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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  Stepping back she checked items off of her mental list. What was left to do? The stew was bubbling, the cornbread was done and two huge peach cobblers were in the oven. Tea. She needed to brew the tea. Putting on a big boiler of water, she tore open the tea bags and dropped them into the water. Next, she pulled out a large container of sugar. The men, like all southerners, wanted their tea sweet, strong and iced cold.

  The line shacks were comfortable, and the kitchen was adequate, but it was primitive compared to the commercial style facilities at Tebow. Even Kane’s little kitchen was up-to-date and more functional than this one. That thought brought tears to her eyes. Kane’s house had become home to Lilibet. She’d envisioned herself living there as Kane’s wife, cooking for him, taking care of him, loving him.

  Slam! The wind caught the front door, pushing it back against the wall with force. What in the world? Was someone here? Untying her apron, Lilibet padded barefoot into the dining area to see if the men had arrived early. But what met her eyes changed her view of reality. Lisa, Kane’s ex-wife stood there holding a small boy in her arms. “Miss Ladner, this is my son, Dwayne.” Lilibet’s hand went to her throat. She had to hold her heart in place, for it threatened to jump from her chest. The child looked nothing like his mother. He was the mirror image of his father. And the identity of that father was unquestionable. This little boy was Kane’s son.

  * * *

  Well, that was fun. Lisa couldn’t help but smile, remembering the younger woman’s shock and dismay. “Mama.” Dwayne’s little voice broke through her gloating. She glanced in the rear view mirror and his sweet little face tugged at her heart. He really was a good boy. Sometimes, her conscience bothered her. What kind of future would her son have if his whole life was based on a lie?

  “What does Mama’s baby want?” She couldn’t help but love him. He might not be Kane’s son, but he was hers, and that counted for more than she had ever expected.

  He didn’t answer. Instead he giggled and Lisa laughed out loud. “You are a good boy, Dwayne. Mama’s good boy.” Returning her attention to the road, Lisa screamed, jerking the car wheel violently to the right. She had drifted over into oncoming traffic and an eighteen wheeler was right in front of her. A horrific crashing noise filled the air, glass shattered and flew, and the air bag inflated, blocking out the sun. Lisa’s last thought was for her son.

  * * *

  “It’s time to set this plan into motion,” Kyle growled at Brien. “You head into town and slash all the tires on every vehicle at the Sheriff’s office, just like we talked about.” There was a coldness to Hanks which chilled Brien to the very bone. He didn’t know the thug’s whole history, but there was no telling how many murders he was responsible for. Kyle Hanks had no compunction about taking a life if it would benefit his nefarious causes.

  “Are you sure that’s necessary? It won’t buy us much time.” All Brien could think about was Lilibet. He rued the day he’d ever got mixed up with these hoodlums. His life might be ruined, but he had no intention of taking his sister with him. He had a plan. He might die putting it into motion, but if he saved Lilibet, it would be worth it.

  “Listen, you little punk.” Kyle Hanks grabbed him by the shirt. “You do as I say, or else…” Brien didn’t say anything else. He would do as he was told, until he got the chance to put things right.“We’ve been watching things, and the man who’s been tormenting the McCoys, he’s back at it tonight. He cut a few spots of fence on the north side and now my look-out says he’s headed into town. So we’re gonna slip in, and really mess things up for them. By the time we get through, chaos will be everywhere. No one will pay any attention to us when we kidnap the crip. All we need now is for Rick to offer to escort her home, and the rest will be as easy as taking candy from a baby.”

  * * *

  “Somebody get that damn phone,” Aron hollered to no one in particular. “I can’t find my damn radio and everything is going to hell in a hand basket.” Aron was livid. The family had enough problems and now this. Aron, Noah, Libby and Jessie sat around the big screen TV and watched as reporter Carrie Warner drug the good name of McCoy through the mud.

