Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4) Page 6

by Sable Hunter

  “Look at me,” he commanded and Lilibet obediently turned her gaze to Kane’s handsome face. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you next?” He pulled all the way out, creating sparks of friction as the ridges of his dick caressed her sweet spot.

  “I have a wish-list,” she panted as wonderful sensations swamped her soul with bliss. His face was contorted with pleasure. The pistoning of his hips was getting faster and Lilibet tried to wait, wanting their satisfaction to be simultaneous. But she couldn’t hold back. The incredible ecstasy boiled up inside of her and exploded through her veins like molten lava. “Kane!” she screamed.

  “That’s right. Come for me, baby. Squeeze my cock! That’s a good girl. My good girl,” he chanted as her little channel vibrated around him, caressing him with her passion. “You have a wish-list? I want to lay you down and write my name in your pussy with my tongue so you’ll never forget who you belong to. Is that on your wish-list, Little-bit?”

  “It is now,” she moaned as he ground into her, his powerful climax causing her whole body to shake. “I’ll get you a copy of the list. I don’t want to miss a thing.” These last words were said in a whisper, as she pulled him down to her for a kiss.

  * * *

  Life was beautiful. If she could have, Lilibet would have skipped all the way to the washhouse. Maybe the special shoes were a good idea after all. She set the clothes basket down and opened the dryer door. “Here let me help you with that,” Kane spoke up as he came up behind her, playfully swatting her rump.

  “I’ve got it.” She knelt down and started pulling the towels and sheets from the tumbler. A sharp, burning jab caught her by surprise and she cried out. “Oh! What?” Her hand felt paralyzed with pain. Could she have pricked herself on a pin or knife of some kind?

  “What’s wrong, love?” Kane took her by the arm, about to pull her up.

  “I don’t know.” She started to pull her hand out, when another burning jab caught her right above the wrist. “Ow!” This time she jerked backward. Kane picked her up and set her on the washing machine.

  “Damn, Baby!” Her arm and hand were already beginning to swell. Two angry red welts stood out in stark contrast to her creamy skin. “What in the hell is in that dryer?” His first instinct was to grab her and take off to the hospital, but he needed to know what he was dealing with first. Turning, he grabbed a broom stick and got down so he could see.

  “Be careful, Kane,” Lilibet cautioned, very near tears. “I think there’s a snake in those clothes, somewhere.”

  “It’s not a snake, or at least I don’t think it is.” He dragged the clothes out with the stick, pulling them to the floor. To his surprise, several large scorpions came crawling out with tails arched over their backs menacingly. “Shit! Arizona Bark Scorpions, they’re venomous!” He brought his cowboy boot down, crushing them one by one. “How in the hell did they get in there? That species is not even native to this area.” Picking her up in his arms, he held her close, kissed her head and started taking long strides to the front of the house where he was parked.

  “Where are we going?” She buried her head in his neck, trying her best not to cry or faint. She didn’t know which would be worse.

  “To the Emergency Room, and then I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” Kane was adamant. He had an uneasy feeling those scorpions had found their intended target, and the thought of Lilibet being in danger was almost more than he could stand.

  * * *

  Lilibet lay on the examining table and watched the fluorescent lights, listening to the monotonous buzzing and concentrating on the moth dancing near the warm glow. Anything was better than focusing on the burning pain from the Scorpion stings. Kane had brought her in and then left to make a phone call. A nurse cleaned the wounds and now she was waiting to see the doctor.

  A creak and shoes shuffling on the tile floor alerted her to the fact she was not alone. “Well, what happened to you?”

  Doc Gibbs was a friendly soul and made Lilibet feel at ease. “I got a little surprise along with the laundry.” She sat up and held her arm out for his inspection.

  He adjusted his spectacles and touched the swollen, red area gingerly. “Those devils sure can inflict a lot of pain, but they are rarely dangerous, unless you’re allergic.” He placed a hand on the pulse of her throat and looked into her eyes with an instrument. “I don’t see any evidence of a reaction. Are you having any trouble breathing?”

  “No, the only problem I have is just the burning pain.” Lilibet closed her eyes as the Doc probed and pushed at the sore place. He motioned for the nurse and told her what injections he wanted her to have.

  “While you’re here, I want to measure your legs and find out the difference in their length and get your exact shoe size.” Doc rolled his stool over to the table and took some papers out of a drawer.

  Lilibet tensed. “I know I need to get those shoes, but I can’t, not yet. I don’t know how I’m going to pay for this visit.”

  With tape measure in hand, the physician got the nurse to help her up and together they measured her legs and feet. “Money is not a problem, Little Girl. You’ve got a protector now, and you know who that is.”

  * * *

  “Logan, here.”

  “I need you to go out to my house and take a look at my back yard, especially the wash house. See if you can find any evidence of a prowler. Somebody’s been pilfering around and they put some damn scorpions in my dryer. Miss Ladner was stung and I have her at the ER.”

  “What was she doing in your dryer? Do I need to arrest her for trespassing?”

  Kane bristled at the thought. “No, you won’t be arresting her for trespassing. She was my invited guest.”


