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Fern Michaels' Godmothers Bundle: The Scoop, Exclusive, Late Edition, Deadline & Breaking News

Page 62

by Michaels, Fern

  Ida turned to Mavis. “I thought she should know that since you only had one praline the other day. I didn’t want Jamie to think you didn’t like baked goods. I indulge on occasion, but not as much as Toots and Sophie. They’re slowly killing themselves with all the garbage they put in their bodies.”

  “Ida, that’s enough. Do you want me to tell Jamie about your former illness?” Toots interjected.

  “Please, don’t fuss over me. I’m overwhelmed by all of you. I hope when I’m your age, I’m as gutsy as you are.”

  “Then let’s take Jamie back to the house, and we’ll get the ball rolling. I bet we can have the bakery up and running in a week,” Toots said, standing up to indicate it was time to get their butts to work.

  “Jamie, do you want to follow us in your car?” Toots asked on their walk back to the bakery.

  “This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but I don’t own a car, either. I have my bike. I could follow you if you’ll drive within the speed limit.”

  At the bakery Jamie unlocked the door, grabbed the insurance papers, stuffed them in her backpack, scanned the mess, and shook her head. “I don’t see how it’s going to be humanly possible to have this place up and running within a week, but if you ladies think it can be done, then I believe you. It’s like I’ve found my very own band of fairy godmothers,” Jamie said, then embraced the four women in a group hug. Coco, not wanting to be left out, barked. Mavis picked her up. Jamie scratched the pooch between the ears and for that received a rewarding dog lick.

  “You can ride with us. I have another vehicle that just sits in the garage, collecting dust,” Toots said. “It’s yours to use for as long as you need to. It’s a Land Rover, so you’ll be able to haul stuff to and from the bakery.”

  Jamie broke down. It was simply too much. She’d had no one in her life, except her grandmother, and now she’d been graced with four fairy godmothers who epitomized the true meaning of helping their fellow man. She wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand. “What can I say?”

  “Say yes so we can get this show on the road,” Sophie said.

  “Yes!” Jamie said and piled into the backseat with Ida and Mavis. They put Coco’s carrier in the trunk, and Coco stayed on Jamie’s lap for the entire ride.

  When they pulled through the handmade wrought-iron gates, it almost took Jamie’s breath away. The azaleas and camellias were in full, brilliant bloom; the giant trees reminded her of courtly gentlemen bowing in welcome. A sweet floral fragrance teased her olfactory senses. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it was now her new favorite scent.

  “The smell. What is it?” Jamie asked in awe.

  “Night-blooming jasmine. It’s my favorite,” Toots said as she pulled up in front of her house.

  Jamie leaped out of the car, running across the gardens like a child. She held her arms up in the air as if she were trying to embrace the beauty.

  Toots grinned from ear to ear. There was nothing she enjoyed more than making someone happy. And, from the looks of it, Jamie was overjoyed.

  “I take it you approve,” Toots said as she followed Jamie into the gardens. “It’s like nature’s wonderland. Pete, he takes care of the lawn. He’s one of the best. I thank him every time I see this. In the spring, when I see all these gorgeous flowers and the shrubbery, I remember to give him a great big bonus check.”

  “Well, he does a wonderful job. I could sleep out here.”

  “You can if you want. Sometimes in the summer I take one of the lounge chairs into the gardens and just sit back and soak it all up. I’m very blessed,” Toots added.

  “Deservingly so, I should add. I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

  “Thanks, dear, but there are nicer people than me. I can be a hellion when I want. Just ask the girls.”

  “If you don’t mind, how did you all come to be such good friends? You’re each so different from the other, yet I can feel the closeness you share. I’ve never had a friend like that. Is it wonderful?”

  “It’s the best. We grew up together in New Jersey. Went to Catholic school together, and we’ve never been apart for long. Mavis lives in Maine. She’s a retired teacher. Sophie was a pediatric nurse in New York City. Her husband, Walter, just passed away a few months ago.”

  “I’m sorry,” Jamie said sincerely.