  And it got worse. The report went from slamming Joseph for putting his illness into the hands of a charlatan to actually accusing him of faking his paralysis to create a media storm in order to cut bigger deals with his sponsors. “Shit,” Noah breathed. “Joseph is going to explode.” A huge peal of thunder ripped through the atmosphere and everyone jumped. “Now, we’ve got a storm to deal with. What else can go wrong?”

  Jessie motioned to Libby and they walked off to one side. “We need to radio Lance and make sure Lilibet gets on the road toward home. This weather could get worse, and you know she wants to get home to Kane.”

  “You’re right.” Libby was worried sick. “Stay here with the guys, and pray this is not what it looks like. I’ll go to the kitchen and get the word to Lilibet or Lance down at the line shacks.”

  * * *

  “No problem, Boss, I’ll be glad to escort Miss Ladner home.” Rick Morton was all smiles.

  “Thank you, Rick. It’s very nice of you.” She gathered her things, and stopped to say one last word to Lance. “This seemed to work well. The men could work in shifts, and I still managed to feed everybody in an hour and a half. Do you want to me to do the same thing tomorrow?” Lilibet listened as Lance discussed their work schedule and the problems they were having. Or at least she tried to listen. Her mind was on what she would find at home.

  “We appreciate everything you did today, Lilibet.” Lance handed her an envelope. “This is from Aron. He wanted you to know that the extra trouble you go to has not escaped his notice.”

  Lilibet took the envelope. As bad as she hated to admit it, extra money might come in handy, just in case. “Thank you.” Tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn’t even bring herself to think that way. Lance thought she was crying out of gratitude. He had no idea her world was falling apart.

  Rick Morton, a ladies’ man if she ever saw one, held out his arm and escorted her to one of the ranch trucks. She’d put her shoes back on and as she had, she could still remember how sweet Kane had been when he’d given them to her. Getting into the truck, she let her mind wander as Rick climbed in and they started off. Would Kane be there when she got home? Was he expecting her to come home? Was he through with her? Putting a hand over her eyes, she tried to calm herself. Everything couldn’t have been a lie. Still, there was that precious little boy to think of.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Are you comfortable, Miss?” Rick Morton asked out of the blue, causing her to jump. “I could turn on a bit of heat, if you’d like. This storm seems to have brought in a small cold front.”

  Lilibet looked at the troubled sky. It wasn’t quite dark, but the clouds looked ominous. “I’m fine, really.” She smiled at him. “I appreciate you doing this for me. Kane was busy.” She had no idea what Kane was doing, but she was determined to give him the benefit of the doubt. Rick turned his attention back to the road, and her heart and mind went back to worrying about Kane. The only thing she could think to do was just act normal. She would walk in and greet him with an open mind and open arms.

  “Looks like we have trouble up ahead, Miss.” Rick began to slow down. She sat up and strained to see. There were cows on the road and a couple of vehicles were parked on the shoulder. “We’re gonna have to go slow and we may have to stop. Make sure your seat belt is fastened.”

  “It is,” she assured him. “I hope no one has had a wreck or hit a cow.” She knew that several of the McCoy cattle had been struck by vehicles since this rash of vandalism had begun. “Who would be doing something like this and what possible motive could they have?” She knew Kane was working hard to solve the case, but so far the culprit had remained elusive.

  “It’s a mystery, Miss.” She was surprised to see a slight
grin on Morton’s face. He seemed a little bit too happy about the whole situation. The road wasn’t completely blocked, but Rick pulled over anyway.

  “Why are we stopping?” Lilibet asked. “I think we could get through, if you just kept on going.”

  He didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her. As he pulled off on the shoulder, a big burly man walked toward them. Did he have a gun? “Oh, my Lord.” Lilibet was afraid now. She wanted to call for Kane, but that would be futile. “Drive away, Rick. Please!” she begged. But Morton just laughed and cut the engine.

  “You’d better get out, Miss Ladner. This man has some business with you, I believe.” Her passenger side door was wrenched open and before Lilibet could say a word, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly hauled from the pick-up truck.

