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Fake Wife Needed (A Bad Boy Romance)

Page 13

by Mia Carson

He was right, but so far, she’d fooled Max, just like she was going to keep fooling him and herself and Jeremy because the other option wasn’t possible. Granted, two weeks ago, her period was so light it was a joke, and the morning sickness had started a few days before Max had left for his trip. She slipped her hands to her belly, not ready to believe the impossible was happening. She wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant; every doctor Keith had dragged her to had told her that. She would never be the mother of her own flesh and blood, and after a few months of crying into her pillow, she’d moved on and accepted it.

  Now, she searched desperately for any other explanation for what was happening to her body. She was tired all the time and nothing sounded good except pickles, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, which completely grossed Jeremy out. She was too scared to pee on a stick yet, but eventually, either she would start showing or an actual full-blown period would hit and she would know the truth. Did she risk waiting that long?

  “Mia? What’s going on in there?”

  “You can come in,” she said and pressed her head against the wall.

  Jeremy stepped inside, his cell in hand already. “I texted Max.”

  “What! You said you wouldn’t tell him I wasn’t better! Whose side are you on, anyway?”

  “Mia, you’ve been puking since Monday, you’re pale and weak, and frankly, a bit cranky,” he muttered as she sat on the edge of the tub. “I’m taking you to the doctor because that’s what he’s going to tell me to do. Get your shoes and coat.”

  She kept her butt firmly planted on the floor. “No.”

  “This isn’t up for discussion.” His cell chirped and he held it out for her to see.

  She let out an aggravated sigh at the all caps message from Max saying to drag her to the doctor before he took the first flight out of LA and did it himself. “Can you please tell him to calm down? I’m not sick.”

  “Bullshit, again.”

  “Can you put the phone down for a minute while I talk to you? Please?”

  He set it down slowly and crossed his arms over his chest. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t throw you over my shoulder right now and take you to the doctor?”

  She sucked in a shaky breath, then blew it out as a grin of shock spread across her face. “Because I need you to go the drugstore and buy me something first. Several somethings, actually.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I’m listening.”

  “I need to pee on a stick.”

  Jeremy’s eyes widened, darting from her face to her belly and back again. “Holy shit,” he gasped and clapped a hand over his mouth as he leapt to his feet. “Holy shit! You’re pregnant? Oh, God, it all fits! That terrible shit you’ve been eating and the puking. Mia, that’s great!”

  “I don’t know yet,” she said, unable to contain her joy at the idea, though. “Technically I’m not supposed to be able to have children, remember? It could be a fluke.”

  “Or you could be pregnant. You have to tell Max,” he urged and handed her his phone.

  “No, I can’t. Not yet.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  She held out her hand and he helped her to her feet. “I know he said he wasn’t expecting kids, but the few times we’ve talked about it, I see that hope in his eyes followed quickly by the realization that the woman he married can’t have them. If I tell him and find out I’m not… it would crush him. I can’t do that, not after all he’s done for me… and everything he means to me.”

  He kissed her cheek and guided her back to bed. “Your secret is safe with me. How many do you want?”

  “Enough, I guess,” she said. “Never thought I’d be doing this.”

  “Right. Just tuck in and I’ll be back as fast as I can.” He whistled in awe then waved over his shoulder as he left. “Don’t move! And if you want anything else, just text me.”

  “Thanks, Jeremy!”

  She thought she heard him yell back and then the penthouse was quiet. Pregnant. Could she really be pregnant? Her hands rubbed her belly, imagining a baby growing within her. Max’s baby. Tears pricked her eyes because she could be carrying a child for him. A fluke. That was what they had been on the night they’d met, nothing more than a fluke.

  And look how well you turned out together, she thought. This could be just another wonderful fluke.

