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Abducted by the Alpha (Wolf Shifter Romance) (The Crestwood Chronicles)

Page 3

by Julia Chase

  He fried up some Canadian bacon, some potatoes, and another couple of eggs. Sprinkling some green spices over all of it, along with salt and pepper.

  Then I remembered I was supposed to be dieting. He start loading up my plate, and I didn't want to ask him to stop. It smelled so good.

  I'd heard one time that if you just eat slowly, you won't eat as much. It takes time to feel full, so if you eat slowly you'll know when to stop. So that's what I tried to do. It felt crazy to be caring about my weight in such a position, but there wasn't much else that was under my control in anyway. Although my ankle was starting to feel a bit better.

  "What are you doing?" asked Darriel as he scarfed down his entire plateful.


  "Not hungry?"

  "No," I said. "I am hungry. But I'm trying to cut back on... well, food I guess. Trying to take off a couple of pounds."

  "Why on earth would you be doing that?"

  I looked at him. Had he not seen me? "So that I look better."

  "That is not something you should be worrying about," he said. "You're beautiful. I am so glad that fate has drawn us together."

  "You kidnapped me," I said. "Also, I would be a bunch more beautiful if I wasn't so... plump."

  He scooted towards me on the ground. "That is not the case. You're already so ideal."

  "You're crazy," I said.

  "No," he said. "I'm not. I'm telling the truth."

  I stared at him, and he continued.

  "See, maybe in movies and magazines and stuff, all the women are skinny like sticks. And sure, some men like that. And some women like looking like that. But to be honest, I don't like it one bit. You know why?"

  I shook my head.

  "Because that little bit of 'extra' weight on you makes you look so womanly. The broad hips. The curves. The round ass. The big tits. It's all the thing that the word 'woman' brings to mind. You are basically the epitome of womanliness."

  "Sure," I said.

  "Think about it. A skinny man and a skinny woman. They don't look that different. Which isn't an issue. But for me, I want my women to look womanly. That means I want the curves. I want that round cushy ass to bump against as I go to town. When I'm ramming my cock deep inside of you, I don't want to look down and see your ribs. I want to see your curves."

  I smiled. It seemed like he was actually being genuine.

  I finished my plate, as did he. "So," he said. "A couple more miles before we find a place to spend the night?"

  "Sure," I said. "I think I might be able to walk."

  I stood up, and there was still a pain in my ankle, but it stayed there. There were no longer shots of pain going up my leg to the base of my spine.

  I took a couple of steps, and it was evident that I could walk. But it would be slow.

  "You know," he said, "if you're fine walking, you might be fine riding as well."

  I looked at him. I still wasn't one hundred percent sure what that entailed.

  "Want to give it a try?" he asked.

  "Sure," I said. Why not?

  He tossed the bag that had been on back the entire time, and I caught it. It was heavy. I couldn't believe that he'd managed to carry it and me the entire day.

  But I threw it over one shoulder and then watched. Piece by piece, Darriel ceased being human. It happened quickly, with several of those disgusting noises. Then I blinked, and it was complete. Standing in front of me was a huge, black, wolf.

  It stooped forward. Inviting me to get on. I threw on leg to the other side of him, and then with a little jump I was straddling him.

  Slowly he stood up on all fours, bringing me much higher into the air than I anticipated. I bent down, practically lying on his back, and wove my fingers into his fur. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was about to ride a wolf. A wolf who I knew by name.

  He took a step and I felt his shoulders shift underneath me. I could still feel his huge muscles under the layer of soft fur and thick skin.

  I held tight as he picked up the pace. First just walking. Then trotting. And then he began to run.

  Trees were whizzing by on either side, and the dirt and plants underneath were of no consequence. The ride was surprisingly smooth. Just a rhythmic up and down, and a constant forward. Like we were flying.

  Faster than I'd ever traveled in the forest. And I was starting to wonder if we were going faster than I'd ever gone before. On land, at least.

  The wind messed up my hair. My fingers started hurting, and I realized just how tightly I was holding onto the fur. Harder than I needed to. He was making it an easy ride for me, I could tell.

  But there was still something about the rhythm. My legs on either side. The constant push and pull between my legs. It may have gotten me into... a mood.

  Eventually he started to slow down. Back to a trot. And then a walk. And finally, he stopped. The sun was low in the sky - it would be dark in an hour.

  He knelt down and I hopped off. And before I even turned around, he was human once again. Smiling at me. He wasn't even breathing hard.

  "Well," he said, "Let's find somewhere to sleep."

  "How far are we from your home?"

  "An hour's run. Or a day's walk. Something like that. But that's in the light of day."

  He began walking around, looking for something.

  "We need a place that's hidden well enough. And hopefully soft."

  "Hidden?" I ask, following his footsteps.

  "Yes. There are somethings that can only comfortably travel by night. And we do not want to run into any of them."

  I didn't probe any further. I followed him, and eventually he whispered, "Perfect."

  He held back a branch of a short little tree, and I crouched down and went through the opening he was making. Then he followed me.

