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Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)

Page 4

by Ml Preston

  “Hi, Nicholas. I called and left a few messages for you. I was hoping I could speak with you and your dad. We have the contracts for representation and want to schedule a meeting for you to come by and sign.” I cleared my throat so that the humiliation wouldn’t come through.

  “You didn’t have to drive over here.” He smiled as he walked closer to me. I began to fidget and play with my hair, trying to avoid eye contact.

  “Um, yeah, I know. I called your cell phone and left a message and called here and left a message since I was told you were busy.”

  “I wasn’t busy, my cell phone battery is dead because I didn’t charge it and I didn’t get any messages from Tabitha.” I looked up at him as he looked directly at her and she had a smirk on her mouth.

  “Anyway, we wanted to see if you guys were available on Thursday for a meeting? I have already sent a letter to the committee trying to get a jump on the competition.” He had a hint of red in those green eyes of his and I was on target.

  “Thursday is not good for us. We have meetings to attend about structure changes that are going to happen within the company. We are clear on Friday.” I quickly looked at my calendar on my phone to see where we could schedule the meeting.

  “Okay, looks like nine a.m. is available, will that work for your schedule?” I asked. He backed me against the wall, placed his hands above my head, and leaned in. I could feel the tension between us and I began to breathe heavily as I prepared for him to ravage me.

  “Tabitha, pull up the schedule for Friday please and clear anything that is on the books now, put in a meeting with Binnings Marketing and forward to Mr. Hansen, please.” Nicholas could not stop staring at me as he stepped in closer and grabbed my hand. “Hi,” he spoke. I smiled back at him.

  “Hi, Nicholas,” I said, my breath hitching at his proximity to my mouth wanting to taste his lips, tongue, and mouth.

  “So was there anything else you wanted to tell me?” Nicholas quizzed.

  “Um, no, not really.” I laughed at that comment. He knew why I came over to his office. “Thank you for the flowers. They are lovely. I tried to call you and say thank you.”

  “I’m glad you stopped by. I can’t stop thinking about last night and you.” Nicholas smiled and just as he leaned in to kiss me, Tabitha interrupted.

  “I’m sorry, but Mr. Hansen, you have a call holding on line one about your car.” She had the smugness of a witch.

  “I have to take this call.”

  “That’s fine, Nicholas. The meeting will be set for Friday at nine a.m. See you then.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to see me before then?” he said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Busy work week,” I answered.

  “Okay. Friday. Got it.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Hansen.” Nicholas stepped back into his office to take his call. I turned to leave, but Tabitha rose from her desk and looked at me with an expression of disgust.

  “So, you are the one he spent $300 on flowers for today.”

  “Excuse me?” I asked.

  “Hmph. I thought he could do better than you could. I mean look at you. You aren’t exactly model thin with that huge ass and well you are black. Oh, I’m sorry. African-American.”

  “Do you have a problem with me because of my race or is it because you’re not me?” I asked with a hint of agitation.

  “Hmm, I had him before and I can and will have him again,” she sneered.

  “Tabitha dear, when did you have him?”

  “Last year, why?” she replied.

  “Oh, okay. Let me give you a little bit of information, you couldn’t satisfy him then, and you can’t satisfy him now. Do you want to know why? Because you are not me, the one he wants.”

  “Who wants to be you?”

  “Apparently you do. That is the reason why we are having this conversation anyway, right?” She was speechless.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” I turned, walked away, and left.


  I arrived back at the office and Samantha approached me.

  “What happened over there at Hansen?”

  “Um, nothing. We got the contract meeting scheduled for Friday morning at nine a.m.”

  “Uh-huh, and what else?”

  “Nothing. Why do you ask?”

  “Did you see Nicholas?”

  “Yes, I saw him.”

  “What did he say?” Samantha was crazy for love stories.

  “Samantha, I thanked him for the flowers and he said you’re welcome. That is all.” I was growing more frustrated with the line of fire.

  “That’s it?” She sounded as if she knew more happened.

  “Yes, that’s it, except…” I paused when I thought about Tabitha.

