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Rush to the Altar

Page 17

by Jamie Carie

  “I know.” Jake surprised her. “I was there when you sang.” He laughed and it sounded a little harsh. “I was trying to forget you. We’d gone to Rick’s club and lo and behold, just as I was getting good and tanked so I could sleep a night without missing you, I look up on stage and like everyone in the room…I was spellbound. I didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t know either.”

  “How could you not know you had such talent?”

  “I never really let myself sing. Not like that night. Something happened, I don’t know what, but I just let go, and there it was. It was so much fun. Better than fun. I can’t describe how wonderful that night was.”

  “You were phenomenal.”

  “I was terrified.” She took another bite. “But I’m so thankful now. Even if I don’t sing on a stage much, I’ll never forget it.”

  “Of course you’ll keep singing on stage. It’s who you are.”

  No one had ever said it like that before and she realized that it was true, in part at least—even if she only sang sporadically throughout her life, it was a part of who she was.

  “Maddie, listen. You said some things in your office about how you couldn’t have a man in your life right now because you have to find out who you are, and I’m guessing the news about Brandon really threw you into a tailspin—which is something I want to talk about some more later. But right now, I want you to know that I won’t hinder that process. I want to encourage it. I want to be that person who…helps it grow. I think we can be that for each other if you’ll let us.” He grasped her hand again and it felt so right, so real, so true what he said.

  She couldn’t get away from it—from him. She knew what she wanted now and nothing was going to stop her from letting it happen.


  They’d gone to the BB King Blues Club after dinner to listen to some live R&B. Jake was recognized by one of the bouncers and even though he was from Indiana, one of New York’s biggest rivals, the man asked for his autograph. They were shown to a VIP table toward the front and were able to see the stage incredibly well, even making out the singer’s facial expressions in the bright stage lights.

  Jake had his arm stretched across the back of the booth seat, his hand brushing Maddie’s far shoulder. Maddie closed her eyes in contentment, letting the crooning music wash over her—loving it, wanting to experience the song, this singer’s heart wrenching past all their perspectives into an audience’s heart, discovering each other like shy lovers touching for the first time. Like her and Jake and this night.

  They left a little early, both wanting to be alone together. They walked the few blocks back to their hotel, admiring the lights of the city, holding hands, their breath making frosty clouds in the air.


  Back in their suite, Jake helped Maddie out of her coat. He shrugged out of his and then wrapped his arms around her waist. Leaning back, she gazed up into his eyes. “Tonight was incredible. Thank you.”

  He leaned down to kiss her, starting at just below her ear then moving along her cheek to the center of her lips. She let her mind go. He felt her breathing quicken on his cheek, heat shooting through his body. He made a low sound from his throat and pulled her against him. “You are exquisite, Maddie.”

  She sighed, looking up at him with eyes filled with desire, a purr in her throat making her teasing words raspy. “Such big words for a jock.”

  He laughed and kissed her again, long and deep, his hands gripping her waist, telling himself to try and keep them anchored there and not go any further. He broke away, his breath coming short and fast. “I don’t want to go back to my house and live even one more day without you. Let’s get married.”

  Maddie took a quick indrawn breath and then did that nodding/shaking her head at the same time thing that Jake loved so much. “Are you asking me to marry you? Now?” She gave a squeak of laughter. “This isn’t Vegas and we agreed to take things slow!”

  He gripped her shoulders. “Do you love me?”

  “Yes. I love you.”

  “And I love you. Why date? Let’s commit, right now. Maddie, be my wife.”

  She became very still, as pale as a marble statue.

  Jake waited, silent but straining in the dim room, desperate to hear her answer.

  “Have faith in me,” Jake said quietly into the moment.

  She nodded her head, closing and then opening her wide blue eyes to look into his.

  “Is that a yes?” He held his breath.

  She took a deep breath. “I…yes.”

  Exhilaration, pure joy like a rising tide, filled him. He pulled her into his arms to kiss her.

  “I’ll take you ring shopping tomorrow. We’ll go to Tiffany’s.”

