Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4) Page 4

by Sable Hunter

  Lilibet remembered that Joseph McCoy had been paralyzed in a dirt bike accident. She hated to think of that poor man suffering so. Joseph was a tremendous athlete, so Lilibet knew his being unable to walk and compete would be especially torturous for him. “How can I help?” She didn’t have to be hired for a job to help out a neighbor.

  Hearing the question, Libby Fontaine looked relieved. “It’s about to get busy at the ranch. We’ve got branding and vaccinating of the herds to get through. And that means extra mouths to feed. Jessie and I can’t do it alone. Bess, the ranch cook and housekeeper, isn’t coming back. She’s needed with her family, and to tell you the truth, Jessie and I need help—desperately.”

  Lilibet was thinking fast. Maybe they did need her. She had to be sure. “You’re not just doing this because the sheriff asked you?”

  Libby gave her a knowing smile. “Sheriff Kane Saucier has his heart set on you, Miss Ladner. I think it’s great. It’s true that he called Aron and told him you were available for hire, but the need is real. Please, Lilibet? We need your help. Tonight.”

  There was no use denying it. This was an answer to prayer for her. She could stay in Kerrville and continue to earn money to pay off her brother’s loans before it was too late. But most importantly, she could stay close to Kane Saucier. Lilibet let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. It felt like the weight of the world was being lifted from her shoulders. “All right. I’ll be glad to come and work for you.”

  “You’ll stay with us, of course,” Libby stated as a noise from the doorway alerted them they were not alone.

  Kane had been standing at the door the whole time, eavesdropping as hard as he could. When he heard Lilibet say she would take the job at the McCoy Ranch, he’d almost let out a Rebel yell of triumph. “That won’t be necessary, Libby. Miss Ladner has a place to stay.”

  Lilibet stood and looked at the man who had satisfied her so well the night before. What was she going to do with him? He was looking at her with a challenging glint in his eye as if he expected her to argue with him. Well, she’d show him. Hiding a tiny smile, she folded her hands and met his gaze. “That’s right, Libby. I have a place to stay. I’m moving in with the Sheriff.” Kane didn’t say a word, but she couldn’t miss the heated look he gave her.

  “Damn right you are.” He couldn’t wait for the day to wind down. He had a hard-on in his pants which had Lilibet Ladner’s name written all over it.

  * * *

  The last box was loaded and Kane couldn’t keep the smile off his face. She wasn’t leaving town. As his blood raced through his veins and his dick thickened in his jeans, he rejoiced in the fact that Lilibet would be under his roof when bedtime rolled around. Shutting the tailgate, he took out his cell phone and called Doc Gibbs. He wanted some answers. After conferring with his receptionist, the elderly physician came on the line. “What can I do for you, Sheriff?”

  “Doc, thanks for taking my call. I have a friend who needs a pair of special made shoes to help correct a slight difference in the length of her legs.”

  “Are you talking about the little Ladner girl? I’ve been trying to get her in here for years.”

  ”Yes, sir.” Kane rested his foot on his bumper. ”Can you help me?”

  “She’ll have to come in. I’ll need to get precise measurements. But yes, I can get the shoes in just a few days.”

  After assuring the Doc that he’d do whatever it took to get Lilibet into the office, Kane locked up Patterson’s rent house and climbed in his truck. Everything had worked out, almost too easy. Kane prayed that his beautiful girl was as into him as he was into her. And God, was he enraptured with his Little Bit. Laughing out loud, Kane got tickled at his own self. Yea, he wanted to be as deep into her as he could push his hungry cock.

  She had left with Libby Fontaine to help out with the evening meal at Tebow. He’d told her he would pick her up at ten o’clock and he was counting the hours.

  Easing out of her driveway. his cell phone rang. “Saucier.”

  “Kane, this is Aron McCoy.”

  “Aron.” Was something wrong with Lilibet? Trouble was the first thing that ran through his mind.

  “I just wanted to thank you for sending Miss Ladner our way. She walked into the kitchen, went to work and Libby told me she’s working miracles left and right.”

