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Trent (Redemption Romance Book 4)

Page 24

by Anna Scott

  Another three hours passed before the doctor walked in with a different nurse than the one who had come in earlier. The doctor informed us all that Amber would be just fine. The tranquilizer that had been given was one commonly used on horses. Though the dosing seemed to be too much for Amber's small body, it wouldn't have any lasting effects. The nurse went through the discharge paperwork and helped her into a pair of scrubs they kept on hand for occasions like this one. Amber's costume was missing, I hadn't asked, but as far as I knew, it wasn't at the cabin.

  Thankfully, Gavin had gotten my Camaro to the hospital so I could drive my girl home. After settling her into the passenger seat, I took special care in buckling her seatbelt, to avoid bumping any of the bruises my damn father had left on her chest and abdomen. She was calm, almost serene. It was eerie, after all, that had happened, she acted completely unaffected.

  The following day, I insisted that Amber stay home from work. I called into work as well, and we spent the day mostly in bed. We watched movies, ate and talked. Amber assured me over and over again that she was indeed okay. She promised me that the little she remembered was gross, but not overly horrific. I realized that she was reassuring me, something for which I felt terrible.

  "I'm so sorry, sweetness. I should be comforting you, not the other way around."

  "Shh, stop worrying, Trent. In less than two weeks we'll begin our lives together officially. that's what I'm thinking about. Let's only look forward, okay?"

  Amber returned to work, and the sprint to the finish, as she called it. Amber, her mom, and mine were deeply engulfed in major wedding preparations, trying to get everything finalized. I knew that it was my desire to get married quickly that forced the women to work so hard. Even with the challenges they faced to get everything ready, I was elated. The day Amber Moore became Mrs. Amber Harris would definitely go down in history as the best day I had experienced in my life thus far. I had no doubts that the day she told me she was pregnant, the day we had our first child, all those days might top it. Our wedding day was the beginning of it all.

  Thinking back to just over a year before, when we lost our first baby, the pain still had the power to rip my heart out. If things had gone differently, I could be holding our child. I knew somewhere in the rational part of my brain that it just hadn't yet been our time. Our separation after that, all the time we spent apart, still scared me. The fear that she could leave me again, I was sure, was the driving force behind my desire to tie her to my side permanently. If we were married, it would be much more difficult to cut me from her life.

  "Trent?" Natalie questioned as she opened the front door to her condo. She had the money to buy something bigger, but she had always been happy with the smaller space. I finally understood her desire for the increased level of security the place offered as well.

  "Hey, sis. Can I come in?"

  "Of course," she said, stepping back from the doorway, allowing me entrance.

  "You okay?" She asked, wary of my sudden appearance.

  "No, not really." Following her to the sitting area, we each took a seat, and I braced myself. Clutching my hands between my knees, I looked down at my hands for a few moments before lifting my gaze to my sister.

  When I explained what I knew about Amber, what our father had done, I watched as Natalie took in a sharp breath and closed her eyes. I didn't want to hurt her, but I needed to know. I had a moment's hesitation, wondering if what I was doing was to help her or a selfish attempt to help myself.

  "He said some things that night, about you, about what he'd done. Can you tell me?"

  Elbows to knees, her hands gripped the back of her head as she looked down at the floor. I watched as she braced herself and returned her gaze to look at me once more.

  "Trent, it isn't - you don't want to know." Her tone was pleading, almost desperate. If she fought me, I wouldn't force it, but I hoped that she would let it out and feel safe to share this burden with me.

  I asked the questions I'd been dreading for years. "When did it start?" I didn't fully know what the it was, but we could start there.

  Taking a deep breath of her own, Natalie squared her shoulders and answered, "I was ten." Her voice was flat, emotionless, and I knew it was to protect herself from the pain. I hated this, hated asking her, but sensed somehow that she needed to get it out.

  "Did he..."

  "No, he never did that, just some strange touching at first. After a while, he would masturbate in front of me."

  "My God, why didn't you tell me?"

