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Page 1

by Celeste Raye

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:

  Chapter 19:

  Chapter 20:

  Chapter 21:

  Chapter 22:

  Chapter 23:

  Chapter 24:

  Chapter 25:

  Copyright 2017 by Celeste Raye - All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:

  Chapter 19:

  Chapter 20:

  Chapter 21:

  Chapter 22:

  Chapter 23:

  Chapter 24:

  Chapter 25:

  Bonus Books

  Renall: Revant Warriors

  Marik: Revant Warriors

  Blade: Revant Warriors

  Tredorphen: Dragons of Dobromia

  Kavryiss: Dragons of Dobromia

  About the Author

  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus


  Warriors of Milisaria

  (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

  By Celeste Raye

  Chapter 1:


  Alexis Fisher tucked her blonde hair behind her ear and sat on the piece of the ship that jutted out from the round, glass window that she had been training her eyes on almost every evening since she had boarded the spaceship that would take her to live on an alien planet. She loved to watch planets and stars pass by them on their journey. She had once wanted to work with NASA, exploring what was out there right alongside the greatest space program on the entire planet Earth, but no one had taken a wispy blonde of 27-years-old seriously. Getting on this ship and agreeing to essentially be a mail-order bride to some veiny Arkani had been the only way for her to get close to her dream.

  She heard footsteps coming towards her and the brush of air that meant someone had sat down next to her. She didn’t bother to look because she knew just who it was. "I see you're out of bed too, Destiney," Alexis commented, pressing her lips into a thin line. Alexis remembered how Destiney used to annoy her when they first boarded the ship. The fifteen women aboard were all pretty sad, either forced on the ship because of hardships or seeking a new life because their life on Earth didn’t go as planned. Alexis knew now what was lurking behind those amber eyes and bright smile that Destiney walked around with, but her zany attitude had not been welcomed in the first couple of weeks. Now, Destiney was her only friend on the ship, and the one keeping her going.

  "Well, c'mon, Alexis, you can’t tell me you're not at least a little excited. We've been on this ship for two months now, and we're finally going to be setting our feet on land again in just a few days." Destiney’s bubbly voice broke through the semi-trance Alexis had put herself into, watching the universe fly by. Alexis turned away from the window and gave a sad smile. She had some mixed feelings about the whole thing, but it was too late to back out now.

  "I'm excited to get to be a part of an intelligent community again. I'm excited to find out what the Arkani know about science," she admitted, trying to find the silver lining. The Arkani would surely take to her scientific mind since the reason they needed women was because their women had begun dying of a disease they did not understand. It didn’t affect humans or the men, and Alexis was ready to be the person who helped discover why, even if it meant being the wife to one of the men who had lost theirs.

  "Well, I'm excited for a new life," Destiney whispered, leaning her tanned body over with delight. "I don’t care what race this man is, as long as he cares for me. One of those alien men is going to choose me and be with only me. I've never felt appreciation like that." Alexis nodded. She knew Destiney's story all too well. Looking at the beautiful woman before her with sultry curves and wavy brown hair, Alexis couldn’t understand what wasn't to love. But Destiney's family had felt quite different, stuck in their traditions.

  "It's going to be great for you," Alexis told her, placing her hand on Destiney’s leg comfortingly.

  "You're always such a good friend, with the right things to say. I would go crazy in a depressing place like this without a gal like you in it. I wish you could be happy for yourself for once, though, Alexis," Destiney commented, calling Alexis out. Alexis just shook her head and looked back out the window, putting that wall back up around her that she always had. It was the closest thing to armor she had, and she just felt like she needed it.

  "I just don’t have a whole lot of faith in others anymore, Destiney. I wish I could be more open like you, but I'm just not. It's why I like the stars so much. They are something you can study and predict." Alexis remained focused on the many stars and asteroids passing them by until she could see the glint of another planet in the distance. It was her favorite part of the journey they were on: getting to glimpse all the other planets that humans hadn't even known about until the last century. How all these amazing and intelligent races had remained hidden for so long, she just couldn’t fathom.

  "Look!" she told Destiney excitedly, pointing towards the planet. Alexis racked her brain to see if she could think of what planet they could be passing. In her studies, she had made several planetary maps.

  "Wow, what planet is that?" Destiney asked, looking out the window where her friend was pointing. Alexis thought about waking the others up to show them but then thought better of it. Many were so sullen they wouldn’t even care about it. The Arkani were going to have their hands full with these depressed babes.

  The planet had large masses of green seas on its surface and an atmosphere not completely unlike Earth, with clouds. There were four moons surrounding it. Then she remembered. "Oh, it must be Milisaria," Alexis told Destiney, her finger thoughtfully tapping against her chin. "The aliens on the planet are warriors. I think they call themselves knights now, though. They're pretty friendly with humans compared to some other races, but they are really brutal, always taking over other planets."