  As her eyes closed, she drifted over the last few weeks with Max in her life—nearly two months now, and there were still mornings she woke up afraid it was all just a dream and she would roll over to see Keith leering at her. There were a few nights here and there she woke up screaming from nightmares, but Max was there to soothe her back to sleep, his strong arms protecting her even while she slept. Her affection for him intensified every day, and the words she wanted to say to him hovered on her lips, ready to leap out, but she feared he wasn’t there yet. Love was a big step for them both, considering they’d started this whole deal without love being part of the picture. If she were pregnant, the question was did she tell him she loved him first, or tell him he was going to be a father?

  Her cell went off and she picked it up without looking. “Hello?”

  “You better be on your way to the hospital,” Max nagged.

  “I told you I’m not sick. Jeremy’s panicking over nothing.”

  “Three days, Mia. You’ve been sick for three days, and I think you were sick last week too,” he argued. “For the love of God, woman, just go, please?”

  She opened her mouth to tell him exactly what she was doing about her predicament, but choked them back. “If I’m not better by tomorrow morning, I’ll go, I swear it.”

  “You won’t have a choice then. I’m coming home.”

  “What? No, you’re not—you can’t!”

  “Yes, I damn well can. My wife is sick and refusing treatment. I’m finding the first flight out of LA and I’m coming home.”

  “Max, wait,” she pleaded. “There’s a flu going around the building.”

  “Since when?” he asked.

  She sucked at lying, but maybe she would manage it better over the phone. “Harry told Jeremy, and Jeremy told me today, which is why I told him he was freaking out over nothing. I’m already feeling better, honest.” She counted out the long seconds of silence.

  “You’re a terrible liar,” he growled.

  “How the fuck do you do that?” she whispered, sagging into the pillows.

  “Magic.” He muttered under his breath. “I will give you one more day, but you have to answer one question for me first.”


  “Are you… you’re happy, right? With me and our lives?”

  Mia sat up and pressed the phone harder to her ear. “Of course I am. You know that.”

  “The other week, when you had that meltdown, I was worried maybe you’d changed your mind, or I did something and didn’t realize.”

  “Maxwell Ward, you listen to me right now,” she ordered. “I have never been happier, or more satisfied or content with anything in my life than when I’m with you. That meltdown was over realizing I was finally free of the past and free to move on with you. Did you hear me? I want to be with you, Max. I’m not depressed and the idea of leaving you makes me sick.”

  Her words were as close as she came to telling him she loved him, but she would not say that over the phone. She wanted to see his eyes darken when he heard those words. Wanted to reach out and hold him, to kiss him as she expressed how big her heart swelled when he was around.

  “I heard you,” he whispered gruffly. “I’m still not buying the flu line, though.”

  “If you want to come home early, I won’t stop you, but I swear to you, if I get any worse or if anything changes, I will tell you. Do you trust me?”

  “That’s not even a question,” he stated. “Get some rest and text me soon.”

  “I will. Max?”


  She worried at her lip before she said, “This bed is too damn empty without you in it.”
/>   “Same. Talk to you soon, love,” he said and hung up.

  Mia set her cell aside and snuggled deeper into the covers. The deep pine scent of Max surrounded her and lulled her to sleep. A nap wouldn’t be a bad idea, at least until Jeremy returned.

  Keith stared at the email from Carl with all the information he needed to know on the man Mia left him for. Maxwell Ward, casino mogul and billionaire who owned most of the eastern seaboard. How the hell she met someone like that, he hadn’t the slightest idea. He tugged at his tie, already loose and ragged-looking, just like the rest of his clothes. Mia’s leaving had taken its toll on him. He’d even lost the taste for Alice and only wanted Mia back in his life so he could break her in for good.

  If she could manage to be the wife of a billionaire, she could manage to be the woman he had dreamt of for years.

  Carl had obtained the man’s travel plans. His name was listed as a guest speaker for some conference in LA, which didn’t end until Monday. The window was small, but it was all Keith had. He searched for Maxwell and eventually tracked down an address for the man. A penthouse in the city. Keith would need a good reason to get inside and up to where his Mia waited, but he was resourceful. All he had to do was play this the right way and all would be well in his life again.

