,” Karly said, looking at Zeus.

  “The water from this river is the only thing that can kill us when attached to a weapon,” Zeus said, looking up from Sy. “But it’s also the thing that can save us from that. I’m not sure how he ended up here though.”

  The wheels in my head started to turn as I thought about what could have happened.

  “Gods can magically appear anywhere, right?” I asked.

  “Not in here,” Hades said from behind Karly. “They have to come through the gate.”

  Sy’s eyes started to flutter and Zeus held everyone back, trying to let him have some space. When I finally saw the blue pupils staring up at everyone, I started crying in earnest and laughing, each wave hitting me harder and harder.

  “Audrey,” Sy said, his gaze finally resting on me. “You found me.”

  I fell to the ground next to him and buried myself into his side.

  “It’s okay,” he said, wrapping his arm around me and stroking my hair. “I’m okay.”

  “What happened?” Zeus asked, grasping his brother by the hand.

  “I knew if I could get here I would live,” Sy said simply. “But I didn’t know if I would make it. I gave Audrey my powers and kept enough for myself to make the journey. I knew you’d ask her to take my place and she would find me here. It didn’t seem likely that anyone else would recognize me floating around out there.”

  “How did you get here though?” Hades butted in.

  “All water is connected,” Sy said. “I just had to tell the current where to take me.”

  “That would explain how Amphitrite ended up with the dagger in the first place,” Karly said, nodding. “She was part of the sea. She had the power with her all along.”

  “You’re beautiful,” Sy said softly to me, pushing the hair from my face.

  I cried harder, unable to stop the torrent of emotions slapping me in the face.

  “Oh no,” he laughed. “It’s hard to handle, I know. You’ll get used to it though.”

  “I’m so happy you’re alive,” I cried.

  “Me too,” he laughed, hugging me tighter. “It is weird to not have all my powers though. I’ve never seen this place without them. It’s kind of boring. I’m a little thrown off not being able to see anyone either.”

  “Take them back,” I said, sniffling. “They’re yours.”

  “He can’t,” Zeus said. “They’re yours forever now.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “You can’t pass on your powers unless you’re dying,” Sy said softly. “And we don’t want that ever happening.”

  “What will we do then?” I asked. “You can’t be the God of the ocean without your powers.”

  “I’ve thought about that, too,” Sy said.

  He stood up, pulling me with him. Our hands remained intertwined the entire time—I didn’t ever want to let go of him again.

  “Amphitrite had gained the same power as me during my absence. She is dead now, which means that power is floating around, unclaimed. I request it be given to me.”

  Sy waited patiently for Zeus to reply, no emotions of any kind on his face.

  “Of course I’ll give it to you!” Zeus yelled with a laugh, clapping him on the shoulder. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Fresh tears of happiness rolled down my checks and I laughed, feeling like I was on the worst PMS rollercoaster of my life.

  “Come with me,” Zeus directed, motioning us back to the spot where I’d just been kneeling, accepting the title of Goddess.

  Sy followed without question, taking the same spot I had. I stayed back by Karly, sobbing into my hand.

  Zeus donned his cape again and stood at the water’s edge, facing the crowd. Lightning flashed above us, hitting him square in the hand and leaving a mighty sword in his grip.

  “Wow,” I whispered.

  “He’s a show off,” Karly giggled.

  The power ceremony turned out to be much like what I thought a knighting ceremony would be. I knew exactly when Sy’s power was restored because his aura changed, turning a light blue color that moved much like ocean waves.

  “Welcome back, Brother,” Zeus said when it was finished, pulling Sy into a hug.

  Hades hugged him next, a tight smile on his face. Something told me he had missed his brother, but would never admit it to anyone. I knew better though—I’d seen the look on his face when he told us Sy was dying.

  Sy turned to me after nodding to his brothers and I ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck.

  “I love you,” I said with a teary smile.

  “I love you, too.”

  His lips crushed against mine, our breath mingling together. My heart sang to be with him again, feeling like it might explode from all the happiness I’d gained over the past hour.

  “All right, save it for the honeymoon!” Zeus called, laughing loudly as he took his own wife by the hand.

  “Honeymoon,” I giggled, kissing Sy again quickly.

  “Why not?” Sy laughed. “It could happen.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “I don’t think your brother’s clothes suit you,” I said with a giggle as Sy came out from behind the screen he’d been changing behind.

  “What do you mean?” he faking surprise. “I think I look good in gold. The lightning bolt is a nice touch, very—uh—otherworldly, if you will.”

  “You look like you’re drowning in them,” I laughed.

  “Hey! I’m just as big as Zeus. I’ve even been known to be stronger than him at times.”

