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Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1)

Page 13

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “That was delicious, Naomi. Thank you for lunch.”

  “You are welcome. Don’t you want some dessert? I made an apple pie.”

  Aidan’s eyes once again slid down to her breasts, and her breath caught in her throat. When his eyes met hers again, her heart was pounding.

  “I’ll have dessert later,” he murmured. “Why don’t you clean up these dishes and then come out to the barn? I will show you how to take care of the animals.”

  Naomi watched as he stood and pushed his chair beneath the table. “Alright. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  He left, and she released her breath on a longing sigh. He was so desirable, that her body was in a constant state of longing whenever he was around. She had never been so fixated on a man, and it was more than a little unsettling.

  She hurriedly cleaned the dishes and then joined Aidan in the barn. The building had a high roof and was surprisingly cool. The air was rich with the smells of straw and animals. She noticed the repairs he had made and smiled at him.

  “It’s looking good in here.”

  He eyed her from head to toe and then returned her smile. “It’s looking a lot better now.” Seeing her blush, he laughed and looped an arm around her waist as he led her to Daisy’s enclosure. “Come, and I’ll show you how to milk a cow. Have you ever done that before?”

  “No,” she said, eyeing the cow with some trepidation. “I’ve seen other people do it a couple of times, but I’ve never milked a cow myself.”

  “Don’t worry. Daisy is a sweetheart. She won’t give you any trouble.”

  Aidan led the young calf into a pen next to Daisy’s and shut the gate. This caused the cow and the calf to begin mooing to one another.

  “Why did you separate them?”

  “Because if you don’t, the calf will get in your way while you are trying to milk her mother. Now, have a seat here.”

  He indicated a small wooden stool beside the cow. Naomi noticed that he had washed out a metal pail, and it stood ready beneath the cow’s swollen udder. She sat down on the stool and squared her shoulders.

  “Surely, milking a cow can’t be all that difficult.”

  Determined to show that she was not completely ignorant, Naomi reached and grasped two of the cow’s teats and tugged firmly down on them. Daisy let out a loud moo and kicked the pail.

  Naomi jumped up, right into Aidan’s arms. He laughed at the look of fright on her face. She crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “I thought you said Daisy was a sweetheart,” she accused.

  Aidan wiped his eyes between chuckles. “She is, but that doesn’t mean you can just grab her teats like that. You have to use a bit more finesse.”

  Naomi frowned at him. “How can you finesse a cow?” she demanded.

  “Sit down, and I’ll show you,” he answered.

  He waited while Naomi sidled up to the cow once more and perched nervously on the wooden stool. He knelt behind her and reached around to set the pail upright once more.

  “Now, you have to approach a cow like you would a beautiful woman.”

  Naomi gave him a suspicious glance over her shoulder. “You’re joking, right?”

  He grinned down at her. “No, I’m totally serious. Think about how you would feel if I were to simply grab your breasts and start yanking on your nipples, like this.”

  As he said the words, he enacted them. He seized her breasts and began roughly pulling her nipples. Naomi gasped, and he immediately ceased, chuckling at her reaction.

  “See? You don’t like it much either. I’m surprised you didn’t wallop me.”

  Naomi stared speechlessly up at him. She bit her tongue to keep from telling him that she had actually been excited by his surprise movements. Instead, she firmed her lips.

  “Okay, then. What should I do?”

  Aidan’s grin widened and he dropped his eyes to her breasts. His breath feathered along her jaw as he leaned even closer and murmured near her ear.

  “Like I said, approach her like she’s a beautiful woman. You have to woo her.” He cupped her breasts again, this time gently. “You have to gently stroke her, so she has a chance to warm up to you.”

  His hands felt delightful on her breasts. He cupped their fullness and caressed them in his palms. Naomi sank back against him and sighed as her lids dropped closed.

  “You try. Caress Daisy like I’m caressing you,” he murmured.

  It was an effort to open her eyes and concentrate while his hands continued to move on her. Naomi somehow managed, and she tentatively stroked the cow’s udder.

