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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

Page 53

by Harmony Raines

  But they were one and the same. Kian’s soul was bound up in this bear body as surely as it was bound to his human form. It was Kian she loved, whether bear or man. But she longed for him to turn back to Kian the man, the man with the ability to make love to her once more.

  “Kian,” she said again. “If you can hear me, please change back. I need you.” Her voice was breathy, her growing arousal affecting her body in every way. An intense heat now replaced the cold chills, which only moments earlier had made her body shudder. A heat that yearned for him to turn it into an inferno which only he could quench, with his body.

  He looked up at her, studying her face for one long moment before he ambled away from her. Alli watched as, once more, the air shimmered and electricity flooded the air. She longed to run her hand through the cloud of charged particles which surrounded him as he changed. To feel that magical energy on her skin.

  Then he was back, her man standing, watching her for signs of a reaction. Did he expect her to be frightened and unsure? She went to him, closing the distance between them. Flinging her arms around him, she pressed her body against his, feeling his heat and his arousal as his cock pressed against her stomach.

  “Make love to me, Kian.”

  Chapter Fourteen – Kian

  Kian had never expected his revelation to be accepted so eagerly; it had not been the great shock he had been afraid of. But then, Alli had been in Bear Creek for a number of years, what had she seen that might have already given her some clues? Certainly not a bride at one of the many weddings she attended ever turning into her other form. This gift was always kept quiet; bears protected their other side. It was a secret shared only with human mates or those deemed absolutely trustworthy.

  Alli pressed her body against him, her mouth searching for his. He lifted her up and carried her back towards the trees, to give them at least some privacy. Not that there was anyone else for miles, his bear would have been able to tell. The ground was damp, he hated the thought of her lying on the moist ground, and the temperature was a little cool for her to be completely naked.

  Instead, he took the coat off her, and placed it on the ground. Then he sat down, his back against the tree. He guided her to him, lifting her foot to place one on one side of his body, one on the other. Then he gently pulled her down so she straddled him. Unzipping his jeans, he pulled them down enough for his cock to be freed. She looked down, moistening her lips. Then she wrapped her hand around him, feeling his cock harden further.

  His hips lifted off the ground, thrusting upwards. But he wanted to be inside her. Gripping her hips, he raised her up and then moved her panties to one side, unable to resist dipping his finger inside her to feel how wet she was for him. Kian drew his finger forward, stroking her clit while she guided his cock to her entrance. Slowly she sank down onto him, the sensations flooding his body. Here he was in the wild, with his mate lowering herself down onto his cock. What bliss: it utterly and completely consumed him.

  Alli took him inside her slowly, unsurely. He knew she would feel full, that he would stretch her, because she was so tight. Oh, so tight. It took all of his self-control not to reach up, place his hands on her shoulders, and make her take him all at once. His need to be buried deep inside her was overpowering, but he had a strong will.

  “Ahhh,” he said when she was at last completely impaled on his cock. She had begun to move, her knees lifting her up and down, her hips circling around as she took control of her own pleasure. Gone was the woman so unsure of herself, a goddess, his goddess, replaced her. Here in the moonlit night he worshipped her and would do for the rest of his life.

  She brought him to his climax too soon; he wished it could last forever. That he could be here on the mountain buried inside her forever. In amongst the trees, with his mate wrapped around him, sheathing him in her warm, tight sex, he could forget all of the problems they would have to surmount. Not least of all, the barely renovated farm he lived in. How could he ask a woman like this to live with him in a place like that? Not until it was finished, and he couldn’t afford to finish it. Yet the thought of not having her with him every night for the rest of his life was too hard to contemplate.

  Especially when she made him feel as if he had gone to heaven with an angel riding his cock. As his climax hit him, he leaned forward, pushing her clothes aside, tearing them, he feared, in his need to use his mouth on her breasts. He wanted to suck her nipples, to feel her reaction to his mouth while he was buried deep inside her.

  She gasped, her sex clamping tighter around him, before the first spasm of her orgasm took her. Pulsing and throbbing, his cock emptied itself inside her, her body drawing it into her womb to make their child. A child he would need to support.

  Alli reached her climax; she leaned forward and kissed him, her lips so sweet on his. He reached up and fisted her hair, drawing her to him, his breath ragged as he tried to calm his bear. The animal side of him wanted to pick her up and carry her into the wild where the ways of a human society didn’t matter. His bear could protect her, feed her, and bend her to his will. But Kian wasn’t all bear.

  “I will make a good life for us, Alli,” he promised.

  “You already have, Kian. You have showed me what love is,” she said, kissing him again.

  “No. I mean it. I will provide for us.”

  “I know you will. But we are a partnership. Which means you have to accept I want to help. I was lucky, my aunt left me Bear Brides, and so I have managed to save a lot of money. Money that we could use to finish your house.”

  “I can’t take it, Alli,” he said firmly.

  She pressed her body against his, and he felt himself hardening again. At this rate, he would be crawling on the floor like a dog agreeing to whatever she said. But he couldn’t push her away; she was right, they were a partnership, and she seemed to understand him completely.