  Alexis had met one once. They often came to Earth because many countries had peace treaties and trading deals with them. They were daunting creatures, superhuman in that they were extremely tall and all very muscular, some even having evolved a second set of arms. They had some attractive features about them, but they often weren’t very intelligent, which automatically made Alexis dislike them.

  "Oh, yeah, I've heard of them. They're pretty sexy for aliens," Destiney commented with a chuckle and a blush. Alexis nudged her playfully, and the two women laughed. It felt good to laugh. Alexis didn’t know how long it had been since she had.

  Their laughter was quickly cut off by a sudden jerk of th
e ship, as if there was an Earthquake happening in space. Both women were jostled to the floor before they felt a sudden pull as the ship sped in a different direction than it had been going before.

  The other thirteen women began to get out of their beds and come out to see what was going on, running through the ship and seeing if they could tell what had happened. Despite the jarring, everything still seemed to be functioning, but as Alexis and the others opened all the shades, they saw what had happened: an alien ship had latched onto theirs and was pulling their ship inside.

  Some of the women cried, and others screamed in terror, none of them knowing what to expect. But Alexis knew whom the ship belonged to. The Milisarian Knights would never let them reach the Arkani now. It looked like they were going to be meeting a different type of alien man entirely.

  Chapter 2:


  “What’s going to happen to us?” one of the women screamed as the ship continued to be pulled into the Milisarian ship, which was intimidating in its largeness compared to the small passenger ship they had been cruising through space in this whole time. It was complete chaos as these depressed Earth women tried to figure out if they would even live through the next few hours. Alexis did not like them, but she felt like she needed to calm them down and talk to them about what would actually be happening.

  Alexis looked to Destiney for help. With all the wailing, there was no way they would be able to hear her. Destiney was the only one who could grab their attention. Destiney placed her fingers in her mouth as if she was going to hail a cab and whistled. Silence fell over the crowd, and they turned to look at the two women. “Listen up, ladies! We cannot just lose our minds here. We need to know what we are getting into, and my friend Alexis here can tell us that. So, can you just calm down and listen for a moment?”

  Alexis tried not to laugh at her friend’s spunk and the way everyone was nodding, ready to follow her instructions. She would have made a great leader of some kind back on Earth had those around her let her be herself without fear. Alexis wasn’t sure how she would fare on Milisaria. If she were a man, she would surely be a commander, but women were most certainly lesser beings on the planet, though, Alexis didn’t know enough about that part of their culture to say for sure. She could only hope that their liking of human women would keep the women aboard as safe as they could be in such a situation.

  “The Knights of Milisaria have a lot of dealings with humans. I have met one once, when I was trying to work for NASA. They are a warrior race that is always trying to make themselves better in some way, and I suspect that they believe breeding with humans would make them better because they are not the sharpest tools in the shed. We are much more intelligent than they are,” Alexis explained, hoping the women would understand and not go into a complete panic again. At least they would still be getting what they wanted, sort of. The Arkani would have been much kinder to the women and given them a choice. That was something Alexis doubted the Milisarians even had the emotional capacity to do. However, they would be much better looking than Arkani. Someone like Destiney might appreciate that over the veiny, thin creatures with wings they would be married off to if they made it all the way to the Arkani’s planet.

  “Are you saying they want to use us to have their children?” one woman said, a woman named Stacia who was one of the women who came from jail for a second chance.

  “More than likely, yes. That is what they will want us for,” Alexis responded, preparing for more chaotic chatter and squeals as their ship was almost entirely swallowed up in the larger Milisarian one.

  “But what about the Arkani? Won’t they be angry and come for us? There must be some hope. Can we fight?” one of the other women asked. Alexis felt herself getting a headache, trying to explain this to them. She knew she should be patient and be aware that these women had hardly come in contact with an alien beyond what they saw on the news, but it was hard. It was why she wished to be around like-minded peoples, but that dream was long gone by now. The Arkani would never have them.

  “The Arkani are not a strong, warring people. They will be saddened, but they do not have the resources to come for us,” Alexis said softly, just as the final lurch told them they were fully on the Milisarian vessel. The ship felt dark without the view of all the planets and stars, and Alexis longed to just get this over with.

