Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4) Page 5

by Sable Hunter

  A rakish grin made his face look like a sexy pirate’s and it was obvious what he had on his mind. She was almost drooling, watching him pull his khaki western shirt over bulging shoulder muscles. His arms were strong and well-developed and she couldn’t believe he was hers to love on tonight. She held up her hands to let him know she wanted to touch him.

  “Can I do something for you, Little-bit?” He teased her as he unbuckled his belt, drawing attention to the oversize bulge in his pants.

  Her eyes were drawn to the zipper as he slid it down – down – slowly revealing the thick ridge of his manhood. Lilibet felt her mouth begin to water and her vagina begin to pulse. She wanted to experience the pleasure that only he could give her – over and over again. “Yes,” she admitted softly. “I want you to make love to me.”

  “Damn!” Kane finished stripping in record time as his cock strained to get out of its denim prison. He shed every stitch until he was naked and then he walked into her open arms. Her touch delighted him like no other woman’s ever had. “Let’s get you out of these clothes, sweetheart. I’m gonna love you all night long,” he promised. She helped him, their fingers bumping and tangling, until both of them laughed at their fumbling excitement.

  “Kane, will you make one of my dreams come true?”

  Kane stilled, trying to imagine what she was going to ask for, knowing he wanted to give it to her if he could. “What’s that?”

  She scooted away from him and he let her go, reluctantly. But when she turned around, got on her hands and knees and presented her little ass to him, he felt every cell in his body go into complete fuck-mode.

  “Will you mount me, Kane? I need you so much.”

  “Lord have mercy!” he groaned. “There is a God and he loves me very much.” She had the most perfect heart-shaped tush he’d ever seen. With one hand he caressed her pussy from front to back, rejoicing in the cream which declared her need. “Baby, you are so damn sexy.” He swatted her on the rump, making her squeal with surprise and pleasure. “Did you like that?” He spanked her again, loving the way her cheeks pinkened with his teasing. And when she laid her face on the bed, thrusting that little bottom in the air, he almost came then and there.

  “I love it,” she whispered. “Take me, Kane. I can’t wait.”

  Kane ran his hands over her cheeks, up her back and around to cup her heavy breasts. As he pulled her nipples, he relished the pants and moans she offered to him. “I would love to tease you for hours, but I can’t wait.”

  “You don’t have to,” she pushed back against him, begging for it – presenting herself like a mare in heat. It made his blood boil. “Please, Kane,” her voice was desperate.

  Every word she uttered, every move she made, just caused his cock to get that much harder. He’d wanted to eat her out, to give her an orgasm before he took his own pleasure, but he was too far gone. She made it impossible for him to resist her. “Hold on, Baby. I’m coming home.” He held on to her hips, fitted the head of his dick into her tender opening and rammed in – hard – complete – burying himself to the hilt in the softest, wettest, sweetest pussy in the world. “Christ!” he screamed as she instantly began to orgasm, her vagina clamping down on him, holding him, squeezing him. He had to recite the presidents backwards just to keep from exploding like an untried teenager.

  Lilibet felt her pussy muscles close down on his cock again and again. Had anything ever felt so good? There was nothing in the world like the sensation of being taken by this man – nothing. As her orgasm continued, she began to work her hips, pushing, drawing, milking Kane as he groaned and growled behind her. “I love this Kane, I love this,” she whimpered as he pounded into her, making the whole bed shake.

  Kane was past coherent thought. This was his woman. His. And nothing and nobody was going to take her away from him.

  * * *

  “Look at them. That’s the most disgusting sight I’ve ever seen.” The curtains were open just enough to frame the figures on the bed, making them clearly visible. There was no denying what they were doing, it was obvious they were in the throes of passion.

  “You are going to die, Lilibet Ladner.” The voice dripped venom, and hatred oozed from every word. “You are going to die.”

