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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 42

by Harmony Raines

  “Yes, she is, our future chief is about to be born. Must dash. Congratulations again.”

  “Come out with us to wet the baby’s head,” the father shouted.

  “Will do, if I’m free. Thanks for the invitation.” Ben walked through the maternity unit, heading for the reception desk to find out where Freyja and her husband, Will, were. All seemed quiet, so he guessed everything was going well, but he wanted to be here anyway. He owed it to the Clan chief, Stuart McCormac.

  “Hi, Ben,” said Daphne. The receptionist beamed at him, but she was like an old aunt to Ben; he knew her smile was out of a different kind of affection than the other ladies of Bear Bluff. “Freyja was brought in by Will about half an hour ago; everything seems to be going perfectly. A natural birth is what Mom wants, so we are trying to make that happen for her.

  “Excellent, Daphne. And who is with her now?”

  “Nurse Beth Andrews. She’s new.”

  “What’s she like?” he asked.

  Daphne knew him well enough to understand that he asked purely in professional terms. It was always important to Ben that the nurses he worked with were reliable and responsible, but today of all days, he needed a nurse who wasn’t going to flake on him.

  “Very professional. Came here for a fresh start, from what I gather.” She dropped her voice, saying in a conspiratorial manner, “Running from a broken heart, by the look of things. She came in this morning looking as if she’d already shed a tear or two.” Daphne looked up at Ben and winked. “I think you might be lucky. She’s one who won’t fawn all over you or melt at your feet.”

  He smiled at Daphne. “I can always hope. OK. Which room?”

  “Four. You’ll find a very anxious dad-to-be. I think he’s going to take more looking after than Freyja.”

  Ben walked down the hallway, opened the door quietly, and entered. Sure enough, there was Will pacing up and down. Freyja was looking calm, if a little scared, but generally, things were under control. The nurse, whom he assumed was Beth, was just taking Freyja’s blood pressure. She had her back to Ben, so he moved forward to talk to Will, allowing her to finish her tests before introducing himself to her.

  “Hi, Will. Do you want some coffee? I can go and get you some.”

  “No. I think coffee will make me more on edge.”

  “Relax; having a baby is the most natural thing in the world. I’m here to take care of everything you need. Freyja is in the best place.”

  Will nodded. “Thank you, Ben. It means a lot that you came in today. I heard you were going up the mountain with Eirik.”

  “His last few days of freedom,” Ben laughed. “Then he will be lost to that world of marriage that is so unknown to me.”

  “One day, Ben. The right one will come along.” Will managed to laugh; he patted Ben on the arm. “Until then you have the female half of Bear Creek to look after you.”

  “That is not funny. I got home last night to find three batches of food on my porch. Hey, if you and Freyja need some food to heat up, just give me a shout. I have so much in my freezer I can never eat it in one lifetime.”

  “I’ll take you up on that, especially if you have some of Mrs. Sanders’s ravioli.”

  “I’m sure I have one or two batches.”

  The nurse moved away, turning to glance up at Ben. She didn’t smile, and Daphne was right, she did look as if she had been crying. Ben could tell because he could see every last tear track down her face. His whole self was zoned in on her, as if there was no one else in the room. His knees felt weak and he had to take deep breaths to stop himself falling down.

  “Hey, steady, Ben,” Will said, reaching out for the doctor. He looked at Ben and then looked at the nurse, before glancing back at Ben. “Really? Today of all days?”

  “I … I.” He tried to speak, but that simple function seemed to evade him. All of his attention was focused on the woman in front of him, who was looking at him very warily.

  Why, out of all the women in town, did he have to find her here, and now? However, he soon swept that aside and his body filled with elation. He wanted to change into a bear and roar at the top of his voice. This was what he had waited for his whole life. His mate.

  But one look at Nurse Beth Andrews told him that would send her running for the hills. And she probably wouldn’t take kindly to being pursued by a love-struck bear.

  Chapter Two – Beth

  Great, another heartbreakingly handsome doctor. And this one was making eyes at her already, or at least that’s what she thought he was doing, but it was a bit overboard because he actually looked to be going weak at the knees.