  Shaking her head, resigned to the conversation neither of us wanted to have, she explained how our father had threatened her. He told her that he would hurt mom, that he would take her away and do more things to her than what he was doing if she breathed a word. She told me how it happened slowly and at first, it was almost loving. He had never given Nat much attention since she was a girl, so she initially reveled in his affection for her. The way he would come into her room and sit with her before she fell asleep she described as being sweet at first.

  "I don't remember him doing that."

  "He only came in when you were gone, or when you and mom were sleeping. You know I've always struggled with sleep, so I read until late."

  Natalie wouldn't go into any more detail, but we talked a long time. She promised that she had been through counseling and had opened up fully to the therapist.

  When I finally left my sister's condo, I felt sick inside, knowing what had happened to her from such a young age. I wasn't sure how that would affect a young girl, but Natalie had closed herself off and rarely dated. At one point when she was in college, I actually wondered if she was gay. I'd still been in the Corps then, she and I stayed as close as we could, but she never mentioned guys. When I asked her about a boyfriend, she laughed it off and told me I was behaving stupidly, she didn't have time for that nonsense.

  Shaking my head, I vowed that I would do everything in my power to make sure our father went to prison again and this time, for a hell of a lot longer. It was for Amber, for me, for my mom and Natalie.

  Chapter 13


  "Oh honey, that's beautiful," my soon to be mother-in-law announced as she looked at the veil I had selected to wear. I was so excited when she arrived at my house to help with the final details that I pulled it out to show her. She arrived early, but of course, I didn't mind. My mom and Natalie would arrive about thirty minutes later. Trent was working late, which he worried about incessantly until I reminded him that Joseph was in jail.

  "Thank you, as soon as I saw it, I knew it was the right one," I said, caressing the pearls that had been sewn into the lace.

  Clearing her throat, Trina gave me a hesitant look before pulling a long box from her purse and handing it over. "I'd like to give you this. It can be your something old if you don't mind."

  Eyes wide, I opened the velvet covered black box and looked inside at a beautiful strand of pearls. "They're beautiful, Trina, thank you," I told her, touching the perfectly shaped orbs and feeling the coolness of each pearl.

  "They were my mother's and her mother's before her." She explained, a soft smile on her face and I could see the slightest bit of moisture in her eyes.

  "Don't you want them to go to Natalie?" I asked, not sure I should be the one to receive the beautiful family heirloom.

  Shaking her head, she explained that these were the for the first married child in the family. She assured me that she had something else for Natalie when she was ready.

  After thanking her and giving her a long and appreciative hug, I took the necklace into my room.

  After hours of last minute wedding details, laughter, a few tears and too many glasses of wine, I hugged each of the women as they left. I expected Trent home anytime, and I had one call to make before he got back.

  "Aurora, are you okay?" I asked into the phone, wondering why she sounded so strange.

  "Yes, yes, of course. Sorry, I was just thinking about the baby and stuff."
  Knowing there was more to the story, I thought about pressing, but decide to let her be. I knew that she would talk if she wanted to.

  "Okay. I'm finally calling you back about Saturday. My mom and everyone just left."

  Aurora started going over the plans for my bachelorette party. She would pick me up at seven. In light of the festivities, she already put up a notice about the adjusted hours at the store for the following couple of weeks.

  "I'm so excited to get to see everyone together. We're going to have so much fun!" I exclaimed after she told me just what the plans were.

  "Amber?" Trent called from the front door as I heard him start to make his way toward the bedroom.

  "Back here," I called attempting to prevent another freak out if I didn't answer right away.

  "Okay, I'll let you go, we can talk more tomorrow," Aurora whispered just before hanging up. Why the hell was she whispering, I wondered?

  "Whatcha doing, sweetness?"

  "Not much," I responded, plugging in my phone on the nightstand.

  "Who were you talking to?"

  "Aurora, she was telling me about the plans for the bachelorette party," I told him and watched as his brows furrowed and lips thinned. We discussed, or argued, rather, about it a few times already. He was worried and didn't want us all going out and getting hurt, or drunk away from him. I knew that his protests were about to begin again. Before he could start, I lifted my hand to stop him.