  It was a little grassy area. Surrounded by scraggly bushes. No one would see us here. The grass was thick with moss, which made it very soft. Almost softer than my bed at home.

  "Here we are," he said. "Our bedroom for the night."

  He lifted the pack off my back, and pulled out a blanket which he spread over the moss.

  "So," he said. "What do you want to do until dark?"

  He looked me in the eyes. My breathing was still a bit heavy from the ride. My cheeks were red. And he was still topless.

  And somehow, he knew.

  "You've finally admitted it. You want to be fucked."

  I did not shake my head.

  Chapter 5

  The next thing I knew, he had knocked me back, towards the blanket on the ground. Before I landed though, he had an arm behind me, and he lay me down softly. Then he moved back on the ground.

  He unbuttoned my pants and then grabbed onto the belt loops with one swift movement. And then they slid down, taking my panties with them.

  His eyes couldn't be torn off of me, but he felt around my ankle to make sure he got my pants all of the way off without hurting me. Then he tossed them away.

  Him topless. Me bottomless. He looked down and licked his lips.

  I thought he was just going to fuck me. But then, faster than I could react to, his face was between my legs. His broad shoulders pressed up against the back of my thighs.

  And then his tongue was touching me. Just lightly at first. Teasing. Taunting. His hands went around my legs and grabbed on tightly at the hips. But he wasn't going for it. Not quite yet.

  I worried that there was something wrong with me. No one had ever looked closely at me. Not down there, at least.

  I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down at him. He had this fascinated look on his face, as he stared at me.

  He hovered just inches away from it. I wanted him so badly. I needed him to just move that inch closer and just let loose. And he knew it. That's why he was waiting.

  "Honestly," I said, "You could just fuck me now. I'm warmed up."

  He smirked. "You don't know what you're up against," he said. "Trust me, you'll enjoy the warm up."

Then a strong hand came and landed between my breasts, and he pushed me back down onto my back. And then he went for it.

  He began to lick with a steady rhythm. But without much pressure. Not enough to split my lips. Just licking the outside. It sent shivers up my spine. I couldn't believe this was happening. But then he began to press harder.

  My lips parted and he began to press harder. Licking my most sensitive parts. This stranger. This black man. My kidnapper. Making my back arch and my toes curl. One hand slid underneath the small of my back and pressed upwards.

  It was so wet. It was so warm. It was so... relentless. He was not going to give up. He was not going to slow down. Not at my command. Things were going his way, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  Then I felt his fingers slide up the inside of my thigh. Towards the opening. Suddenly it became apparent just how badly I needed to be filled. With something. Any part of him would do. I just needed it. I needed to be filled. My insides were aching with desire.

  But he teased. His fingers stayed an inch or two away while his tongue worked its magic, which almost got the idea of him filling me out of my head.

  Eventually, it was too much. I grabbed onto his head with both my hands and pulled him away from me. He looked up at me with a smile. The wetness on his face was just barely visible in the light of the setting sun.

  "Alright," he said. He stood up, leaving his pants on the ground. "Your turn."

  There it was. It was huge. Long, yes, but also just thick. I'd definitely never had anything that thick inside of me - I wasn't entirely convinced it would fit at all.

  He stood there and I sat on the ground, and it was clear what I was supposed to do. And I loved the idea of it. He'd been teasing me, so why not tease him back a bit?

  I grabbed hold of it with one hand and slowly started moving that hand up and down, the smooth skin moving along with it.

  Like the rest of his body, it seemed extra warm. And so, so firm. Like there was a thin layer of skin and blood overtop a stone statue.

  I kept it slow. I watched as his head rolled around, and he looked down at me. I couldn't believe myself. This was so not the kind of thing I did. A handjob to a stranger in the woods?

  But it was too late now. And I had two options. Either I could stay all tense, hesitant, and worried about what I was doing. Or I could just go for it. Make him cum. Force it out of him. Prevent him from controlling me by doing exactly what he wanted.

  I went with option two.

  My hand started going faster. I could see twitches happening throughout his perfectly toned body. Involuntary movements that meant I was doing my job right.

  My other hand cupped his balls, and two fingers pressed down just behind the sack. I could tell from the wave of pleasure that shot through his being that he liked that. And I just kept going.

  Then I decided to do something I'd never done before. I wrapped my lips around the tip.

  I looked up at him with my blue eyes. He looked down at me with his brown eyes. And then I began to bob up and down.

  He was so responsive. Every new move I tried, I could tell in an instant whether or not he liked it. That definitely took away a lot of the learning curve.

  When I put it as deep as possible - he liked it. A lot. When I was just sucking the tip, he liked me to play with the shaft with my other hand. It wasn't difficult. And I loved watching him shiver with pleasure when I hit all the right moves at the right time.

  Somehow as I played it got even bigger. It started twitching. I knew I'd been doing an amazing job when he wove his fingers into my hair and pulled my head away from him.

  The sun had almost disappeared as he pushed me onto my back once again. He got down on his knees between my legs.

  And then I felt it. The brush of his cock against my pussy lips. Everything slippery. Him rock hard, me soaking wet. Me still wearing a shirt.