  “I don’t need a fancy ring.” She looked almost as eager as he felt.

  “I’ll charter a plane, then. We can be in Vegas by morning.”

  “Are you serious?” Maddie burst out laughing. “Or just crazy? Jake, we don’t have to rush.”

  “I want to make it real. We can have another wedding, a big wedding later.”

  “I don’t need a big wedding. I already had that.”

  Jake got down on one knee. “Then what’s stopping us?” He took her hands into his and saw tears gather in her eyes. “I want to hold these hands for the rest of my life. Let’s do it. Right now.”

  “Okay.” Her voice was barely audible. He wondered if he was pressing her too hard, but he didn’t care. They would have the rest of their lives to learn everything about each other and work through the ups and downs of any marriage. He had never been so sure of anything in his life.

  He gave her one long kiss and then backed up and grinned at her. “Change into something comfortable and pack. I have some phone calls to make.”


  Early the next morning, Maddie climbed into the private plane in something of a daze. After catching a few hours of fitful sleep they had risen early, packed up and checked out of the hotel. They were told that the first available plane could be fueled up and ready by 8am, meaning that they would arrive in Las Vegas around 11 am, which would be 8:00 Vegas time. Jake said that would work out perfectly as the courthouse opened at 8:00. They could go straight there to get their wedding license. He assured Maddie that he had it all worked out and she was just to relax and enjoy their wedding day.

  A wedding! It still hadn’t sunk in. Was this really happening? Was she about to become Mrs. Jake Hart? She could hardly fathom it.

  They settled into the plush leather chairs; the cabin roomy and luxurious. There were glossy wood tables that folded out in front of them, a couple of computer monitors, a big screen, built-in TV for inflight movies, and a long side cabinet, softly lit and reflecting beverages and food items behind its glass doors.

  “You think you can get some more sleep?” Jake asked after take off.

  Maddie shook her head. “I’m too excited to sleep.”

  Jake put his arm around her and pulled her close. “Me too,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Want to watch a movie?”


  Hours later they landed and were picked up by a limousine and ushered to the courthouse where there was already a line forming outside the marriage license office.

  Jake took a call while they stood in line, Maddie listening in. “Really. Okay, well, it’s not what I wanted but it will have to do. I’ll call you back with our decision.” He hung up the phone and looked at Maddie.

  “Looks like we have two options.”

  Maddie raised her brows.

  “There is one time available time at the Venetian,” he cracked a half-smile. “A gondola wedding at the Venetian. Or there is…” He took a big breath and looked to be holding in laughter. “The Little White Wedding Chapel.”

  “Isn’t that the chapel Britney Spears got married in?”

  Jake nodded. “I think so. And Michael Jordan.”

  “Oh, well, another basketball great. We have to get married there.�
�� Maddie leaned into his side with laughter.

  “Uh, yeah, I thought so too but I just found out that the only officiator there today is, um, Elvis.” Jake raised his brows. “How do you feel about Elvis walking you down the aisle, Maddie Goode?”

  “Elvis?” Maddie let out a hoot of laughter. “I have always been a fan.”

  “Really? The gondola would be more romantic. I thought you might want to choose that.”

  Maddie shook her head. “We’ll have a small romantic wedding later, for our family and friends. Let’s do Vegas right.”

  A big grin spread across Jake’s face. She was already surprising him. “I love you.”

  After a little paperwork, a couple of questions and showing their IDs they had the wedding license in hand and took the limo to the Aria resort, where Jake had booked them a Sky Suite. Jake opened the door for her and stood aside while Maddie stepped in. She couldn’t help but gasp as the suite turned on by itself. The floor-to-ceiling curtains automatically opened and the lights came softly on to reveal a gorgeous space. The suite was two-story, the focal point a huge, winding staircase to one side. There was a deep sitting area that faced a giant screen television with a rectangular marble fireplace beneath it, complete with flickering fire. Next there was a stylish dining room with a long, elegant bar and up the stairs a contemporary bedroom and huge bathroom with a round stone bathtub.