  “Can’t or won’t?” she asked.

  “I’m supposed to be the provider.”

  “This is the twenty-first century. Don’t say you expect me to give up work and play the housewife like Graham did.”

  “Never. But putting food on the table and a roof over your head is my responsibility.”

  She laughed. “I can see we are going to have to agree to disagree.” She moved her hips, feeling him hardening again. When he was buried deep inside her again, she added, “Until I can change your mind.”

  Chapter Fifteen – Alli

  Alli never usually got flustered, but the last two days had been a shock to her normally calm constitution. How exactly did you cope with having the hunkiest guy on the planet as your boyfriend, a boyfriend who she knew would soon be her husband, and who was also a bear? Not your everyday situation by any means, and for Alli, who had spent her time in Bear Creek with her head down working all the hours she could, the issue of finding time for Kian was a pressing one.

  Luckily, his work on the farmhouse plus a couple of paid jobs he had picked up, kept him busy. It seemed news that he was Alli’s mate had got round Bear Creek fast. In turn, this meant Alli, Kian, and Melanie had instantly been accepted into the Bear Creek secret-shifter community. Although, even that secret was not as small as she thought. Her shop was filled with a steady stream of well-wishers, all of whom knew the secret. Where had her head been for the years she had lived here? It was so obvious now she knew, as any good secret worth knowing usually was.

  She was just returning from taking Drew’s dress over to her house, ready for the big day tomorrow. It had been neatly pressed and the bride was delighted, whereas her dad just collapsed in tears. It was going to be an emotional day, one that she was looking forward to, especially since an invitation had been extended to Kian and Melanie. The shop would be closed, so she could spend the whole day with her man. Her mate. She still got a kick out of that one.

  Parking her car, she got out and locked it, turning to be confronted by Graham.

  “Hello, Alli.”

  “Graham,” she said, hoping he wa
sn’t going to make a scene.

  “I thought I would come by and see how you are.”

  “I’m good, thanks,” she answered warily.

  “That’s good.” He paused, the silence uncomfortable. “I just wanted to say I’m sorry and to try to talk you out of making a mistake with that Kian person.”

  “Graham, please. It’s not a mistake.”

  “I know you went to him on the rebound.”

  “No I didn’t. I can’t explain it to you, but it’s just so right.”

  “Nonsense. You can’t be attracted to him, he is a loser.”

  “No, he’s not. Listen Graham, I am really busy, so if you don’t mind I want to get on. I’ve left Melanie looking after the shop.”

  “And you don’t trust her, just the same as I don’t trust her brother.”

  “I do trust her. But it’s been very hectic the last couple of days.”

  “So what? Has he asked you to pay for that house of his to be renovated? Nice move, shack up with a lonely woman and milk her for every penny.”

  “Right,” she said, squaring up to Graham. “You have no right to say these things. Kian is a good man. Unlike you, he is not after my money or my property.”

  “So how does he intend to pay for all of the work that needs doing? I mean you can’t exactly ask a woman like you to marry him and live there with a leaky roof.”

  “The roof doesn’t leak.”

  “You know what I mean. That house needs thousands spent on it.”

  “Goodbye, Graham,” she said firmly, walking past him and going into the shop.

  “Everything OK?” Melanie asked, seeing Alli so flustered.

  “I should be asking you that,” Alli said, trying to gloss over her encounter with Graham. Kian didn’t need to know her ex-fiancé had been sniffing around. She doubted Graham would come by again now he knew there was nothing for him here. Neither her nor her shop were going to slip into his hands again.

  “Fine. More well-wishers, of course. This sure is a friendly town, and so many of them are people like … me.” Her eyes darted to Alli, who was putting her coat away.

  “How does it feel?” Alli asked. “You know … to change.”

  “Weird, scary, especially at first. And then exhilarating, like nothing else in the world. You can run across open spaces, roll in streams, catch fish, and roar. I mean, really roar. A great way to relieve stress.” She smiled shyly.

  “It sounds wonderful.”

  “Well, it is now we are in Bear Creek, was a bit hard in the city. We used to have to drive for an hour to have the freedom we needed.”

  “So the farmhouse is perfect for you.”

  “Most definitely.” Melanie set her sewing down. “I hope you’ll like it there. Kian loves it, but he would sell and move into town if that suited you better. He would do anything for you.”

  “I know. Which is both scary and reassuring at the same time.” Alli walked over to where Melanie was working; she was so pleased with how things had turned out. Melanie was not a shy young lady after all, not when everyone started to come in and be so friendly. After stuttering through the first couple of conversations, she had found her feet, or at least her paws.

  “A little bit like this wedding tomorrow. I have already been asked to dance by two boys,” Melanie confided.

  “How exciting,” said Alli, pleased Melanie was going to go and enjoy herself. “What are you wearing?”

  “My favourite dress, the one with the tear.” She smiled. “I call it my favourite dress because it’s the only one I have, but don’t tell Kian, he’ll want to buy me a new one.”