  * * *

  Heaven. Lilibet snuggled against Kane, sighing with happiness as he tightened his arms around her. Even in his sleep, he was considerate and protective. How did she get so lucky? She quelled the urge to pinch herself; . If this was a dream, she had no desire to awaken.

  Ah! It was so good! Rapturous feelings, incredible sensations, tingles of pure pleasure radiated throughout her body. Arching her back, she lifted her hips, pushing her pussy toward the giver of perfect gifts.

  “God, you taste good, like wild honey.” Kane praised her as he lapped at her juices.Keening her delight, she knew there was no better wake-up call in the world. Lilibet giggled. She was being eaten out! Her man was feasting between her legs like she was a sumptuous banquet.Kane raised his head, his mouth and chin iced with her cream. He licked his lips, unashamedly. “What’s so damn funny? I must not be doing this right.”

  Caressing his head, she couldn’t help but be absolutely honest. “No, you’re doing it just fine. I’m happy. You make me happy, and you are giving me more joy and pleasure than I could possibly say. Please...God, please go back to what you were doing, lest I die.”

  Kane smiled and lowered his head. “Yes, ma’am.”

  * * *

  “Would you do something for me?” Kane asked as he enjoyed the delicious bacon and eggs Lilibet had set before him.

  “Anything.” And that was the honest truth. It was scary how important he had become to her. Hour by hour, she was careful to remind herself that this was temporary. She would have to stand on her own two feet as soon as she could manage.

  Kane cleared his throat and began his carefully rehearsed speech. “It would make me very happy if you called Doc Gibbs and set up an appointment.”

  Lilibet was about to interject that she was already on the pill. There was no need to go to the doctor. She didn’t get the chance.

  “The doc said if you would come see him, he could fit you with a pair of shoes that would make your legs the same length. It would make things so much easier for you.” There, he had managed to get it out. He didn’t know what reaction he had expected, but it wasn’t the one he received. She didn’t look happy. Lilibet looked stricken.

  “Built-up shoes?” A stab of discomfort knifed through her stomach. She had to bite her lip to keep from crying. There were two things that instantly hit her. First, he cared—he really cared. This concern for her well-being meant more to her than she could ever say. Second, and far less pleasant, was the knowledge that he dwelt on her disability and found her lacking. That broke her heart.

  “Yes, I’ve watched your face after you’ve been on your feet for a long period of time. You experience pain, don’t you?” he asked her bluntly.

  “Yes.” She couldn’t lie to him. And if he wanted her to get the shoes, she would, just as soon as she could afford them. “I will go see him and I will order them when I can save up the money. I don’t have any insurance, you see.”

  She looked at him so hopefully, so eager to please that he wanted to fight dragons for her. “Lilibet, you order those shoes. It will be my privilege to pay for them for you.”

  “I can’t do that.” She was emphatic.

  Taking her by the hand, he pulled her in his lap. “Quit thinking so hard.” Resting his thumbs on her cheekbones, he looked deeply into her eyes. “I want to do this for you.”

  Kissing her eyelids, first one, then the other, he said something that she didn’t know how to take. “If you’re worried about paying me back, don’t. I’m sure we can think of ways you can make me happy.” With that, he licked her lips, coaxing them open and kis
sing her deeply, making her forget the doubts his words had called forth.

  Kane drove her to Tebow Ranch, kissed her soundly and promised to pick her up at five. Lilibet worked hard, and when her leg began to hurt, she thought about Kane’s request and how the shoes might improve her quality of life. As the day progressed, she prepared mountains of food for the hungry men and managed to put back, with Libby’s permission, food for her to take home for supper. Just the thought of having to go home and start another meal made her exhausted. But there was work that needed to be done. For the time she would stay with the handsome sheriff, she fully intended to do her part. There were many things she could do for him, to make his life easier and his house more a home. And she intended to start that very day. Time flew, and soon Kane was there to pick her up. He helped her to his truck and she felt important to someone for the first time in a long while.

  “How’s my baby?” He captured her hand and caressed the top with his thumb. “Something sure smells good.”