  “Don’t be. He was an ass,” Toots said. “Ida was a New York City social butterfly. Her husband was extremely wealthy. He died about two years ago. Ida went through a terrible bout with OCD, but she’s over that now, thank goodness. She drove us all crazy, but the past is prologue. She’s almost back to her normal stuck-up self. We’re all widows,” Toots said as she took Jamie’s hand. “Come with me. I want you to see the guesthouse.”

  Toots led Jamie to the edge of her property, where, clustered among angel oaks and four giant magnolia trees, a small stone cottage appeared to be tucked under the trees’ protective branches. A variety of blooms sprouted from the dirt like bright strings of confetti. A small pond trickled beneath a stone bridge.

  “This is your guesthouse?” Jamie asked.

  Toots located the door key under a large pot of ivy. “It’s going to be your home for as long as you want. Now, let me show you the inside.”

  Toots pushed the wooden door inward, stepping aside to allow Jamie entry. As she watched Jamie take in the quaint little home, she was again reminded of how blessed she really was.

  “This is like something out of a storybook.” Again, Jamie whirled around like a child. “I’ve never seen a place like this.”

  Toots led her to the small living area, where the walls were painted a soft celery green. The floors were hard rock maple and sparkled like diamonds. An earth-colored love seat and ottoman sat next to a rock fireplace. A small table and lamp had been placed strategically so that one might sit by the fireplace with a cup of tea and a favorite book. The kitchen was separated from the living area by an arch. More pale green walls and maple cabinets, with a butcher-block island in the center. Dark green granite countertops continued the outdoorsy feel of the cottage.

  The master bedroom overlooked the gardens. One wall was nothing but glass. In the master bath, the Jacuzzi sat in front of a floor-to-ceiling window.

  “This is so . . . incredible. I can’t believe someone doesn’t live here,” Jamie said.

  “You do, my dear. Now, let me show you a few things. For starters, these windows can be covered in a flash.” Toots picked up a remote, pushed a button, and pale green cloth rolled down in folds, covering the windows. “Just in case you decide to spend some time soaking. Though I’ve never seen anyone here, except for Pete, but you would be safe to leave them open if you wanted to soak up the scenery. Bath towels are in here.” She opened a small closet. “Soaps, shampoos, bath salts, whatever you need. Razors. I think Abby left a box of tampons here somewhere.” Toots rummaged through the closet. “Yes, right here. The bedding is as soft as down. The bed is firm without being too hard.”

  “This is a dream. I think I might have to pinch myself. I feel like . . . Goldilocks. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. Well, I do in terms of money, but in terms of . . . generosity, wow! This is more than . . . Well, I’ve gushed enough. I love this place. It’s perfect.”

  Toots flicked the lights on, then returned to the kitchen, where she opened the refrigerator. “I always keep the basics here just in case Abby comes home. There are eggs, butter, cheese.” Toots poked through the cabinets. “Plenty of stuff here. Of course, you’re welcome to share whatever we eat, but I have to warn you, none of us cook except Mavis. And all she eats is healthy stuff. We’re getting by on Froot Loops and toast, so if you’re in the mood, you’re always welcome. Now, I’m going to call Pete and get the ball rolling so we can have our bakery up and running. Since it’s Sunday, he can start with the cleanup first thing tomorrow morning or Tuesday at the latest. You’ll need to start arranging for replacement equipment to be purchased and delivered.”

  Toots turn
ed for the door, then remembered that she had forgotten to show Jamie where the telephone was. “There’s a phone book in the bedside table. Oh, and we have wireless Internet, too. You can order as much as you can online and not have to wait until tomorrow, but I suppose the heavy-duty stuff will have to wait. Have the bills sent to me. I’m going to leave now so you can soak up your new digs.”

  Jamie followed Toots to the door, gave her another hug.

  She’d truly found a quartet of fairy godmothers.

  Chapter 23

  Toots returned to the house and found the girls in the kitchen, clustered around the table like three old hens. Bernice was busy making Long Island iced teas.

  “I thought you were sick,” Toots said.