  Kane hadn’t doubted that Lilibet would work out just fine, but it was good to hear. “Great, I’m glad I could help. I appreciate you giving her a chance. No one else in this town ever would.” He couldn’t help but let his resentment over the way she’d been treated color his voice.

  “Damn!” Aron couldn’t stand injustice, especially against women, old people or animals. “If I’d known, Kane...hell, I would’ve done something about it. But living out here, I don’t always know everything that goes on in town. Look, why don’t you come out and join us? And bring that legal-eagle brother of yours. There’s a mountain of food and I can’t wait for you to meet these people that Joseph’s physical therapist has brought in. Talk about different.”

  “Aron, I’m the one who introduced Joseph to Cady. Remember? I know all about her aunt and the Bogard family. I’m from New Orleans. Or have you forgotten?”

  Aron chuckled. “That’s right. You’re one of them Ragin’ Cajuns. With a name like Saucier, how could I make that mistake?” Aron pronounced Kane’s name the way it should have been, So-shay.

  “What time do you want us out there?” Kane asked. He was glad of the invite. It meant he could be with Lilibet that much sooner.

  “Come on when you get ready. Everyone is already gathering down at the pavilion. I gotta tell you, Noah and Isaac are already making eyes at your little friend. I don’t think she’ll be lacking in male company for a while.”

  Kane’s audible growl at Aron’s comment caused the oldest McCoy brother to burst out in laughter. “So, that’s how it is. I thought so. I was just testing the waters. Don’t come over here and jump on my brothers. They’re like me. They figured she belonged to you.”

  “Damn straight. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Keep them vultures off my woman.”

  * * *

  Tubs of potato salad, pans of baked beans, deep dishes of banana pudding and three layer coconut cakes were spread out next to heaping platters of grilled steak and corn on the cob. Gallons of sweet tea and pitchers of lemonade were brimming with crushed ice and ready for everyone’s enjoyment. “You’re a life-saver, Lilibet.” Jessie took a stack of plates out of Lilibet’s hands. “Go enjoy the party. You’ve done enough. I think there’s someone here looking for you.”

  She was tired. Counting the ranch hands, there were over forty people for supper and she’d prepared all the sides and desserts. Jessie had helped, but Libby had not felt like it. Lilibet hoped there was nothing seriously wrong with her. Aron was sitting at one of the tables with his fiancé in his lap, and he didn’t look happy at all.

  The guests from New Orleans were a fun bunch and everyone was very nice to her. All in all, it had been a very pleasant experience. Working with the McCoys might be just the opportunity she’d been looking for.

  Searching the crowd, she was looking for that one special face. She didn’t know for certain Jessie had been referring to Kane, but she could hope. Like a magnet, her gaze zeroed in on him. He was here. Her pulse went wild and her nipples beaded in welcome. She stood still as he moved toward her. A hand on her arm pulled her attention away. “Miss Ladner, may I have this dance?”

  Startled, Lilibet turned to face handsome Noah McCoy. Funny, he didn’t do a thing for her. The object of her affection was one brown-eyed handsome sheriff. “I’m sorry, I don’t dance.” Just having to say it embarrassed her. Surely, he realized that she would make a fool out of both of them if she let him lead her out onto the dance floor. Noah, long blond hair—sexy as sin—appeared
about to insist, when Lilibet was swept into another pair of arms that felt totally familiar and safe—Kane.

  “Sorry, Noah, if Lilibet is going to dance with anyone, she’ll dance with me.”

  Noah held up both hands in surrender. “I’m not looking for trouble, Sheriff,” he teased. “I surrender.” Backing away, he left them as the mellow voice of Tim McGraw crooned about a love that would last forever.

  Kane drew Lilibet up close enough so her breasts were pressed into his chest. She knew he could feel the hard nipples pressing eagerly into him. “You’ll dance with me. Won’t you, Love?” he whispered in her ear.

  Flames of shame shot through her. “I can’t,” she croaked. How could he ask her to do this?

