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Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)

Page 2

by Ml Preston

  “I would like to set up a meeting with you and your firm to discuss ideas to pitch to the football committee in hopes to land that new stadium.”

  “Um, sure,” I said while fidgeting for my business card. I found my nerves all a bundle again thanks to the images of my dream now displaying in my mind. Then it happened; I dropped my damn cell phone. I was embarrassed and my nerves were a mess.

  “Let me get it,” he said.

  “Oh, no, Nicholas. I got it.” We went down for the phone at the same time and as I grabbed for the phone, he grabbed for it too and our hands touched. We looked at each other for what felt like an eternity.

  “I, I got it um, Nicholas. Thank you.”

  “No problem.” We stood and I handed him my business card.

  “Have your assistant call to set up the time.” Nicholas smiled at me as he leaned in to hug me.

  “I will do that.” He spoke quietly in my ear. I felt his breath brush against my ear and my knees weakened. Dear sweet Jesus, he smelled good.

  “I think I’m going to go find Gabrielle,” I managed to say as I stumbled away from his embrace. “It was nice seeing you again.” I turned and walked away, hurriedly.

  I found Gabrielle and told her about my interaction with Nicholas, that I felt like a complete stumbling fool, and was going home.

  “Maya, are you attracted to him?” Gabrielle asked.

  “Maybe. He’s cute, but I don’t know him,” I quipped. My friends didn’t know about the dreams I had of him. I kept that between my pillows, my B.O.B, and me. We walked over to the valet station to retrieve my car.

  “Maya, go home and relax. It will be fine,” said Gabrielle. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Hugs and kisses?”

  “Hugs and kisses.” That was our signature good-bye. It was our way of saying are you okay and I love you. I got into my car and looked in my rearview mirror for Gabrielle, but instead saw Nicholas looking at me, smiling hungrily.

  Chapter 2

  He unbuttoned my blouse and began to massage my breast while tenderly kissing my neck. “Nicholas,” I cried. He looked at me and smiled.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. He took my shirt off and dropped it to the floor while sliding my bra strap down and softly kissing my shoulders. He unhooked my bra, exposing my breast and taut nipples. Grabbing my breasts, he placed my nipple…

  “You have to be fucking kidding me,” I yelled at my alarm clock. Ever since Friday, I have had the wettest dreams about Nicholas. The thought of his eyes penetrating me to my core made me wish he were penetrating me. I rolled over and looked at the clock, “Shit!” It was already seven thirty a.m. and I had to be to work at eight. “Oh, God, I can’t believe I am fucking late,” I exclaimed while I jumped up and scrambled toward the bathroom. I turned on the shower and then I called Samantha.

  “Hey sexy,” she answered.

  “Hey, Red. Look, I am running late. Something is off with my alarm I guess. Can you email me my appointments when you get to the office?”

  “Sure thing, doll. And why didn’t you call me Saturday about the gallery opening?” she asked. “I, um, got sidetracked Saturday afternoon and Sunday I went running and totally forgot.” “Sure. I guess we will dish over lunch. I’ll send you the deets.”

  “Thanks, Red. See you in an hour.”

  I got into the shower and started thinking about why I was trying to ignore the heat in his eyes, the warmth of his touch. How his smile made me gasp for air. How I wish it were his hands soaping my body, feeling my breasts, my pussy, my mouth. Okay, this shower was getting me nowhere and fast. I have been with men before, two, actually. However, the relationships didn’t last. In college, I had one relationship with James. Went out on a couple of dates and that was it. He didn’t possess anything that I was looking for. There was no spark. Not even when we had sex. I vowed after that brief stint that I would stay in my books and push until graduation.

  I got out of the shower and toweled off. No time to dry my hair so I pulled it back into a curly bun. I got dressed, grabbed my things, and left without eating breakfast.

  I arrived at the office and Samantha ran toward me and pulled me to the side. “Please tell me you read the calendar for today that I sent you?”

  “No, I actually didn’t. I forgot I asked you to send it. Why?”