  He guided with one hand. But didn't press it into me right away. He loved to tease, apparently. He looked me in the eyes, as the anticipation killed me and sent pre-orgasmic shivers through my body. It was going to happen. I was going to have him inside of me. Spreading me open. Making me feel good.

  I wrapped my legs around him and tried to pull him into me, but he was far too strong for that. He was just staring down at me with a smirk on his face.

  "What?" I said.

  His smirk broke open revealing his teeth. "What?" he responded.

  "Why aren't you..."


  "Why aren't you... you know? Doing it?"

  "Doing what?"

  I started to see where his game was going. "Fucking me."

  He looked off to the side, then back down at me. "Wait," he said. "You want me to fuck you?"

  "Yes for the love of God."

  "Say it," he said.

  I looked him in the eye. I didn't want to say it. I bit my lip. And built up the courage. Then I said it. "I want you to fuck me," I said.

  I laughed one syllable. "I knew you'd say it eventually."

  I just shook my head at him. Then tensed up in anticipation.

  Then he tensed up as well. But not for the same reason.

  A deep, sharp, howl pierced the night air. Then several other barks and howls joined the chorus.

  They continued for a moment, and I could tell that Darriel was trying to figure out what to do.

  Then we heard the snaps of the branches and twigs. The forest being torn apart as a pack ran through it.

  And they were headed straight for us.

  Chapter 6

  Darriel stayed perked, alert, for a moment. Then he said it. "Fuck."

  He scrambled off of me and pulled his pants up, which barely managed to contain his bulge. "What?" I said. I got up and started looking for my pants. The darkness had fallen, and I could hardly see anything.

  "It's us," he said.

  "What?" I repeated.

  "My pack. I recognize the howls."

  "So then why are you panicked?"

  He looked towards me. "First off, I'm not panicked, I'm ready. Second off, because it's not like they run through the forest howling at night for fun. Something's going on. Probably something bad."

  The thrashing in the woods was getting louder. Darriel ran out of our little area on the grass. I followed.

  Then I saw them. Running as a pack at night, they look absolutely terrifying. My blood chilled in my veins, even though I knew that Darriel wouldn't let them hurt me.

  The first of them zipped past, ten feet behind me. Then another, between Darriel and I. Then I looked at Darriel. He was still in human form, but he was ready to pounce.

  The instant the next huge black wolf is running past us, Darriel jumps at it. He wraps his arms around it and slams it into the ground.

  It snarls and bucks him off, but then looks at him. Then it returns to human form.

  "Darriel," said the man.

  "Tyson. Just my luck I'd tackle you, what's going on?"

  "Well you know the worries about Crestwood? The reason we went to that town in the first place?"

  "Yes," said Darriel. I tried to listen to every word as wolves whizzed by on either side.

  "We left last night, thinking that it had been a false alarm. Apparently not. The signals have only gotten worse. Melany said they've gone from looming and ominous to present. Somethings going on there right now."

  "Okay," said Darriel.

  "So we're going back, and when we get there we'll-"

  "I know how it works, Tyson."

  "Comin' with us?" said Tyson.

  Darriel looked back at me. His expression was a mix between concern and blue balls.

  Going back to the town they'd stolen from me sounded like a good idea, so I nodded.

  "Yeah," said Darriel, "We're coming."

  The irony of that phrase was not lost on me.

  "Right," said Tyson. "See you there."

  Then he was a wolf once again, and he took off into the dark of the woods.

; The howls and barks faded as the pack distanced itself from us.

  "You sure you want to go back?" he asked. "Something's gone wrong if Melany sent the pack out the night they got back."

  "Yes," I said.

  "Could be dangerous," he said.

  "I understand," I said. My knees still felt a bit weak.

  "Something could have happened to your loved ones."

  "That just makes me want to go more," I said.

  "Alright," he said.

  I grabbed the bag and slung it over my shoulder as Darriel phased once again. Suddenly the night that was coming to an end had become a night that was just beginning.

  * * *

  On his back, we began sprinting through the woods. In the light of day, Darriel was capable of avoid all low hanging branches that might hit me, but in the dark of night there were no such luxuries.

  Branches whipped against my face and arms, but my hands didn't dare leave his thick fur as we sped through the woods.

  He caught up with the rest of the pack in no time, and I watched the other wolves dodge and twist around trees. Watching from this perspective, it wasn't the wolves that were whizzing by. The wolves were all stationary, and the forest flew past us. All by the light of the moon.

  We were going much faster than we had been going last time. It felt almost dangerously fast. If we hit a try at this speed, I might just die instantly. But I trusted Darriel. I have no idea why, but I trusted him with my life. Fate, I guess.

  Much of the night was spent like this. I would have been dead tired had it not been so exciting. And worrisome. The cold night air blowing through my hair kept me wide, wide awake, and my brain used this opportunity to worry about what could be happening at home.

  He'd mentioned that werewolves existed. But looking up at the moon, I saw that it was a crescent. A very bright one, but it definitely wasn't full. So it wasn't that.

  Witches? Vampires? He'd also mentioned that some things only traveled by night. Maybe they also only terrorized little towns by night?


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