  “Logan, I’m not seeking your approval. Just go on out there and look for footprints and I’ll meet you as soon as I can get her out of here.” Kane waited for his deputy to say something and when he didn’t, he lost some respect for the man. To hell with him. He finished giving him the information, dreading the idea of hunting a new deputy. “I hate to think it, but it might be my ex-wife. She’s in town.”

  “You can count on me, Sheriff.” The phone went dead.

  “I’d better be able to count on you, Logan, or you’ll be out of a job,” he spoke to the receiver in his hand. “This is damn important to me.”

  * * *

  “How is she, Doc?” Kane strode into the examining room, taking in the fact that Lilibet was holding on to the bed and looking decidedly pale. “Why aren’t you lying down?”

  “We just got through measuring her for those shoes you wanted her to have,” the old doctor said proudly, as if he had accomplished a daring feat. “The stings are going to hurt for a while, but I gave her some shots and she’ll be all right. She’ll probably fall asleep on the way out of here.”

  Kane’s arms went around her and Lilibet couldn’t help but relax against him. She felt so weak and dizzy. “Can we go home, now?” The question was bold, coming from her, but that was how she felt. His house and his arms were fast becoming the only places she wanted to be.

  “Yes, Love. We can.” Sweeter words were never spoken. She called his house home. Kane could swear he heard wedding bells in the distance. He picked her up and smiled all the way to the truck.

  As soon as they arrived home, he carried her into the house, holding her in one arm while he turned the bed covers down with the other. Logan was waiting outside for him, but getting Lilibet settled and comfortable was his first priority. “Sweetheart, I’ll be back just as soon as I can to cuddle you, okay?”

  “All right, I’m so sleepy.” She snuggled down in the bed and pulled his pillow to her and hugged it up. “Hurry back to me.”

  She probably didn’t even know what she was saying, but it was music to his ears. “Count on it, Doll.”

  * * *

  “Is she staying here with you?”

  Kane was fast losing his temper with the man. “Yes, she is. And I don’t want or need your approval or anyone else’s. Is that clear?”

  “All right, Sheriff. But people are going to talk.” The skinny little man adjusted his high-rise pants Barney-style and sniffed.

  “I don’t give a damn what anybody says. Now what did you find?” Kane growled the words at his deputy.

  Putting his hands on his hips, Logan looked out into the darkness. “It wasn’t a woman. That was for sure. The footprints were large and the man wore tennis shoes, which you never do.”

  “So, it wasn’t Lisa.” Kane didn’t know if he was relieved or not. Who else could it be? Who else would want to hurt him or Lilibet?

  “I found something.” Logan held out a pocket knife which he had placed in a plastic evidence bag.

  Kane took it. “I’ll keep this. Go back to the office and write down everything you can think of and we’ll go over it in the morning.” He didn’t even wait to hear Logan’s response. He had more important things to do.

  Back in the house, he went straight to the bedroom. She was asleep. He hated to wake her, but he needed to get her out of those clothes and into something more comfortable. Kneeling on the bed beside her, he couldn’t resist nuzzling her warm, sweet neck. “Baby,” he whispered. “I need you to wake up enough for me to put on your jammies.” He had gone through her suitcase and found a sleep-shirt. His heart had hurt at the small amount of possessions she called her own.

  She opened her eyes. Where was she? “Kane,” she breathed a sigh when she remembered she was with him. “I’m awake and I can do it.” She didn’t want him waiting on her. But when his hands started pulling at her clothes, she laid back and let him do it. His touch was as welcome to her body as a gentle rain was to thirsty ground.

  “Hush. This makes me happy.” With deft movements, he removed one piece of clothing at a time. When he had her nude, he couldn’t keep a low groan from escaping his mouth. “You do know you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, don’t you?” Everything about her body was perfect and his cock was giving her a standing ovation. But now wasn’t the time. “Down boy,” he whispered.

  “What did you say?”

  She held her arms up while he slipped the shirt over her head, covering up those luscious tits.

  “I was talking to my cock, honey. He’s getting a little rambunctious.”

  “I love your cock.”

  He laughed, knowing her meds had loosened her tongue. “My cock and I are pretty enamored of you, ourselves.”

  “Are you going to undress and sleep with me?” Never before in her life had she felt so satisfied and safe. Being with Kane was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her.

  “Just try and stop me.” Kane vowed as he tucked her in and undressed. He left his shorts on, trying to keep his cock corralled. As soon as he settled in, she gravitated to him, seeking his warmth like a flower seeked the sun. “That’s my baby.” He kissed her forehead and cradled her to his body, feeling more satisfied than he had in many a day.

  * * *

  A smile teased her lips. Good gracious! She had always heard of morning wood, and here it was right in front of her. Kane’s large erection had pitched a tent beneath the sheet and all she could think about was breakfast in bed. He had one arm slung over his head on the pillow and the contrast of his dark golden tan and the stark white pillowcase was pure eye-candy. Skimming her nightshirt over her head, Lilibet decided to get down to business.