  Give me a break, she thought. Taking a deep breath and putting on her most stony-faced expression, she walked up to him. He had better pull himself together and make the right decisions, or she would be reporting him for inappropriate behaviour.

  “Dr. Hansom,” she said, and had to stop herself from wincing at the name. Although it was entirely appropriate. He was one of the most handsome men she had ever seen in her life: tall, around six two, fair hair, and bright blue eyes. Right now, those blue eyes were boring into her, in a way that made her uncomfortable. What he didn’t know was that she would never be interested in dating a doctor, ever again. She pushed the thoughts that simmered under her cool exterior right back down. “Do you want to go over my notes?”

  The doctor stood still, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. She cocked her head to one side and was about to ask him if he was capable of delivering this baby, when the dad-to-be, Will, caught hold of Dr. Hansom’s arm and dragged him out of the room, saying, “I’ll be back in a minute, Freyja. I just need some air.”

  “Mr Frasier, I think your wife needs your support,” she said disapprovingly.

  “I’ll be right back. Freyja understands all about mates, don’t you, Freyja?”

  “I do,” Freyja answered, her voice strained as another contraction swept over her.

  Nurse Beth went back to her patient, holding her hand and guiding her through her breathing. When the contraction had passed, she asked Freyja, “Are all the men in this town crazy?”

  “Only when they are in love,” Freyja answered, smiling at Beth in a way that made her feel as if she was on the outside of an inside joke.

  “Ahh, so Dr. Hansom is in love. I guess it does affect people in different ways. Still, it’s a little unprofessional to behave like that in here.”

  “Cut him some slack, Beth. I think Ben just had the biggest shock of his life.”

  “Really? Seeing a woman about to give birth? I thought he was very experienced in that department.”

  “He is, Beth,” Freyja said, but before she could say any more, a new wave of contractions hit her. Beth held her hand, panting in rhythm with her and trying not to think of all her shattered hopes. This was her dream, having a baby.

  Beth had sat down and talked babies with Francis, believing they would soon be married and safely ensconced in their new house, complete with a nursery. Only Francis gave that dream to someone else, shattering her life. She tried not to think it was because her love rival had the face and body of a model, a typical trophy wife, whereas, Beth was a little more, OK, a lot more, on the curvy side.

  “Beth?” Freyja asked. “I think I might need to push.”

  “Not yet, honey,” she said brushing Freyja’s hair back from her face and thinking this should be her husband’s loving duty. “Once these contractions have passed, I’ll check, but I think we have a while to go yet.”

  “OK,” Freyja panted.

  “Do you want something for the pain?”

  “Not yet. I have a high pain threshold.” Her eyes kept straying to the door, and Beth knew she was looking for her husband. Beth started to let her temper take hold. What was it with men? They could be so selfish. Mr. Frasier should be here with his wife. She was about to give birth to their first child, for goodness sake!

  “Thank you, Beth.” Freyja smiled at Beth, and Beth met it with one of he
r own.

  “My pleasure, Freyja. You’re very lucky to be having a baby.”

  “Yes. I know. Do you have kids? Or a boyfriend?”

  Beth shook her head. “No. I thought I did. But he … well, he led me on.”

  Freyja squeezed Beth’s hand, hard, as another contraction washed over her. Through gritted teeth, she said, “Ben is a good man.”

  Beth looked at her sharply. “He may be. But I know his type.”

  “I can guarantee you don’t. Look, I know what you’re thinking about them not being here. But it’s for good reason.”

  “Let’s not worry about them. Let’s take a look to see how things are going.”

  A few minutes later, the doctor and Mr. Frasier reappeared, and when Dr. Hansom looked at Beth this time, he was completely in control. “How are things progressing, Nurse Andrews?”

  “Freyja is almost completely dilated. She feels the need to push, but I don’t think we’re quite there yet.”

  “OK. Thank you.” Then he moved to Freyja, and Beth had to admit he became the perfect doctor. “Hey, Freyja, sorry about that.”