  “What do you want?” she cried.

  “Money. What do you think?” Her hands were jerked behind her and a rough rope was wound tightly around her wrists.

  “I don’t have any money,” she whispered.

  “Your fiancé does. Did you know that?” At Libby’s confused look, Hank laughed. “He didn’t tell you his family is loaded?”

  “I knew they were lawyers, but Kane is just a sheriff. He doesn’t have access to any money his family may have.” Her heart was beating so hard, she thought it might tear loose from its bindings.

  “If he cares anything about you, I bet he’ll ask Daddy for enough money to pay your ransom. If not, I can always sell this pretty little ass of yours to ship overseas to some wealthy Middle Eastern pervert who craves a little variety. You know what I mean?” He laughed, fiendishly.

  No! Not now! “You may be disappointed.” She didn’t cry. She refused to cry. She knew Kane would do everything in his power to help her. After all, he was the sheriff. But pay a huge ransom? She wouldn’t want him to do that. Asking his father for money would go against everything he’d worked for in his life. “I hope he tells you ‘no’,” she answered solemnly. “Paying kidnappers is not a good policy. It just encourages others to break the law for profit.”

  “Well, listen to you, Little Miss Braveheart.” The big man sneered. “We’ll see. All I know is this…I’m gonna get my money, one way or the other.” With that he took the butt of the gun and struck her one hard blow on the back of the head and everything went black.

  * * *

  “Kane, I love you so.” Lilibet lifted her arms up to him. He seemed so far away. “Come hold me, please. I need you. Would you make love to me?” Lilibet moved restlessly.

  “Shut that damn lid,” Kyle Hanks ordered Rick. “If somebody happens by, we don’t need them seeing a body in the trunk.”

  “But she’s saying something, Boss.” Rick stared down at Lilibet.

  “She’s just dreaming.” Hank threw a careless hand in the air. “Let her dream. That may be all she has left.”

  “Is this a dream, Kane?” She touched his face. “Are you really here?” Maybe all the bad things that had happened recently were the dream and this incredible feeling was reality.

  “I’m here, Sweetheart. I dream too, Lilibet.” The desperate sound of Kane’s voice made her long to please him. He spoke to her so softly, she had to strain to hear him. “I dream of your mouth on mine. It’s all I’ve been able to think about.” Lilibet didn’t know where they were. She couldn’t seem to make sense of it. But as he pulled her to him, she went willingly. “God, I need you.”

  His sexy hair seemed to beckon her fingers, his brown eyes growing even darker with desire. “Kane, I want you.” She could hear the need in her own voice. All of the doubts which had been tormenting her warred with the tremendous love that bound her heart to his.

  “You’re so beautiful, Lilibet,” he whispered. “Give me what I dream of, Sugar. I want your sweet mouth. Come here, Love.” He gripped her hand, drawing her a bit closer.

  “Kane, what about Lisa?” She had to force the name past her lips. “You have to tell me…” A strong hand cupped her neck, drawing her head forward as his lips sought hers.

  “Let’s live in this fantasy, Sweetheart.” His voice was rough with emotion. “Make it real, Lilibet. I can’t live with just a dream. You’re driving me crazy.”

  Lilibet licked her lips, knowing what he tasted like—a salty ocean breeze, a storm on a cool fall night. Her hand shook, there was no doubt in her mind what would happen the moment she kissed him. It was the same as always. Lilibet knew she would lose herself to the magic that was her beloved. And it scared her to death. Was this real? Was their love real? The knowledge of what he could do to her had her quivering before him.

  “Now, Little-bit,” he commanded. Kane’s fist tangled in her hair, his thumb caressing her cheek as he urged her forward. “Give me what I need, Honey. I’ll be your slave for life.” For life? Lilibet moaned. She couldn’t have resisted him for anything. Even if this was a dream, it was a dream she never wanted to wake up from. God, she loved him. She was so tuned into his every breath. He tugged at the silken strands of hair, keeping her anchored and bent to his will. Surely, he realized she needed no urging.