  “Like this?” she whispered, running her hand softly down the cow’s udder.

  “Yes, just like that.” Aidan began nibbling along the side of her neck as he continued to fondle her. “You keep stroking her like that until you hear her sigh.”

  As he said the words, Naomi released a sigh. Daisy sighed too, and Naomi and Aidan both gave a startled laugh. Their eyes met, and she held her breath as he unbuttoned her bodice and chemise. He pulled her garments open, baring her to the waist.

  “When you hear that sigh, you know it’s time to move to the next step.”

  Naomi’s pulse was pounding at the base of her throat, and she saw Aidan staring at it. Her nipples crinkled into painfully hard nubs as they stood at full attention. She was desperate for his touch.

  “What’s the next step?” she whispered.

  “You reach for her teats, and you hold them between your fingers and your thumbs like this.”

  He grasped her nipples firmly, using his forefingers and thumbs in a scissor-like motion. Naomi held her breath, watching his hands on her breasts. The contrast of his strong, tanned hands on the ivory mounds of her breasts made her shiver.

  “Do it,” he urged her. “Hold her teats like I’m holding your nipples.”

  Naomi did as instructed. She waited breathlessly for him to continue.

  He nibbled her ear again, keeping her on edge. He knew she was dying for him to continue, but he wanted to heighten her tension even more.

  “When you have her all primed and ready, you squeeze like this.”

  He firmly pinched her nipples, and Naomi jerked and moaned low in her throat. He repeated the maneuver, smiling as she instinctively arched to press her breasts more fully into his hands.

  “Do it, Naomi. Squeeze her teats just like I’m squeezing your sweet little nipples.”

  Naomi squeezed the cow’s teats, and two streams of warm milk shot into the pail. She was ridiculously pleased, and she did it a second time.

  “That’s it,” he murmured, continuing to squeeze her nipples. “Now, find your rhythm and just let the milk flow.”

  Naomi continued as he had ordered. Every time she squeezed, so did Aidan. She had never dreamt that milking a cow could be an erotic activity. The pail was gradually filling with warm milk as she became more and more aroused.

  Aidan released one of her breasts, smiling when she mewled with disappointment. She gasped when he slid his free hand beneath the hem of her skirt. He caressed his way over her calf, knee and thigh and finally reached her core. The crotch of her drawers was soaked with her musky dew.

  “See, Naomi. You have to use finesse if you want the juices to flow.”

  He pressed inward, stroking her blatantly through the wet fabric. She moaned again and wriggled against his fingers.

  “Please,” she gasped.

  “Fill the pail first,” he said with a grin. “You have to finish the job before you can play.”

  He pressed his rampant erection against her bottom so she would know that he was just as impatient as she was. She sped up the pace, and soon, the pail was full to the brim.

  Aidan stood and lifted her to her feet. He retrieved the full pail of milk and led her out of the cow’s enclosure. When she turned to leave the barn, he tugged her back and pushed her against the wall of the barn.

  “No. Stay right there. Don’t move a muscle.”

  His voice was g
ravelly with passion. Naomi shivered again, as she watched him return the calf to her mother. The calf immediately began nursing.

  Aidan returned and pressed her roughly against the wall as he kissed her ravenously. She wound her arms around his neck and returned his kiss, inciting him with every flick of her tongue.

  Their lips never parted as he pulled the front of her skirt up until it was bunched around her waist. He untied the drawstring on her pantalets. She let them drop, and she stepped out of them while he quickly unbuttoned his breeches. He lifted one of her lithe thighs and wound it around his hip, opening her to him.

  When he thrust up deep within her, they both groaned with relief. He possessed her with urgent strokes. It was fast and furious, and they raced up the summit. She screamed her release, and a heartbeat later, she felt his hot seed bursting inside her.

  Their eyes met and held. Their hearts were pounding. They were both coated in sweat, and they were both aware of every sensation where their bodies remained intimately joined.