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God.”


  “You have a meeting with Mr. Anderson and… Hansen Construction today at nine a.m.”

  I gasped for air like I had been locked in a closet. “Who scheduled it?”

  “Alicia, Mr. Anderson’s secretary. Alicia told me that John Hansen called Mr. Anderson personally on Saturday after his son said that you would be willing to market them. What happened Friday night, Maya, and who is his son?”

  “Nothing happened. Gabrielle invited me to this gallery opening in hopes to help drum up publicity and marketing for the gallery and the construction company since she used me as a pawn to land the gig. I didn’t know that Nicholas, the guy from graduation night, was going to be there. I hadn’t seen him in two years. But he still has that effect on me.” I said the last part quietly to myself.

  “What was that Maya?” Samantha asked.

  “Huh? Oh, nothing, Samantha. I was thinking to myself. Okay, let me go pull something together. Can you get me demographics on construction companies and sporting arenas and send them to my email, please? Please, Red?”

  “Okay, Maya, but I want details about Friday night over lunch.” Samantha smiled and headed toward her desk. I went into my office, closed the door, and lay on the floor. Why does this man possess me like this? We don’t know each other. After a few deep breaths, I got up, went to my computer, and started putting a presentation together.

  Samantha knocked at the door. “They are waiting for you in the conference room, Maya.”

  “Samantha you could’ve called me, you know.”

  “Yes, I know, but I had to say whoa. He is totally hot Maya.” I looked at Samantha and she stopped gushing.

  “Okay, I’m sorry.” She had to know how hard this was going to be for me. He has this lock on me and I can’t break loose. I don’t want to break loose. But, I don’t know how to deal with it. I took a deep, cleansing breath to regroup and focus my thoughts and exhaled.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Samantha opened the door and headed in. You can hear the chatter stop. I entered the room smiling apologetically trying not to make eye contact with Nicholas.

  “I apologize for the slight delay,” I spoke. I placed my USB flash drive into our conference room projector and started the presentation. I made sure to point out some of the main things the committee is looking for when they choose the contractor for the build. Economic growth, job adds, previous build jobs, cost. I showed a picture of the build site, which was near Miami Gardens.

  “What about the design of the building? Will we have authority over that aspect or will they have different architects draw up the design?” Nicholas questioned.

  “Glad you asked, you see, Mr. Hansen, that is a plus for your company. Most construction companies do not have the benefit of a design slash architect team. They deal with engineers and general contractors. Your company is the total package and that actually will cut down on the proposed budget. I think with our team, we will be able to highlight that and many other aspects of your company. Hansen Construction has designed the most beautiful buildings not only in Florida but in other states too. I know that here at Binnings, we are dedicated to making our clients happy, and we would be honored to have you aboard.”

  Samantha looked over at Nicholas and smiled because she knew I nailed it. He had a slight grin and a desire in his eyes. I tried to turn away, but I couldn’t. Mr. Anderson stood and asked if there were any additional questions. The room fell silent.

  “Since there are no more questions, I will excuse myself and let Mr. Anderson wrap up the meeting. I need to put a
call in to the committee so that I can get the information as to where to send the proposal.” I smiled as I finished that sentence and then walked away. Samantha stayed behind to help recap and make sure that there was no additional information needed. Once I returned to my office, I closed the door and sunk to the floor. Sweating profusely, I managed to crawl over to my desk and turn my fan on to help cool the heat that was stirring beneath my clothes. I rested my head on my desk and pondered if my heart was going to return to a normal rhythm when all of a sudden there was a knock on my door.

  “Samantha?” I called. The door crept open and on the other side was Nicholas.

  “No, Amaya, it’s not Samantha.” He walked in looking like he was fresh from a model shoot. He wore a gray suit with a peach shirt and a gray silk tie to match. His jawline was strong and chiseled. I looked at him from toe to head with desire awakening deep within me. His eyes caught me when they met mine. Realizing that he had been in the office for a moment without me speaking, I quickly held my head up and straightened.