  “I got better,” Bernice said. “I figured you girls needed something to drink and eat besides cereal and toast. I stopped at Publix and picked up fried chicken, with all the extras.”

  “I am a bit hungry, but I don’t want coffee. We had so many of those specialty coffee drinks this afternoon, I need something to take the edge off. Maybe we’ll just get drunk,” Sophie told Bernice.

  “I’ve got a few phone calls to make. Then I’ll join you,” Toots said.

  Upstairs in her bedroom, Toots made fast work of calling Pete so that he could arrange for the bakery to be cleaned. After she gave him all the details, she told him he could pick up the key to the bakery first thing Monday morning. Once those arrangements were finalized, she made the dreaded call to Henry.

  She quickly dialed his home number. He answered on the third ring. “Henry, it’s Toots. I know it’s Sunday, and I’m sorry to disturb you. Having said that, how are you?”

  “I’m fine, but something tells me you didn’t call me to find out the state of my mind. What’s going on?”

  “Henry, you’re a rotten old man. Actually, I called to tell you that the bakery was broken into, so I’m going to need to transfer some money into the bakery’s checking account. We’re going to have to replace most of the equipment, and it isn’t cheap.”

  “That’s all?” Henry asked.

  “Why? Is there something more you think I should be asking you?” Toots inquired.

  Henry chuckled. “No, I just wanted to let you know about a conversation I had with Mr. King yesterday.”

  Toots’s heart rate quadrupled. Oh no. The dark stuff was about to hit the proverbial fan. Toots had visions of wearing prison stripes and eating bologna sandwiches with Kool-Aid for the rest of her life.

  Toots’s voice cracked, “Oh, really? What does that have to do with me?”

  “Yesterday afternoon I received a call from Mr. King. He was quite jubilant about an incident that happened at his warehouse the other night. Seems someone sneaked inside while the security guard was helping a woman in distress. It seems she had an accomplice who removed a bunch of ugly gray material and left ten grand in its place.”

  Shit! Shit! And double shit! Those prison stripes and bologna sandwiches were about to become her new reality!

  “And you’re telling me this, why?” Toots asked.

  “It seems all that material was outdated and was about to be shipped to his outlet warehouse in Charlotte. He said something about the net value being a hundred bucks. This gave me a good laugh. I thought you, of all people, would want to know that.”

  Good-bye, bologna!

  Toots took a deep, refreshing breath. “I’m glad you shared that with me, Henry. It’s made my day.”

  “I’m sure it has. That break-in at your bakery you just mentioned, they didn’t happen to leave ten grand, did they? Seems Charleston may have some moral-minded thieving going on.”

  “Kiss my rear end, Henry. Just transfer the money. I’m hanging up now.”

  Toots raced downstairs, relieved. The girls were gathered around the table, getting looped on Long Island iced teas. She was about to join them. “I just got off the phone with Henry from the bank. You’re never going to believe what he told me. Apparently someone broke into Mr. King’s warehouse and stole a hundred dollars’ worth of fabric that was about to be shipped to his outlet store. The culprits left ten grand in its place. Why would someone be that silly?” Toots asked, grinning from ear to ear.

  Her statement was greeted with a round of applause. Bernice looked at them all as if they were one slice short of a loaf.

  For the next half hour, the women dined on fried chicken and potato salad and chugged Long Island iced teas. Toots explained to Bernice that Jamie would be staying in the guesthouse, but there was no need for her to worry about keeping it clean. Jamie said she would take care of that.

  “You’re always taking care of someone, aren’t you?” Bernice stated.

  “It’s what I do best,” Toots slurred. “And before you ask, no, I am not drunk. Maybe a little tipsy.”

  “Whatever you say. I’m going to be upstairs the rest of the night cleaning the bathrooms and changing sheets. If anyone needs me, that’s where I’ll be, so you’re gonna have to do the dishes yourself,” Bernice announced.

  “What else is new?” Toots said to no one in particular.

  As soon as Bernice left the room, Ida, a little tipsy herself, spoke up. “Sophie, Mavis, Toots, you guys up for a little séance tonight? Something tells me I need to try to contact Thomas one more time. I need to try to top Toots in the good-deed department.”