  “I’m coming for you, my sweet,” he whispered, pressing his fingers to his lips then to the picture of Mia on his desk. “Soon, we’ll be together again. Very, very soon.”

  Jeremy paced outside the bedroom door, checking his watch for the tenth time. He’d bought four boxes of pregnancy tests, unsure of which kind Mia needed. “Anything yet?” he asked again.

  “Will you just give me a minute?” she shouted back sharply.

  “Mia, what’s wrong?”

  He expected her to yell again, but she opened the door a crack and he pushed it open the rest of the way. Her shoulders hunched, she stood at the sinks, leaning over the three sticks lined up in front of her. He waited for her to tell him to wait, but he stepped closer and she stepped slowly aside. Jeremy glanced down at them. Each and every single one clearly said exactly what her problem was.


  Her hands fell to her belly and when her gaze lifted to his, she smiled. “I’m pregnant.”

  “We’re happy about this, right?” he asked, resisting the urge to leap forward and hug her.

  “I think so, but I have to know for sure, so hold onto your excitement. I’ll make an appointment for tomorrow morning at the doctor’s office and then I’ll know for sure.” Her smile faltered, but the look on her face was pure awe. “I can’t believe it’s true.”

  “Have a little faith,” he told her sternly. “You and Max were just meant to be.”

  “I guess so. Don’t you dare tell him,” she added, pointing an accusing finger at him.

  “I won’t, not until you give me the green light.”

  Mia nodded slowly and sat down hard on the edge of the tub. “Pregnant. Well, this is definitely a new adventure. Maybe his mom will stop hounding him about grandbabies.”

  “There is that,” he agreed. “Want me to get you anything?”

  “No. No, I’ll be fine. You have to get to the office.”

  Jeremy checked his watch. “I do, but if you need anything, text me or call Harry. I’ll make sure he knows you’re under the weather and might need something today.”

  “Thanks, Jeremy,” she said and he took her hand. “Thanks for being the friend I never had.”

  “I’ll always be your friend, hon, never forget that.” He hugged her before he left. Once he was safely outside the penthouse, he let out a loud whoop of excitement. Max would be thrilled if she really were pregnant and could have a baby. He’d come such a long way in the last two months, a baby would seal the deal between them. And maybe the two would admit their feelings for each other out loud.

  A fool could see how in love they were, but neither one had managed to say the words yet, as far as Jeremy knew. He pushed the down button for the elevator and tapped his toe impatiently. He couldn’t force them to say it if they really weren’t ready, no matter how much he wanted to. All in due time. He stepped into the elevator as it opened and his cell rang.

  “Maxie, boy, how’s it going?” he said happily when he answered.

  “What’s wrong with her, really?”

  “She’s got a bug, man, nothing more.”

  “You’re lying too. Why do you both think you can actually lie to me?” he snapped.

  “Look, it might not be a bug, but I have been sworn to secrecy.” Jeremy grimaced. “She’s still figuring out a few things.”

  “That’s not making me feel any better. I think this might be one of those days I randomly fire you.”

  “If it makes you feel better.” He laughed.

  “I can’t stand this. What’s wrong with me? I’ve been freaking out over her since I left Seattle.”

  Jeremy rolled his eyes. “You’re in love. Say it to me, and then maybe you’ll manage to say the words to her, too.”

  “What if I’m wrong?” he whispered.

  Jeremy hated hearing the fear in his friend’s voice. “I know you were hurt before, but so was Mia, and look at what you two have done for each other. You really think she would betray you like that?”

  “No,” he replied.

  “She cares for you as much as you do for her, and that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.”

  “Just tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Nope, I have to get to the office. Have fun on your trip!” Jeremy hung up on him before he could cave and tell Max everything. He promised Mia he would keep his mouth shut and he always kept his promises. At the front desk in the lobby, he stole a quick kiss from Harry and told him about Mia being sick.