  “Um, yes. I am sorry, please come in. Did you have additional questions?” I was trying to appear busy and was failing miserably.

  “Actually, I wanted to know if you were available for lunch today.” I caught myself looking at him in a dazed state of mind.

  “Today? No, not today. Mondays are pretty hectic and I was running late this morning so it seems that my whole day is off. You know how that can be.” I managed to let out a nervous laugh as I continued to elude eye contact with him, but it was obvious that he was not going to let that happen. He walked over to my desk as I scuttled around straightening papers for the fifth time and leaned in toward my face. “Okay, if the day is that bad for you, maybe we should grab dinner,” Nicholas said with a smile.

  His eyes were staring into my soul, his scent was pure intoxication, and I found myself slowly drowning in it.

  “Dinner?” I swallowed. “Sure, I can do dinner.” He leaned in closer.

  “Okay. I’ll call you with details.” I could feel his breath on my lips as the humidity began to rise again in my undergarments. I felt like I was the lip airport as he went for a lip landing when Samantha came into the office.

  “A-Maya?” she spoke with a surprised tone in her voice. I shook my head as if I was clearing it and broke eye contact with Nicholas.

  “Yes, Samantha.”

  “Mr. Anderson said to prep the contracts since Mr. Hansen has agreed to use us as their marketing firm starting with the stadium pitch.”

  “I will get them together and finalized for signing. Please let him know.”

  “I will,” Samantha said with a Cheshire cat grin as she backed out of the office.

  Nicholas headed to the door. “I’ll call with the details, okay?”

  “Sure,” I answered, not thinking about how he was going to call me.

  Around one p.m., Samantha poked her head into my office and asked if I was ready for lunch. I looked a complete mess. I had papers everywhere, a pencil in my mouth, and a pen in my hand. I kicked off my heels, took my jacket off, and placed my feet on the table.

  “Sure, let’s go,” I needed a break. My mind was still racing behind my near contact with Nicholas. Mr. Anderson spotted us on our way out and called out to get my attention.

  “Mr. Anderson?”

  “Ms. Davis, how are you doing with those contracts?”

  “They are coming along well, sir. I am just waiting for the committee to provide me background on what they are looking for in a contractor. I will authorize materials for print along with an introductory statement for our meeting next week.”

  “Amaya, very impressive. You are really shaking this market up. You are certainly catching the eye of many of our competitors too. You know, we heard rumors that the NBA is looking to change their regional marketing team. We may have to get you another assistant.” He smiled as he completed his sentence.

  “I do love what I do, Mr. Anderson,” I shyly replied.

  “Yes, Ms. Davis, we know how much you love your job. In fact, why don’t you two take the rest of the afternoon off. I’m sure a break is in need. I will have Alicia be on the lookout for any information the committee may send and I’m sure you will check your email from time to time.”

  “Are you positive, Mr. Anderson? I would hate to miss something that I was needed for.”

  “You and Samantha deserve time off. And since I can’t force you to take a vacation, will you at least take the rest of the day?”

  “Okay, Mr. Anderson.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Anderson,” Samantha and I said simultaneously and giggled. We headed back to our office and tidied up. I grabbed my work case, my purse, my keys, and we left. I admired Mr. Anderson. He took me under his wing during my internship and groomed me to be a leader. A strong leader. He spearheaded the decision to create a sports division in order for me to run it. He felt that my skills needed to be on display. He was like a second dad to me and that was saying a lot.

  Samantha decided that we would take her car and she would bring me back to get my car later.

  “The rest of the afternoon off. Fabulous. Where do you wanna go?” Samantha asked.

  “I have no clue,” I mumbled, thoughts deeply fixed on Nicholas.

  “Let’s call Tia and Gabrielle and see if they are free,” she suggested. Two years since graduation and we still hang out together. We made a vow to never lose touch. I called Tia first.

  “Jones Realty, Tia speaking.”

  “Hey, brat. What are you doing?”

  “Closing a deal, of course. Why do you ask?”