  “It’s amazing.” She turned to Jake, who had been following her while inspecting the rooms. “I can’t believe we are really here.”

  “Come see the view.” Jake led her back downstairs to the wall of windows. Below them was a view of the city, the other hotels, the shops and restaurants and people far below. In the distance she could see the hazy forms of the mountains.

  “It’s gorgeous.”

  Just as she was about to reach up to kiss him there was a knock on the door. “Who could that be?”

  Jake put his finger to his lips and smiled. “I have a few surprises. Stay here.”

  Maddie watched as he made his way to the door, wondering what he was up to. They had an appointment at the chapel at 4:00 and had decided to freshen up and change beforehand.

  A man gave Jake a huge white box with a pink gauzy ribbon wrapped around it. Jake tipped him, nodding his thanks, and brought it over to the coffee table. “I think this is for you,” he said with a mischievous smile.

  Maddie gave him an excited look, came over and sat down in front of it. “What have you done?”

  “Open it.”

  Taking the ribbon in hand she pulled on it, untying the bow. With an indrawn breath she lifted the box lid and moved aside the thick tissue paper. “Oh, Jake.” She stood as she lifted the dress from the box and held it out. “My wedding dress?”

  “I hope you like it.” His voice was deep with sincerity.

  Maddie held it up to her and squealed. “I love it!” It was tea length, white and silver with a fitted top that was strapless, a sweetheart neckline and a full, fluffy skirt. She had never seen anything like it. The top had a subtle animal print and the skirt was silver beneath, with a white tulle overskirt that was shirred and looked a bit like feathers. It was so unique. So exactly her. How had he known?

  “It’s Robert Cavalli. Sasha told me he is one of your favorite designers and he has a store around the corner from the Aria. She gave me your size and a lot of other information about you.”

  “You called Sasha? She doesn’t know, does she?” Maddie clutched the dress to her chest.

  “I told her I wanted to buy you a dress, that’s all.”

  “I love it. Thank you. But what will you wear?”

  “I ordered a tux. It should be here any time.”

  “You thought of everything.”

  “Almost. It’s nearly noon and I’m getting hungry.” He came over and drew her into his arms, cupping her cheek with his hand, rubbing his thumb across her cheekbone. Maddie felt the familiar melting as she looked up into his eyes. “Why don’t we go down for some lunch, and then I’ve booked us a massage. After that we should have plenty of time to dress for the ceremony.”

  She found it hard to think of food when he looked at her like that. She was thinking about after the ceremony. Tonight they would truly become one. Good thing she had brought that lingerie after all.

  After a light lunch (she wanted to be able to fit into that dress!), a hot stone massage, mani-pedi and a facial, she felt like a pampered princess as she slipped into the Cavalli dress. She managed to get the side zipper up and though it was tight, she thought it looked amazing. She slipped into her silver sandals that she’d worn the night before and turned in front of the mirror. Had it only been yesterday that she was in New York? It seemed like a lifetime ago, and yet there was still so much to come. She’d sent an email to her co-workers explaining that she was taking a personal day on Monday, called her mom to check on Max and tell her she was needed one more day—one more day and one more night. She shivered in anticipation and some apprehension. It had been so long since she’d been with a man and she and Jake had only kissed. It would all be new.

  She looked at the bathroom clock and put the finishing touches on her hair. It was time to go!

  Jake stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at her, eyes full of admiration and love, as she came down the stairs, the dress floating up and down with her steps. He had on a black tuxedo, his hair freshly trimmed, his arm outstretched. “Maddie. You take my breath away.”

  She took his hand and smiled up at him. “I can’t believe this is happening. Are we overdressed for Elvis?”

  Jake laughed. “You can never overdress for Elvis.”


  Jake could barely tear his gaze away from Maddie as they rode in the limo to the Little White Wedding Chapel. Her makeup was light except for her lips—which were red and full. Her blue eyes sparkled like sapphires, glowing with excitement and happiness. And she was about to be his—for the rest of their lives.