  Longing to play, she pulled her legs up underneath her and rested her chin in her hand, trying to decide where to start. The top of the sheet was at his waist, leaving a wonderful expanse of abs and pecs for her viewing enjoyment. Whorls of dark brown hair dusted his chest and made the most inviting happy trail that just begged to be explored by her fingertips and tongue. With a twinkle in her eye, she picked up the sheet and peeked under it. Oh, yeah!

  Kane was awake, but he wouldn’t have said anything to disturb her for the world. He opened one eye, barely, and watched her. She was looking at his dick like it was a treat she’d been craving, her eyes wide, her lower lip caught in her teeth. And when she made a little moan of excitement, his cock jumped like a trout at a welcome meal. Forcing himself to remain still, he waited to see what she would do.

  Her brown-eyed handsome man was a sight to behold. His body made her think of the window of a pastry shop filled with delectable goodies, sweet, tempting, and cream filled. What to do? What to do? She checked his breathing. It was still even. Crawling closer to his face, she knelt until her lips grazed his cheek. The scruff of his beard felt good to her skin, and all she could think about was how it would feel on her breasts. Feeling fearless, she took the tip of her tongue and traced his dimple, licking her way to the corner of his mouth. His lips were soft, yet firm and so sexy her pussy began to weep.

  Enough! Parts of him seemed to be made of steel, but he was no Superman when it came to resisting Miss Ladner’s charms. “What do you think you’re doing?” he growled, causing Lilibet to bounce a little bit. “Is there something I can do for you?”

  There was so much affection and warmth in his voice that she couldn’t help but giggle. “You’re so pretty, I couldn’t resist.”

  “Pretty? I ain’t pretty, Baby Girl. I’m a tough, cowboy, he-man type!” With pretend affront, he pulled her down on top of him and captured her mouth. With biting, yet tender kisses, he devoured her lips. As she melted into him, he ran his hands hungrily over her body. Her skin was like the softest velvet. “Scoot up,” he coaxed.

  Tearing her mouth from his, she kissed her way up the side of his face as he moved her body so his mouth was level with her succulent breasts. “Hold on to the headboard and dangle those sweet tits in my mouth.”

  “Oh, that sounds good.” She fed him her breast, holding it with both hands and fitting it to his lips.

  Kane was ravenous. Inspired by the twin globes of perfection, he began to kiss and suckle, pushing them together so he could get both nipples in his mouth at the same time.

  “Oh my God,” Lilibet groaned at the multiplied pleasure of having both nipples loved on simultaneously. She couldn’t help but watch the amazing sight of Kane Saucier nursing at her breasts. It was absolute ecstasy. Unable to help herself, she moved her hips, grinding against his abdomen, leaving a damp evidence of her arousal.

  “Sit on my face,” Kane murmured around a damp nipple, urging her body higher on his chest.

  “Seriously?” The idea excited Lilibet beyond words, but she was a little embarrassed.

  “God, yes.” He helped her into position and began licking her slit. Giving her pleasure was the best feeling in the world. As he plunged his tongue deep inside her canal, her hips bucked so hard he had to forcibly hold her still.

  Shockwaves of pleasure began shooting through her body, and keening sounds of rapture fell from her lips. “Kane! I can’t help it! I’ve got to cum!”

  “Cum, Baby-doll.” He took her clit in his mouth and sucked hard, proud of the fact her whole body undulated with delight. Kane knew then, before Lilibet, he’d just existed. This was the way life should be lived, relishing every moment. He licked and soothed, drawing out her climax until she was making satisfied little grunts which had his dick twitching with impatience. “I need you, baby. Ride me, Cowgirl.”

  Her whole body still trembling, Lilibet moved backward. Getting on her knees, she took his big cock in her hand and fitted it to the place where she needed it most. “My original thought was to wake you with a blow-job. I wanted to make you feel good. Instead, you did the giving and I just took.” As she began to take him inside of herself, she couldn’t keep the groan of relief from erupting from her lips.

  “Are you kidding? Being with you is l
ike living in a Playboy fantasy.” Kane bucked up and buried himself to the hilt. “God, it feels good to be inside of you.” He lifted his body up, supporting himself on his arms and bent legs, his hips and back completely leaving the mattress.

  “My Lord!” He was so powerful, she felt like she was riding a mechanical bull, only a thousand times better. Placing her palms on his chest, she held his gaze, enjoying his pleasure as much as her own. “I love making love with you, Kane.”

  “That’s good,” Kane managed to say as he pumped his hips, giving her everything he had. “Because, I’m falling in love with you, Little-bit.”

  His admission took her completely by surprise and set off an orgasm which tore his name from her lips. “Kane!” It took all of her will-power to stop the flow of words she longed to say. She was in love with Kane, completely and hopelessly, and it would never work in a million years. So she showed him how much she adored him with her body instead, milking him, squeezing him, coaxing an orgasm from him that stole coherent thought from both of their minds.

  Chapter Six

  So, she hadn’t responded when he mentioned the L word. Kane turned the bacon over and tried not to read anything into her silence. It was probably too soon. He covered the sizzling skillet and checked the eggs he was frying sunny-side-up. Today, he would begin Plan B, whatever that was.

  “You shouldn’t be cooking breakfast. That’s my job.” Lilibet was shy, and talking food seemed the safest course of action.


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