  “Except what?” Samantha questioned. I knew more explanation was required once I told her about the near kiss.

  “Except when Tabitha interrupted as he was about to kiss me.”

  “What? Who is Tabitha?” Samantha’s eyes became wide with anger.

  “She is Nicholas’s secretary and once upon a time girlfriend, I think.”

  “Oh really,” Samantha said, her voice matching her now flushed skin.

  “She was upset about the flowers and told me that I wasn’t good enough for him because I wasn’t a size zero and I am black.”

  “Noooo she didn’t!” exclaimed Samantha.

  “Yep, it went down like that,” I said. Samantha sat there with her mouth open in total shock.

  “I can’t believe that bitch. Did you say something to Nicholas?”

  “No. He had gone back into his office already. I said what I had to say and left.”

  “Do you think it’s true?”

  “I don’t know and what does it matter anyway, it’s not like we have a relationship.”

  “Maya, he wanted to kiss you. I think he has relationship tendencies on his mind.”

  “Or he could just be out to fuck me like most men.” My heart sank and nerves frazzled. I started to think about what almost happened and I didn’t know what to conclude.

  “Amaya?” Mr. Anderson called.

  “Yes, Mr. Anderson.”

  “Great job on the meeting scheduling.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Anderson.”

  “Yes, John called me and told me that he has a big announcement to make at that meeting too.”

  “That’s great. I’m sure we’ll be ready and will assist in any way they need us,” I said.

  “Thanks again, Maya.”

  “It was my pleasure, sir.

  “Wanna go out for drinks?” Samantha asked.

  “No, I think I’m going to go home.”

  “Maya, don’t let that shrew of a woman upset you. She was probably jealous and wanted to ruffle your feathers,” she said

  “I was thinking about that too. But, what do I know about Nicholas? Sure he’s gorgeous, tall, pretty smile, but all of that is surface. He could be one of those guys who fucks them and he’s done. Maybe that’s what happened with Tabitha.”


  “No, Samantha. I allow a little light in and this is what happens.”

  “Maya, calm down! He likes you. Deal with your own emotions and then toss them out the fucking window. I’m going home now, Maya. Think about it.” Samantha left a little upset with me, I presumed. Man, do I have shit to sort out.

  That evening when I got home, there was an envelope left with the door attendant. It simply read, Amaya Davis.

  “Did you see who left it?” I asked.

  “No, miss, it was here when I started my shift about thirty minutes ago.”

  “Okay, Mike. Thanks.” I headed up to my house thinking about who would send me a package. Once I got in, I took off my clothes, grabbed a glass of wine, and sat on the couch. I toiled with the thought of opening this envelope. Should I bother? Then I thought about Nicholas and what if this is a surprise from him. So, I opened it.

  A picture? I thought, and then I looked at it and realized
he was kissing a woman. He was kissing, Tabitha. My heart ached at the sight. A single tear dropped and rolled down my cheek. A letter inside read, “He’s mine, bitch.” I threw the letter and the picture and began crying. Why am I feeling this way, I thought to myself. Just then, a text appeared on my phone.

  Nicholas: Thinking of you~ Nick

  The tears began to roll again. This is why I don’t do relationships. I either can’t commit or I get hurt. The bad thing was, we were not in a relationship. I took my shower and went to bed, hurt.

  Chapter 4

  Friday morning arrived. The day I had been dreading since Tuesday. Nicholas has called me, texted me, and sent more flowers. I never responded. My door attendant Mike said that a man came by looking for me Wednesday evening, but I wasn’t home. I’m thinking it was probably Nicholas. I walked into the building, trying to keep my composure. When I got to our floor, the paparazzi were there setting up. Magazine photogs and local and regional newspapers were there.

  “Oh, my gosh, isn’t this exciting?” Samantha said as she ran toward me.

  “What is all of this?” I said, motioning with my hand.

  “There will be an announcement today that most people in the construction industry will be interested to hear. Plus, you know how popular Hansen Construction is around here.” Samantha was not aware of the picture or the letter delivered to me on Tuesday evening.