  "Before you start spouting off again, I'll tell you. I just found out that Tyler and Marc are going with us. They'll provide bodyguard duty and remember, Hope and Aurora won't be drinking, so there isn't any need for you to worry."

  Rolling his eyes to the ceiling, I watched as he tried to find some reason. His father's incarceration helped, but he was still really nervous after what happened, which I understand. I was totally freaked out too, mostly about being in a crowd. That was why I was so glad Tyler was able to get us a VIP room at the House of Blues. The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club would be playing. I thought that the girls had put together the perfect night for us to celebrate.

  After giving Trent the details of the night, I watched as he took in a deep breath and released it. Looking at me intently he admitted, "You know, it isn't that I don't want you to go. I want you to have a great time. I think the shit is just too fresh in my mind, you know? Those hours - seven hours of not knowing where you were if you were okay. I'm struggling to let go of that fear."

  Nodding my head, I pulled my fiancé to me and did my best to comfort him. Being in his arms was about the only thing in the world that settled me, and I prayed that I would be able to give him that same reassurance.

  "I love you, Trent, so much," I promised him, just seconds before his mouth met mine. We hadn't made love since I was taken. He was worried about how I might react, but I was ready. Luckily, it didn't take much to convince my man that I needed him. He took it slow, sweet and gentle. I missed his wild control just a little, but I sure did love his sweet side.

  Just two nights later, I was sliding into the passenger seat of a black Escalade that Luke apparently rented for Aurora to drive us to Dallas. Glancing into the back of the SUV, I saw that every seat was full of beautifully dressed women, ready for a night of fun.

  "Eeeeeeee!" I screeched with excitement, giving one armed extended hugs to Gillian and Dawn in the middle row and throwing exaggerated air kisses to Stacy, Noel, and Christine in the back. Giggles and squealing filled the car.

  "Damn," Trent exclaimed as he stepped back from my open car window, in mock horror of the girlie screams. Giggles turned to laughter from the girls, then to cat calls when Trent leaned in and kissed me firmly on the mouth before begrudgingly waving us away. I knew that Hope would be driving another car load to include Vanessa, Chelsea, and Natalie. Tyler and Marc would meet us at the restaurant, along with Brooke and Amy, two girls Aurora, Stacy, Noel and I had gone to school with. We were a crazy bunch, but with one mama nursing and one mama-to-be, we at least had designated drivers.

  Saki was my favorite Japanese restaurant and sushi bar near The House of Blues, and I knew that Tyler had again pulled some awesome strings to get us in on such short notice. Our party was large, and that place was always packed.

  Shoving a third California roll into my mouth, I almost choked when Stacy leaned in and asked, "So, Amber, you get a little spicy tuna action before you left?" Her whisper was loud enough for most of the table to hear. Poor Marc, who definitely never dallied on the other side, looked like he'd just sucked on a lemon.

  "Oh my god!" Hope almost shouted, laughing so hard she snorted twice. Anyone at the table who hadn't heard started laughing at that.

  "You need to do a blow job!" Chelsea suggested, leaning in, from her spot at the table. She was sitting pretty far down from me, so her words were loud enough to catch the attention of a group of men sitting at a table near us.

  "Jesus girls, I think you're going to get us killed," Tyler grumbled.

  The House of Blues was packed wall to wall with excited and screaming fans. Once again I was relieved that Tyler had gotten us VIP seating, so we didn't have to be down in the mayhem. It had only been a week since my abduction, and I knew absolutely, that there would be no way I could deal with all that.

  Our waitress was fabulous. She had short black hair streaked with blue and pink. Her small elfin features were perfect for her punk facade. She was on it too. Seconds after we gave her our drink orders, she was back. She delivered shot after shot with filthy names.

  Aurora and Hope were treated to free drinks all night as the DD's of our group, and they were soaking up all of our love and praise for their sacrifice. It wasn't long before our group was rowdy and obnoxious - well, most of us.

