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Brown Eyed Handsome Man (Hell Yeah! Book 4)

Page 16

by Sable Hunter

  Kane got right in Kyle Hank’s face. “Where is she?”

  “She’s where she belongs. Coffins are where you keep dead people. Isn’t that right?” Even though he was in cuffs, he lunged at Kane, who was glad for the opportunity to get in a well-deserved blow. With a sharp right hook, he put the man on his knees.

  “She’d better be alive and well, or you’re a dead man, Hanks. I can promise you, you’re a dead man.”

  “Sheriff.” One of his men placed a restraining hand on his arm. “Don’t you think we ought to get your fiancé out of that heat-trap she’s in?” Moving to the driver’s side, he checked for the switch that would allow that damned coffin she’d been stuffed in to be pulled out on its rails.

  “Hold on, Baby, I’m coming.”

  * * *

  “Please God,” Lilibet prayed. “Let Kane find me.” She could tell the hearse had stopped, but very little noise filtered through the metal walls of her prison. What if something happened to her captors and no one knew she was here? The morbid thought sent her into a panic. “Help, Help!” With a jerking movement, she could feel the box she was entombed in begin to move. “Please, please, please,” she pleaded. Thumps and scrapes sounded on the lid. Was she about to be saved? Suddenly fresh air washed over her and a bright light hit her in the eyes.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you,” Kane chanted like a prayer.

  Relief rolled over her in waves and tears of joy began to fall from her eyes. Kane was here, she was in his arms, and it seemed as if nothing could ever hurt her again.

  * * *

  Lying cradled next to Kane’s solid chest, Lilibet could pretend all was well. His strong heartbeat was like a cadence of hope against her cheek. When he’d pulled her from that dreaded coffin, his first words had been ‘I love you’, and he’d repeated it over and over. Every now and then, he would kiss her on her forehead, and squeeze her, whispering words of comfort. Surely this was real. Doubts about Lisa and the little boy tore at her heart. She needed to know the truth, but she wasn’t brave enough to ask the questions.

  “I was so scared, Baby,” he spoke against her cheek. “I’ve been turning this county on its head trying to find you.”

  “You did?” Of course he would, it was his job. “Why did they take me? How was Brien mixed up in everything?”

  Kane was careful not to clear Brien completely, not until he had a chance to check out his story and talk to him some more. So, he told her what he knew for sure. “Those men were part of an organized crime ring. They were extorting money from Brien. When they bled the both of you dry, they decided to use you to get money in other ways, through ransom or the underground slave trade.”

  “I heard one of them say they were going to sell me to the highest bidder, but I had no idea what they meant.”

  “You don’t need to worry about it now. Brien came and helped me find you.”

  “He did?” Lilibet perked up. She knew Brien had told her to trust him, but he’d failed her so many times, it had been hard to believe him. Love won out though, and she felt a peace and happiness well up inside. “I’m glad. Brien has a good heart. He never wanted me to be hurt.”

  “I don’t think he did, either.” Kane cleared his throat. “I have something I need to tell you.”

  Lilibet stiffened, expecting to hear the worst. She’d been through a lot, but the image of Kane’s ex-wife and the little boy who looked so much like him plagued her thoughts. And Lisa’s words kept echoing in her mind, saying that only she could give Kane what he needed and Lilibet was a pity-fuck who’d turned into a charity case. None of that would’ve bothered her if she hadn’t called the station and been told by his secretary that Kane had run off to find his ex-wife. “Is it going to make me cry?”

  “As tender-hearted as you are, I wouldn’t doubt it.” Heavens, she was so beautiful and he was so glad to have her back. He touched a smudge on her cheek. “I heard that Lisa, my ex-wife came to see you.” Lilibet started to pull away, but he stopped her. “Don’t you move a muscle.”

  “Yes, she came to see me. And she told me that you and she...that you and she…” Before she could stop them, tears began to flow.