  “Sam and I have the day off. Let’s go do something.”

  “Most def!” she exclaimed.

  “Where are you guys going?”

  “Don’t know yet. Any ideas?”

  “Not a clue. Call Gabrielle see if she has an idea and call me back with the deets.”

  “Okay, will do. Hugs and kisses?”

  “Hugs and kisses.” We ended our call with our trademark good-bye and I called Gabrielle next.

  “Gabrielle Martinez speaking.”

  “Do you girls ever answer by saying hello anymore?”

  “If it isn’t, little Miss Runaway.” She was referring to Friday night at the museum party and my not so graceful attempt to get away after Nicholas cornered me.

  “Really, Gabrielle?” I questioned with sarcasm.

  “I’m kidding, mami. What are you doing? Didn’t you have a meeting today with Mr. Hansen?” My heat levels were rising at the thought of his eyes locking onto me as I entered the conference room. I felt my face get hot. The mention of his name got me all in a storm and Gabrielle’s accent didn’t help either.

  “Yes, our firm had a representation meeting with Hansen Construction.” I didn’t want to sound as if seeing Nicholas bothered me. “Hey, listen. Sam and I are off work looking for ideas to get into.”

  “Oh, let’s do a spa day and grab lunch.” Party planner to the rescue.

  “That sounds perfect and I need to relax. I’ll get us booked and send a text with the info.”

  “Great see you girls in a few.”

  “See ya, Miss Rabbit.”

  I booked us an afternoon at the Mandarin Oriental in one of the suites. I sent the information to Tia and Gabrielle and we met up at two p.m. The girls and I got the VIP treatment—massages, manis, and pedis. Once we finished, we went to grab a late lunch at the Oasis Pool Side Café located within the hotel's beach club. We sat, ordered drinks, and relaxed among a sea of quietness. It was relaxing.

  “So, do I have to address the white elephant in the room?” Tia said, abruptly breaking my relaxation. Gabrielle and Samantha just looked away as if they had no clue what Tia was referring to.

  “What are you yammering about?” I said to Tia.

  “Really, Maya? Okay, I will spell it out. Nicholas Hansen.” I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. “Oh, so you’re not talking? Samantha, what is going on between them two?” Tia deflecte
d to Samantha, knowing she would break to say something juicy. I anticipated what was about to come.

  “They are supposed to be going out to dinner tonight.”

  Gabrielle and Tia gasped “What?”

  “When were you going to tell us, Maya?” hissed Gabrielle.

  “I am not sure if I am going to go. He was supposed to call me with details and he hasn’t plus... I. I’m not sure.” I raised my arms in exasperation as the whole idea was driving me insane.

  All three of them looked at me.

  “Not sure? Maya, he had you so flustered at the opening Friday night you ran out of there,” Gabrielle reminded me.

  “And let’s not even talk about today after the meeting,” chimed Samantha. “You were nearly a puddle when I came in to tell you about the contracts.”

  “Guys like Nicholas only want one thing,” I said.

  “Maya, he’s been hot for you since college. I think he wants a little more than your cookie, missy.” Gabrielle was never short with comments. Actually, none of them were.

  “I don’t know, girls. I feel confused on the inside while my sweatbox is keeping the heat on every time he’s around. I don’t want a fling—even if he is fucking gorgeous.”

  “Maya, if you don’t go you will never know what he wants,” said Tia. “No one is saying fuck him on the first night. Unless you want to,” quipped Gabrielle. Samantha looked at Gabrielle and rolled her eyes.

  “Tia’s right. You won’t know unless you try.” My Samantha, always knowing exactly what to say. At that moment, my phone rang.


  “Hi, Amaya. How’s your lunch with your friends going?” I was puzzled by the voice that was stalker sounding.

  “Who is this?”

  “It’s Nicholas. Don’t tell me you forgot about our dinner already.”

  “How’d you know who I was with?” I asked concernedly.

  “I followed you,” he said, laughing.

  “You what?” I yelled.


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