  “Keep dreaming,” Zeus snorted, entering from the adjoining room.

  “You know it’s true, little brother.”

  “Don’t think just because you came back from the dead today you can beat me in any way,” Zeus warned. “I won’t hold back one bit.”

  “Boys,” Karly griped to me with grin as she entered behind her husband. “Always trying to outdo each other.”

  “Always,” I agreed, smiling widely.

  I was surprised to find that I felt at home here. There was no doubt that most of it came from being with Sy. Zeus and Karly had grown on me though, surprising me with their simple love.

  “Keep it,” Zeus said to Sy, clapping him on the shoulder. “I have plenty.”

  “I believe you,” Sy said. The only time I’ve seen you out of this attire was your wedding day.

  “What a wonderful day that was,” Karly said to me under her breath.

  I stifled my mirth with my hand, loving the banter.

  “Thank you for everything,” Sy said with sincerity, hugging his brother.

  “I’m glad you’re okay,” Zeus said, patting him on the back. “I know we’ve had our fights—”

  “That all ended when you found Karly,” Sy reminded with a smile. “You are a changed man.”

  “As are you,” Zeus agreed with a smile, turning to look at me. “Take good care of my brother,” he said to me, moving out of Sy’s path.

  “Come and visit a lot, too,” Karly added. “I get lonely for someone my own age.”

  “We will,” I said, grasping her hand.

  “Till next time,” Sy said, walking over to me and intertwining our fingers.

  We walked out the door and down the long hallway, heading back to the throne room.

  “There’s a fountain on the other side,” Sy explained. “We can get home through there.”

  As we walked across the marble floors, a voice rang out behind us. I turned and saw Athena, hurrying our way, determination on her face. She was dressed as normal, her owl fluttering around her head.

  “I want to apologize,” she explained quickly, holding her hands up in surrender. “I did a terrible thing to both of you and it nearly cost both your lives. I let logic get in the way of feeling and learned a hard lesson. I will not try to change anyone’s fate from now on unless it is necessary. I will also accept whatever punishment you deem suitable to my crime.” She lowered her head, removing her helmet, gaze on the floor.

  “We forgive you,” Sy said, squeezing my hand.

  “I don’t understand,” she said looking up, taken aback.

  “You don’t owe us anything,” I replied. “We understand and forgive you.”

  “That’s not how it worked between us in the past, Poseidon.” She looked suspicious, like we might suddenly jump out and apprehend her.

  “That is because I had little understanding myself,” Sy clarified with a smile. “I was petty and felt I had to win everything presented to me. For that, I ask your forgiveness. I should not have tried to take so many things from you.”

  “I—I accept your apology,” she responded formally, bowing low to him.

  “And we accept yours,” I said, doing the same.

  “To be honest,” she mentioned hesitantly. “I do not know what this means for me.”

  “It means you have friends, Brainy,” Sy laughed. “You can relax a little.”

  “Relax.” She said it like it was a foreign word before smiling at us. “Thank you. I have much to do now.”

  She left as quickly as she came, without uttering another word as her boots clicked across the floor.

  “Well then,” Sy laughed. “Shall we go home then?”

  “It is our home, isn’t it?” I laughed.

  “Yes,” he confirmed with a nod. “We are officially living together. I didn’t realize we were moving so fast!” He held a hand to his heart and then fanned himself, a look of distress on his face.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” I laughed. “You’re my handsome God, not an old, southern lady.”

  He laughed and pulled me onward again, heading for another door on the other side of the room.

  “So, I have a question,” I began, curiosity building up inside me.

  “What’s that?”

  “Have we forgiven Hades yet?”

  “That I’m going to have to think about,” he said seriously. “I’m really not happy with his decision to land you right in the middle of a situation where you’d most likely die. On the other hand, if not for him, we wouldn’t be here now.”

  I remained silent, thinking over what he’d said. Hades had tried to help him before sending me. I remembered he was soaking wet when he pushed me out into the storm. The more I considered his actions, the more I realized he’d done what had the largest possibility of saving his brother. If I hadn’t shown up, Sy might have given up all together and let Amphitrite kill him.

  “You’ll forgive him,” I announced with confidence.

  “Oh really? Did you get the powers of the Fates as well?”

  “You love your brothers,” I teased. “Admit it.”

  “Never,” he laughed. “We have too much fun making each other mad.”

  I laughed and fell silent, thinking of all the things I had to learn.

  “I have another question,” I asked as the fountain came into view at the end of the hall we’d been walking in.

  “What’s that?”

  “Don’t laugh at me, okay?”

  “I will do my best.”