  Kane began kissing the little trail of tears. “I don’t know what she told you, but Lisa had a problem with the truth.” He took her gently by the chin. “Baby, look at me.” Lilibet did so. “Lisa’s dead, Lilibet. She was killed in a car wreck this afternoon.”

  Horror and sadness made her sit straight up in his arms. “What about the baby?”

  Kane couldn’t help but smile. “What a tender heart you have. Dwayne is fine, Sweetheart. I know Lisa told you he was my son, but he’s not. I’m not sure who the father is.”

  “That poor child,” she worried. “What’s going to happen to him?”

  “Don’t you worry about the little boy. I intend to find out the whole story.” Kane couldn’t help but look at her tenderly. “But I couldn’t do anything until I found you. You’re my Baby. Don’t you know that?”

  “So, none of what Lisa said was true? You still love me?” Throwing her arms around his neck, she didn’t really have any doubts. ‘I love you’ had been the first words out of his mouth. Still, she longed for confirmation.

  “Lilibet, I love you more than life itself.” He picked up her hand. “You wear my ring and I can’t wait to make you my wife.” They were sitting in the back seat of one of his deputy’s cars. Driving hadn’t been on his mind. He was more interested in holding her close. “We’re about to get on the road just as soon as they get the trash gathered up to transport to jail.”

  “I can’t wait.” Lilibet sighed. “I almost gave up, you know?”

  “I never gave up, not for a moment. What do you want to do when we get to the house? A long, hot bath, a bowl of soup?” He winked at her. “Or maybe a massage?”

  Raising her eyes to meet his, she smiled. “I want you to take me to bed. I dreamed about you kissing me when I was taken. That’s what got me through the terror.”

  Claiming her lips, he kissed her long, hard and sweet. “Hot damn, darlin’! That’s the sweetest request I’ve ever heard. Let’s go home.”

  * * *

  Home. There was no sweeter word. Kane carried her across the threshold of their bedroom like a bride. She deserved gentleness, and tenderness, and he’d given her that as he bathed her. But now his patience was at an end. Here he stood with an immediate erection in his jeans. Damn, he was almost nervous. His heart was pounding, his blood rushing through his veins like white-water rapids. “I am so glad to have you back,” he whispered next to a soft curl on her neck. He stared at his woman, taking in her flushed cheeks, her eyes dark with desire. “My Lilibet,” he breathed like a prayer. The need to bury himself deep inside the velvet-soft warmth of her body was almost overwhelming. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled her own unique precious scent, a blend of honeysuckle and warm sweet female.

  “I’m glad to be home.” She hugged him tight and he relished the heat of her flesh, silken and giving as she pressed her body to his. Laying her on his bed, he began to shed his clothing, remembering all the ways he’d taken her, all the ways he still wanted to love her. Once he was naked, he knelt by her and removed the towel he had wrapped her in, slowly, kissing every inch of flesh he exposed. “Mostly, I’m just glad to be with you. I love you, Kane.”

  “I don’t just love you. I adore you. I worship you. You are my life,” he whispered as he let his eyes rove over her, thanking God she was unhurt and back where she belonged. Lilibet had no idea how much she meant to him. She didn’t have a clue. His darling girl had changed him. She had brought joy and laughter into his life. The lonely man he’d been before didn’t exist any longer. But the man that loved Lilibet, that ached for her, that man was ready to go all the way. Kane wanted to repeat vows, to hold, to comfort. He wanted to be tied to her in
every way a man could be bound to a woman. “Your body is so beautiful.” She shivered under his hands. “Are you cold? Let me hug you up.” Crawling in the bed with her, he scooted her over, making room for his big body.

  Lilibet shifted as near to him as she could get, almost moaning at the security and warmth he gave her. Kane’s arms were wrapped around her, holding her close, his head tucked above hers just like they’d lain so many times before. One leg was thrown over hers, and her head rested on his arm. “I like this. I missed you so much.”

  “Lord, I would have moved heaven and earth to find you.”