  Kane saw her discomfort and picked her up, just enough so that her feet were several inches off the floor. Setting her down easy, he spoke gently. “Place your feet on the top of my boots.”

  She let him guide her in the proper position. Tenderness replaced the discomfort. He was taking care of her. “I like this,” she admitted.

  “Put your arms around my neck and let me enjoy the feel of your body against mine. I’ll hold you close. Let me do all the work.” Unable to take her eyes from his face, Lilibet wondered at the man she’d been fortunate enough to, by some miracle, attract. He was movie-star handsome, rugged, hot—every woman’s dream. What in the world did he see in her? As the music played, he swayed and turned, moving his body in time to the music and holding her in his arms like she was the most precious thing in the world. “How’s this?” he asked.

  She was dancing! Lilibet’s heart soared. She was actually dancing! Oh, her feet weren’t moving, but she was in the arms of a man she adored and he was moving her across the dance floor like she’d always dreamed. “Marvelous.” She ran her fingers through his hair, caressing his neck. “I can’t believe you’re doing this for me.”

  Kane smiled at her, seeing tears shining in her beautiful eyes. Rubbing his cheek against hers, he told the only truth he knew at the moment. “I’d do anything for you, Lilibet. I’d give you the world on a silver platter, if I could.” Slowly, he lowered his head until he could touch their lips together. Softly, he rubbed his mouth along hers, his tongue darting out to taste her sweetness. “Are you about ready to go? I can’t wait to take you home. I’ve thought about making love to you all day. Or do you want to stay and eat?”

  She didn’t want to stay and eat. She wanted to go home with Kane. “I can leave. And we can take plates with us,” she offered expectantly. There was someone else to clean up, thank goodness. That wasn’t something Lilibet was expected to do. “I have to be back early in the morning, but I’m through for the day.”

  Kissing her hard, Kane was more than ready to dance his way right to the truck. But before he could make his escape, Rick Morton, one of the temporary hands, walked up and said the absolutely worst thing he could have uttered. “Saucier, guess who I ran into on Sixth Street?” Kane didn’t even get a chance to ask the question before Morton’s unthinking remark shattered their perfect moment. “I saw your wife last night. She asked about you.”

  Kane could have knocked the other man into the middle of next week. He felt Lilibet stiffen in his arms. Her little face looked like she had been slapped.

  “You’re married?” she asked in dismay. Hell, if that wasn’t just her luck!

  CHapter Four

  “No!” Kane was emphatic, giving the other man a look that could kill. “I was married. talking about my ex-wife.” Before Lilibet could step out of his arms, he caught her up against him and spoke intently. “Don’t let me see doubt on your face. I’ve had more joy and pleasure with you in one night than I had with her in three years. She is cold, while you are warm, sweet and more responsive than I knew a woman could be.”

  She still said nothing. Her confidence had fled. Before the man had dropped his bombshell, Lilibet had been clinging to Kane, now she tried to touch him as little as possible, distancing herself as much as she could while being held in his firm embrace. “Your wife; she is beautiful? I’m sure she can dance very well.”

  “We’re outta here. I’ve got to get you alone.” He set her down gently, steading her until she found her balance. “I need to tell my brother we’re leaving.”

  She held onto his arm as they made their way through the crowd to where Zane sat with Cady Renaud. She was laughing as she scratched the tummy of Rex, Zane’s seeing-eye dog. The black Lab had rolled on his back and was enjoying the attention.

  Zane heard their approach and he looked straight at them. Lilibet was amazed to note the startling resemblance between the brothers. Zane wore no dark glasses and his eyes seemed to have an uncanny ability to know where to look, as if he were seeing them with a vision other than the physical. “Leaving, brother?” It was obvious Zane knew exactly who stood before him. He held out his hand, “Miss Ladner, we’ve never had a chance to become acquainted. I’m pleased to meet you, and grateful you’ve agreed to take on my hard-headed brother.”

  Lilibet blushed. She took Zane’s hand and to her surprise, he drew it to his lips and kissed it. Kane cleared his throat loudly, and Zane snorted his amusement at his brother’s disapproval.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Saucier.”