  “Roast beef, twice baked potatoes and a broccoli-cheese casserole,” she offered as he glanced over his shoulder at the covered platters.

  “Sounds wonderful.” He kissed her hand, causing little ripples of happiness to feather up Lilibet’s spine.

  “If it’s all right with you, I’m going to drop you off and run back to the office to pass out a few assignments to the night shift.”

  “Sure, I have plenty to keep myself busy.” She was already planning how to use the time.

  “Good, I may have a surprise with me when I come home.” He winked at her. “And Babe...I can’t wait to be inside you tonight. That’s my favorite destination in the whole world.” His words went straight to her clit. She was looking forward to bedtime herself.

  Lilibet made good use of her time. She vacuumed, dusted, even ironed some of his uniforms, and when she went to locate his washer and dryer, she was surprised to find them out in an old fashioned washhouse which had been refinished to look like a potting shed. It made her itch to put some flowers in the ground. But this wasn’t her house and she didn’t know how long she would be welcome.

  When Kane returned, she had supper warm and the house was gleaming from her attention. Calling out a greeting, he came up behind her and pulled her back against him. He ground his erection into her bottom, causing an instant influx of heat and moisture to her loins. “Here Lilibet, these are for you.”

  To her surprise, he handed her a bouquet of yellow roses. Her heart sang at the unexpected gesture. Tears immediately filled her eyes. “Thank you, Kane. I’ve never received flowers before.” She turned in his embrace and threw her arms around his neck. After the hug, he found a vase, filled it with water and set the arrangement in the middle of the dining table so she could enjoy them during dinner.

  “Come sit with me. I want to talk, and kiss.” He pulled out a chair and arranged her across his lap, his lips immediately seeking hers. She had the sweetest mouth and he couldn’t get enough of sucking on her tongue and nibbling at those tender lips. When he had slaked his thirst for her, he rubbed his cheek against hers and spoke. “Tell me about your brother and what he did to you. And don’t try to change the subject. I think I know, but I want to hear it from your lips.”

  Dang! Lilibet thought. This wasn’t a topic she wanted to discuss. But if she were going to be living with him, he deserved to know. “Brien is very smart on computers, too smart.” She gave Kane the reader’s digest version. It was shameful enough. “He wanted money and no one would lend him any, so he hacked into my information and took out a loan in my name. A big loan. The money was for a business which had no hope of succeeding, so he lost it quickly and completely. Now, I must pay the loan back. He can’t. He’s barely making ends meet and has trouble keeping a job.” Lilibet wouldn’t look up. She was too ashamed.

  “That’s what I heard, and he left you holding the bag. You do without so many things you need. Just to pay off a debt which never should have been yours.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ll see about that. I am going to make some phone calls and try to straighten this out.”

  Lilibet was about to challenge his plan when he began talking again. “Let me tell you about Lisa, my ex-wife. If we’re going to be together, I need you to understand.” He pressed her head on his shoulder and he kissed her neck, fortifying himself to share his trouble. “I was never in love with Lisa. I was only in lust. She was a very beautiful woman.” At that revelation, Lilibet stiffened and tried to move away, but Kane anchored her to him, tightly. “Don’t you move, I’m not through.”

  She obeyed, dreading what he might reveal. “When we married, Lisa thought I was going to be rich. She expected me to follow in my dad’s footsteps, like Zane, and go into the law profession. But when I chose to be a public servant, she punished me by withholding her body from me and by maxing out my credit cards and cheating on me with my best friend.” The resentment in his voice was hard to miss.

  “I’m sorry.” That was all Lilibet could think to say. Although, she hated Kane had experienced even one moment of unhappiness, the information about his ex-wife made her feel a bit less threatened.

  “It didn’t take me long to discover my pretty little wife was a money-grubbing leech. And I wasted no time filing for divorce.” Kane began unbuttoning her blouse. “I wanted to tell you that much, because I didn’t want you to think there was a chance in hell I was hankering for her to come back to me.”