  “That I will not do,” he said, flashing me his stunning smile.


  “What’s the question,” he laughed, excitement radiating from him.

  “Are mermaids real?”

  “Wouldn’t you and everyone else on Earth like to know.”

  “My Audrey, a Goddess.” Sy looked at me appreciatively, feeling the fabric of my dress. “When I first met you, I never would have guessed it.”

  “And now?” I said with a curious smile.

  “Now I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  He took my hand and we continued our walk down the beach, the sunset painting the evening sky.

  “What was it like?” I asked. “To almost die, I mean.”

  “It was like floating away,” he said thoughtfully. “I didn’t know if I would make it or not. A lot of my life choices really came into question,” he laughed.

  “Like what?” I questioned with a smile.

  “Everything, but you.”

  He stopped, pulling me close and tucking my hair behind my ear.

  I blushed as his thumb grazed over my lips, his palm sitting on my cheek. My heart felt like it might explode with anticipation as I waited for him to finally kiss me again. Everything was magnified because of my new state. Each second ticked slowly by as I melted into his touch.

  His eyes sparkled as he looked at me, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips. A sigh escaped him as he leaned forward, closing his eyes just before our lips touched.

  I felt the familiar exploding sensation from before, only this time it was magnified one hundred times. I gasped in shock, grabbing his shirt and holding him as close to me as I could get, wishing still there was more. I ached to feel everything there was in this world, to experience all there was to do with him.

  A groan escaped him as he slid his hands down my back, grabbing the fabric at my waist and hoisting the bottom of the dress up to that point. His hands then caressed my bare thigh, fingers brushing over my panties.

  I caught his bottom lip between my teeth, tugging softly and reveling in what I was experiencing. When he’d kissed me before, I’d definitely felt the earth move. But this time? The ground was actually shaking.

  “Calm down there,” he said, breaking away for a second.

  “Was that me?” I asked, not really caring to hear what he said.

  “Yes,” he whispered, taking my mouth once more.

  He lifted me into the air, guiding my legs around his hips and letting my dress fall back. Everywhere he touched left a trial of goose bumps, leaving my body shivering from delight.

  I held on tightly, wanting even more as I explored his mouth, tasting him like never before. My hands pulled his new shirt up and over his head, tossing it into the surf. His skin felt warm and welcoming, the perfect plane for me to caress.

  His lips left mine and traveled down my neck, dipping down onto my collar bone. I shivered, burying my face in his hair and inhaling the musky smell of it.

  The island started to shake again, the waves suddenly jumping to life and Sy set me down with a sigh.

  “Don’t stop,” I pleaded.

  He kissed me again, softly, before answering.

  “Your emotions are hard to control right now. You’ll get the hang of it with time.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied, placing a hand at the back o
f his head and pulling him forward for another kiss.

  He indulged me, his tongue sliding over my teeth, and the ground shook violently again.

  “Woman, you are going to cause another tsunami in Japan,” he laughed.

  “Sorry,” I said sheepishly. “I’ll try and keep it under control.”

  “That’s the problem,” he said, stealing another quick kiss. “You might not be able to.”

  “I will,” I insisted, placing a kiss on his chest.

  “Don’t tempt me,” he moaned, doing a little earth shaking of his own.

  “We’ll be fine,” I pressed and kissed his neck.

  “Take a break for me,” he pleaded. “Bad things could happen if we let it get out of hand.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, releasing him and turning to walk away.

  “Don’t be like that,” he teased.

  “You’re a kill joy,” I pouted.

  “If you insist,” he said with a smile.

  “I bet you set me up.”

  “Nope. Not this time,” he laughed again.

  “This time?”

  He took my hand again and we resumed our walking once more, the stars beginning to peak out above us.

  “Do you remember—Of course you do, you were arrested.”

  “The party,” I said with a sigh. “Yes, I remember.”

  “I took you because I wanted to see if you’d be jealous of Ash.”

  “What!” I playfully slapped him on the arm and rolled my eyes. “You were always so sure to tell me we were going as friends.”

  “Because I was positive that was the only way I’d get you to do it,” he laughed. “You were becoming a hermit when I found you.”

  “Well, you were a stalker,” I accused, a wide grin on my face.

  “This is true,” he agreed with mock sadness. “I’d run out of young women to chase and had no choice but to seek you out.”

  “Wow, that makes me feel special,” I laughed again.

  “Good. It should.”

  We walked in comfortable silence after that, enjoying the night and the turn our lives had taken.

  “What do we do now?” I asked, keeping my pace.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We have the rest of forever. Unless someone wants us dead, we will live to see everything there is in this universe. What will we do with all that time?”


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