  “Why do you want to? I thought you were too creeped out to want to try again,” Sophie said.

  “I have been thinking about it. The my daughter stuff has got me wondering. Maybe Thomas really did leave behind a potential person of interest we should know about.”

  “I’m game if you are,” Sophie said. “What about the rest of you?”

  “I suppose I could since I’ve made arrangements with that factory in California to start working on my clothing line. I won’t have to spend every waking moment in front of the sewing machine. I’m so excited about my new business venture,” Mavis chortled.

  “We are, too,” Toots added.

  “What about your new friend Jamie in the guesthouse? She’s not gonna come in and interrupt us or anything, is she?” Sophie asked.

  “No. Something tells me Jamie’s gonna spend the rest of the night soaking in the Jacuzzi,” Toots stated.

  “Then let’s get this show on the road,” Sophie declared.

  Once again, the four women prepared to contact Thomas. Maybe this time the mystery surrounding his death would be solved.

  Chapter 24

  The women set up the table just as they had the night before. This time, however, rather than trepidation, all they felt was desire, the desire to get to the bottom of the mystery of Thomas’s life, not just his death. If they were lucky, maybe this time Thomas would come through with enough information for them to get a better understanding of his previous message.

  “Then it’s settled. Tonight we will attempt to contact Thomas again. We’ll use the psychic writing technique so we can get more detailed information. Ida, you’ll have to be in a complete state of relaxation and just allow his energy to flow through you,” Sophie informed her.

  Ida smoothed a hand over her already smooth pageboy. “If he is willing to come through again, I’m up for it. If it means he has to channel his energy through me, then I will do my best to handle it, no matter how frightened I become.”

  Sophie nodded. “I agree with Ida. No matter how scary it may get, we need to give this our best shot. I’ll admit I was a bit leery before about using our bodies to channel the spirit, but under the circumstances, I do not see any real alternative if we hope to achieve the result we want.”

  Toots and Mavis remained solemn during this interchange between Sophie and Ida. However, it was hard to miss the skeptical expressions on their faces.

  Each sat in her place around the table in the same fashion as before. They began the séance with the protection prayer, the same one they had used last time. “For good luck,” Sophie said.

  “We’re going to need more info
rmation. You must concentrate deeply and put aside all other thoughts and focus on channeling Thomas’s energy,” Sophie reminded Ida.

  In her calm, melodic voice, Sophie began her call to the spirits from beyond; only this time, as in the previous, the spirit had a name. Thomas. “We are here tonight to once again call on the spirit of Thomas. If you can hear me, once again, lend us your thoughts. We need to know more about the daughter you revealed to us.”

  As before, the room’s energy began to change. An immediate chill was felt. By now the women recognized this as the sign someone was attempting to come through.

  “Thomas, are you here with us tonight?” Sophie intoned.

  The nervousness Ida was feeling was evident by the sweat on her hand, which was causing her pencil to slip. She quickly wiped it away and started to focus her thoughts on Thomas. She grasped the pencil in her hand with a death grip. Ida began to scribble circles. Then the circles turned into letters and the word Yes became visible on the notepad.

  In little more than a whisper, Ida spoke. “He is with us. I can feel his energy once again. Ask the questions, Sophie.”

  “Thomas, the daughter you mentioned. Is she connected to your death in any way?”

  All three women watched as Ida’s hand scribbled furiously across the paper. Ida wrote the words Murderer, Murderer, Murder.

  Deep intakes of their breath could be heard throughout the room.

  “Is she the one who poisoned you?”

  The word Yes was written on the notepad, then circled violently, perhaps to indicate that was the reason Thomas had been trying to make contact with the women the entire time.

  For once, Sophie was glad they’d all imbibed a bit too much. Her hands shook as she continued. “Thomas, this daughter. Do you know her name? Can you tell us when you first found out about her? Do you know how and why she poisoned you? Why she wanted to murder you? Please, Thomas, answer these questions so that we may bring closure and allow you to leave this world peacefully to go to the other side.”


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