  “Dear God. Lilibet. Sweetheart.” She held him tighter. “You are so gorgeous.” He pushed her long hair back over her shoulders. “There is no more beautiful sight in the world than you.”

  Lilibet loved listening to him. His praise made her only want to please him more. She searched his face, needing to know that he loved her as much as she loved him. The events of the last twenty-four hours had knocked her feet out from under her and she needed to know all was as it should be. “Do I please you, Kane? Am I enough?”

  “God yes, Sugar. You are exactly what I need. You’re all I need.” The love in his eyes sent a jolt of pure white-hot pleasure surging through her body. She closed her eyes, letting his voice give her peace. Visions of the past few days swirled with the dream-state of the present and Lilibet struggled to hang-on to the reality of Kane and his love.

  Now, all she wanted was to be in his arms. She needed to be held. “I love you,” she prayed as she kissed him back.

  “I love you, too.” He framed her face and looked deep into her eyes. “You realize that, don’t you? I love you more than life.” With a sigh of relief, she clung to him.

  “That’s what I needed to hear.”


  A noise broke through the web of her happiness. Her whole body jostled as whatever she was laying on, or in, began to move. Lilibet opened her eyes and darkness was all she saw. Her whole body hurt. What had happened? God, she didn’t know what was happening? “Kane!” she screamed, but she knew in her heart he couldn’t hear her. She was bound hand and foot and the best she could tell, she was stowed away in the trunk of a car and being taken God knows where. Groaning, she wished she’d never woken up. Would Kane look for her? Would he miss her? Gasping, she came to terms with her reality and discovered that she much preferred the dream.

  * * *

  Where can she be? Kane had driven home, hoping to high heaven he would find Lilibet waiting for him. Supposedly, she was getting a ride home. But the house was empty, deserted, cold and lonely, and he had the funniest feeling niggling down his spine. “She should have been here by now,” he said out loud, worrying. He didn’t like this whole situation, not at all. Dialing her cell phone, he let it ring and ring and when it went to voice mail he let out a curse. “Damn!” Something didn’t feel right. Dialing the ranch office he asked for Lance, keeping his voice on an even keel. “Hey, are you making Lilibet work overtime?”

  “No, Rick Morton gave her a ride home.”

  “Who’s Rick Morton?” Kane couldn’t keep the concern out of his voice.

  “He’s new,” Lance spoke slowly. “From over around New Orleans way. I don’t know him well, but his references checked out. Do you know something I don’t know?”

  “Lilibet isn’t hom
e, Lance. I’m worried.”

  Lance paused. “I understand, man. Look, I’m not sure exactly how long they’ve been gone. Do you need me to do some checking for you?”

  Kane looked at his watch again. “No, let’s give them a few more minutes. I’m probably over-reacting.” After promising to keep Lance posted, he let him go. Not five seconds later, the phone vibrated in his hand. Finally! Hoping it was Lilibet, he was disappointed to see the name ‘Hardbodies’ in the caller ID screen. It was Isaac. Not that he didn’t want to hear from his friend, but he had other things on his mind. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “You’d better get over here, I’ve been burglarized.”

  “I’ll be right there.” He called Logan’s replacement. “Waters, meet me over at McCoy’s bar, Hardbodies. He says there’s been a break-in.” It wasn’t far, but Kane broke the speed limit getting there. Waters pulled up at the same time. “Follow me,” he instructed his deputy. “I don’t know what we’re up against, but there’s a helluva lot of strange things going on. It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Isaac must have unlocked the door for him, so Kane and Waters walked in, guns raised. The smell of liquor was overwhelming and he pointed at the waste that had been made of the bar. It appeared someone had trashed the place, breaking dozens of bottles filled with vodka, whiskey, rum and tequila. Shards of glass were everywhere. “This is a mess.”


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