  “I’ll make sure Mrs. Ward is taken care of if she needs anything,” Harry promised, holding onto Jeremy’s hand. “Dinner later?”

  “Nine o’clock?”

  Harry nodded, and after a quick glance around, gave Jeremy another kiss, leaving them both breathless. “As long as you’re not cooking again.”


  All afternoon, Mia walked aimlessly around the penthouse. She threw away the tests and hid the boxes in the other bathroom so Max wouldn’t find them when he came home on Monday. Surprisingly, she felt better, at least physically. Mentally, she was a wreck, shooting from happiness to worry to outright fear. She had been told several times the scar tissue was pretty bad, but none of the doctors had talked about what would happen if she did get pregnant. They all assumed she would never try. Though, to be fair, she hadn’t tried. It just… happened.

  Late in the afternoon, she gave up trying to focus on anything and camped out on the couch, watching a marathon of Murder She Wrote for the hell of it, nibbling on saltines and drinking water even though it made her have to pee every ten minutes. She was about to doze off when a key turned in the door and she sat up, expecting to see Jeremy checking on her, but his was not the body that stepped through the doorway.

  “Max!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing home?”

  “So this is what you’re hiding from me,” he muttered as he dropped his suitcase and kicked the door closed behind him.

  Mia gulped as he stalked closer. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Shit! Did Jeremy tell him? Please, God, don’t let him know yet!

  “You have a fetish for old TV shows, is that it?”

  She glanced back at the TV then to him and shrugged one shoulder. “You caught me.”

  He held her gaze, making his way around the couch until he stood before her. Without a word, he drew her to his body and kissed her fiercely until she melted against him. His tongue delved into her mouth, and Mia forgot everything she was worried about. If she were pregnant, he would love her more for it, and if it was a false positive, then he would still love her. Love her? There it was. No more hiding from her emotions or what she sensed from his every touch and kiss.

  “Why are you home?” she asked wh
en she came up for air.

  “I was worried, and you and Jeremy were not making me feel better.” He held her face and studied her eyes and body. “You look better. Were you sick today?”

  “Nope,” she said too quickly. “Really, I think it’s sinuses or something—all snot.”

  His lip twitched, but he didn’t let her go. Instead, he scooped her up into his arms and walked to the bedroom. “A bath would do you good.”

  “A bath, huh? Whatever you say, Dr. Ward,” she teased.

  When they reached the bathroom, he set her on her feet and turned the water on hot, poured some bubbles into it, and turned his hungry gaze to her. Mia shivered, his one look telling her exactly what he wanted to do to her before he even touched her. She glanced down at her baggy t-shirt, sweats, and fluffy socks, and regretted dressing for comfort today.

  “You think I care about what you’re wearing?” he said as he tilted her face back towards his.

  “You might not, but I do,” she said, tugging at the hem of her t-shirt.

  “Don’t be. You’ve been sick and you’re comfy. I don’t care what you wear, Mia. You’re with me and we’re together. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters.”

  He kissed her neck languidly and she tugged his dress shirt out of his slacks, craving the touch of his warm, hard body. His lips left her neck long enough to relieve her of her t-shirt, growling deep in his throat to see she wore nothing under it. He rubbed his cheek against her breasts while his hands tugged at the strings holding her sweats up, Mia’s breath coming in little bursts as he undressed her so carefully. Her pants slipped down and he helped her step out of them, socks and all, and guided her to the tub. She stepped in and sank below the bubbles, her eyes stuck on him as he unbuttoned his shirt.

  “LA was so lonely without you,” he informed her as he shrugged his shirt over his massive shoulders and kicked out of his shoes.

  “Same here. I think I started talking to the walls.”

  “You do that already,” he said with an arched brow.

  “Reciting lines of poetry to find the right words is not talking to the walls,” she corrected, speaking slowly. It was hard to focus when his hands undid his pants and he shoved them down his body, revealing every delicious bit of him she wanted to kiss and nibble. She licked her lips at his bobbing erection, wanting to taste him.


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