  Freyja’s gaze slid to the doctor and then to Beth, and something registered there as fact. “I understand, Ben. Are you OK now?”

  He smiled reassuringly, and Beth’s heart thumped in her chest. He sure to goodness was godlike, and a feeling awakened in her that she had promised herself would stay buried for a long time. Her emotions had got the better of her before; there was no way she was about to fall for another doctor. So she reminded herself of Francis and the way he had treated her. Beth pushed a finger into that gaping wound and poked it hard, but, faced with the beautiful smile of Dr. Ben Hansom, she found it didn’t hurt so badly anymore. But rather than feel comforted, she felt afraid. It was as if it was all happening again, and she felt weak.

  “Nurse Andrews?”

  She came back to the room, her eyes focused on his, and it was as if they were the only two people in the there. Yet his smile was one of kindness and patience, not the alpha male who was out for a conquest. Not the knowing smile Francis had given her when she had declared her undying love to him.

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  “I think we’re nearly ready.” He turned back to Freyja. “Now, this is going to hurt some more. I won’t lie to you.”

  “More?” she gasped, her contractions strong now.

  “Yes, but at the end of it you are going to have a perfect baby. So, between us we are going to help you all we can. And we all know you can do this. Right, Will?”

  “Yes, Freyja, you are the bravest woman I know. You can do this.” Will looked into his wife’s eyes, and for a moment the world seemed to freeze. Beth could feel their love; it was as if she could reach out and touch it. Her heart wrenched in her chest. How she would love a man to look at her like that and to know he meant it. The love between Freyja and Will was nothing like the sham love Francis had promised her.

  A cry from Freyja brought her back to the room, her professional side kicking in. Freyja was experiencing another strong contraction; the birth wouldn’t be too long now. However, as it passed over her, Freyja gasped, “I’m not so sure I can do this.”

  “You can do it. Now, if you are ready. You will be introducing your new baby to this wonderful world. Just imagine running along the mountain meadow with him. Keep that in your mind and then I’ll direct you. OK?”


  Will held Freyja’s hand and kissed her head; Ben helped her, watching in awe as the baby’s head gradually appeared. Helping as much as she could, although she wasn’t needed too much, except for moral support, Beth began to feel as if she belonged. They worked as a team, and within an hour, a small, wrinkled baby lay in new mom Freyja’s arms. Beside her, Will wept tears of joy and the doctor teared up too.

  Beth stood, enraptured by the scene in front of her, her emotions threatening to push her into meltdown. Dr. Hansom looked up and winked at her. Then he smiled. “Come take a proper look. This little fellow will be the leader of Bear Bluff one day, after his beautiful mom.”

  Freyja looked up, and then leaned forward over the baby and kissed the doctor’s cheek. “Thank you so much, Ben.”

  “No problem, honey. You did all the work.”

  “Thanks, Ben,” Will said, his voice choked with emotion.

  “Congratulations, Will.” Then he looked at Beth again. “Come on. This little fellow means there is one more miracle in the world.”

  Beth felt her heart flutter. She had totally misread this man, and she felt guilty. Taking a step forward, she looked down on the baby. The doctor reached out and held her hand. A shock of recognition passed through her, but although he saw her reaction, he ignored it, simply pulling her forward gently to look at the little bundle in Freyja’s arms.

  “He’s beautiful,” she said, and then promptly burst into tears and fled from the room.

  Chapter Three – Ben

  “Go after her,” Freyja said.

  “I can’t. I think I’ve already scared her off.”

  “Ben, go. Don’t make the same mistakes we did.” Will looked at him and then shoved him off the bed. “Man up and go and find her.”

  Voices were outside. The Clan chief had arrived. Soon it would be bedlam in here, so Ben thought it was probably the best time to get going. It was either stay and be congratulated, when in his opinion, Freyja had done all the hard work, or go after his mate.

  “I’ll be back to see you after things have calmed down. Listen, I’ll tell them on the way out they have half an hour, and then you have to have some rest and feed that little man of yours.”