  Tyler and Marc were acting as older brothers to the entire crew. They crossed their muscled arms over ripped chests and shook their heads in exasperation when the raunchier suggestions come out of our mouths. At one point, Noel begged them to make out in front of us. She exclaimed that she hadn't ever seen two men together, but she read about it in erotic fiction all the time and just wanted to watch.

  Rolling his eyes, Tyler turned to Marc. He clutched the back of Marc's head firmly and pulled the slightly shorter man into his body for a kiss. It wasn't just any kiss either. Tyler's rough domination of Marc was fascinating. Noel was absolutely right, it was hot as hell. The entire room was fixated on the pair, both sexy - extremely fit - drop dead gorgeous. Clearly, Tyler was in charge of this kiss. After a few minutes, Marc appeared to melt into Tyler, submitting to him and making it appear that his entire body went boneless with the release of control. The hand not clutching the back of Marc's head was pressed firmly at the small of Marc's back, holding the other man tightly against Tyler's body. Marc's hands were holding Tyler's waist, though his grip wasn't nearly as firm.

  Seriously, they kissed so long, my panties were soaked at the live porn practically playing out in front of us. I even heard someone sigh from behind me.

  "Fuck me," someone else muttered in a breathy, obviously aroused voice.

  Eventually, Tyler lessened his grip and stepped back, Marc's hands fell away, and the men stared pointedly into each other's eyes. I had a pretty good idea what was being silently communicated, man if we could all be flies on the wall in their bedroom later.

  "I need a man," Vanessa whispered, and I was shocked to hear it. She had been stand-offish around men since the shit went down with her husband, even going so far as to shy away from most of the guys in our group.

  "You know you can have one anytime you're ready." Hope's pointed statement had me whipping my head around to stare at her in shock. We had all seen how Dan Dupree, the McKinney officer we had become friends with, had been watching Vanessa on the boat and at the self-defense class. None of us had voiced our suspicions out loud, and I wondered if Dan had made a move.

  "All right, you hoe bags! Stop watching the man candy over here and watch the show. Those guys are hot!" Marc teased us all,
blushing slightly after realizing we all just watched him and Tyler so avidly.

  "I can hear you," Tyler scolded his partner playfully.

  "Whatever, you can't tell me you don't think some of those rocker boys are pretty." Marc defended. Their back and forth was cute.

  "Shit!" I exclaimed, sputtering out my sex on the beach, the thought of anyone saying the guys from Black Rebel Motorcycle Club were pretty was too funny. Hot - hell yes, but pretty - um, no.

  "I like mine with a little more..." Tyler left that sentence hanging, but glanced down at Marc's obviously bulging pants with a smirk. Marc rolled his eyes and tried to ignore all of us, which was difficult I was sure because the majority of us were drunk and disorderly.

  "Oh no!" Dawn yelled a few hours later, as the door to our box opened and a group of huge ass sexy men strode in with purpose.

  "Your fun is over ladies." The largest of the behemoths stated, staring right at Gillian with lust blazing in his eyes.

  "Or, it's just beginning." The one coming in behind growled, moving toward me with a cocky swagger all the way.


  "This is bullshit," Luke complained for the fifty-seventh time.

  "Seriously, it's time we go get them," Jake added his agreement.

  "You guys are fucking pussy whipped, Jesus. Let's go to Lottie's." Justin tossed in his two cents, totally contradicting the sentiments of half the men at my bachelor party if it could even be called that. We'd gone to Ralph's another of our favorite dive bars, but this one closer to where the girls were in Dallas.

  "Fuck yeah, Lottie's sounds perfect," Reed called, though I knew there was no way he would go into that place if he didn't have to.

  "Yeah, right, Reed. you wouldn't even know what to do with one of those girls if you got one," Gavin said, rolling his eyes. I had been adamant, no strip clubs - no strippers - no hookers or any of that crap. Thankfully, Luke, Jake, and Gavin had agreed whole-heartedly. Reed and Dan both stayed quiet on the subject, but Justin, Felix, Devon and Brian had been bitching like little girls all damn night.


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