  “Of course, but does it deserve all of this fanfare?”

  “Eeewww,” exclaimed Samantha. “Who are you and what did you do with my friend?”

  “What are you talking about, Samantha?”

  “A thing like this will drum up that much more business for us and the sporting division that you head and you’re acting like you don’t care.”

  “I’m sorry, you are right. I am just having a rough morning.”

  “No, it’s something else. You have been like this for the past two days. I didn’t say anything to you because I know how you are, but now I’m concerned.” At that moment, Nicholas and his dad stepped off the elevator along with Tabitha and another young woman.

  “Don’t worry, Samantha. I’m fine,” I told her while looking toward Nicholas. Tabitha had made it a point to touch him as if she was his woman. She straightened his tie, wiped his face, and they appeared to be having a conversation because he laughed and then smiled at her.

  “Who is that?”

  “That is Tabitha, Nicholas’s secretary.”

  “Ooooohhhhh, now I get it,” Samantha said and walked over to get the Hansens.

  I turned to walk toward my office when I heard Nicholas call to me.

  “Amaya.” I did not respond.

  “Amaya,” he shouted a little louder. I continued to my office, closed the door, and leaned against it. Soon there was a knock at my door. Expecting that to be Nicholas, I was surprised when it opened, it was Mr. Anderson.

  “Um, Mr. Anderson, sir. Good morning. You look nice.”

  “Amaya, I know you had to hear Nicholas call to you.”

  “No, I must have been on the phone.”

  “Amaya, I am not sure what is going on between you two and it isn’t any of my business except for the fact that this is a business deal that we are to sign in about ten minutes. This is your call. Can you handle it?” I thought about what I was allowing this to do to me and how it was affecting my job.

  Samantha knocked on the door and Nicholas was with her.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Hansen wanted to speak with you before the meeting.” Nicholas was looking at me wide-eyed and concerned. Normally, you would find what was left of my panties on the floor in a liquid puddle by now, but I was still feeling hurt.

  “Come on, Samantha. Let’s go make sure the conference room is ready and our lobby is good for the press conference,” said Mr. Anderson.

  “Sure thing, boss,” Samantha said and then they left my office and closed my door behind them.

  “What do you want, Mr. Hansen?” I said, my tone slightly irritated and trying to mask the pain I was feeling. I walked over to my desk and took a seat.

  “What the fuck did I do to you?” he said with an aggressive voice. “I have called, texted, and even went by your place and you have ignored me. Sent more flowers to you and nothing. What is it? What did I do?” I closed my eyes to block any attempt to look at him and exhaled.

  “You haven’t done anything, Nicholas. I mean we are not dating. We only have a business relationship. That’s all. Sorry if you felt like there was more. I should have been forthcoming in the beginning.”

  “Amaya,” he said, voice trembling a little. I looked up at him, our eyes locked, but mine were cold. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “No problem, maybe I did read too much into this. Sorry.” He turned away from me after realizing I was not budging.

  “I think we should be heading down to the conference room,” I said as I got up from my desk and walked toward my door, making sure to avoid eye contact. His eyes followed my move as I opened the door and there that bitch stood. My gaze caught hers and all I could feel was the heat from Nicholas staring at me as I glared at her.

  “I’m sorry,” she said with a smirk, “but Nicholas, baby, we should be headed down to the conference room.” He caught the stare down between us and spoke up.

  “Sure thing, Tabitha. I’m on my way. I will walk in with Ms. Davis after ironing out details before signing.” She was caught off guard at his response and turned slightly pale.

  “Okay, Nicholas. I’ll see you there,” Tabitha said.

  “Mr. Hansen, I be—”

  “Thank you, Tabitha,” he said, interrupting my decline of an escort and he closed my door, in her face I might add. He closed my blinds so no one could see, and then he pushed me against the door with his body. I could distinguish the phallic shape of his cock pressed against me and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was hard or if this was only the beginning. My, did he smell delicious, almost edible. I felt a twinge between my legs, but this was not right.