  The women huddled together as the door to the ship was forcefully opened and in marched several Milisarian knights, ready to put them in shackles and bring them onto the ship. “Cooperate, or you will be bound,” one of them warned, gesturing for the women to come to them. Alexis nodded to them, trying to get them to do as the knights said. Resistance was pointless. A bunch of scared women were not going to overpower warrior aliens with two sets of arms. It just wasn’t realistic. They would all become the mates of these harsh men and forced to have their children. Still, as much as Alexis told the others not to resist, she felt she could at least make things go more her way. She wasn’t just going to lie down and take it from any man. He was going to respect her first.

  “Good luck, lady. I love you,” Destiney said as she strutted over to the knights, giving herself over willingly. Alexis just hoped whoever chose her would not stifle that spunk of hers. Alexis could not imagine what would happen to her friend if she lost that amazing part of herself.

  Watching as the other women filed into the arms of the knights to be taken onto their ship, some by force and others cooperatively, Alexis decided it was time to give herself up as well. She took one more look at the ship that had been taking her to a new life, which she had been sure would have made her happy, before turning around and surrendering into the arms of one of the four-armed, muscular men with dark hair.

  Milisarians were not the worst-looking creatures in the universe, though the harshness of their frame would take a bit of getting used to. They were all pale, like a human who had not seen the sunlight in a long time. It made their veins more visible, and she had heard, that you could sometimes see their beating heart through their translucent skin. None of the warriors had their chests completely uncovered for her to tell if that was true or not.

  They all had tribal-like markings on their skin. They had slightly pointed ears, protruding out from their long hair. They were also much taller than the women, making their presence that much more intimidating. Most Milisarian knights stood at least six feet tall.

  Once all the women were on the Milisarian vessel, the hatch to their ship closed, and they watched as it was released out into space again, on autopilot to its original destination, but empty now. The Arkani were going to be devastated and confused when the empty ship landed on their planet.

  Some of the women began to cry as the hold on them was tightened. Alexis stood there stoically, promising herself that she would not react until she had a moment alone. Showing weakness would not get her anywhere with these tough men.

  Alexis looked around and saw that they were in some kind of meeting area inside the ship. She had no way of knowing just yet exactly how large the ship was or how many of the knights it held. She got the feeling that the ones who came on their ship to get the women were only a small fraction. They had yet to see the ship’s commander.

  Sure enough, the door slid open, revealing a hallway of sorts, which had several more Milisarians filing in, much too many for the women they captured. It was going to be a fight to decide who was able to get women. One Milisarian broke through the crowd, and she could tell by his demeanor and his gold staff and armor that he was the commander. “I am Shene,” he announced, looking perpetually angry. His chest was mostly bare, below the armor, revealing his ripped stomach. His black hair came down to his lower back, and he was larger than many of the other men by far. Even they looked scared of him as he walked around, forming the crowd into a perfect circle. “I am the King of the Milisarian Knights,” he announced, staring down at each and every person in that room. Alexis was surprised that the king was commanding the ship and n
ot on the planet. They must have truly been desperate for women if he headed the mission to snatch women out of space and bring them onto a ship. “My men will get to choose the women they would like to have. You are going to be Milisarians now.”

  He stared down all the women again, and Alexis noticed some of them whimpering and shaking. She caught Destiney’s gaze and saw that she had her eyes locked on one of the men there. Hopefully, he would be the one to pick her so she could be happy. If anyone there deserved it, she did.

  The men began to come out and pick the women, taking them away to who knows where. Alexis was so busy paying attention to what was happening to the other women that it surprised her when a hand landed on her shoulder. “This one is for me,” a familiar voice said, and Alexis looked up in horror as she saw Shene himself was taking her by the arm and leading her out of the room. Alexis looked around feeling helpless as she realized Destiney had already been taken. All she could do was allow herself to be dragged out of the room and down the maze of white hallways that led to what seemed like thousands of living quarters and other rooms that she doubted she would get to explore anytime soon. It was probably not a good thing to be the mate of the king. He would not be kind. He would only be in it to make an heir to lead as well, if not better, than himself.

  The ship was even more expansive than she had imagined, and she realized that she would never find her way back to the room she was just in, much less be able to find Destiney if she was ever given the chance. After many dizzyingly fast turns, she was taken through a pair of large double doors and into the suite that belonged to the king while he was on the ship. It was luxurious, but that gave her little comfort as he threw her on the bed and locked the doors, leaving her in there by herself. She had nothing to occupy her but her thoughts, and those were not comforting at all.

  Chapter 3:


  Nabvan watched as many of his comrades chose one of the human women that they had pulled in from an auto-piloted ship. Apparently, it had been headed to the Arkani so that the women could marry and breed with them. He had remembered hearing that the Arkani were in some sort of crisis with the females of their species. They were dying off from an unknown disease. Nabvan did not really care. The two races were not enemies, but they were not friends either. The Arkani did not value strength the way the Milisarian knights did.


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