  “OK. Don’t worry, Will can get rid of them if we need to. However, my dad won’t be here long. He isn’t fond of hospitals and he will be much more interested in his grandchild when he can run and kick a ball.”

  “Are you sure?” He hated leaving like this.

  “Go,” Freyja said, shooing him away.

  Ben walked out of the room and straight into Stuart McCormac’s outstretched hand. “Thank you, my boy. I knew you were the man for the job.”

  “It was all Freyja and Will. He was very supportive.”

  “A fine son-in-law, even if he is from Bear Creek.”

  “They are a fine family, Stuart.”

  “That they are. Anyway, can we see them?”

  “Yes. Although Freyja is very tired. I have said half an hour, but I think the shorter your visit, the better.”

  “Certainly. We just want to see him for ourselves. An heir at last. I never thought she would find a mate, you know. Now it’s your turn, Ben. Plenty of women lining up. Shame none of them are the one.”

  “There’s always hope, Stuart.”

  “Good boy.” Stuart shook Ben’s hand one more time and then disappeared into the delivery suite with his wife.

  Immediately, Ben began to look for Beth. Where would she have gone? He didn’t want to ask Daphne; he didn’t want people talking, not yet. So he stopped to think it through: she would have gone somewhere quiet, the ladies’ room? He made his way down the corridor, but before he got too far, he became aware of her. It was almost as if he had developed another sense. Part of him was drawn to her, as though they were magnetically charged particles.

  Pushing the door open, he went outside, around the corner of the building and there she was, sitting in the small, scented garden. It was for relatives to come and sit when they had lost loved ones, or if anyone needed peace and solitude, or just a good cry. Which was what Beth was doing.

  For a moment, he hung back, not wanting to disturb her peace, but as another shudder passed through her, he couldn’t hold back: she was his, whether she knew it or not, and he had to comfort her—it was his duty. And he really wanted to fulfil his duty, every single last piece of it.

  “Here,” he said, sitting down beside her and offering her a handkerchief.

  She looked at him and took the handkerchief. “Thank you.” She dabbed her eyes. “I didn’t know anyone s
till carried handkerchiefs around these days. It’s a little old fashioned.”

  “I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy.”

  They sat in silence for a moment or two, Ben allowing Beth the time she needed to compose herself. After she had dabbed her eyes and then noisily blown her nose, she looked around at him. “I’ll launder it and get it back to you.”

  “No. Keep it. I have a supply of them.”

  “Is that because you always have someone crying on your shoulder?”

  “Sometimes it seems that way. But not always in a sad way. This job has its downs, but it also has its ups.”

  “Like Freyja giving birth?”

  “Yes. My favourite part of the job. A new life, new hope.”

  “I’m sorry if I misjudged you at first. I thought you were incompetent, but I was very wrong. You gave Freyja such strength.”

  “Don’t be silly. I was a little off, wasn’t I?”

  “Freyja kind of explained why.”

  He sounded startled. “She did?”

  “Yes. I understand.”

  “You do?”


  Damn, that was easier than he had thought. “So, does that mean you will have dinner with me tonight?”

  She looked at him, her eyes narrowing. “No. It does not. I don’t know what you think I am, Dr. Hansom, but I am not the kind of woman to help a man cheat.”

  “Cheat? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Of course you don’t,” she replied sarcastically. “Listen, I don’t know what you’ve heard about me. But I am not an easy lay. So unless you want me to file a complaint for sexual harassment, you will leave me alone.”

  With that, she was gone. Ben just sat there; she might just as well have slapped him around the face. He had made such a fool of himself. Of course, Freyja wouldn’t have told her about the mating bond. But what had she said?

  He got up from the bench. Whatever it was, it would have to wait. He had patients to see and Freyja needed to rest; he would ask her on his rounds. Right now, he was actually wishing he could press reset on this whole day and do it again. After all the waiting and hoping, he had finally found his mate and alienated her in the space of around two hours! That was good going, but what he didn’t know was that things were most definitely going to get worse before they got better.


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