  Aidan was the first to smile. “And that, my sweet Naomi, is how you milk a cow.”

  Naomi returned his smile and stroked his cheek. He might have her captivated, but he was equally enamoured of her. She was certain of it.

  “I’m pretty sure that isn’t how most people milk a cow. If that is any indication of how you intend to teach me the skills of farming, I think I will be a very dedicated student.”

  She squeezed her inner muscles around him, chuckling when he gave a pleased moan. Aidan continued to grin while he shook his head.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

  Naomi gave a delighted giggle and kissed him teasingly. When she drew back, her eyes were shining. “Ah, but you’ll die a happy man.”

  “The happiest man ever,” he agreed.

  He kissed her once more, and then he reluctantly withdrew from her. He continued to give her small kisses as he buttoned her chemise and dress. She giggled, enjoying the stealthy brushes of his thumbs over the crests of her breasts as he worked on the buttons. Her body was literally glowing from his touch.

  When he had her dressed once again, he fished a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her. She quickly cleaned herself. When she looked at the cloth uncertainly, he took it and inhaled deeply, causing her to blush to the roots of her hair.

  “You smell delicious,” he said with a wide grin.

  She watched as he wiped his slackened cock with the same cloth. The action made her unaccountably shy. He bent and retrieved her pantalets and handed them to her. While she donned them, he buttoned his breeches.

  “Back to work,” he said. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her once more. “That wasn’t my dessert, by the way. That was just a midday snack. I’m saving dessert for tonight.”

  Naomi laughed and shook her head. “You are becoming very demanding. What makes you think I’ll invite you to stay tonight?”

  He raised one brow and gave her a devastating smile. “Oh, you will. I don’t have a single doubt about that.”

  “Rogue,” she said, turning to leave. She picked up the pail of fresh milk and gave him one more smile before she walked away.

  Just as she was emerging from the barn, she heard a buggy pulling up the lane. She shaded her eyes and saw Mr. Lawrence. She blushed, thinking of what she and Aidan had just been doing in the barn. If the other man had come just a few minutes earlier, he would have found them making love against the barn wall. She smoothed her hair as best she could and glanced down to ensure her bodice was buttoned properly.

  Mr. Lawrence parked his showy buggy and horse in front of her cabin, and he smiled when he saw her. He jumped down from the seat and removed his hat as he sauntered over.

  “Hello again, Mrs. Tisdale.” He took in her appearance, letting his eyes slide slyly down her body.

  It was all she could do to keep from shuddering with distaste. “Hello, Mr. Lawrence. What brings you here?”

  He smiled broadly, noticing the outline of her hardened nipples. No doubt the arrogant man thought her reaction was due to his presence. He dragged his eyes up from her bosom and met her pointed stare while giving her a leering grin.

  “I thought you might like to go for a drive with me. It’s a lovely day. I know a quiet spot down by the river, and I thought you might enjoy seeing it.”

  Just then, Aidan appeared from the barn, and he sent a challenging glare to the interloper. He walked up to stand close beside Naomi. He wanted nothing more than to pull her against his side, staking his exclusive claim to her company. Instead, he was forced to stand beside her and watch while another man flirted with her.

  “Hello, Lawrence. We don’t see you out this way very often.”

  Mr. Lawrence frowned, and his features hardened as he stared back at Aidan. “Good day, McKenzie. What are you doing here?”

  The tension between the two men was palpable. Naomi spoke up before Aidan had a chance to answer.

  “Mr. McKenzie has kindly agreed to help me with some work around my farm,” Naomi said smoothly. “I appreciate the offer of a drive, but I’m afraid I really can’t spare the time, Mr. Lawrence.”

  Mr. Lawrence took in her appearance again, noticing her slightly mussed hair and swollen lips for the first time. He inwardly seethed. He had intended to woo the beautiful young widow, and he didn’t appreciate Aidan McKenzie beating him to it.

  “Well in that case, I would be happy to help. I’m sure Mr. McKenzie has plenty of work to do around his own farm. Surely, it would better to let me help you, ma’am.”