  As they pulled into the parking lot, Maddie hooted with laughter. “Look! They have a drive-up window! Do people really get married like that?”

  Jake leaned across her, smelling her delicate perfume, and looked out the window. “I suppose they do, but don’t get any wild ideas. I want to see you walk down the aisle,” he said with a smile, leaning nearer to her throat and kissing her beneath her ear.

  The limo pulled up to the entrance of the pretty white building decorated for Christmas. They got out and Jake took Maddie’s hand. He paused on the steps toward the front door.

  “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to feel like I pressured you into a fast wedding.”

  She looked up at him, the sunlight making her skin creamy and rose kissed. Her lips curved into a smile, her eyes searching his. “I’m sure. Are you having second thoughts?”

  “No way.” He leaned down and breathed into her ear. “I’m the happiest man on the planet right now.”

  She squeezed his arm and leaned closer. “Me too. Happiest woman, that is.”

  “Okay then. Let’s get married.”

  They made their way into the chapel and where a smiling, middle-aged woman greeted them.

  “Oh my goodness, don’t the two of you look fabulous! We haven’t had such a beautiful couple in a long time. Come right this way and we’ll get you your flowers and boutonniere. You have Elvis, right? To walk you down the aisle? Our main Elvis is sick with the flu but don’t you worry, everyone seems to be coming down with it but we have a great back-up. He used to perform in a very popular lounge right here on the Strip. You chose your songs when you called, right? He plays one while walking you down the aisle and then he plays one when you light the unity candle. They’ll take lots of pictures so don’t you worry about that either. I just know they’re going to want to record you two, why just look at how stunning you look together…”

  She continued rattling off details, barely pausing for a response. Jake winked at Maddie, who had her lips clamped together, trying
not to laugh.

  “Here we are, then.” The woman handed Maddie a big bouquet of white roses and handed Jake a white rose for his lapel. “Now, we’ll just give you a minute to pin that on and take a breath and then Jake, we’ll have you go up to the altar to stand. Do you have any guests?”

  They both shook their heads, Jake feeling a stab of guilt. His parents would not be happy when they heard about this. He could just see his father’s face, demanding answers, and his mother’s crushed expression. Maddie’s parents were going to be let down, too. A plan to rectify that started to surface in his mind but he pushed it aside. They would deal with all that later.

  Maddie finished pinning on the boutonniere and stood back to judge its placement. Her eyes started to glass over. “You can’t do that yet,” Jake said with a gentle smile. “We haven’t gotten to part where you cry.”

  Maddie let out a shaky laugh and blinked the tears back. She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling against the outline of the top of the dress—a dress that looked amazing on her. “It’s just that…”

  She took another shaky breath. “I can’t believe I found you.”

  Jake leaned down to kiss her, saying, “I’m the lucky one.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” A man in an Elvis costume came around the corner, hands waving. “None of that yet, young man.” He laughed in an Elvis voice. “Now, you take yourself off to the altar there and I’ll see to this ravishing young thing.”

  Jake gave the man a steady stare but turned toward the small room and walked down the aisle toward the altar, hearing Maddie giggle at their officiator as he said, “He ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog.”


  It was like a dream—a strange, yet wonderful dream. Maddie felt like she had been transported to some other world while Elvis took hold of her arm with one hand and his large microphone with the other. With a jolt, he began to sing, Can’t Help Falling in Love. He took a firm grasp of Maddie’s hand, put it in the crook of his arm and started them down the aisle. Maddie pressed her lips together to keep from laughing, feeling intense happiness—despite the circumstances—swell from her heart and to her eyes. She stared at Jake, the white and red decorated chapel flashing by as they walked, so small and pretty with its short, white painted pews and baskets overflowing with flowers. It didn’t take long to reach Jake. Elvis deposited her hand into his and then finished the song with waving arm motions, his heavy thighs moving up and down as if doing sumo squats—yes, they had gotten fat Elvis—but his voice was deep and sounded just like the old records her dad used to play.


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