  “Call me Zane, please.”

  Lilibet caught Cady’s eye and she was surprised to see the woman motion for her to lean closer. “Be careful, Miss Ladner. There is someone who wishes you ill. Please stay close to Kane, he will protect you.” The woman’s solemn words made Lilibet shiver. Who would want to hurt her? What had she done? Was this woman for real? She’d heard the talk at the ranch all day. The visitors from New Orleans were a family who believed in the supernatural. They practiced mysterious rites they claimed could heal the sick. In fact, that very day they’d conducted a ritual on Joseph McCoy to aid him in his quest to regain feeling below his waist. Lilibet saw Joseph out of the corner of her eye. He was watching Cady and Zane with an odd expression on his face. As for as she could tell; he was still paralyzed, at least he was still sitting in his wheelchair.

  “What are you telling my girl, Cady?” Kane drew Lilibet closer.

  “Just girl-talk, Saucier.” Cady answered easily.

  Kane grunted his disbelief, but he let it go. “Zane, can you get a ride home? I need to spend some time with Lilibet.”

  Lilibet felt heat rise on her skin. She shyly glanced at one brother, then the other. Her femininity vibrated at the thought of what the night held in store.

  “Cady will give me and Rex a ride home. Won’t you?

  “Of course,” Cady smiled.

  “Great, we’ll see you guys later.” He slapped his brother on the back and winked at Cady. Wasting no time, he filled plates from the table, put them in a carry-out basket, then led Lilibet across the parking lot. “My brother and I have known Cady and her family for years.” He explained as he helped her in and fastened her seat belt, kissing the corner of her mouth before he backed up and shut the door.

  When he was settled in beside her, she picked up the conversation. “Cady seems very nice, although she did say something very strange to me a moment ago.” If they were going to have a relationship, Lilibet wanted no secrets between them, even odd ones.

  Kane wouldn’t doubt it. Strange occurrences followed the Renaud family around like a pet dog. “What was that?”

  “She told me to be careful; that someone wished me ill, and that I should stay close to you because you would protect me.”

  Even though the thought of protecting her made his chest swell with prideful determination, he felt a chill at the notion. If Cady said there was danger, there was danger. Not too many days ago, she’d tipped Kane off as to the location where Jessie Montgomery was being held captive by her kidnapper. Cady knew things. And Kane trusted her – implicitly. Taking Lilibet’s hand, he made a promise he f
ully intended to keep. “Don’t you worry a moment. I’ll take care of you.”

  Lilibet just smiled. The idea of danger didn’t worry her nearly as much as the knowledge that Kane had a wife, or ex-wife, who was in town and asking about him.

  * * *

  Kane held his arms out and she slipped into them. “We’re home?”

  “Yes, we’re home.” He loved it when she talked to him with such trust in her voice. “I’m going to carry you, not because I think you can’t walk on your own,” he kissed a path down her neck. “I’m carrying you because I want to feel your body next to mine.”

  Clasping her arms around his neck, she returned the caress, coaxing a groan from deep in his throat. He shifted her in his arms as he opened the door. When he flipped the light on, Lilibet took a moment to look at her new home. She didn’t know how long she could call it that, but she was going to enjoy it while she could. His house was a log cabin, fashioned out of oak and pecan, every surface gleaming with the richness of the wood and the beauty of the grain. A stone fireplace sat on the north wall and Kane’s furniture was big and comfortable and seemed to invite her to sit down and make herself comfortable home. But, he didn’t stop in the living room. She got a glimpse of a big roomy kitchen and a cozy dining room as he carried her through the house. But Kane was headed for one room, and one room only - the bedroom.

  “Finally,” Kane stated flatly as he sat her on the bed. “You’ve come into my life and turned it upside down.” He stood before and began to undress. Slowly.

  Lilibet swallowed, nervously. She’d thought they were going to discuss his ex-wife, but Lilibet was relieved to put that topic as far away from her as possible. Loving him was much more important. “What are we doing?”


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