  Naomi could sense Aidan tensing beside her. The last thing she wanted was for these two men to be fighting over her. She shook her head firmly.

  “No thank you, Mr. Lawrence. I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. Now, if you will excuse me, I must get back to work.”

  “I really would love to help,” he insisted. “I’m only too happy to help a neighbor in need, especially one as beautiful as you, Mrs. Tisdale.”

  “Thank you, but no,” Naomi said firmly. “Have a good day, Mr. Lawrence.”

  “Well, in that case, will you let me take you to church next Sunday? I would be honored if you would allow me to escort you.”

  Aidan couldn’t contain his anger any more, and he stepped slightly in front of Naomi as he glared at Mr. Lawrence. “She’s already agreed to let me drive her. Now, you had best be on your way.”

  Mr. Lawrence glared at him through narrowed eyes. “I was asking the lady, not you.”

  “As Mr. McKenzie said, I’ve already agreed to let him drive me,” Naomi said with quiet dignity. “Now, I don’t wish to be rude, but I really do have a lot of work to do. Please excuse me.”

  With that, she walked to the cabin and disappeared inside. Mr. Lawrence made a frustrated sound low in his throat and then spat on the ground, narrowly missing Aidan’s boot.

  “You McKenzie men are nothing but a nuisance. I don’t know what she sees in you.”

  “That’s none of your concern, Lawrence. Now be on your way. I have work to do too.”

  “I’ll leave, but not because you say so.”

  With one last angry glare, he returned to his buggy. He turned his buggy around and drove off, urging his horse to a fast trot. When he was gone from sight, Naomi emerged onto the porch and sighed with relief.

  “Thank goodness he’s gone,” she muttered.

  “You realize that the whole town will soon be gossiping about us. I’m afraid your reputation will be in tatters after this.” Aidan scanned her appearance, noting all the tell tale signs of their adventures in the barn. “Unless the man is blind, he must have noticed that you have recently been kissed. Once word gets around, everyone will think you are a lonely widow woman. It will be open season among all the young bucks.”

  Naomi tilted her head and frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t think so. I have the feeling that Mr. Lawrence is used to women being a little more agreeable to his attentions. I think his pride won’t allow h
im to talk about what he just saw.”

  “I hope you’re right. I don’t like the idea of people thinking the worst about you. And I certainly don’t like the idea of a bunch of randy young men traipsing out here looking for your company.”

  Naomi crossed her arms and raised a haughty brow. “Well, if they do, they will get the same response that I just gave Mr. Lawrence.”

  Aidan stalked up the stairs, cupped her face between his hands and kissed her long and hard. When he finally released her lips, her eyelids fluttered slowly open. She met his eye with a questioning frown.

  “What was that for?”

  “Reassurance,” he growled.

  She grinned up and him and looped her arms around his neck. As she toyed with the hair at his nape, she stretched up to kiss him again, this time softly.

  “You can’t possibly be jealous of that dandified idiot,” she murmured.

  “Can’t I? Most of the women in town think he’s handsome. He could have his pick of any girl in town.”

  “I doubt that,” she said, stroking his chest. “I think if given a choice, any girl in her right mind would choose you over him.”

  Aidan was obviously pleased by her answer. He kissed her again, cupping her bottom in his palms.

  “You think so, huh?”

  “Any day of the week, and twice on Sundays,” she responded.

  He lifted her into his arms, and she gave a squeal of surprise. “Aidan! What on earth are you doing?”

  He didn’t answer. He merely shouldered the door open and carried her inside. When he barred the door from the inside and carried her to the bed, she grinned up at him.

  “You don’t have to be jealous, you know.” Her expression turned serious. “I’m not interested in any man besides you.”

  He removed her pantalets for the second time in less than an hour. He quickly shed his breeches and crawled between her outstretched thighs. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside. As he started unbuttoning her dress again, he gave her a wicked grin.

  “Good. You can spend the next hour convincing me that I have your full and undivided attention.”


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