  “That is a great idea!” Alli said, wanting something to take her mind off things.

  “What? Kian buying me a new dress he can’t afford is not a great idea.”

  “Come on, Melanie. Do you know how many dresses are in this shop? Not just wedding dresses but bridesmaids’, too. Let’s have a girlie afternoon and find something to fit you.”

  “I’m a little curvier than I should be for my age.”

  “Perfect. We can find something that makes you look grown up. Come on, please.”

  “I don’t know. I can’t afford your dresses, Alli.”

  “My treat,” she said. When she saw Melanie’s face, she added, “I insist.”

  “OK,” Melanie said, allowing herself to enter into the excitement.

  “Great!” Alli went to the racks at the back of the shop and began to pull out some of the dresses, inspecting them and then putting them on a pile if she thought they might be suitable. A rather nervous Melanie came to watch, but soon she was pulling dresses out too.

  “This is so much fun,” Alli said.

  “Ohh, look at this one, it would suit you,” Melanie said, handing an off-white dress to Alli. “Try it on.”

  Giggling, that was just what she did. It was the first time Alli had ever tried on any of the dresses. Before, she had always thought it would jinx her chances of finding a husband, but now she had. Well, why not?

  Chapter Sixteen – Kian

  Kian hammered in the last of the nails, standing back to admire his handiwork. Over the last two days, he had worked like a demon to get the farmhouse protected from the elements. His muscles ached, but he was happy. Of course, that happiness was magnified by finding his mate. When he wasn’t thinking about what he needed to do next, he was thinking about Alli.

  A sound behind him made him turn. There was a car coming up the track. A big, expensive car, the same one he had seen outside of Graham’s house when he had gone to rescue Alli. Kian walked to the middle of the track, the hammer still in his hand. What did this man want? It took some nerve to come up here on his own.

  Whatever it was, Kian didn’t want to hear it. From what he had learned over the last couple of days, Graham had a way of poisoning everything he touched. Kian didn’t need anything from the man and so he said, “Turn around and go back the way you came.”

  Graham stopped his car and opened the door to get out. “I came with a proposition.”

  “You have nothing I want.”

  “Really.” Graham got out, although he looked nervous, especially when he took his sunglasses off and put them on top of his head. Kian was sure he could see the whites of his eyes. Undeterred, he said, “I thought we might come to some arrangement. I was interested in buying this farm and the couple next to it. As I told Alli, I want to build some houses here. But you own the land I need.”

  “Bad news for you then, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, you could look at it that way. But I thought I might make you an offer. You see, I spoke to Alli today.” He paused to let that bit of information sink in. “And she was concerned about how you two were going to afford all the work that needs doing here. I know she’s eager for you to get married. But really,” he gave a little derisory laugh, “You can’t expect her to live here with you. Not until this house has some mod cons. She’s not cut from the same cloth as you and your sister.”

  “Leave.” Kian clasped the hammer tighter in his hand.

  “So I thought I would offer you enough money to buy a nice little house in town where you two will be cosy.”

  “Leave!” Kian shouted, the hammer now raised above his head.

  As Kian took one step towards Graham, he scuttled back to his car, got in, and disappeared down the track. Kian would have found it funny, but Graham’s words rang in his ears. How was he going to pay for all of the repairs? Without Alli’s money, he didn’t know. And he wanted it finished so desperately, so they could be here together.

  Chapter Seventeen – Alli

  “Don’t you scrub up well,” Alli said.

  Kian looked down at the suit he was wearing and adjusted the collar. “Not exactly work clothes.”

  “Good, because this is our day off, and I want to spend every minute with you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Alli would have gladly stripped the suit from his body if they had time, but the wedding started in an ho
ur and she had promised Drew she would go over and do any last-minute alterations to the dress. Not that there would be any, but she always offered the service, it gave the bride peace of mind.

  “Later,” he said, kissing her hard and fierce, his hand going to his bottom and pulling her close. She felt him harden against her and she couldn’t resist slipping her hand down to stroke him. He gasped against her mouth.

  “I want you to think of me all day,” she said, hopefully in a sexy voice, she wasn’t always sure if she didn’t sound more like she had just run a marathon.

  “I would be anyway,” he said. “But I don’t think I will last all day. Perhaps we can skip out for an hour, say you have to check the shop or something.”

  “Naughty,” she said, but his hand slipped under her skirt and slid into her wet sex, showing her just how naughty he could be. “Damn, Kian. We need to go.”

  “You started it, my love.”

  She released him, straightening her clothes as he pulled back from her. “I love weddings, but I would much prefer to be here with you for the whole day.”

  “Tonight, we can satisfy every craving you have.” His hand cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing over her nipple.

  She groaned, but pulled away. “We have to go,” she said, taking his hand and kissing it. “I will just have to imagine these on my body.”

  “I will imagine much more intimate things.”

  “I bet you will.” She locked the shop and looked him up and down again. “You really look insanely sexy in that suit.”

  “He laughed. “Don’t get used to it. It’s a loan.”



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