  “A man like you didn’t deserve to be treated that way. I’m sorry you had to go through such pain.” Lilibet’s voice shook as she watched him pull her blouse open and reverently unclasp her bra. “Supper’s almost done,” she breathed.

  “We have time for a little appetizer before the main course, don’t we?” He stared at her breasts, cupping them and pressing them together, rubbing the nipples with his thumbs.

  “God, yes.” Lilibet wanted him to suckle her breasts. She had dreamed of him playing with her tits all day. As he lowered his mouth and took a nipple between his lips, she heard him grunt his pleasure. The sound made her pussy jump in response.

  Kane sucked and pulled at her nipples with his lips, chewing on the areola and pressing the nipple into the roof of his mouth. He was devouring her tits and enjoying every second. His dick was huge under her bottom and she wanted to be ravished in the worst way. With an economy of movement, Lilibet turned in his lap and straddled him, her womanhood longing for contact with his male flesh.

  “Now this is worth coming home to,” Kane announced and Lilibet agreed.

  * * *

  Outside, a figure entered the washhouse and didn’t turn on the light. They opened the dryer and emptied a can of venomous scorpions in on the still-warm laundry. Yes, somebody would be getting a very painful surprise.

  Chapter Five

  Lilibet had no idea people could shed their clothes so fast. Her head swam as Kane tossed her on the bed and she giggled as she bounced a little. “Come here.” He playfully pulled her to the edge of the bed.

  His cock was distended, fully erect and leaking. “Good angle.” She giggled, as she realized their private parts were perfectly aligned. “Did you stand here naked and measure until you got the mattress the right height for sex?”

  Kane looked at her adoringly. She really had no idea how precious she was. “Yeah,” he readily admitted with a smirk as he picked up one silky leg and placed it on his shoulders. “I’ve played out a scene like this in my head over and over.” He didn’t have to pick up her other leg, for she eagerly raised it and gasped as he began to nibble at her calve. “Your skin tastes like homemade vanilla ice cream.”

  “Bluebell?” she teased, naming a local ice cream which was an obsession with many people. When he nipped her leg, she squealed. “Hey, no fair. I can’t reach you.”

  “What part of me do you want to touch?” Kane gave her a sultry look, letting the head of his
cock lightly graze the smooth flesh of her mons. “Will this do?” He probed at her tender folds with the swollen head, feeling a sensual satisfaction as he watched her eyes widen with obvious delight.

  “I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with that meager offering.” Further teasing became impossible as he began to push inside her hungry pussy.

  “Meager?” he asked with pretended affront. “I’ll show you meager, woman!” He grasped both of her upper thighs and rammed in, all the way to the base of his cock. His balls were nestled against her bottom and he could feel the moisture of her passion slipping down to lubricate their joining.

  “Good God, you’re tight!” Sweat began to break out on Kane’s chest as he fought for control. Every time he joined with this woman it was a spiritual experience. He placed a hand on her lower belly, spreading his fingers possessively. “How does it feel, Sugar? Am I pleasing you?” Lord, he wanted to please her. Talking about his ex-wife had brought unpleasant memories to mind. He could still see Lisa’s bored countenance as he fucked her, and recalled the amount of lube it took to ease his entrance into her unwelcoming, dry vagina. Lilibet wasn’t dry. She was heaven—wet, creamy, and pulling at his cock like a tiny mouth. “Christ!” She fit him like a glove.

  How could it get better every time? “You please me greatly, Kane Saucier,” she managed to say between little whimpers of awe as he thrust into her. The full length mirror on the door reflected their images, and Lilibet was enthralled. He had the most perfectly sculpted body. Both his buttocks and his thighs were hard with muscle. She couldn’t wait to trace every inch of his flesh with her tongue. Their reflection faithfully recorded the jiggle of her breasts as they moved up and down in time to the pumps of his body into hers. Their sexes were fully joined, creating an erotic picture she would carry with her to her dying day.


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