  Holding her around the waist, she was cuddled up against his chest. Lilibet couldn’t have escaped him if she wanted to. And she so didn’t want to. More than anything, she wanted to luxuriate in this heaven, to stay right where she was and not lose this incredible feeling of peace. But when his hand moved, strayed to the edge of her pussy, she knew what she had to have—him. Lilibet stretched, moved backward, pressing firmly against the hard male body behind her. Unwillingly, her breathing hitched, became a half moan. “I need you.”

  “Hold still, Sugar.” Hoarse with desire, his breath ruffled the hair on her neck as she pushed her butt back against the steel hardness of his cock. Kane molded himself to her, surrounding her, his body naked and hard and powerful. All the horror of the past hours was gone. This man had saved her. Now she didn’t have to worry, all she had to do was feel. Turning her head, she pressed her lips to his neck, licking and kissing a path to his chin. The raspiness of his beard was so erotic. Lilibet had never known a beard could feel so sexy. “Will you kiss me?” she asked. Kane went still behind her. “I want you, Kane.”

  She wanted him. She needed him. Lord, he wanted to revel in the feeling of pure male triumph. “You want me, do you?” Kane audibly growled as he turned her. His broad shoulders and chest blocked out the light and filled her vision as he covered her.

  “God, yes.” Her hands moved to his shoulders, rubbing the hard flesh, testing his muscle. Lifting her head, she let her tongue stroke over his chest, rubbing her face against the rougher hair of his chest. “Make me yours, Kane. I’ve missed you, so.” Her body ached for his touch.

  “My Lilibet,” he whispered as his forehead lowered to hers.

  “Make me forget, Kane. I need to forget what happened...” His lips took hers, stopping the flow of words. Kane could only give her what they both needed. He slanted his mouth over hers, and she met his kiss with a wild, hungry moan. Damn! He was harder than hard. His cock was near to bursting, his balls full and tight with seed. Fighting for control, he slid his hand between her legs and found her wet, hot and so ready for him. Slick and sweet, like honey. Pressing his fingers farther, running them down the soft path between the swollen folds of her slit, he rimmed the entrance to her pussy. Ah…paradise. She was so damned tight. Pushing in, he felt her flex around the end of his finger. “Lord, you deserve foreplay, but I need you too much. I don’t have the strength to wait.” Pushing her legs apart, he lifted himself over her. “God, I know it hasn’t been long, but it feels like years.”

  Panting, she gave him permission. “Take me, please.” Kane shook with desire, shuddered. He wanted nothing more than to touch and taste every square inch of her beauty, but his body was demanding the joining. Pressing the swollen head of his cock against her slick entrance, he groaned at the heat. He pushed forward. Steady, Saucier, he cautioned himself. Pleasuring her was paramount.

  She raised her head, her little white teeth nipping his lips. “Don’t hold back. Kiss me like you mean it. I dreamed about this,” she whispered roughly. “Kiss me as you take me, Kane.”

  “Gladly.” He covered her lips, hungrily. It seemed like an eternity since he’d felt the fiery pleasure of her pussy making him welcome, since he’d heard the whimpers escape from her lips, and knew she was experiencing the same fire bursts of pleasure he was. His hips bucked, his cock thrusting, pumping, working its way deep inside of her as she clasped him tightly and arched to meet him. He swallowed her cries, his tongue thrusting inside her mouth in time with the thrusts between her thighs. Kane was plunging, penetrating, and when he couldn’t take the ecstasy another moment, he threw his head back, and straightened up on his knees. Catching her hips, he lifted her ass up on his thighs and began pounding in the jack-hammer rhythm he needed more than air.