  “Nicholas,” I said, trying to get away.

  “Listen to me. I have thought of nothing but you over the last six years. From the moment I laid eyes on you in class at college to graduation night. I have tried to forget you, especially after graduation, but our paths crossed again. It must be fate.” I stared at him intently, hanging on to his every word, bathing in his breath as he spoke. “You are so fucking beautiful. I close my eyes and all I can see is your caramel skin and light brown eyes. The curve of your hips and the fullness of your lips. I keep asking myself why?” He traced the outline of each part of my body as he mentioned them his touch soft and gentle.

  I swallowed hard and asked him, “Why what?”

  “Why haven’t I kissed you so I could taste your mouth?” He leaned in and was about to kiss me when Samantha knocked on the door.

  “They are ready for you two,” she said.

  “Okay, we are on the way.” Nicholas backed up. I wasn’t trying to look, but as I was fixing my clothes so that it didn’t look wrinkled, I saw a little bit of a bulge in his suit pants. I smiled a little.

  “Shall we?” I asked.

  “Can we please talk after the conference?” he asked, grabbing my hands and gently kissing them.

  “Yes,” I said. I was curious to know what else he had to say because that bulge in his pants was saying a lot.

  We walked into the conference room and as we entered, Tabitha appeared to be upset. Nicholas pulled my chair out for me and I took my place. “Nicholas, I saved your seat down here.” She stood and said.

  “Thanks, Tabitha, but I think I will sit here next to Amaya.” He smiled at me and I felt a small puddle starting to form. There’s that panty-melting smile I am used to, I thought. Mr. Anderson opened the meeting and then introduced me. I conducted the meeting, introduced the contracts, watched them sign, and then advised that the committee is interested in setting up a meeting with them in regards to the ideas they may have for the bu
ild. I advised that Samantha is the coordinator of any meetings going forward and would need their calendar information to help coordinate meetings and possible events.

  Once I concluded the meeting, we rushed out to our lobby where a makeshift platform had been staged. Photogs and camera crews for a few local television stations had arrived. Nicholas was standing by his father discussing the points that they were going to talk about and I noticed an older woman, a man, and a younger woman joining them near the stage. That must be his family, I thought to myself. The woman that had accompanied them from the office appeared at the podium.

  “Good morning,” she spoke. ‘”My name is Susan and the conference will start now. Mr. Hansen will come to the stage along with the family to make his announcement. He asks to hold all questions until the conclusion of the meeting in which a short, ten-minute allotment is being granted for your questions. We would like to thank Jim and Carl Binnings for the backdrop of today’s events as well as Charles Anderson and Amaya Davis for a wonderful marketing job that has already generated a buzz in our community. Ladies and gentlemen, John Hansen.”

  Mr. Hansen stepped up to the podium. He was a very striking man. He stood about six feet four, had salt and pepper hair and hazel-colored eyes. Being in the Florida sun provided him with a nice tan and he appeared to be in good physical shape. I could definitely see where Nicholas got his looks.

  “Good morning. Thank you, Susan, for the introduction. It was perfect, just like we rehearsed.” The crowd laughed. “I would like to thank you all for attending this announcement about the change taking place with Hansen Construction. As Susan said, we want to extend our warm thank you to the team here at Binnings Marketing. Jim, Carl, and Charles have been close friends of mine for quite some time now and I appreciate their friendship and encouragement over the years.

  “Today we announce the changing of the guard. Nicholas did outstanding things within the company over the last two years. His design team and his eye for detail have brought us business that I would have never dreamed of getting. Now, along with the talents of Binnings Sporting Division leader, Amaya Davis, we are in the lead for obtaining the building contract for the new NFL stadium built here in Miami as word circulated this morning.” I could see Nicholas scanning the small crowd looking for me then our eyes locked. Nicholas smiled at me and it made me weak. He mouthed “after conference” to me and I knew what that meant. There was going to be no escaping the discussion he still wanted to have. To the left of where Nicholas stood, I could see Tabitha.


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