  Lilibet heard the sounds coming from Kane, deep grunts and growls of need. Mesmerized, she watched as his eyes closed, the strong muscles of his neck corded and sweat beaded on his gorgeous body. The sight of him coupled with the ecstasy of his taking, caused her orgasm to blossom. Her pussy convulsed and rippled, squeezing and milking his cock. Kane continued to drive inside of her, and she loved it. “Don’t stop, Baby, don’t ever stop.” She relished every stroke. Knotting the sheet between her fingers, she arched off the bed. “Kane, God, this feels so good!” It had never been like this. Oh, it had always been good, but this was better. Kane filled her, stretched her. God, it burned like fire. This wasn’t just lust, not just hunger, this was the purest expression of love she’d ever felt. Kane was consuming her, a sensual seduction that just might burn her alive. Lilibet offered herself up and Kane took what she offered with through, long deep strokes which moved her body in whole-hearted response. They belonged together. There was no doubt in her mind.

  Only Kane could make her feel like this, only Kane could make her mindless with absolute bliss. He took her hard, he took her as a man obsessed, a man who craved the pleasure only she could give him. It was too much! She couldn’t hold back. Another release washed over her. Crying out his name, she erupted beneath him as her body went into pure lust-shock. Sparkles and tingles and shocks of pure joy ricocheted through her body until she literally broke the bonds of gravity and flew. Molding herself to him, she felt him when he came, his cum spurting inside of her in white-hot jets. Still, he thrust, pushed, his organ iron-hard within her.

  “More. I want more!” he shouted. Pulling back, he literally picked her up and turned her over till she was lying on her stomach. With an arm around her middle, he lifted her up and thrust back inside. God, he’d mounted her. She felt wild. They were mating in the truest sense of the word. Lilibet was at his mercy and she loved it. With sure hands, he pulled her upright and she held her arms over her head and twined them around his neck. His hands moved over her arms, breasts, belly, and thighs, and as a reward for being just what he wanted, he massaged her clit till she whimpered. “That’s my girl. You want me, don’t you? God, you’re tight, Baby, so tight.”

  Being just what he wanted pleased her no end. So she moved. Rocking back against him, she pushed her bottom into his groin, working her pussy up and down his rod. Lilibet rode Kane’s cock until they both gasped for breath. “How do you want me, Little-bit?” His use of that particular term of endearment made her heart melt. “Tell me.” He buried his face in her neck and bit, sucking till he made his mark. His big fingers were still swirling her clit and the other hand cupped a breast, kneading the flesh and making the nipple plump. “Do you want it slow and sweet?” Pushing deep, he pulled out languorously, letting her feel every ridge and vein as they drug over her sensitive G-spot. Instead of answering, she groaned her approval. “Or do you want it hot and hard?”

  “Yeah, I need hard.” She managed to answer as he drove her crazy with his loving. Kane held her tight as she trembled in his arms. Multiple orgasms were something she’d come to expect with Kane, but not something she took for granted. He belonged to her and she was grateful her body responded to his so easily and so well. Feeling the tension begin to build, she braced herself for his erotic onslaught. His arms locked around her and Lilibet just held on for dear life. His hips moved, hard and fast. She became utterly pliable, weak from arousal and an emotional high. Unwinding her arms from around his neck, he pushed her down to the bed and covered her. For a moment, she was disoriented and a slight panic filled her. But w
hen he soothed his hand up and down her back, she surrendered to what they both wanted. His thrusts grew in speed and intensity. Lilibet Ladner was being well and truly possessed, and she gloried in the taking. The sounds of their lovemaking were rich and raunchy and when release came this time, it came for them both. Their voices blended, desperate cries, groans and moans of gratification. Lilibet arched like a cat, her pussy muscles squeezing every last drop of passion from Kane’s cock and from his soul. He pulled her tight against him and they were spent, sweaty and satisfied. He rolled to one side and carried her with him, kissing her shoulder, her neck, her arm. Her body was cocooned in his embrace and she felt safe. “Baby, baby, baby. I love you so damn much.”

  “I love you, Kane. And I’ll love you every day of my life.”

  “Every day of your life, is that all?”

  Chuckling, she glanced over her shoulder at his relaxed and happy face. “What do you want? Isn’t that enough?”


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